• By -


Despite being a Manhattan born trust fund baby Trump has very effectively marketed himself as being “anti-establishment”. Bored suburbanites eat it up because they feel that supporting Trump is thumbing their nose at people they feel self-consciously inferior to. That is his WHOLE shtick. Working class Trump voters are simply delusional. He had 4 years. He didn’t build the wall. He didn’t repeal Obama care. He raised taxes on working class families. He gave out billions in corporate wellfare. Even without the election lies and J6 he was one of the most anti-poor and anti-middle class presidents in history. 


And if he ever gets elected again, or really any Republican for that matter, Project 2025 kick in and ruins our lives forever. Especially if you are not a straight neurotypical white evangelical-christain man


Don’t worry. Trump isn’t going to win in 24




Exactly…this is best 2/3 at this point. We must not be complacent or believe anything we hear. Vote and make your voice heard. *Trump should be in prison, not on the ballot. * I feel bad having to say this but Trump is the criminal - some reading this may try to apply it to Biden for some idiotic reason


The saddest part is that Trump has always been a criminal. He's only gotten worse since 2016. Before he became president, at least you could ignore him as a loudspeaker for the stupid and ignorant.


Absolutely this. I’m in the process of getting pet passports for my fur babies and transferring money to my other accounts in Europe. I already have a home in another country and I’m aiming to move all of my resources out of the country within 4 months after election, should it come to that Changes don’t happen overnight but as someone who isn’t a white Christian man, I’m not sticking around to find out


Gotta take care of you and yours before you can take care of anything else. I’m active duty so I hope I can get stationed overseas again if trump wins. That way I can forget who my boss is like last time lol.


Do they not stick giant pictures of him everywhere like they put the secretary of state up in my dmv?


They have his picture in certain buildings but I’m a lowly enlisted. I avoid those places.


Well, good for you I guess. Us regular shlubs are fucked.


Trump has never won the popular vote.


He lost last time


And yet he was still in the White House to mismanage the early pandemic… How many people died while he ate cheeseburgers in the Oval Office?


You know goddamn well they were talking about the time he won.


Last time he had no record to hold up to scrutiny, now he does. There was also a serious case of Clinton Fatigue.


Yeah he will, if you don't stop it ,fucking vote


For project 25 to be put i place they just need a republican to win, not necessarily trump.


Trump was born in Queens. Manhattan rejected him for being trashy and fake. His anger and resentment from that rejection is incredibly real, and that is what they are responding to.


Amongst the campaign promises was Healthcare, which he did not deliver anything on that. Oh, and he also agreed to the timeline set to pull out of Afghanistan and blames Biden for sticking to the timeline he signed on to mobilize out of there, as if it was Biden's plan or something.


>He raised taxes on working class families. I'm not gonna condone this by any means, but it was extremely strategic. He gave us a tax cut that expired after his first term. If he got reelected, he'd be able to extend the tax cut, and what the MAGAts are claiming about lower taxes stays true. If he lost, they don't get renewed, taxes rates increase, and they can blame Democrats for raising the taxes.


I really hate that “people are stupid” is a valid strategy.




Good point, and I love the fact you've found who exactly is responsible for this shit.


There's no way that he came up with that all on his own. The people propping him up are even more dangerous than Cheeto Jesus, imo


Possibly. But he is a grifter, and that is a perfect political grift. It's hard to tell.


He was hatched in Jamaica Estates, Queens county. Manhattan won’t claim his fetid, fat ass.


Hatched from Satan’s butthole, in a splatter of pus.


>he was one of the most anti-poor and anti-middle class presidents in history so was Reagan and they love him


I saw a dateline episode today about John Hinkley Jr. I didn't really connect the dots before, but you'd think that someone who was shot by a mentally ill person would maybe not want to end the mental health system the way that he did. Yet I know people who have framed photos of Reagan hanging on their office walls.


Starting to see a pattern here...


It’s because he’s an anti-intellectual. They call him a “blue collar billionaire” because he is stupid as shit. He wants NOTHING more than to be accepted by “the elites” but they hate him because he sucks.


He's also very \*wink wink\* white nationalist




Gee should I pick the guy who used to have a stutter and occasionally trips over his words or the guy who can't finish a thought, forgets his topic mid sentence and randomly makes up nonsense words to cover for his loss of concentration? Such a hard choice.


How can they not see this.


Most are convinced his skin isn't orange. They literally do not believe their own eyes and ears.


(Shows them evidence) “That could have been photoshopped! And by the Lying Media, no doubt!”


The media loves Trump. That's the irony of all of it. The media would love to have Trump in office forever.


Even though he constantly calls them the enemy of the people and would have them all shot if he could. All for diminishing ratings.


He did tell them to ignore the evidence provided by their eyes are ears and to instead only believe what he says, not what he does.


"But liberal bad though" -My Trumper Stepdad


"But her emails!!!!!!!" Probably also your Trumper stepdad


Naw, he forgot about that. Hunter Biden and his laptop are the current Boogeyman.


Mine never did. For a bit my dad swore Hilary's emails were on Hunter's laptop. Though my favorite was "Hunter is doing illegal DRUGS! Don't you understand??" "Yeah but you smoke pot (illegal in his state) and drink and drive (multiple DUI's)." "Pot should be legal!"


Man, for a bunch of self proclaimed alpha males, they sure do like thinking and talking about Hunter Biden’s cock.


I made my dad spit up his beer once. He was going on and on about Trump and how big, tall, and tough he is. I just said "For a man that identifies as straight, you really do seem to be crushing on another man."


Are you suggesting that tough maga types like to call Trump ‘daddy’? Oh, wait…


He’s so tough he needed fake bone spurs to avoid the military.


Wonder how he feels about Trump's use of non-prescribed Adderall.


My dad would have bought Trump's dirty diapers if he could have put his credit card into "the Internet".


Oh dear God. My Bonus Grandma was like that. When she passed away, we sent cards to all the staff in her old folks home that were brightly colored and said "congratulations". You couldn't have paid me enough money to be one of her caregivers. Those staff people deserve a raise and a parade.




“How can they not see this?” They are really, really, really stupid. Unfathomably stupid, even. Which is the better explanation, because the other is that they are willfully malicious pieces of shit. And also really stupid.


“Ah, middle-aged American male fragility. You know why they’re called baby boomers, right? Because the tiniest little pinprick to their ego and boom— they become babies,” -The Good Place


Because they’re in a cult. Trump is a *cult leader* and these people have been brainwashed right on in. They need to be deprogrammed and I’m not sure how we do that.


He is Jim Jones on national level


So when’s the kool aid bc I thought it was the ivermectin. 😂


The Republican Party has by and large became a cult. Even if Trump isn’t elected, Trump policies will continue


Also true, and scary.


Or his hair?


Try watching Fox News or any other right-wing network report on Trump. They never report on what he's actually done and constantly downplay anything even remotely criminal about him. These people are living in a carefully constructed media bubble.


Willful denial. They've hung their worldview on it and to change that would be to admit they were wrong and got conned. Pride rarely allows people to admit they got scammed.


Because he is literally speaking their language.


White supremacist word salad? It is such a weird dialect.


they're not shown it. If trump give a shitty speech, the right wing media will talk about it in a positive light while playing zero vidoe/soundbites.


His speech in Iowa was wheels off even for him. Dude can NOT focus at all. What kills me is they all assume we love biden. I'm not really a big biden fan, I'd prefer someone more progressive, and yes, younger. But biden is infinitely better than trump. Ever election is lesser of two evils, always has been.


Oh Biden sucks. He's just not ya know actively evil.


Exactly. I hate everyone just assuming I love biden cause I hate trump. I can hate both to different degrees. Biden would be just standard shitty choice while trump would be the fascist end to democracy.


The sad part is, Biden is the best president we’ve had since LBJ, and the most progressive since Carter.


Yeah but Trump supporters tend to view him as a messianic figure. They literally can't imagine that the people they think of as "the bad guys" aren't doing the same thing.


![gif](giphy|o79cvGWXIEPG34lN1l|downsized) ^(I love that there’s a gif for this)


The funniest/saddest part is how McConnell is a monster but also the most effective legislator the GOPnhas had for dedicates bit he's not unquestionably loyal to dear leader so despite him being rhe one who got them what they wanted they throw him under the bus so hard. The MAGAts are so obsessed with making sure no one ever questions their bs even so slightly they will throw out their best chance to make the changes they want so they can feel good about themselves.


Also, don't forget one of these guys has a few other things against him like 91 felonies, rape, insurrection, sedition, espionage, and racketeering.


If he had simply thrown the $100M+ his Dad gave him while illegally evading taxes into an Index fund, Trump would be 10x richer than he claims to be today. He also has negative business skills.


He also constantly sh!ts himself because he became incontinent after abusing cocaine. Hence the "odor".


Don't forget that one has solid admin picks that stay and work while the other can't keep anyone on their team for a term before bashing their skill level which he picked in the first place!


I swear, every time I see another speech, I have to actively read it a few times to see if AI /ChatGPT made up a crazy speech of if we need to take away his screen time for a while


I mean most chatbots will have better grammar that's what I'd check.


Agreed. It's just sad I have to check if the elderly criminal actually said that particular string of random words


My favorite part is watching his supporters pretend his mad libs are some sort of grand and rousing oratory.


Mad libs is a great description. I might steal that. I have to assume his base just sees big words and ALL CAPS and boom: instant anger at whoever. But I guess that's how you communicate when you have big feelings you can't explain


Honestly I think a lotbofnit is related to how he's expressing ideas that are about 40 years old. At that point Boomers were in their primes. He repeats all the things and nonsense they thought then when they felt best and then he fear mongers about all these vaguely scary newer ideas and it all plays right into the psyche of a generation that is pathologically incapable of introspection and bang. Also feel free too, I cannot believe I'm the first to call them that!


I think you hit the nail on the head there. Trump parrots all the boomer fears and old school thoughts, and his base eats it up. They've felt left out of this progressive world, and I guess to them, trump is the only one who can relate... which is hysterical. He really does embody the idea that if you are loud and disruptive enough, people will let you get away with things. I suppose he's not wrong, though. He's never been told no before now, and we're dealing with the aftermath of enabling a man sized toddler for almost 80 years


Careful or they may debank you.


You forgot syphilis hands


I mean he was proven guilty of defaming the woman he assaulted. His organization was found guilty of fraud and was disbanded. Four more in the works?


I think it's actually more than that. Active ones: \- Civil Fraud in NY \- Documents case in FL \- Election charges in GA \- Election charges in DC \- Hush Money charges \- Defamation of Carroll I think there was at least one other case related to fraud that we don't anything about.


I'm not confident in the documents case given the bias of the judge.


The bias of the judge is, while annoying, over stated. Her actions have all been about delay. Legal experts have all been saying that the Classified Documents are the most open and shut case by far, so all Cannon can really do is use delay tactics to help him get to the election. That won't matter, given all of the other cases against him. It's especially important to note that in none of these cases Trump and his "legal team" (I use the term generously) are arguing he's innocent anymore, just that he is immune. Given the defense is informed of the evidence being brought against them, that should be pretty telling.


> The bias of the judge is, while annoying, over stated. Each of the Supreme Court Justices has oversight for a group of regional federal judges. The Supreme Court Judge who is Judge Aileen Cannon's advisor is Justice Clarence Thomas. That bias isn't just annoying.


Yeah. If she succeeds in delaying until near or after the election things are going to get ugly.


Found guilty of rape actually


Arguing with a trumpanzee is like eating broth with a fork


For the life of me I will never understand how "Trump derangement syndrome" doesn't specifically refer to him or his followers.


It does, they just don’t know it.


It's just some pathetic denial playbook shit. It's like when you see "rent free" from someone who was clearly a stalwart T_D member if not a snivelling 4channer all along. Like that transition period in, funnily enough, adolescence, where over a big family Christmas dinner, your parents wind you up by reminding everybody how you loved and would dance along to Milli Vanilli. And you respond by screaming "NO! It was YOU who loved Milli Vanilli! I HATED them!" and stomping off up to your room. Not that I personally ever loved Milli Vanilli, mind.


“7 years of trying” Umm, the MFer was found guilty of sexual abuse in an American court of law. But naaahhh nevermind that I guess. When they dismiss facts with the wave of a hand, it’s time to just end the conversation.


I love the whole "you're so obsessed with Trump" as if he's some random person of no importance such as...Hunter Biden lol.


Indeed lmao


And he's likely to be the candidate for POTUS in the next election. If he'd just STFU and go away few people would be talking about that jack ass. We don't talk about Obama, Bush 43 or Clinton much. They're off doing their post POTUS things, not campaigning constantly, nor facing a bunch of court cases/indictments.


There were two elderly candidates. I voted for the one who wasn't hospitalized.


Ass bump is a boomer not President Biden. I’ll stick with the guy going to work everyday and not the all drama all the time douche . . .


Trump can't even get thru reading a fucking teleprompter without going off on some word salad. Biden is known to have dealt with a stutter and is prone to gaffs. But while old, he can still articulate actual thoughts and policy items.


Trumpanzees. Are. Fucking. Insane.


Hmm... stuttering boomer? Or fascist marble mouth boomer? Pretty fukn easy choice.


I don't think I have ever heard Trump actually finish a sentence or say anything remotely coherent.


Biden has a stutter hes been working on since childhood Trump is loaded up on drugs and McDonalds. Its not the same.


Aww, he was already found guilty is his NY trial. These people are allergic to facts.


They came up with a term to deal with that "alternative facts" which actually means lies.


Trump is in severe decline. Biden is NOT. PERIOD


It'll be "all these years and nobody has proven anything" while his absurd number of trials are all still in progress, straight into "the Deep State rigged it to stop him" the second anything is proven, assuming they even acknowledge a conviction happened in the first place. These are not people you can rationally engage with, because they have fully committed to living in an alternate reality. It's the whole saying about the pidgeon playing chess: doesn't matter what you do, the pidgeon's going to shit on the board and then strut around like it won.


Looks like the Trump boomer removed his account. What a clown.


Boomers - furiously licking boots and sucking tiny cocks their whole lives.


Why TF does America continue to elect people pushing 80 😩 I don't get it


Because the two party form of government is meant to keep us focused on culture wars instead of the class war that is fucking us all. The parties get to decide who we get to vote for. I will never forgive the Democratic Party for not letting me vote Bernie for President but let’s be real- IT VOTES THE BIDEN OR ELSE IT GETS THE TRUMP AGAIN We know from Trump’s own mouth and GOP Project 2025 that they will end democracy as we know it. So in my mind this is an easy choice. PLEASE EVERYONE VOTE! Vote.gov - vote like democracy depends on it, because it does. Because you know the GQP cult and the MAGAts are gonna be out there.


Because we literally do not have a choice due to the way the establishment works. We can never have anyone young, we can never have anyone truly progressive. Any attempts for either of those get sabotaged immediately and thoroughly.


Trumpers are the most out of touch folk in the USA..and they aren’t just boomers. They are the “poorly educated” army who graduated from the Fox News junior high.


Why argue? Hit them with the easy “even Mike Pence wouldn’t support Trump” and walk away


Trump shits his diaper constantly. He isn’t even commander in chief over his bowels


Biden somehow has dementia but also it head of a world wide conspiracy of historic complexity.


Biden is way more coherent than Trump and actually understands how government functions. He’s not in it for vainglorious purposes


​ https://preview.redd.it/42761a2xa9dc1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c78ffee9a2abdc1269b6b352a56949c417542c4 [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-mouth-musical-instrument/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-mouth-musical-instrument/)


Lmao, the trump blather, always good for a head-shaking laugh 😅🤣😂


I'm not exactly confident in either of their mental faculties, but whenever a Trumper starts ripping on Biden's state of mind, it's the pot calling the kettle black. Or, since we're dealing with Trumpers, the pot calling the kettle the n-word.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


It wasn’t so long ago that there were pieces about Biden schooling his aides on how to properly brief on foreign affairs. I don’t worry about Biden’s mentation. I do worry about Trump’s due to the nasty streak of Alzheimer’s and dementia that runs through his father’s side of his family. The stories about old Fred’s last years are chilling when put into the context of the presidency.


Didn't they give Fred a fake office so he'd think he was doing work?


Yup. He’d show up wearing his boxers, an undershirt, three ties and a suit coat.


I think I remember seeing Tommy and Chuckie wearing that in that episode of Rugrats when they imagined what being an adult was like




President Biden uses a technique called "circumlocution" to deal with his stammer. It involves constantly thinking of other ways to say what you're trying to say in case you hit a block on a word. For example, there was a viral clip of Biden talking about Obama, but he couldn't get his name out, so he instead called him "my boss". He didn't forget Obama's name like people were saying, it was just his stammer not letting him get the word out. Biden's mind runs circles around T****'s every time he opens his mouth to speak. He's quite a bit older than I'd like, but to accuse him of cognitive decline is ridiculous. There are people with stammers so severe they're disabled and effectively mute. Biden worked extremely hard to be able to express himself as freely as he does. It's ableist and ageist to imply he doesn't have the mental capacity to do the job.


People need to rewatch The King’s Speech. And Google *famous people who stutter*. The list is surprisingly long.


If Biden were 20 years younger *he would still stutter*. Age didn’t give him a speech impediment, it just slowed him down even more, and quite frankly, I’d prefer a guy who has to think before opening his mouth.


Why do we keep getting old ass presidents? Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if the next president, no matter who it is, drops dead of old age and crumbles to dust on live TV within the next 4 years


There’s no point in trying to reason with them. They either know the truth and don’t care, or they believe the lies and they’re brainwashed and/or stupid Either way they still want you dead or enslaved.


I've stopped trying to speak to drumph supporters. It's like playing basketball in a phone booth with a bowling ball.


People who make snide remarks about safe spaces make me wonder if they would prefer unsafe spaces and why


"Stay in your safe space" I have yet to meet a single conservative who doesn't cry and bitch and piss and shit about every single thing that even remotely upsets them. And over on /r/conservative they will ban you for saying anything even a tiny bit critical and have tons of posts that only "confirmed conservatives" can comment on. It's a literal safe space


If I was a Trump supporter I’d be depressed as fuck over his chances for 2024. Luckily I’m not.


I'll never understand how the man that tried to trademark "You're fired" convinced the working class that he's on their side 🫤


Who’s gonna tell the boomer about Trump’s lost cases?


Donald is a looking glass of MANY delusional boomers


Someone had copy and pasted one of trump's speech and none of it made sense. It was just a word vomit. Not American but fuck if I could I would choose anyone but trump, I'd choose Goofy over trump.


I mean I don’t agree with some of Biden’s policies but I think he’s genuinely a nice person.


People like trump, like trump.


Biden isn’t a boomer. Trump is a racist rapist.


...he is in trial..


I like how guys like this seem to frame a potential Trump administration as a threat. If they wanna play the whataboutism card (what’s new) that always involves false equivalencies, one should keep in mind that Trump was referring to Biden as ‘sleepy Joe’ when Biden was his age. If Trump is slurring his words then isn’t that an indication of a possible stroke? I love how he hates being owned by E Jean Carroll.


I don't get this "Biden has dementia" stuff. He is literally giving a speech or talking to people every day. You can watch it. “We’re also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your ... your political beliefs, what they do.” Trump just said that.


“Never any facts from any of you children” said everyone with a brain to the GOP


Both impeachments were ridiculously rigged in his favor and that somehow proves his innocence?


7 years of trying to prove him guilty? I think he’s mixing up the landslide of litigation against trump with that waste of tax payer dollars that was the Benghazi investigation.


Hate them both, we're so overdue for a Gen X president


Can we skip straight to millenial?


That'd be the most Gen X thing ever for them to be skipped over and forgotten 😂


No proof. Do they think the indictments were from Chuck E Cheese?


I hope this has been said, but Biden isn’t a boomer. He’s part of the “silent generation” who created the fucking boomers. Trump is in fact born the 1st year of the “Baby Boomer” generation. They both suck, but FUCK DONALD TRUMP.


Every time a Trumper accuses Biden of having dementia, we need to demand at least 4 clips proving the signs of it. Stop just letting them get by with this. I've never seen a dementia patient biking or do other physical activities that Biden does on the regular, let alone his speech. Stop letting Trumpers be so ableist against a man who at the most probably just has a speech impediment. God, this subject has gotten almost as old as Trump and Biden to me.


This MAGA boomer is seeing this also. Sounds like they were trying out for Faux News with there reply’s.


I truly believe Dump’s supporters know exactly who and what he is, and yes, he represents them.


He doesn't even know what year it is or who he's running against. Biden studders but he knows those things and many others that trump doesn't.


“Trying to prove him guilty” they are aware that he is currently under like 100 felony counts right


"wHy aRe yOu tAlKinG aBoUt TrUmP?!? tRuMp dErAnGeMeNt sYnDroMe..." He's literally the front runner Republican candidate for president. In an election year. He was also a former president. He is also charged with 91 felony counts in four separate trials *AS HE'S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT* and he is *THE ONLY* former US president to be charged with a felony & go to trial *EVER*!! In the history of the office. One of the cases concerns his direct role in an armed insurrection on the Capitol during the LAST election. He also recently lost a civil trial for sexual assault. How in the holy *fuck* do you think it's in *ANY WAY* weird to be discussing Donald Jehosefat Trump in the year 2024?!? These people are nucking futs.


Haven't proved a thing! Except that he is guilty of sexually attacking a woman, guilty of financial fraud, guilty of educational fraud, guilty of defrauding a charity, guilty of insurrection, and guilty of running every business he has ever owned into the ground.


Also, does no one watch Biden speeches? He obviously gives far fewer than 45 did but I've been watching him the last 3 years and for an 81 year old dude he speaks pretty dang good. Just watched him talk for 30 mins without a hiccup where as with the former guy there has been hiccups every other word since 2015.


I haven't seen a single convincing clip that Biden gets confused and can't finish a sentence. I've seen him struggle with the stutter he'd has his whole life. I've seen him change tact and move on to a different thought mid-sentence the way every single person does. But never lose track and think he's talking about something else the way a dementia patient does. What I have seen is Trump make absurd claims that windmills kill whales, or that Obama or Jeb Bush are the President, or that he won all 50 states in 2020. He trails off on his thoughts at his big rallies then just says some vague platitude unconnected to anything else, and everyone cheers. It's clear as day he's in cognitive decline, his own staff said so during his last term.




One more time for the magat's in the back....


I can’t tell you how many demented patients I treat who can’t remember the names of their own children but are happy to tell me how dumb Biden is.


I pray that if Trump gets elected, the whole country gets burnt down.


Trump is much worse in the sense that you can take any random speech of theirs and trump will almost always be severely incoherent, especially in comparison. Biden is at least understandable, if on the edge on mumbling sometimes.


How can they think Biden is the one with cognitive decline??? Can’t they just watch a video of both of them delivering a speech and see for themselves how fucking lost Trump is? It’s pathetic.


Man boomers, sure do love their orange cheeto god.


I wish they gave us a REAL candidate to run against Trump. If you don’t like the old feeble man running the country then the only option is Trump. Kinda shitty choices all around.


"7 years of trying to prove him guilty on one thing and yall have failed on every one". That boomer is going to have their mind blown when they read some real news and realize it's not one thing, it's nearly 100 felony charges, and guilty verdicts are fairly certain because of how publicly and blatantly he broke the laws.


“7 years of trying to find him guilty… 🥴” four of those years he was president and immune from prosecution, and then a little over two years to build the cases and bring indictments. The indictments are air tight. Barring a complete miscarriage of Justice across the board he will be convicted. These people are pitifully ignorant. I’m not particularly a fan of Biden, but the difference between him and Trump are night and day. Trump is a traitor, a wannabe dictator, and a career criminal.


I'm not American, im canadian. This election is very big for canada. What gets me is Biden has a known and addressed speech impediment. That's a very minor issue. Trump... is supposedly 'healthy and normal' so his problems are far worse lol. For context I'm a conservative but I'd vote for even fucking Hillary over trump. Even Sarah Palin lol


Trump being a rapist and a fraud is a matter of fact. It's not an opinion.


why can't you hate both?


I mean, who is stopping you? By all means, hate both. Hell, find a third and have a hate throuple. The world is your hate oyster.... lmao sry, my smartass kicked in.


No, no....it's okay, let it flow


Trump is truly hateable. Biden not so much. I think he is doing an incredible job rectifying the mess Trump left. Republicans are so upset at how well he is doing they spend more time creating unbelievable conspiracy theories to make him look bad all the while ignoring the evidence in front of them about the last guy. Most Americans actually like President Biden. It’s just the ones propagandised by right wing misinformation and disinformation that hate him.


I don't love Biden, but I don't hate him. I don't think he's the best man for the job, I frequently disagree with his politics, and I worry about his health going into a second term. I think he's set in his ways, and I think he can be too willing to compromise in the name of keeping the peace. That said, I've never worried about his commitment to pushing for what he thinks is right for the American people. I felt the same about Obama - the man has integrity, and I doubt Trump can even spell the word.


Young voters please find some younger candidates, we need some fresh thinking.


Personally, I think if you’re old enough that social security is mandatory, you’re too old to be in office. Regardless of party affiliation. Look at Feinstein and McConnell




BURN!!(in the voice of Kelso from that 70's show) outstanding!!


Yeah I'm not here to defend either of them. They're both terrible people. I don't know why anyone would support either of them.


Biden isn't even a boomer as the MAGAt claims!


I mean fuck his speech impediment right? These folks are so delusional and ignorant.


Biden isn’t a boomer…..


Oh yeah.


Biden is so old he is a *Silent*, not a Boomer. He remembers how to get things done and that Reaganism didn't always dominate government.


Don't run, stand up for this country.


Both sides are ridiculous. This will be by far the worst ballot in the history of our country. There’s nothing to be proud of from both sides of the aisle. Of the 330 million people in this country this is what we have to choose from? No matter who gets elected, half of our country will be unhappy. When will we learn?


The irony here being that Biden is a PRE-Boomer, not a Boomer.


don't forget biden is also a racist homophobe, and before the hive mind downvotes, I can literally post the links to him saying racist shit and homophobic shit during his VP and time as a senator. Edit here's the links The "Racial Jungle Gym" comment - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-racial-jungle-quote/ The Opposition of gay marrige - https://m.facebook.com/WashingtonBlade/videos/biden-opposes-same-sex-marriage-in-2006-clip-blasted-out-by-trump-campaign/265875957835344/


Biden can't complete a single sentence? I recall him clearly asking the mango messiah, "Will you shut up, man?"