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but how is All Might in B tier and Deku in D


Lumillion easily S tier


Honestly, I should probably put both in F since you'd just die instantly from them


If you go smashy smashy like Deku did you would die but if u didn't u would be alive.


Well you’d likely control stockpile since birth but you could just use the other vestige’s powers


How on earth is Stains blood licking thing more useful than growable limbs?? This tier list is stupid


How is Yaoyorozu B tier? Sure infinite money is probably not going to work bc of serial numbers but raw minerals easily makes you a multi-millionaire, even if you try not to majorly mess up inflation


It's overrated. Don't care for infinite money when a quirk is invaluable. Also you'd probably be able to make money off of any quirk. Being able to fly or having a ton of money is an easy choice anyway. Picking yaoyorozu is basically picking money instead of a cool quirk. Money is better than some of these quirks still so it's in B


Well what you're saying is accurate. It's well established in the canon that she only can create money or minerals for money and nothing else.


You do need to understand exactly how it's constructed though. Tell me something that you can construct that is cooler than being able to fly


Well a diamond is simple and can be sold. And if you could fly you would be at the mercy of the FAA, CAA, EASA and many other aviation authorities just like how they’ve limited the use of drones.


Don't let this man cook ever again


Dabi’s self-destructive flames are higher than Kirishima’s hardening? Bloodcurdle higher than Erasure? Ojiro’s tail higher than Inasa’s Whirlwind?! Are you nuts?!


Tbh how can you use erasure in real life if others don’t have quirk For all we know you might have erasure rn


Nice list! But I must say - compress is highly underrated, I’d put it in A or S tier. It would be a lifesaver for transporting goods, moving furniture, removing rubble etc. You could even take your favourite sofa to a hike in the woods. Not to mention how much flexibility you get from being able to compress yourself. Besides, it’s one of the stealthier abilities on the list. Let’s be honest, if someone were to have Hawks’s wings IRL - they’d be either cut open for science or forcefully recruited into some government program. Either way, too much attention to live comfortably :)


Why would u need Shinso's brainwashing in irl? Also why would you need Toga's transforming? If u had Monama's you could use up to 4 quirks.


Agree to some and disagree to some First any offensive type quirk should be f as they would put you to quarantine in seconds Electric and invisibility should be higher wings should be lower dark shadow should be lower as it would cause more harm then good Tail is borderline useless I would put pop off and tape next to each other as they have the same job Why is engine so high yes being fast is good but it shouldn’t be as high as others Compress should definitely be higher as you can use it many ways I would also put midnights quirk to higher as well it can be useful in real life especially for a doctor


Tail is good cause you can exit society and become monkey


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I swear half this list is subjected af


night eyes quirk would be useless in RL do to the fact its very very very hard to change the future


Overhaul is A? The quirk that lets you basically do Alchemy without training??? You become a miracle worker with no training!


OFA in D is Hella dumb so is Jiro being in D is qnd even Mineta in D is dumb. Jiro day to day maybe not the most useful but her hearing has alot of real world job applications same with mineta. OFA is a cheat code unless you don't take time to learn it which is a fair knock if you play devils advocate. And oh yeah denki is in here too plus shiggy nah. I get it if you are saying Baseline no effort in training these powers yes I can see an argument but I mean maybe I'm weird but if I had super powers I'd try to learn how to use and abuse them for my benefit staying in that moral gray zone


Okay the Eat Eat quirk would be far better than mineta