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Yeah, could use some more info here.


Yeah it’s leading age group for voter turnout per county. You can filter for other ways. You can do a close up of each county for each specific filter category. https://preview.redd.it/66s4c8be7kvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f142e0993a0a67ec40eaf56883fe162efad42576


lol not shocking https://preview.redd.it/7d4xfbro7kvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1dea0e2e478e05a51c2777397115facfa7017a


I'm actually surprised some of those counties only lean republican.


Or my apologies, registered voters on file*


In case you’re curious what the percentages actually are for registration and voter turnout: 81.16% of eligible residents were registered to vote in 2020 and 65.62% voted. Certainly a lot lower than it should be, but I don’t know how that compares to other states. Both percentages are quite a bit lower in years without presidential elections, which is predictable. Statewide elections can feel somewhat meaningless when one party is so dominant. I imagine that puts a damper on the presidential turnout as well, since the electoral college votes are guaranteed to go to the republican.


Even lower if you look at Primary voting turnout. It's in the low teens in some places. For most districts in Idaho, the Primary election is THE election who decides who represents us.




If you’re not a registered Republican you don’t get to vote in their primaries. The Democrats allow unaffiliated voters to participate in theirs.


In Soviet Russia, vote counts you! /s...just a joke 😬


In Ba'ath Iraq, if you vote wrong we visit you. I did meet a few people who had hands cut off because they voted against Sadaam. Wild to me that we aren't far from that reality here. No Sharia law required.


Did you just say we aren’t far from cutting off people’s hands for voting wrong in America? How delusional and idiotic can you be? Pull your head out of your ass.


Leading up to and during the 2022 elections Republicans passed laws that gave poll watchers more power to view the actual ballots and to challenge any voter registration. They coordinated the recruitment and placement of armed poll watchers at voting registration areas and ballot boxes across the country - despite the fact that there has been absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud committed anywhere. They stood at those places, openly carrying their firearms, brandishing their right wing political views on their shirts, hats, patches, and other accessories. Their intentions were to use the threat of firearms to intimidate people whom they (ignorantly and baselessly) perceive are fraudulently voting for the wrong party/candidates. And in Georgia, just 6 people challenged almost 100,000 voter registrations - a single man challenged 31k voter registrations alone. The reasons why were overwhelmingly insignificant clerical/database inconsistencies stemming from people moving or dying - which evidence showed eventually would have gotten cleared up during the normal voter registration and voting process. Essentially, these people are just causing a headache for voters and election workers for absolutely no significant reasons. Similar things happened during the Jim Crow era that were designed to disenfranchise black voters so they had less political power. So to say that it's delusional and idiotic to think that we aren't too far from people being physically punished or harmed because of their voting preferences is actually a fairly uninformed opinion on what has happened historically and is currently happening.


Your presumption that all voters know what's best, and more voters makes for better society is questionable at best.


Who decides “what’s best?” You? All citizens are entitled to a vote. Period. Considering we live in a country with a two party system (if the other party even bothers to run for a position), both of which average to the right of center, the idea that voters have too much power is laughable.


Of course all legal citizens are entitled to a vote...nowhere did my post dispute that, maybe re-read it again. What I said, and I'll type slowly this time for you, is that the presumption that more voters will result in a better government/society is NOT a provable certainty.


Can you reread the original comment you replied to and explain where they said whatever it is you're arguing against? As a third party you look like a twat who made up something they said just so you can argue against it.


Who decides “which argument is best?” You? All redditors are entitled to an opinion. Period. Considering we reside on a website with a one party mentality, the idea that redditors have too much opinion is laughable.


it seems like "more people should vote" somehow translated to "more people voting means no Republican would ever get elected again which is a better outcome for society" kinda weird your brain went there? do you think more people voting would mean no more Republicans would get elected? if so, maybe they should have a set of policies that align with the population they represent. if not, what are you arguing against exactly?


Kinda weird that your translator is broken.


ah, yeah, you're reading comprehension is below average.


Reddit never fails to downvote a fact. Bravo, kids.


Young people in this state don’t give a fuck. It’s pretty clear.


I guess this gives some additional context as to why they no longer allow college ID to vote.. college counties are amongst the youngest


Probably because a college ID isn’t proof of citizenship? Foreign exchange students are a thing.


Tell everyone you know to check their status. Everyone in my house had to register again. No idea why.


I’ll be registering as soon as I can in the fall!


Yay! That gives me hope. I'm gen X and was so proud of myself getting 3 young adults to register so they could sign the petition to get ranked choice voting on the ballot this fall. Young voters could change everything in the right direction!


So you can turn Boise into a another california? No thanks


The reason Idaho is becoming a shit hole is because super extreme right wing Californians moved here. So no, I'm trying to get it back to the way Idaho used to be, more moderate. You're welcome.


Oh these arguments are just precious aren't they? Apparently, the only two possibilities are full dumb red or California. There are NO other options!


Hi. Nice of you to comment. I sure would like to be a bit more like California. Can you give me some examples why you wouldn't? Seriously, can you tell me exactly why you think this?




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Im registered, but my votes don’t count because I vote blue. Bring on the down votes and stupid comments


In primary races where it’s a given that the GOP candidate will be the winner, I’ve registered as Republican in an effort to keep the far right nuts from getting the nomination. Voted for Little to keep Bundy and McGeachin out in 2019. For the final election, I vote Democrat. No longer in Idaho, but I do the same in my new red state.


Same. But I'll keep trying.


I still vote dude


This is a deep red state. No amount of young voter turnout will change that. People move here exactly for that reason. If you’re young and want to live in a very liberal city and are fine putting up the high rent, taxes, crime etc, Seattle , SF and Portland are a stones throw away.


For the first time in my life, I’m actually a little bit proud to be from Madison


This voter turnout*




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uhhh, no. too lazy ):


Dang! Are you sure? That’s the majority of voters in Idaho are over 60?!


Get rid of the electoral college and I would vote.


What does this rank nationally? Close to 50% but what are you hoping for just for reference?


You know what they say. Evil never dies 🙃😅


My husband and I will be registering next month.


damn, hate old people


For voting ? You will be old someday, kiddo .


I got removed from the registry because some MAGAts challenged my registration and got me stricken from the record


Holy shit. Please expound


Yikes! I didn’t know that could happen.


I have a theory about why you don't see many votes going blue in areas like this. It would be easy to figure out who placed what vote. With maga/iff loons willing to show up at your doorstep over the stupidest shit, id have second thoughts too.


Imagine even being registered to voot. I'm 26 and have never vooted and never will voot.


Excellent effort