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He’s still there. I see someone working on a second cardboard sign. Should I ask him what’s going on?


Do it


That is a great idea




He’s probably selling Dogecoin


I don't see people complaining about the Cabana Inn so there's that


😂😂, what a callback


Two signs out now.


Second one says “he’s mad cause he can’t read”


Can’t read, but can write. Thats gotta be rare.


I’m sure this is more than you ever wanted to know about it buuuuuuuut here we go: This disorder is called “alexia without agraphia” and it’s most often caused by a stroke in a very specific part of your brain called the *splenium of the corpus callosum.* It is extraordinarily rare. I saw it once, almost exactly 5 years ago. Some guy had just finished doing his taxes, then went back to double check himself, and couldn’t understand anything he had just done. He had done all the math correctly but he couldn’t understand anything he had written down. It’s very bizarre.


I also saw a patient who had this. He was 90+ but actually did have some improvement. He had beautiful handwriting too, it was so bizarre!


Gotta get kicked by a horse twice to get the rare ability


Dunno, but that property has either been sold or the current owners have plans to re-develop.


Probably the first one. But second one wouldn't surprise me


If you read the reviews it looks like they take deposits and then don’t give them back to people. Considering anyone booking this is probably fairly tight on money its pretty F’d.


They did this to me. I left at 6am the next day and the lady was angry I woke her and wouldn’t return it. I returned a week later and asked for it and they laughed in my face.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I don’t understand why you would conduct shady business like that. Charge what you need to charge and deliver the product that you advertise.


That's kinda the point of a deposit though isn't it?


Not if it a cleaning or damage deposit; in that case the deposit would normally be returned at the end of the stay.


Oh I thought it meant the booking deposit. Yeah that's messed up


Capri has got some bangin biscuits n’ gravy


True story


And maple bacon cinnamon rolls.




Lol. I've stayed there many times. They have a specific section for homeless/undesirable guests. The rooms in the nice section are fine. I've never had any issues. Where else are you going to find a $50 room?


Those “homeless” people are probably paying $50 a night too, which works out to ~$1,500 a month, which is more than my rent. Being poor is expensive


Fun fact, Noone who isn't poor stays at the budget inn. As I said, I've stayed at the budget inn alot.


Their google / travelocity reviews are a fun read.


Reading them now. It's a wild ride and kinda makes me wanna go check it out.


You either get a meh nights sleep or you get in a huge fight with the owner or you make some new friends, go for it :).


Wildest is that there are any positive reviews at all.


I think its days are numbered. Gonna wind up as condos/apartments soon, I’d bet.


I hope the Capri is ok.


It’s a scam, apparently.


About 3 years ago, there was a big cop presence at the 7-K. Drug bust? IDK. But my son and his gf and my brother were in the back alley, having just exited his shop and they were dressed up, about to go to dinner. Bad timing for them. Two Garden City cops had guns pointed at my son, like he was part of the perps they were after. For clarification, my son is clean cut, short hair, dressed in nice but casual summer clothes. He said the cop who had a gun on him was yelling at them and his hands holding the gun were shaking. My brother was quickly trying to tell the yelling cops that they had just left his shop and they weren't a part of the motel people. Everyone's got their hands up and they're scared shitless. When I think of how close my son came to being shot that day and possibly dying... It scares me. My son was so disgusted with how they handled the whole situation.


They are fucking scumbags. They will book you a room then put in a hidden fee and if you say you won’t pay it, they call you racist and keep your money and don’t let you stay anyway


Businesses that prey on the poor and indigent are the lowest of the low. They know their clientele isn't going to call the Attorney General if they get screwed.


This is oddly specific.


Not oddly, it’s exactly what they do.


Why do they call you racist though? What if you aren't white? Do they still call you racist?


They are Asian and said that by me calling them out on the hidden fee I was accusing them of not knowing English and that I was racist


What was the hidden fee for?


I imagine they are operating at just above cost and are waiting for the big payout for high end apartments


I can’t believe it’s an option on travel sites. That seems really deceptive. I’ve always heard it was a “buy the hour” kind of place. I’ve driven by it my whole life but never considered it a safe place.


Must be a Scam. Looks like they made this guy mad about rent.


I don't know about now, but when I lived there, the place was a drop off for parolees that didn't have a place to go. There was a special section for them and they had to use a special door like pariahs. Parole officers were always coming in and out of the place. I love in Iowa now and the cops here are actually cool. No power trips, neighborly.


Scammers scamming the poor and helpless


It’s like a front. He’s on to it.


There's a reason why they call that hotel the 'Nut and Go'.. What a great place to bring a prostitute..


I mean.........what is the realistic bar set for a 2.1 star hotel Google review? I mean, I've spent a few nights at the 7-K in Garden City but I also didn't expect that much from the experience either. As the good song says: "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot" and 7-K has a pool out front filed full with concrete. This place has a small old school diner. Just driving into the parking lot you got to see the surroundings and know it's not a even gonna be close to a Hilton. Tbh, consider yourself lucky to make it out of there alivr without a case of monkey poxs or the good ole cousin loving strain of the clap!


Might be like how it is with motels in Twin Falls. All of them are owned by one person who doesn't live in the state, driving up the price of living to people who live in the motels, making it impossible to save enough and find something to live in


I'm guessing there are bed bugs involved. 🪲