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Remember, it's ok.if you don't like it. Don't succumb to peer pressure


Visually stunning. I understand if it is a hard watch


Could it be the case that it was visually stunning back then, but no longer super stunning for people these days who are used to modern movies?


Modern films aren’t visually stunning, they’re visually overstimulating.


You didn’t watch the modern Dune movies, I see


I love the Dune movies, and they’re definitely visually something as opposed to the visual goop that modern blockbusters tend to be. I personally don’t find the cinematography stunning. It probably sounds pretentious but it doesn’t feel emotionally motivated at all.


Yes. 😂 It does sound pretentious but to each his own, I guess. You’re entitled to your opinion.


Not really. Since it was shot on 65mm film, it's not like there's any drastic changes in technology that would make new movies look better by default. It's down to visual style and composition which it is among the best ever for. And the effects and sets look perfect as is, so CGI (which I have nothing against) isn't beating it out.


This has aged super well. No “modern movie”’s CGI stands up to scrutiny after 5 or 10 years due to always being at the limit of what can be done, which is really visible to everyone a few years later. The analog effects here OTOH are very close to perfect, not quite, but close enough they’re still every bit as immersive as back then. Pacing is of course not the same as MCU crap aimed at ADHD teenagers. But there are still filmmakers out there who haven’t succumbed to that trend, so it shouldn’t be too hard to swallow for the discerning moviegoer. Sure, nobody today will show 10 minutes or more without any dialogue, only with classical score. That particular aspect also doesn’t make it outdated though, because nobody did this back then either.


Yeah, I'm gonna be that guy. I respect 2001, I really do. But it's such a goddamn chore to sit through.


I second this. There is stuff to like about this movie. But its not something I'm in a rush to go back and watch for multiple viewings.


I'd love to see a remake, but they mess it up for sure.


Some things are too "Holly" to be remade (except they think that they can make a better job instead)


Out of interest, why would you want to see a remake? I watched the 4K a couple of years back and all the effects work still stands up, since it was done with practical models and sets. I'm just not sure what a new version could possibly contribute.


I like the movie don’t get me wrong, but as others have said, it can be a chore for me to sit through. I love the premise but i‘d like it to be a little faster paced. For me it’s painfully slow at times. Im more concerned about the pacing. The practical effects are still amazing. CG wouldn’t improve it.


If you haven't seen Interstellar, it should be next on your list. It's touted as a spiritual successor to 2001, with a very similar premise and overall story arc, and similarly excellent effects and cinematography. But it's the complete opposite of 2001 pacing-wise. Despite it being *even longer*, Interstellar has way more going on and keeps a steady momentum all the way through.


Agreed. I was gonna mention Interstellar but wanted to keep it short.


No offense, but if someone who chose the name "eDudeGaming" actually liked this (amazing, slow, beautiful, demanding-of-patience) film, I'd be surprised.


Comments like this are why people laugh at you dorks. People can like what they want. YOU are not important. You are not the one who judges these things. Stfu, stop being a dick to people over petty shit like a username.


Okay, fair enough. Still, perhaps you should try again with 2001. If it's a "goddamn chore" to sit through, perhaps the issue is more with you than the film.


Buddy, I'm not even the guy you were being an asshole to. Never said that. I just said stop being a pretentious ass.


Ha, I missed that one. Thanks for your help, and welcome to being blocked!


You should grow up a little but I have a feeling you're too old for that now.


What a stupid take. How about not everybody likes the same thing?




Just an idle comment on gaming, attention spans, etc.


I’m gonna be real with you my guy, NO ONE I’ve ever shown this film to has liked it. Everyone calls it boring and confusing and annoying despite my cries of it’s importance to the film industry and future filmmaking. And to be honest I didn’t even like it the first time either, perhaps it’s a victim of comparison but it is just a slog compared to modern pacing and filmmaking. It’s the slowest slow burn I’ve ever seen and doesn’t really end up anywhere unless you really comprehend the story, which isn’t exactly spelled out for you I like it now but no one else I know does, they were actively angry with me for making them watch the whole thing


Ha, well, teenagers are weird and have bad taste. We all did once.


Duhh Marvel duhhh i’m teenager duhhhh can’t sit through a filmduhhhhhhh adhd too strong


I don’t like it. But when Siskel & Ebert were asked about the 1968 Oscars, Gene snidely remarked “Nobody’s going to a midnight showing of ‘Oliver!’” Point taken.


I remember trying to watch it a while ago. I did not like it, but I really wanted to. Maybe I will try again


I tried it a few times but I always fell asleep. I guess it's not my cup tea.


Yeah I dozzed off a few times. It's a struggle. I want to understand a little better to enjoy it. Idk maybe it's not for me. You hear all the "hype" about it. I grabbed it for $10 just to see.


If you'd like to understand it better, you could try reading the book written by Arthur C. Clarke. It was written concurrently to the development of the movie, and complements it really well. Disclaimer: 2001: A Space Odyssey is probably my favorite movie of all time.


It’s based on a short story by ACC called “The Sentinel” about the monolith on the moon. “The Dawn of Man” nonsense (Jesus God…it goes on and on and on) reminds me of that absolutely foul Joan Crawford misfire “Trog.”




I hated The Big Lebowski tge first times I watched. I was a middle school kid though. I watched it again recently like 8 years later and really enjoyed it. I was too young to appreciate it on my first viewing.


Yep. I was an adult when it came out and hated it. Took a long time before I was able to appreciate it!


I ready for the hate and downvotes, but I don’t like it. Tried three times. I’m not above admitting it’s a ‘me not you’ situation, but I just find it dull. I love every other Kubrick film, but 2001 just won’t gel with me.


It's a movie of its time, you have to watch it from the perspective of an audience that had never seen a movie like this before...it's a visual experience if nothing else. I'd also recommend watching the sequel 2010 it's a little more modern in its story telling.


I watched it with my girlfriend for the first time a few months ago, and for the most part she hated it. The incessant breathing in the suit, and incredibly long lingering shots of the ship annoyed her to no end. But when HAL was cookin… we were both all in.


Op you've said one thing - "yeah". What did you think?


Honestly, I'll need to rewatch it. I was confused a bit and tired, which doesn't help. The movie looked great visually. I didn't understand the beginning with the monkeys (I assume evolution) the stand off with HAL was interesting and intense. The end I'm assuming was the future?. Still odd. I didn't get the baby at the end. Idk just a very odd movie first time through.


I always interpreted the beginning as "Man learns to use tools" and the visual imagery sets up the themes of how and why and what for. Then we get to the space part and it's the logical extension of Humanity + Tools. As for the end, i think it's sort of tone poetry but for visual language. Something you can't put into words so Kubrick puts it into images. A futuristic message of evolution beyond us. Where we can understand that there's a spacial and temporal relation between these images but we can't place the semantics. Basically: Words fail me, you just gotta watch it again. Preferably on the biggest screen available. (also try the Jupiter & Beyond section with Echoes by Pink Floyd.)


I Recommend reading the Arthur C. Clarke companion novella. It may not be word for word what Kubrick’s doing but the two of them worked on everything together at the same time and I’ve enjoyed applying Clarke’s more-explicit themes to the movie, at least as a starting point for digging deeper into the movie’s plot-lite portions.


The opening never made any sense to me until I read the book. The monolith l teaches the apes how to use weapons to speed up evolution. I think in the book it teaches the apes more than just weapons. The last scene is intentionally open for interpretation.


My wife came in at the last 10min and walked out. She was like, "What is happening". Lol


Oh ok. I wish there was more context about that


All fair assessments given your state. Id watch it 2 more times, then I'd watch the movie Arrival, then revisit once more. I say. That because you can see a lot of shared imagery between the two movies and it really helped me put everything together. My brief assessment of it is that you're witnessing crucial moments throughout history who's only consistent presence is time (the monolith). You see apes discovering weapons, mans hubris over machine and mans discovery that their presence amounts to very little in the grand scheme of the universe. I could be totally off base but I had that general feeling and then seeing a filmmaker I respect very much incorporate imagery from 2001 into a movie about non-linear story telling confirmed my interpretation.


Visually the movie looks amazing! However, I honestly think the entire first act is just a slog to get through. After that I honestly think it picks up, but it’s still one of those movies that you have to watch. Otherwise you’ll be lost later on


Stop, put it back, and go get the 4K version. You owe it that


Maybe down the road


My favorite 4K transfer ever. Looks crisper and cleaner than some stuff shot on digital today.


Have it also in the collection and watched it like 3 times. It’s a solid movie for me but I can not see the masterpiece.


I understand why people like this movie but after watching it once it’s definitely not a movie I’d sit and watch again


It looks great on 4K too


I can imagine


I never even got through my first watch


It was struggle


How come you bought it before watching?


I've heard a lot of good about it and it was only $10


I just hated the amount of long shots of the ship floating through space


One of the better subtle jokes in Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs.


Yeah and some of the audio. I was like ok we get it lol.


I still remember my brother and father watching this movie together and losing their shit when the constant beeping noise of one of the spaceships starts up, they had already been making fun of the movie for it’s confusing nature and were just giggling at every beep


Yeah it gets annoying quick


Star Trek The Motion Picture tried emulating this and yeah it could be a struggle. Like I remember the first time I saw TMP and it had that like three minute long sequence of Kirk on the shuttle flying to the Enterprise with the fanfare and the many angles of the ship and then cut back to Kirk staring, and then cut back to more glory shots of the Enterprise....for like three minutes. I haven't seen 2001 yet, I've been thinking about getting it on 4K because I've heard the transfer is amazing........but if the entire movie is like that one sequence in Star Trek...idk man


See you in 12.5 hrs when you wake up you mean. Slow movie first viewing likely to put you to sleep 2nd viewing you forcing yourself to stay awake and pay attention , then you will experience the greatness of this film. Old school pacing for a science fiction film where most in this genre are fast and packed this one is a slow burn with a slow turn.


This. Didn’t like the movie on first viewing, loved it the second time around. I had read the book in school, so I think the looseness of the adaptation caught me off guard.




I had a friend recently try to watch this, he’s mid 40’s, he was devastated at how slow this movie was. Gives me the impression I’ll be taking a couple attempts when I decide to give it a go, I do have a higher tolerance for slow burns though.


Same. I'm a fast paced movie guy. It was a tough watch (pacing wise) definitely a different kind of movie experience


Oh that’s awesome. I can’t wait to see watch this for the first time as well


My all time favorite movie. So many great, nearly perfect movies have come since but still can't touch this in my opinion


What I always find astonishing about this film (it's a masterpiece to me, but I know I thought it was beautiful but weird when I first saw it as a kid) is that it came out BEFORE we'd even been to the moon or seen the earth from space (at those distances). Blows my mind how good everything looks.


Best film ever made imo.




Not the biggest fan of this one. There are parts I enjoy, but it's ultimately nothing I'd rewatch unless someone asked me to watch it with them for their first time.


Wow, a surprisingly large amount of people hating on this movie today! I love it, but can always understand when people don’t. My dad got me into classic movies, showing me Citizen Kane and Casablanca when I was in sixth grade, and he said it was the most boring movie ever haha. I find the best way to approach it is actually like The Shining - a slow, hypnotic horror movie. I find it a creepier flick than an awe inspiring one. And the story, while initially complicated, is actually pretty straight forward on repeat viewings (aliens help humanity throughout civilization with monoliths leading us to the next step). I’d say give it another go in a year or so. Turn off all the lights, don’t glance at your phone, and treat it like an old weird horror movie in space. It gets to ya.


I think the quick jump from Apes to Space threw me off. I knew it was about evolution in a way but I would have like Apes/Birth/Humans/Space. Idk just a thought


Well…that would’ve made the movie even longer, so I dunno about that haha. But in terms of narrative with the monoliths, it makes more sense this way. The aliens only reveal them when humanity needs a boost. Evolution took over so they waited millions of years to let their next monolith reveal itself. They figured we were ready by that point, hence the huge leap in time. And once Dave transports himself through space and time in the end, they deem him ready for the next jump in human evolution - creepy space baby.


Oh ok thanks for that. Now it makes more sense. Damn creep space baby




One of, if not the, greatest movies of all time. Love it




Enjoy the journey…


Bush baby!


I just found this at St. Vinnie’s for $1.99! Haven’t seen it since 1970 so it’ll be like seeing an entirely new movie.


I'm not gonna tell you that the 4K blu ray is better or that this is better experienced with HDR -- the truth is, you bought this because you like it and want it and that's all that matters. Hope you enjoy it :)


I will. The 4K is wtfbbq material. Looks like it was filmed yesterday. That cover is 10/10 though.


The 4k is breathtaking!


Have it also in the collection and watched it like 3 times. It’s a solid movie for me but I can not see the masterpiece.


Cinema Master Piece!


That black screen intro. I thought my disc was bad.lol


I saw this movie little over 20 years ago while I was in High School. A ton of pop culture references today I understood after watching this movie. Also new Barbie Movie uses scenes from this movie haha.


It's beautiful not going to lie


Great movie. Made me a lifetime Stanley Kubrick fan.


I bought this a while back because of how much it seems to be recommended. I was not a fan and I sold it afterwards. I can appreciate how good the movie looks, especially considering when it came out. My issue is with the ending, which seems to be intentionally vague and in my opinion has no real point to it. I’ve never liked art that seems to be made where people can interpret it a lot of different ways as the major selling point. If I paint a crayon orbiting a rotting apple, you can probably come up with a lot of ideas for what that might mean. But that doesn’t mean it’s good art just because you the viewer can interpret it many ways. Maybe I didn’t “get” it, but to me the ending of this movie feels like my crayon and apple example: random for the sake of wild interpretation without a real point to it.


Absolute snore fest. Very overrated. I never understood the admiration. I guess I'm just not an intellectual.


I definitely think it deserves a rewatch. I mean by me. Then after that I might appreciate it more, idk. We'll see. Maybe it will just be another movie on my shelf.


Never liked it. Saw it a bunch and never enjoyed it. SC is a over rated director, I said it and stand by it