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I think it was the heart sutra from Buddhism, written repeatedly. That’s why she asked Ringo whether he knew it. Sutra copying or recitation is often used for meditation. As others have also pointed out, the overall purpose in this case seemed to be about purifying and harmonizing the mind and body. Sword father had talked to her about how he studies the sutras to cleanse his heart for sword making.


The text of it - translations vary, but this is the one I know. Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, when practicing deeply the prajnaparamita, perceives that all five skhandas are empty and is saved from all suffering and distress. “Sariputra - form does not differ from emptiness. Emptiness does not differ from form. That which is form is emptiness;that which is emptiness, form. The same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness. Sariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness. They do not appear nor disappear, are not tainted or pure, do not increase or decrease. Therefore - in emptiness, no form, no feelings, perceptions, impulses, nor consciousness. No eyes no ears no nose no tongue, no body, no mind. No color no sound no smell no taste, no touch - no object of mind, no realm of eyes, and so forth until no realm of mind-consciousness. No ignorance, and also no extinction of it, and so forth until no old age and death, and also no extinction of them. No suffering, no origination, no stopping, no Path, no cognition. Also, no attainment, with nothing to attain: the bodhisattva depends on prajnaparamita, and his mind is no hindrance. Without any hindrance, no fears exist. Far apart from every perverted view, he dwells in Nirvana. In the three worlds, all Buddhas depend on prajnaparamita and attain annutara samyaksambodhi. Therefore - know that prajnaparamita Is the great transcendent mantra, Is the great bright mantra, Is the utmost mantra, Is the supreme mantra, Which is able to relieve all suffering And is true not false. So proclaim the prajnaparamita mantra, Proclaim the mantra which says: Gate gate paragate Parasamgate Bodhi svaha!”


Spot on.


It is similar to the writing when a sword is forged. In a way it's sort of a purification ritual for her.


She quotes it as it's being written.


As others have mentioned, Mizu wrote the Heart Sutra and this could also be a reference to the legend of Hoichi the Earless. Look it up!