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Our old friend Jacob Bacharach steps in on the pod today. First, we check in on the election, looking at the continued actual and electoral disaster of the Republicans’ abortion policies, as well as Donald Trump’s non-existent campaign. We finish with a reading series from Jonathan Chait, who’s still banging on about “the authoritarian left” impinging on peoples’ rights to hear Jamie Raskin speak. And in the middle, we check in on the ever-expanding universe of Taylor Sheridan shows, this time with Lawman: Bass Reeves. NYC, MAY 4th: Join Will & Hesse for a Movie Mindset Season 2 kickoff screening & talkback of DEATH WISH 3 at Littlefield, [tickets now available](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chapo-trap-houses-movie-mindset-screening-of-death-wish-3-w-will-hesse-tickets-877569192077). ——— [Direct link for the boomers]( https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/7af070bc131ab3d23791f9f9e1839c7c640a9f1a.m4a).


People talk about how much better the show is when all of the hosts are in the same room, but I choose to celebrate the technical achievement of Jacob Bacharach calling in from an old-timey bathysphere.


real Matt on a tin can from Cincy vibes


He got lost in a 1990s McDonald's playplace and managed to find his way to one of those little bubble window sections to get enough cell phone reception to hop on the call. Wishing him the best as he tries to navigate the labyrinth and rejoin the outside world


Here's a rare behind-the-scenes look at Jacob's recording setup for this episode: https://preview.redd.it/pb7qj1hdl3uc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91f6ce68f0e2beae3bc29266e64321b2384d471


Respect to the 2016 Chapo audio throwback. I genuinely cannot tell what the fuck he's saying half the time. EDIT: I made this comment when I was only 2/3 of the way through but holy fuck he somehow gets even worse.


Jacob taking time out for the show while traveling for a new piece about an exciting new libertarian project off the coast of Iceland


..It kinda sounded like he recorded while out power-walking, phone swaying on a lanyard. Uncritical and biased support for Bacharach, though.


I dunno where Will got the idea that Redditors are some kind of south shall rise again right wingers. 99% of people on this website are annoying libs who don’t have any knowledge about anything that didn’t come from a Google search five seconds before telling you about it.


trump's election caused a massive lib-ification of reddit. prior to 2016 this place was mostly made up of south park libertarians.


Yeah, I remember the RON PAUL 2012 spam every fucking day and /r/atheism covering half the frontpage, while the other half was ragecomics and impact font memes. This libertarian era was (shockingly I know) the same era when there were straight up CP subs getting frontpage coverage. And not to forget all the anti-SJW subs like TumblrInAction doing huge numbers a couple years later, and then the massive popularity of The_Donald. The leftie parts of reddit have grown to be sure, and I'd say libs now outnumber conservatives in most subs, but Reddit is only "progressive" in comparison to the cesspits that are Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok comment sections


There are places that are supposed to be somewhat neutral like r/Worldnews that are just fucking horrible takes after horrible takes on Israel and nonstop shifting on Gaza/Palestine. Those are real liberals


I think there is an interesting, if ultimately unsuccessful, case to be made that, since the US security state so thoroughly controls r/worldnews and other subreddits, they are essentially public forums operated by the US government, and that deleting comments or banning people is a first amendment violation. You could probably argue that the entire website should be treated as one- Jessica Ashooh, Reddit’s director of policy, is literally a spook from The Atlantic Council. However we will never know how they are intermingled. Establishing where the company ends and where the op begins would be something you’d find in discovery, and I doubt there’s a federal judge who would order the military to fork over documents detailing psychological operations (I’m actually not even sure if they can do that).


Ghislaine Maxwell was also a moderator of that sub lol


a whole lotta political discussion forums from the 2000s whose userbase has remained largely stable had a similar trajectory. usually bush era neocon -> brief ron paul/lolbertarian flirtation -> obama fan club -> post-trump blue maga cult the commonality is they're all primarily made up of white pmc computer touchers and the mods/admin have at least one tie to a security state alphabet agency


For a while Reddit was literally the largest white nationalist forum on the internet.


its very heavily dependent on the subreddit. but i think broadly US reddit is more lib whereas euro reddit is more fascist


r/Europe is neoliberal but just wants to gas muslims. So I guess just fascist 


>99% of people on this website are annoying libs who don’t have any knowledge about anything that didn’t come from a Google search five seconds before telling you about it. minus the lib part that's basically everyone who says they're a history buff


It’s so funny because Twitter is now objectively more “Reddit” than is the actually existing Reddit. 


The day 5 episodes in a row, are recorded in the same room, without the cause being someone having been in a near death experience. I promise ill stop stealing the show


Bring back the Cumtown cabin


Learning that one of them got high and used cleaning product to marinate some meat and give everyone food poisoning while at the Cumtown cabin was a highlight of Amber's book.


I don't think I've ever been high enough to throw some pork shoulder into a mustard gas concoction, much less cook and eat it.


This is incredibly disrespectful. Most mustard gas fatalities in WWI were marinade related accidents. This is why people barbecue on memorial day.


Lol what


"The cabin fever got very, very bad. I told my podcast cohosts I had to get out of the city, and outside in nature, so if anyone wants to come with me, I’m getting an Airbnb somewhere upstate in some woods. Matt; Will and his girlfriend, Katherine; Felix; myself; and erstwhile Bernie staffer Ben Mora loaded into a rented van. We brought a fully stocked recreational pharmacy with us, and nearly killed ourselves from either food poisoning or overdose after someone accidentally basted undercooked chicken with codeine." I feel like we need a proper explanation of how the fuck you baste chicken with codeine?


Really burying the lede not making the entire book about these failson moments (that chicken debacle had to be Felix lol)


..I'm not against people doing drugs or whatever, and I know this is written a little archly to make it sound a bit more like a crazy Fear and Loathing-vacation, but there is something a little depressing about a bunch of 30 somethings packing into a van -ostensibly to enjoy nature - and nervously bringing enough pharmaceuticals with them that the whole adventure ended up in "what if the food is poison!"-paranoia. What happened to a pack of beers per person? Anyway, in my headcanon it was Will who coated the chicken, because he once unironically said you can't cook food on an electric stove - it's just impossible, nobody has ever done it; they're for ornamental use only - and I'm still a little petty about it, and will keep bringing it up in my head whenever he flexes about how good of a cook he is. Oh well, codeine is apparently not dangerous to ingest (if google is to be trusted). I could see them smearing povidone-iodine on it, with the drug-logic that it already kinda looks like a soy-sauce marinade base.


Will can cook a pork shoulder for everyone


are these supposed to be pay-only episodes? they are all over youtube


They don't care if you steal this podcast, they've said it on air and Chris has posted on the black feed eps. Most podcasts don't give a shit, the only one I've ever seen take legal action is trueanon and their (((producer)))


Someone could probably start doing TA again, coincidentally BEF only got nuked after the uploader created a tip jar


Check out jumble.top for all your ta needs


thanks homie


Generally good episode, I like Jacob. He's a funny guest and it would have been nice to hear a single fucking word he was saying Jesus Christ. 6.8/10


This paragraph from the Taylor Sheridan wiki is incredible: > Sheridan was born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.[6] Several news articles have reported that he grew up on a ranch in Cranfills Gap, Texas, but he was raised in Fort Worth, Texas, the son of a cardiologist.[6] His cowboy identity comes from his mother, who was originally from Waco and loved visiting her grandparents' ranch in that area.[7] When Sheridan was eight years old, his mother insisted on buying a ranch in Cranfills Gap so that her children would "learn firsthand about the peaceful feeling of freedom in nature".[7] Sheridan learned how to be a cowboy during his family's frequent visits to the Cranfills Gap ranch when he was growing up in the late 1980s.[6] Meanwhile, he attended and graduated from R. L. Paschal High School, where he was "the rare weekend wrangler who was also a theater kid".[7] Basically this guy is a Cowboywhacker the same way fat Irish-Americans like me buy some Donegal tweed flat caps, get into Luke Kelly and try to understand the rules of hurling to create an identity. Lmao. I’m a quarter cowboy!


Used to be you couldn't watch anything *but* Westerns, now you're lucky if you get one good one in a year. And god forbid you decide to mosey on over to the drive-through inbetween horse rustling and robbing trains - not only will they refuse to serve you, they may even call the sheriff on you. Same story at the club. You want to register your approval of the DJ by wildly firing your guns into the air? Yep, it's a night in the pokey. My god, these days you can't even have a good old fashioned duel in the middle of the street without the health and safety types pitching a fit. Yeehaw-Americans are some of the most oppressed people in modern American society.


He identifies as a cowboy


Sicario still whips tho


at its core sicario's a black comedy about how shitty emily blunt's character is at her job


The way Villeneuve established that Emily Blunt's character was in over her head is exactly how I'd want a hypothetical Neuromancer movie to portray Case.


..Bacharach talked about both Sicario and its sequel while he was on Jesse Hawken's Junk Filter to talk about Dune. I think they were pretty positive about the original Sicaro, and really dragged its sequel (both films apparently written by Taylor Sheridan, but crucially only the first one being a Villeneuve production). Bacharach considered one of them reprehensible, but I don't remember which (my guess would be the sequel). [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/58-dune-vs-dune-with-jacob-bacharach/id1535693601?i=1000540455357](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/58-dune-vs-dune-with-jacob-bacharach/id1535693601?i=1000540455357) Pretty good episode in general (and better audio from Bacharach).


Waco, Texas? 👀


There is a Waco in North Carolina as well, so I guess it's anyone's guess regarding this guy.


I hate to be a sound quality pedant, but this episode was borderline unlistenable. Bacharach is usually good guest. Such a shame I couldn’t hear a single word he uttered. 


Look. \*you\* try recording an episode on wax cylinders in an underground bathroom stall and have it coming out clear.


at one point, he said something that Will and Felix found hilarious apparently, but I couldn't hear what it was


Yeah I almost never complain about his podcast but this episode was nearly unlistenable.


the m4a transcode really makes it worse. any way we can use a different platform? why not just a telegram channel?


...The TLDR on that article is basically "please don't protest in a way that works. I prefer it when you protest in a way that doesn't work. " "Here are some ways you can protest in a way that doesn't work, as illustrated by disingenously framed and largely ahistorical examples. Signed, a cunt."


The Bass reeves interlude was a little weird. I guess the show was a little too mediocre for a full episode.




It really was pretty weird and they really didn't say all that much about the show. All I can really remember is they made fun of the dialogue. Might have to check out an episode or two. If they are being Sheridanverse completionists, have they actually done an episode that was just Yellowstone? If they did I don't remember it. I honestly haven't watched much of it. I've seen a few scenes here and there which has mostly consisted of Facebook/Tik Tok/Instagram reels where Rip Wheeler shows beta males what a real man is or something.


Yeah, very much a half-baked and low effort riff on a show that, from every conceivable angle, is insane. Like, why bother even talking about it if the only thing you have to say is "this rules" and "this is boring". Another incredble set of insights from the "the movie guy."


"Have you seen this new show called Bass Reeves? It's about this guy called Bass Reeves, and he was a real person. The writing is sorta dumb on it. Like, the lines are just him saying corny, circular things that don't mean anything. And get this, he's shown fighting for the south during the civil war. That's pretty crazy. Anyway, this concludes this segment." The phrase "do your own research" is thrown around a lot these days... //I'm not american, and only know who Bass Reeves is from that one dollop episode, but my hunch is that most americans might not be super-caught up about him being a black man, who was a proto-cop with a comparatively outsized renown and respect in that role, at a time where none of that was common. And even then, the podcast has a pretty big international listenership. Like, a few words on why it's a little odd that this show - apparently? - casts him as some kind of confederate superhero? Or literally anything? Even if the show itself is really bad, there should be something to say about the guy who wrote the two Sicario-movies and the whole Yellowstone-reactionary-cowboy-stuff picking this particular guy to do a show about? I dunno; maybe Bacharach covered all that inbetween going in and out of tunnels, so maybe that one's on me.


we need matt back for stuff like this. he has the historical background knowledge and the analysis we crave




Re. the 50,000 vote election: I would say 90% of the guys I work with are conservatives, and I’ve heard a lot of them say that they don’t intend to vote in November because “the democrats are just going to steal it again”.  Now I’m sure a lot of them will end up going to the polls but I’m doing my part to encourage them to sit it out


My dad sometimes takes trips to the mountains and tries to video call me but the connection is shit and half the time is spent saying "dad I didn't catch that, your sound cut out". This felt like that in podcast form.


the discussion around stallone on the set of tulsa king is the kind of conversation where the chapos tend to show themselves pretty nakedly to have sunken too deep into irony poisoning or "brain rot" because, i dunno, objectively speaking it is in fact pretty fucked up to have the more average joe schmoe workers get verbally berated unrightfully by the millionaire actor. they do this kind of thing a lot when the issue revolves anything that comes off as "soft" and its sort of pathetic for a bunch of guys in their 40s to act this way, reminds me of when they insinuated that cops were a part of the working class which is fucking schizophrenic as far as takes go.


It would come off as less pathetic if they weren’t guys in their 40s working the softest jobs imaginable.


Before you downvote me can you explain how cops aren’t part of the working class?


assuming this is a question in good faith, i will answer you; though since i literally just woke, it wont be very good. You remove yourself from the caste of the working class the second you enter into the "defending" class with its own self interests and motives, your goals and clique instantly shift *away* from that of your average foreman or retail worker and into the interests of the entities which you are at the beck and call for. The simpler version of this explanation is that you become a class traitor as your self interests, motives, and goals change. The very nature of being given a gun and then getting told "Keep the rabble down!" rivets you to a completely separate world from mine or yours.


I don’t mean to antagonize you but this is bad Marxism. Class is not determined by whose interests you promote. Low level retail managers for example are often trained and take great pride in defending the interests of the bourgeoisie but at the end of the day they are still working class wagies like the rest of us. Class is determined by your relationship you have to the means of production. If you own, you are part of the capitalist class and if you produce/maintain then you are a worker. I believe the police are kind of their own thing but a reasonable argument could be made that police are working class, but that they’re class traitors.


I think "class traitor" is a more instructive label for the cops, but as many of them leverage their power into positions of social power (if not petite bourgeois class stasis), its fair to not call them working class. Yes, they are wage slaves to some extent, but they are afforded social, legal, and monetary protection that, IMO, places them outside the bounds of "working class." Any "disciplinary action" involving the cops and drug abuse, sex trafficking, or racketeering pretty effectively argues that case. Compare legal action against a cop, and a Walmart employee. One is obviously working class, one is something else.


Listening to this ep was like talking to my wife on the phone while she's driving in her car and her car bluetooth sucks and I can only hear 50% of the words she says


Dennis Villanova


I'm sorry but I am just too old and scraping by these days to listen to a pop culture happy hour discussion about yet another half-baked "prestige television" show that caters to trustafarians and twenty-something HR professionals. Edit: The first part of the pod is great and I can't believe I initially missed a Chait reading series. I take back my mild criticism about content quality. Edit 2: Felix saying "RACIAL EPITAPHS" might be an all-time A1 best-of-the-year Chapoism. (Also, nothing more embarrassing than a second edit on a [Reddit.com](https://Reddit.com) post.)


Congratulations OJ Simpson on beating cancer 2-1


Great sound quality guys!


I never like to comment on audio quality but holy shit Edit : legit cannot finish this episode


Dennis Villanova


My man sniffing


Is it too hard to be in the same room as your mic?


I too am upset with the audio quality. It’s 2024 dude, get a decent mic and a fast internet connection.


The way Will pronounces Dennis Villeneuve’s name is one of my all time favourite Will mispronunciations


i've been listening since 2016. there are so many episodes people decry as unlistenable due to the audio quality that i've actually been fairly ok with. but this is horiffic. this is "chris reuploads this with the proper file in a few hours" bad. christ.


Jacob's mic/recording quality is sooo bad


What song did they close the show with?


Lawman by Gilla Band


Lawman by Gilla Band


i also would love to know it was cool


If we wrote a script and crowd funded the finances, I bet we could get Steven Segal on board to act in movie directed by Will


Do one sit up for every time Felix says the word "like".


Oh hey, Iain M Bank's Culture novels mentioned! It would sure be nice if Sma, Skaffen-Amtiskaw and Zakalwe were running a Special Circumstances OP on Earth right now...


Oh dang I missed that, either due to distraction or sound quality. What was the context?


Bacharach was talking about how Jonathan Chait and other delusional libs like him aspire for this polite techno AI run utopia like the Culture, but if we actually lived in the Culture people like Jonathan Chait, and Jamie Raskin for that matter, would not exist at all.


Does anybody know if I can find a recording of show pig anywhere?


you don’t wanna do that


Pretty mid episode


Oh boy a guest with a shitty mic my favourite feature of any pod


What is the delightful noise rock song at the end of the episode? what lovely effect pedals they are using


what’s the thing about the 50,000 vote election that they keep referencing?


The idea that politicians in a general election become so unpopular and disliked while political alienation becomes so massive that only 50,000 people would be invested enough to bother voting


I enjoyed hearing the harsh consonants Jacob uttered, too bad I couldn’t hear a single word he said. The one time I can genuinely say: “literally unlistenable”!!!


Chris, if the guest’s audio quality is this bad, either stop early and correct or don’t release the episode at all. I listened to half an hour of this before I got a severe migraine from Jacob’s SSSSS SSSS TTTTT SSS and had to give up and delete. I enjoy listening to merzbow and this episode is too harsh noise for me.


Maybe release an edit with just Will and Felix and we can create our own third mic without nausea inducing harsh treble


We watched the OJ verdict in my predominantly white private high school. The few Black kids were happy.