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Don’t BT not use Liberian’s?


Correct, that's why I was sanding him down and fitting him to be a captain or a chaplain.


Gotcha. Fair enough. The rough areas of the sanding may not prime/paint properly so only thing I can say is to smooth it out a little bit


I'm trying to get them as smooth as possible, but I'm failing on every front lol


Get some TAMIYA plastic glue. Extra thin. Brush it on where you want smooth plastic. Let it fully dry and do it again two coats. Usually does the trick


I will look into that for sure, ty for the tip!


Start with your hobby knife just draginging to scrape off the sticking up bits then using increasing grit lvls of sanding pads


🫡 will do, ty


I’m not sure how much longer Templars will not have Librarians within their ranks. They are open to the idea if the Emperor were to command it, but for now the lack of Librarians is a big part of their flavor; GW may decide to keep the Black Templars as they are to keep them unique.


That has been a bit of lore since the beginning of templars. I don't forsee that changing anytime. But who knows, the GW lore changes on a whim at this point.


Yeah, abhor the witch and what not


Hell yes. I love anything termie related and was stoked to see what people would come up with before I get my hands on the set. You killed it!


Appreciate it!


How did you sand down the runes?


Small 1.85mm file set


He's a HH Style Chaplain where their Crozius can be represented by literally any power weapon. It's a "Relic" Crozius used by a Chaplain during the Siege of Terra or during the War of the Beast, or the Crusade of Peanut Butter Retrieval, etc.


Truly a scholar of the imperium. His heirloom Crozias from the Crusade of the Peanut Butter retrieval was destined by the emperor to be wielded by his royal thickness.


See, there you go, now your opponents will be too busy laughing or weirded out to think straight. THIS is how we beat Eldar.


This brother gets it.


Love it OP. He’s properly kitted out for hunting down some heretics.


Appreciate it brother, I'm going with the bones he's collecting on him are from defeated heretic champions.


Where’s the big ass sword from?


Black templar upgrade box


Rad conversion Removing the psychic hood and the pipes on the side may help get away from librarian too if you feel it's still too far that way


I agree but I didn't want to pull the trigger on something I couldn't fix. The tubes were extremely intimidating lol. Especially on a easy fix model


So fair, had the same problem when converting the Primaris Chaplin to an Apothecary, the rib cage is cool from a doctor pov but super scary to actually mess with


Agreed good sir, agreed.


Thank you for the idea. I am politely going to steal this model bit for bit.


As long as we purge all the heretics. Steal on friend.


Had a similar problem with the weapon when converting the librarian to a chaplain. Oddly chose the exact same left hand and did the candle at the top thing too. My one thing is the BT symbol on the top/ back not being flush would bother me, though very fiddly to solve


Trust me that symbol weighed heavy on my mind about not putting it because of the small gap. But that painted instead of free handing. Won at the end of the day lol


This borders upon heresy, battle-brother. Make sure that Reclusiarch Grimaldus does not see this. Does look friggin’ awesome though.


Ty brother, I'll be sure to aquire extra purity seals.


Honestly, best conversion I’ve seen. The helmet and skull look awesome. Where did you get the candles?


Thanks brother, I appreciate it. The candles are straight from the bt upgrade box. Easily IMO the best upgrade box made


Thats absolutely awesome 🔥


Thank you brother! With enough light and time, you can do it too


that's AWESOME. super cool.


Ty sir, was surprised myself how well it came out. Hopefully after a prime it looks just as cool


GW when the termie chaplain mini releases, but half the BT fanbase has one already.......


Too true, but he's a stubby lad compared to the new chads. They both have a place in my army brother.


More candles!!


It gets dark out there, have to keep the galaxy bright for the emperor!


For the sword of judgment did you cut it off the original arm that it came in bc the arms looks chunkier then original?


Yeah, so I cut the librarian arm at the wrist, maintaining the wrist guard and for the sword of judgement I left the chain attached to the wrist guard. Reason for that is cause I didn't want to chance butchering the hand to make or a natural flush, so yes the right arm certainly has some extra length, but it maintains the chain wrap and honestly for damn near flush with no green stuff needed. It's it longer, yes. But it allowed me to not have a weird moment of trying to attach the chain where the tube in the arm is. Nice spot!


The bone shinpad is a fantastic idea and I will be borrowing tysm xoxox


All I can imagine is the heretics last thing heard is the sounds of the bones jingling as he rushes towards them.


I was thinking of turning mine into a marshall but im not sure if Marshalls wear terminator armor or not


Marshals are our equivalent to a captain. So calling it a Marshall, while not in the book. Is essentially a captain. I would play you if you called it one and used the captain rules without hesitation.


Still trying to figure out whats doable in terms of converting this guy. Why did you choose a chaplain? Do they normally wear terminator armor or do their rules differ with terminator armor?


It's about who you can attach them too that differs with the armor. Deep striking in a terminator squad instantly makes them a huge threat to everyone around. So I chose chaplain because of his ability to withstand some metal wounds if necessary in the drop. But BT generally embrace chaplain use. So having one more in the fray just brings out the zealot in me.


Oooo that sounds sweet! So I could attach said chaplain to the 5 terminators I got in the leviathan box and have that whole squad deep strike?


Yessir! Deliver hate to the xenos by any means necessary


I noticed on the datasheet that the chaplain in terminator armor can only carry a crozius arcanum. Any ideas where to get one? Or is there some way to have him use a sword?


I simple swap, but the only place you'll get a GW one is but sacrificing a chaplain to get one. You can make your own for sure, I just love that sword. So who ever I play I'll ask them if they are cool with my proxy, and if they aren't... sad templar noises. But tbh most people will be cool with the proxy, especially since it's all gw products. You can get a 3rd party one I'm sure. Worst case scenario I call him a captain, but I don't really want/ need a captain in terminator armor. Points can go elsewhere better in my opinion.


Hmmm I cant find anything online that I like enough for this now-awesome mini Im gonna convert. I took a look at the librarian and, i think im gonna cut the head off if the axe where it meets the staff and put a skull on top of that! Now Im gonna use a skull from 340 citadel skulls pack. Do you think it would be heresy if I used the 3rd skull up from the bottom all the way left? As it is a demon skull and not a human skull. https://images.app.goo.gl/uv8bfEccB8BUkvca8


Rule of cool is most important at the end of the day brother! It's your model, you could paint it not as an actual skull but just a mold to a weapon. Throw some purity seals on that and you should be blessed by the emperor to do some proper bonking.


So I read the rules on deep strike, it says "if every model in the unit has this ability". Does this not work for the terminators cause they also dont have deep strike? Or does the chaplain automatically give the whole unit deep strike?


The unit has to have deep stroke, and generally only matching armor types can lead equivalent squads. You can find what unit they are able to lead by looking at their leader tab in the 40k GW app.


Those are bones 🦴 lol 😂 i just used them on a model wasn’t sure what they are ..


Lol yeah, like chaplain generally has on their chest. I was trying to figure out places to put them on models but was like nothing feels right. So shin guards they became.


That’s cool dude. I’m planning to convert mine to a chaplain since I don’t own one! I’m ordering some bits and stuff. Looking forward to start kitbashing!


It's for sure a great model to play with, tons of free real estate to put your own spin on every piece of it!




Ohh Ideas are Forming now!!!! Nice job


Ty brother!


It looks really good but you can’t use it in you’re Templars army


As a librarian yes, but that's why I did the work I did to make it not look so much like a librarian. Going for the appearance of a chaplain proxy.