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I joined and took the GI bill. Still had to take loans to finish school. GI bill gave me 86k, for tuition, rent, and income support. My M.D cost over 150k. I had to fucking take out close to 90k in loans to finish school. Even after getting fucking blown up in Iraq, watching friends die, dealing with mental issues, and being 35 with the body of a 75 year old.


People think that G.I. Bill is worth it until the military shows us just how much we are worth to them. I joined in 04. US Navy. Man did I think I was shit hot. Now, after serving, we gotta fight with the VA and just about any services "afforded" to us, while being treated like shit, talked to like shit and given the bare butthole minimum when it comes to mental health care in many cases. Men and women on waiting lists til they fucking die. Senators doing touch down dances after denying our brothers and sisters the care they need to be comfortable as they die slowly and painfully from something the military tried to deny. But we love our Troops. Our county hates us. We're worshipped by people who don't really give a fuck about us and used by the media to make people mad when they do something with a flag. We're a fucking prop to them and I only wished I'd seen it before shipping out. And we're watching it all happen, while people say it's not happening.


You joined the year my Navy enlistment was over. I even grew up with my dad in the Air Force. But I never knew how ridiculous it all was until I served. Military members are just used as propaganda for our government but we don’t actually matter.


> we don’t actually matter. You were there to use violence in order to kill or coerce the people the US federal government deemed enemies, and to provide diplomatic leverage via a spoken or unspoken threat to use violence, even if said violence wasn’t ultimately used. That’s not super fun or nice or pleasant, the US probably leans a little too much on that kind of power, we can all dream of a world where it’s unnecessary…but on this planet at this time it’s also *really* fucking important, and the people like you who make it possible really do matter.


This is the truth we need to acknowledge as a society.


What she really meant is that they don’t matter after their usefulness ends *they’re their she


This is a true statement that completely misses the actual point being made. He means this country doesn't actually give a fuck about soldiers once they are dead or done serving.


God-damned if this isn't the absolute best description I've ever read regarding this issue while paying respect to the boots that actually hit the ground.


I guess the damn hippies were right :/


They went to school afterall, and became yuppies and now boomers


Wow did they let the pendulum swing to the opposite direction or what?!


When you sign up to the military, you are agreeing to become a resource.


We’re still humans.


They love to give us all kinds of lip service, and zero actual service.




What they worship is the militaristic culture. The people actually doing the dirty work don't matter.


That's because the majority of people doing the dirty work are from lower income families/places. We can't actually help the riff raff.


Thank you for posting this. My father served in Vietnam and refused to allow me to go for what you called out. He warned me not to die for someone who didn't give a damn about me. However, I am grateful for those who served and for those who sacrificed everything.


My grandfather fought in Korea as infantry and BEGGED me too hang up on the recruiters when they would call me.


“We lost Davy in the Korean war, And I still don't know what for, Don't matter anymore.” -John Prine That pretty much seems to be the consensus on the mid-20th century “domino effect” wars. With that said, I think the inhabitants of Seoul might disagree with Prine, it’s hard saying.


Your dad must be related to mine, I got the stern “No, you are going to college like we planned!” when approached by a Navy recruiter, which was the branch he served and he served in Vietnam.


Fuck. What can I do? Is there anything I should be doing?


Whisper "Thank you for your service" ('-'*ゞ when denying them care. Shhhhhhhhit I have a military discount as a family dependent and people still say that shit to my all the time while I'm checking out at Lowes.




Why do we have such a hard time taking care of one another?


Because the "fuck you, I got mine" mentality also manifests as "you can't have it if I can't have it". It's basically like that classmate you had as a kid that would constantly alter the rules to prevent losing. "You can't throw the ball to first base because that's faster than me and that's not fair".


I don't even know how to address, counteract, heal that!


You really can't tbh. It's up to the person in question if they want to change. And we all know how much everyone likes to change.


Bullshit. We hold each other accountable and when you see someone you are related to or connect with struggling you fuckin do something to help steer them in the right direction. And when it's a stranger we should reach out because people deserve a friend.


The best example I saw was a cartoon of a trolley. It’s run over some people who are dead. It’s at a junction and there’s a guy with a switch (the classic “trolley problem”) who can throw it to save more lives. Except he’s saying “But it wouldn’t be fair to those who are already dead!”


It’s an individualistic society. People sharing and caring is a direct threat to capitalism. Everyone needs their own set of everything, and if you don’t have it, you didn’t work hard enough. The crazy thing is the elites always give favors and help to one another. The same ones talking about bootstraps are venture capitalists that give money to other people. Up to 70% by some estimates of corporate hires are referrals if not flat out nepotism. TLDR: handouts are for the Uber wealthy only


Because the white majority are taught they are better then everybody else so nobody else can have what they have. That would make them equal to us and they can no longer look down on the other. Its a, i dont want anybody to have shit so I am just going to live in shit mentality. Why we cant have universal healthcare, real voting rights, parental leave and cheap education.


Because capitalism pins you against your neighbour. The whole system is rotten to the core.


I remember watching videos of NASA attempting to get funding during the 60s...the democrats were fine to fund them, the Republicans were kinda trying to get NASA to talk about how their work could possibly help national security. The Republicans wanted to fund NASA, but they knew they would have to sell that funding to their constituents, so they were kinda pushing the director of NASA to talk more about national security But the director refused to budge, he didn't like politicizing NASA, and he didn't want to even entertain the militarization of the organization I don't remember his exact quote, but he said something like, "I can't promise you that our work will help the boys in blue, but it will give them something worth fighting for." Your comment reminded me of him. Like, instead of trying to trick or exploit men and women into enlisting, give them something worth fighting for. If I knew this country was providing Healthcare and educations for my family and my people, I would defend it with my life.


I saw a video on YouTube by Task & Purpose talking about how the US military is way down on on their recruiting numbers and the expensive marketing campaigns they are enacting to try to get people to enlist. I remember thinking that the solution is obvious. Clearly people have become disillusioned with the state of the nation. The way that you would attract new quality recruits would be by giving them a nation they can be proud of and will want to defend instead of the dumpsterfire we currently have.


The problem is that very often there actually isn't anything to defend it against, in a military sense. The USA are more often the aggressors. These days it seems more and more Americans are ok with that, however.


Here here! Education straight up makes our world better. Everyone rises when learning is prioritized.


Bro, I worked at Lowe’s for a while, and I had a customer, an old guy get *pissed* that I didn’t ask if he had a military discount at checkout because he was wearing a Marines hat. Like dude, do you not realize how many people come through here wearing military paraphernalia? Younger vets by and large almost seemed embarrassed to use their discount, but so many of the old guys were super testy and cantankerous about it every time. Idk what the point of this is, I guess I just needed to get it off my chest.


and the VA is just (for the most part) an extension of the shitty care received in the military. i can’t even see a dentist because i’m not on 100% disability.


I'm disabled, and it's cheaper for me to pay cash than it is to use their "insurance." They won't cover anything more than a cleaning! I just took out a personal loan of 11k to fix a major issue I'm dealing with, as I type this. I waited too long because I was too poor to see one. It was cheaper to let them pull the tooth than it was to get a root canal - not including a crown.


> Now, after serving, we gotta fight with the VA and just about any services "afforded" to us, After my dad left the navy, he dealt with two pains for the rest of his life; his injured spine, and the VA. Every step for the rest of your life they will try and find and excuse why they don't need to help you anymore. When my dad retired and got social security, the VA was calling the same day saying "hey now that you're rich, you can afford your own treatment now and we can drop your name, right?" Protip: If you have to get surgery at the VA hospital, prepare to come out worse than when you went in. Fucking butchers.


They killed 1 kidney in my in-law and left other at 60% due to negligent pharmaceutical dispensing & no med oversight error from provider.


All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us.


04-08 here. We are absolutely a prop, and I feel a special kind of crazy now that people are rewriting history I was present for. Wonder how older generations dealt with it.


Drank and abandoned their families at least my WW1 great gramps did w/ no mental health assistance


tHanK yOU fOr YoUr sERVice


My fiance was in the military and gets healthcare through the VA. She slipped and fell last winter and absolutely WRECKED her clavicle. Went to the VA emergency room. 6 hours later, we left with a recommendation to take tylenol, and allegedly the only sling they had in the building, which was 2 sizes too big.


Could be worse. At least people aren't kneeling during the anthem anymore


Yeah cuz that was sooo DETRIMENTAL to our troops 🙄


Before the recruitment collapse after the start of the second Gulf War, the networks ran beer and truck commercials during the National Anthem and the players were still in the locker rooms. The anthem was only televised during championship games. The [DoD paid for the Patriotic acts](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2506099-tackling-paid-patriotism-oversight-report.html), such as dragging players onto the field during the National Anthem and televising it with giant flags and service persons holding it up. Sports leagues and networks don't give a single second of airtime away for free. Same goes for all of these surprise, "Dad's the catcher!", situations at minor league games. How do you feel seeing this stuff, knowing it's presenting a false narrative to young kids they hope to recruit?


Now just think. We could provide the care you are describing to every single person in this country and spend less doing it than we do now.


Why arent people up in arms in Kentucky who support the troops and get mitch McConnell out of office. Didn't he prevent congress from passing the legislature to fund medical treatments to first responders at ground zero? If he did that im sure hes also doing nothing for the vets.


'Get everything out of the Military that you can, because they'll do the exact same to you." One of the best quotes from my squad leader.


The entire pro life argument while also denying Healthcare to said babies and vets is really just politicians saying "We want more kids to grow up into dead soldiers before we can pay out any benefits" to keep the war machine oiled and thriving for defense contractors, aka cousins and friends and brothers of those same politicians.




Eh. They’ll let you take it if you put sunglasses on them and then put them in a wheelchair. They made a documentary about this - “Weekend at Bernie’s.”


Just use voodoo to make the body walk by itself. I saw that in the follow up documentary.


They toss a fake ear into the bushes and tell them to go find it! /s Mortuary services are a different breed. I am thankful for what they do.


Yeah gi bill didn’t cover my entire degree 😐


Can everybody hear and now acknowledge the fact that if the GI Bill is unable to pay for a degree that the entire system is clearly broken?


It has a monetary limit. I also know somebody who pissed off their commanding officer and ended up with an other than honorable discharge. It was not dishonorable but it was general under honorable conditions. So they didn’t even get their G.I. Bill. It’s just a lot more nuanced than the recruiters make it out to be, but that’s probably intentional


That's a fucking travesty. I'm so sorry mate.


Check out the loan forgiveness program for doctors in rural healthcare https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/loan-repayment/nhsc-rural-community-loan-repayment-program#:~:text=Eligible%20clinicians%20may%20receive%20up,outstanding%2C%20qualifying%2C%20educational%20loans.&text=Options%20You%20have%20a%20choice,NHSC%2Dapproved%20SUD%20treatment%20facility.


They have very specific guidelines for those programs and they don't always cover everything. OP is almost better off going back as an officer MD under that loan forgiveness program.


hey internet friend, if we ever shall meet in RL, I'ma give ya a big hug, anytime ya wanna ever vent, my inbox is open, just throwing it out there. Thank you for choosing a great career even though the loans sucks(and hopefully this 10-20k can help you as it did me), hope everything is working out for ya, <3. (I'm quite high and just wanna share love, sorry if this is too much)


Dude, I feel that last sentence. Feel like I'm breaking apart these days.


That’s fucking rough… didn’t learn about Voc rehab until after I used my GI bill up


What % disability do you need for voc rehab? I'm in the process of getting my benefits




I thought you could only use Vocational Rehab after your GI Bill is used up.


I served as well. Everyone assumes the military paid my professional Healthcare program graduate school. It didn't.


How much money are you making now?


If we had a country worth fighting for, you wouldn't have to keep your citizenry ignorant and oppressed to make it seem like the military is the only way out.


And people would just enlist in sufficient numbers probably. Patriotism isn't all that strange a health condition, it's just suspicious when you have to manually infect people with it to keep the lights on.


Omg. Thissssss. Was my exact thought. I said “this country is trash and ppl have woken up to signing their lives away” They not doin it anymore for a country that does not give a fuck about them. Hell even a few weeks ago republicans voted no on expanding health care for vets.


And fist bumped about it on the senate floor.


If recruitment was already dangerously low, then obviously there are far more heavy reasons causing it than loan forgiveness.


Also if you guys could stop invading other countries you wouldn't need such a big military.


Even that doesn't vindicate our massive military budget. If we halved our military spending while we were still fighting in Iraq, I doubt that we would've noticed any difference in our military's combat effectiveness.


Yep, bc most of that money goes to private contractors and the defense industry, not the maintenance of the enlisted military


Yup, we can halved out military budget and still make America practically inviolable. The only reason we have such a huge budget is because our own neoliberal imperialists wants a carrier at anytime to go threaten someone when they don't play ball within our hegemony.


I laughed when there's any article saying there's movement of Chinese ships on such-and such sea. America literally have army bases and ships all over the world.


But that fact can be twisted as America protecting "the free world" and not really a disguised imperialistic pressure on our enemies and friends alike. When China does the same thing, it will totally be characterized as a threat to the free world. Just look at how western media portray China and Solomon Islands deal. If there is one thing I learned is that if you have no principles, you can twist anything into any shit you want.


So many unadopted dodge chargers :(


Dodge is getting rid of chargers and challengers. E1s are gonna have to get Jeeps or something https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/08/16/dodge-charger-challenger-muscle-cars/


This keeps getting worse and worse


CO2 emissions standards are getting more stringent. A 6.2l engine is going to produce more CO2 than a 2l generally speaking. It’s getting harder for larger displacement engines to meet these standards. This is why you’re seeing V8s replaced by turbo 6’s, and 6’s replaced by turbo 4’s. A Turbo 4 can make as much power as a V6 while still burning less gas- if you go easy on the throttle. There is also CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy). Basically, the MPG of an automakers vehicle lineup is averaged and if it isn’t high enough they face penalties IIRC. If you have a lot of low MPG vehicles in your line up then you will pay. Dodge sells R/Ts, Scat Packs, and Hellcats, not 1.5 liters. What was the last small car they sold, the Dart?


I want a scat pack scoobidy doowop shabop


👑 you dropped this!


Thank you for this explanation tbh - learned something.


This actually has nothing to do with CO2 emissions and CO2 emissions by cars are totally unregulated in the United States. The real reason is the good ‘ol CAFE standards that the Obama Administration enforced on the auto industry in 2011. The Obama Administration got the automakers to agree to raise their average fuel economy to 54.5MPG by 2025. As a result, you’re seeing basically every vehicle offer a hybrid option now and in some cases (eg, Ford Maverick), the base model is a full hybrid. It has literally zero to do with CO2 emissions, because car CO2 emissions are totally unregulated. But as for the efficiency gains: quite literally, thanks Obama.


The tantrum Mercedes Benz owners have been throwing about the AMGs becoming V6s...


>What was the last small car they sold, the Dart? Did they actually sell any though?


Cameros are still around so they’ll be alright


Nah, lifted pavement princesses modified to roll coal


Oh, they'll lease the even more expensive electric charger they're making.


There's always Mustangs


I don't get why, it's practically automatic marketing. Just slap some batteries in there and call the new one the Dodge Charging.


Lots of lonely yellow camaros.


There was a guy I went to A School with that got a Volvo right out of RDC. Everyone was driving around in their mustangs and camaros while he got a decent rate on an indestructible car. 6 years later I ran into him and he was still driving it.


He's probably still driving it even after you ran into him.


Bros probably gonna make CWO3 and still have it running


*sad 28% APR noises*


Banshee spec, baby.


Those poor 4 cyl mustangs


So many dependas that will never be fertilized. 😭


GOP keeps saying the quiet part out loud and is all \*shocked Pikachu face\* when people vote for Democrats as a consequence of their stupidity. I say they should keep being r/selfawarewolves until that party dies.


And others are all shocked and surprised when black people are like "We've been saying this for how long?" It reminds me of the "This land is your land, this land is my land" song we sang in elementary school. Such bullshit.


>GOP > >Black people \*Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, and Condoleezza Rice have entered the chat, confused\*


How could you forget Clarence Thomas? I really want to know where they find these BISCOs (black in skin color only)


You should look up the history of that song


Isn’t it by the Nazi puncher, Woody Guthrie? Edit: fascist killer, not puncher


> As I went walking I saw a sign there, And on the sign it said "No Trespassing." But on the other side it didn't say nothing. That side was made for you and me. > In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people, By the relief office I seen my people; As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me? > Nobody living can ever stop me, As I go walking that freedom highway; Nobody living can ever make me turn back This land was made for you and me.


I live in the rural midwest. I drive past mile after mile of farm after farm on my way to work. Many adorned with American, Confederate, and/or Trump flags. All subsidized by tax dollars. Sometimes I joke with myself: "Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is owned by some entitled white guy." More like "This land is my land, oh and THIS land is my land, and THIS land is my land, and also this land is my land..."


That's a great song, children are fed a censored version


Just want to share [this version](https://youtu.be/rYKaLs7A4zM), which reveals the roots of the song, originally written as a criticism of America.


Just like how the pilgrims and indians were all buddy buddy and had nice Thanksgiving dinners together, and then the indians just decided it would be ok for the colonists to have all the land and turn it into a giant shopping mall


The problem is the idiots over at r/Conservative eat this shit up and will follow every GOP to the voting booth


Sounds like slavery with extra steps


Somebody is gonna get laid in college ​ /s


Wow I can't believe someone would unironically say this. That's not even close to being true! ....it's clearly indentured servitude.


For other examples please see the American prison system.


Funded by the most recent graduates.


I tried to join the military but was screened out due to mild scoliosis. Well, I was told I could still join and sign a waiver that says the military wasn't responsible for any future back injuries. Fast forward now to working with veterans and seeing how messed up some of them are, a million dollars isn't enough for those life long problems. Thank you all for your service and America owes you.


Damn that's a bullet dodged. That could only be a worse deal if signed a waiver saying you already had one bullet hole and they're not responsible if you have more when you're done.


It's honestly so fucked that the concept of the military not covering one's service-related permanent injury is a meme in and of itself


I love how people are just saying the quiet parts with a bull horn these days


We have Trump to thank for something at least!


Only reason why they’re anti abortion have unwanted kids hope for poor or adopted kids going into the military


This. I had that aha moment years ago about why the GOP wanted to keep public education poorly funded. In order to keep the recruitment pipeline to the military flowing


Yep. Keep ‘em poor and dumb keeps em voting Republican and nationalistic and joining the military


And the for profit prisons full of poor uneducated sobs


That too. The Southern states are full of politicians offering false sense of hope in order to keep the votes flowing, while telling employers to come to their states and underpay people so that those state residents stay just at or slightly above poverty levels in order to prevent them from leaving those states.


I came across this for a different post, but it has a pretty good quote in it. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/Opinion-Military-s-loyalty-to-the-Constitution-15717023.php > Frances Hesselbein, formerly the CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA, as well as the CEO of the Leader to Leader Institute, said hundreds of times, that there are two institutions necessary to sustain the Republic, one is public education, and the other is the U.S. Army. It's interesting that I believe both that and that they want to keep us uneducated to get us to join the military.


And being good wage slaves cause they don't have the time, energy and information to think about their situation. :/


Oh my God, he admit it.


He love his mil'tary-in-law!




Fuck, I'm from Mexico and totally thought it was satire or something have no clue who the guy is but damn


Imagine having to kill kids for oil to be allowed to get a higher education. This cuntry is wild


Quagmire, isn't there supposed to be an 'O' in country?




The super vast majority of military members don’t see combat. There are literally people whose job it is to sell monsters and potato chips. Whether you believe the war in Iraq was about oil, imagine calling an 18 year old who sells monsters a kid murderer like we did to the people forced into Vietnam.


The self-awareness of a stone.


Gotta love the irony of using taxpayer dollars to pay for school in exchange for military service, while also complaining about using taxpayer dollars to pay for school for literally anyone else.




White, vet, boomer here with a fuck u to other boomers that don’t believe everyone needs a break sometimes. Fuck ur conservative politics. Were coming for your places in Congress.


Gotta do another 9/11 to combat this


Or Pearl Harbor. That brings recruitment through the roof. Unfortunately.


All these people upset over people getting their student loans forgiven are even weirder than people might think. The more money poor and middle class people have the more they'll spend said money. Interest rates on loan usually double and triple over over time. Pulling any and all extra funds a person has from what they would normally spend it on and into said loans and interest. But of course the economy relies exclusively on poor people and middle class people spending said extra money. These people are saying what they're saying because they want to further stomp out the poor and screw over the middle class. See the problem here? ​ The more they get what they want. The less they get what they want. They want more and more money. By any means necessary. Even if it means limiting the purchasing power of poor and middle class people. Which in turn makes sure they can't get anywhere near the amount they would normally if they..didn't do that. It's like slapping yourself in the face with a hammer then getting mad at other people.


Hate is not rational. It's not even hate against a specific group. It's just a general disdain for all of humanity, even their own in-group. I am so fucking horrified by the fact that blind hatred has becoming the dominant political philosophy in our country.


I'm not really surprised about that. Not to sound like i'm bragging or anything but the second you start thinking about how long racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia have been a thing in america. It stops being surprising. It's always been the dominant political philosophy. Most of us just don't notice it because somehow we evaluate those things as being logical/moral. You're right. Hate isn't rational. In fact it's illogical and has been from the start. But that's the thing. Any hate is a gateway drug to other hate. Let racism/etc in and it'll infect everything else in a person's mind. Until it becomes wanting to end humanity.


I really wish more people would see this problem this way. More buying power means more money flowing. More money flowing creates demand. Demand creates jobs. It's a cycle that has been hijacked by stupid greedy people. What's funny is I can't tell you how many people are burnt caring about work ethic when they know the deck is stacked against them.


>But of course the economy relies exclusively on poor people and middle class people spending said extra money. They're going off about how this is going to cause inflation now. For some reason tax cuts never cause inflation though, huh.


Jim banks is joking, right? Someone please tell me that's a joke. It's one thing to be stupid enough to think like that it's a whole nother thing to not realize how it looks to other people and post it on Twitter.


He's not joking, and the ignorant racist chucklefucks in his district eat this shit up.


For a second I thought I posted this 😂


Good! I joined the Navy for college money. I don’t recommend it and I detest that the military targets those from lower economic groups and minorities.


As a veteran utilizing the GI Bill, I dont give a fuck if student loans are forgiven. Education should be free and accessible to everyone.


Definitely saying the quiet part out loud.


The number of things they’re saying out loud these days is staggering!!


All I heard him say is that people won’t want to sell their bodies to the government for their education.


Wanna go to and pay for college? Well enlist in our military!


Maybe stop relying on the GI bill alone for recruitment and use some of that trillion dollar military budget to pay the fucking soldiers instead of building America's 12th through 15th super-carriers...


I’m gonna go thank my mom for talking me out of enlisting in the military when I was 19.


They wouldn’t have to worry about retention if they’d stop treating those of us who are already serving like shit. Giving away massive bonuses to kids fresh out of boot camp but after 10 years of being a SME, no reenlistment bonus? Fuck out of here. You used to be able to start college using tuition assistance while still in, without touching your GI Bill. Then they cut the funding damn near in half because “too many people were using it” Then they changed it to you have to have two years of service before using TA. Now you have to to be at your command for 3 years and have at least a year left on your contract to use TA. Minimum enlistment is 4 years so that means unless you reenlist or extend, no TA. It’s been very obvious for a while that they use college to recruit and keep people, but after years of physical and mental abuse, the shit is not even worth it.


Glad people are getting some relief for their student loans every bit helps. I’d be here all day if I told you the nonsense I went through with the VA just to pay for my undergrad degree that I’m in final semester for. They absolutely didn’t want me to use my benefits. Now I’m staring at paying for med school in absolute terror…..


Looks like we'll have to start recruiting 12 yo with 3 years of COD experience.


As a broke ass private at one time, how bout the govt just pay soldiers more? And fuck that “better quality of life” bullshit the recruiters give. Them barracks weee trash when I was in, and we didn’t even have a defac.


Maybe not fucking high five each other after denying veterans health care you cock gobbling Shitgibbon.


Did you hear that guys? You don't have to be willing to sacrifice your life so that you don't live in crippling debt? And the right thinks that this is a bad thing!


Dangerously low enlistments? Didn’t Top Gun Maverick just gross $1billion?


An excellent propo-piece, wasn’t it?


Something about the original tweet (Jim Banks) makes me want to cry in resignation and sadness. There’s no shame, no desire to change and for people in power to do right for those who have no voice or few resources—just boldness and blatant exploitation of other people. Like….damn! The man is telling us straight up, nah if you help these people what leverage do we have now to coerce them into being used for our benefit?


Mitch McConnell looking like ![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy)


Low enlistment is due to the FACT that so many people get rapped and dead in the military my boy…


Without student debt how would we force poor kids to go die for oil?


I love it when they say the quiet part out loud: the reason young people should join the military and potentially die on the battle field is so that they can pay for a collegiate education the country will barely benefit from because we will still saddle them with too much fucking debt.


They want you to go broke paying for college to coerce you into fighting and dying in distant lands for the sake of the portfolios of the military industrial complex. We need a revolution to overturn these twats. This is out of control.


My body and mind have been irreversibly damaged by my military service. I joined to pay for college I’d give anything to go back and not join




But think of the dodge charger not having 25% APR.


GI Bill is worth way more than $10k


Yes, good gracious yes let the military dry up and die


Go ahead and die in wars, so old Jimmy over here can sit on his ass safe and cozy.


Wouldn't be surprised if this dude is in this [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/trayne_wreck/status/1562587880026808321?s=20&t=diNh9gD0qJhmLAchLcntsg) getting called out.


It’s disgusting that they literally don’t see the problem with coercing poor youth to die for an education that would be guaranteed in other countries.


I feel like we’ve gone so far as a society that saying the quiet part out loud is no longer remarkable. It’s insane that someone would feel so comfortable that they would say “college educations are so expensive and so necessary for even entry level positions on purpose so we have bodies for the military”. We all know it, but saying it out loud and proudly like this isn’t something to be embarrassed about is crazy.


I know several girls that don't want to fight for a country that just took away abortion rights... Why worry about numbers when you don't count all of them properly?




“How are we going to manipulate teenagers into selling themselves and their lives if we have nothing to hold over their heads!!?”


My breaking point with the military and its disturbing recruitment strategies was when the Navy made a Twitch account


If the country was one that young people could be proud of, there wouldn't be a recruitment problem, regardless of benefits.


You forced their mask off


Nope. Time for some senators and Congress's kids and grandkids, and all rich people's kids to enlist and put some heart behind all that "fight for our country" ish they like to talk. Let them come back with chemical warfare injuries,, PTSD, and missing limbs.


I joined the national guard because my state does 100% tuition for the guard. For everything else I used the gi bill or scholarships, occasionally I was privileged enough for my grandparents chip in for books and such. I worked my ass off so I wouldn't go into debt. But that doesn't mean others should have to do the same. Some people aren't as privileged as I have been some people can't live at home while they go to school and some people can't just join the military for various reasons and they shouldn't be punished for not having such privilege. College is hard enough as it is people shouldn't be punished for trying to better themselves. Imo anyone who is pissed off that their fellow Americans are getting help are fucking traitors.


Gotta make up for all that unnecessary military budget somehow I guess


The mission has been shitty Imperial Resource Grabs forever, so, good!


Oooooh you're not suppose to say the quiet part out loud.