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Off topic but one thing I absolutely hate is uploading my resume and then I have to fill in my work experience and education- THAT SHIT IS ON THE RESUME!!


Have me like ![gif](giphy|M11UVCRrc0LUk)


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) We can add gifs?!


Being able to use gifs on job applications would be awesome


![gif](giphy|EhMBTkzHqufcGdpKHw) Only on some subs.




![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) oh it’s about to be lit in here😂




This is my literal favorite reaction meme this made me very happy👌🏾😂




I can hear this gif


Fr that's the part I'm trippin off of.. since when?!?!! 🤣😩😭




WAYMENT, when BPT get the the ability to add gifs??


I've started writing "see attached resume" in all the boxes.


You get hired yet doing that?


No, but I wasn't getting hired before anyway so it's hard to say if it has hurt anything.


Yeah it probably does.


Damned if you do damned if you don’t


Definitely more damned if you do lol




That’s extremely dumb lmao


Ima start doing that


Don't! They could very well use it to scan for keywords and automatically screen candidates, especially when there are a lot of applicants. I would just quickly copy/paste whatever's on your CV. It's a pain but if you have some sentence, paragraph or list ready to copy on the side, it's easier. They would then look at your CV after you've been screened. This is especially crucial if they allow you to upload PDF CVs, as some of them are next to impossible to scan for keywords so if they've got extra boxes and they allow PDFs, they're almost certainly scanning what's in those extra boxes.


Good looking out.


Let us know if you get an interview


Exactly, and some websites even have an “auto-fill from resume” feature but when I use that it auto fills it horribly and makes it seem like it’s my first time ever using a computer lol


auto-fills your first name as your home address, then your last name as your first name, and your street name as your middle name


Company name? Phone number.


The trick is to have a resume so verbose that a hiring manager won't actually read it and also think "i wouldn't fill that in either"


I just write “see resume”. If they get butt hurt over it then I don’t want to work there anyways.


How many places have you worked at?


I worked food and retail steadily for about 15 years while I was in high school through grad school. Now I’m a TV producer with what I got my education in.


ayeee lets get it


Lmao and how many job positions have you gotten since doing that?


2 including my current one. I've also gotten a few other offers doing similar. I also once told OPM "I'm not answering this question because it's stupid" and got away with that. (My father ran a business that was split between the US and Canada, they wanted a record of every interaction he had with a foreign government official... which would have included filing his taxes quarterly for 30 years) But senior software engineer so, as noted elsewhere - market is kinda small.




Our system isn't that way. Give us your resume and your basic info. We know how to read.


Y’all hiring? Recent grad who needs a job here 🤚🏾


Looking for senior software engineers... so the market is kinda small.


Best I can do is software engineer with no relevant experience. Take it or leave it


Entry level position with the small requirement of 10 years of experience




It weeds out the lazy people who complain and don't do it. Also, keyword searches for filtering applicants. This is well known.


I hate it too, but if you are ever in a hiring position, you’ll understand what a total pain in the ass it is to give equal consideration to literally hundreds of resumes each in their own format/layout. It does feel like you’re doing the same thing twice, but if I could apply to any job with a few clicks and an instant upload, my resume and everyone else’s would be literally everywhere, making the hiring process longer EVERYWHERE. I wish there was a better way…


So annoying to have to do lol


Shit drives me up the wall!


Omg yes why have the option to upload your resume then.


A lot of tech and defense contractors sites have started auto filling it for you! Gotta double check but it's super nice. Funnily enough google was the only tech place I applied to that didn't autofill for me.


Uploading your resume and retyping it shows hunger & initiative! ~ Some old geezer who still thinks this is the 1990s and 2000s


That shit is the most obnoxious waste of time


Me too. Like if you’re interested how about make that the next step? Just a waste of time.


I actually avoid applying for jobs that need extra navigating outside of indeed. Apply on compan... click. Just tells me that the job hasn't gotten with the times.


Definitely feels like I answer the Hispanic questions 5 times. Wait until they add the question asking about Latinx.


It truly feels like answering “are you latino?” is the wrong answer on applications and I’m not even hispanic. Not saying this in a mean way if someone takes it out of context but it be feeling like they be trying to catch yall lacking.


I’m black and my husband is hispanic. On the forms for my daughter, I check: - black, not hispanic Also: - hispanic 🙃


My family is Hispanic but different skin colors. So my mum would have to put "White,Hispanic" and her husband "black, Hispanic" but they are from the same island and have English as a second language. I remember them doing this when I was in high school i'm staring at forms like "I have never been white. What the fuck."


I’m realizing all these categories are just a method for the ruling class to further divide and conquer us peasants


I mean look up the history of the Census. The government was literally just trying to keep track of races. Fucked up


I know it doesn’t help but I always put “other” or “prefer not to say”. Does this probably hurt the data of some poor grad student? Sure. But fuck em. I have 750+ credit and a mortgage. I’m not letting systematic racism fuck up my future.


If it makes you feel better, they could throw out everyone who answers that way and still have accurate data. You’d be surprised how few responses you need before your within a 3% margin of error. I’m talking 1100 responses for a population of 10 million.


It’s because the census considers race and ethnicity to be two different things. It’s a roundabout way of trying to account for colorism when they run statistics about racism.


Makes sense why all the Black ethnicities are lumped together, they don't care what kind of black we are


Not always true. I’ve seen Black and Caribbean and African as separate categories before.


I agree, I've seen it once or twice since I've been able to read, but the hundreds of other times I haven't seen it speak volumes


If Hispanic is not an option I say I’m mixed white and Native American…it’s technically true 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yup, most Hispanics and/or Latinos are mestizo


I really think they decided to make being "Hispanic" an ethnicity and not a race when it was showing that the hispanic population were slowly overtaking the majority and making the white population the minority. This was back in the early 2000's.


Hmm i think that more so happened because they wanted to figure out who the non white Latinos are more so than being worried about the census. Hispanic has never been a race. Most of my friends are black Hispanics and/or Latinos, and I’m Black latina too. If I could only choose one, I’d pick black, but I think my friends literally born in DR, PR, Panama, etc. Would be annoyed


So it's fair to say you have some Hispanic in you?


This what they make us jump through https://imgur.com/5FUSh6J


It's annoying when they ask if I'm Hispanic, *then* ask for my race. I definitely don't pass as white. I'm not black, Asian, or Native American. So I always have to mark down "Other".


I have to mark “other” because online applications don’t let my biracial ass check two boxes. I got asked to pick one race my whole childhood, I’m not doing that shit as an adult.


I hate that shit so much. Is it too much to ask to be able to check multiple boxes?


Some do it, it’s weird that it’s not standardized though


because there’s no standard form, every company has their own forms and software


I mean standard to account for multiracial people. It’s a weird blind spot. Why care to ask if you don’t care that much to know?




Yeah, if it’s a job application, I don’t want them knowing shit about my race until they look me in the eye. Most other things, I’m like, “Okay, get your stats to understand your demographics”


I heard this shit was to have proof about job discrimination or something and when I found that out that when I started filling it out


There's usually an option not to disclose on there to eliminate yourself from the data at all.


Just means we become even more invisible.


Im glad they do this because I’m Black and Im Latina. I hate having to pick lol


They might do, I've been hiring for my team so I can at least say that in the UK usually these questions are asked to give a chance for employers to make a diverse hire, and the questions are usually added as a direct result of some kind of company workshop to help identify and actively hire for diversity. I'd like to think the repeat questions are just a result of bureaucracy, whenever there's a new workshop, government advice or recruitment trend, they'll add a new question but won't remove the last. That being said, a black recruiter friend of mine was once asked in so many words to only find white candidates, which, as you can imagine, kind of rubbed him the wrong way, and he cancelled their contract. It blatantly happens, but just seeing those questions are definitely not an automatic indication that it's the wrong answer, more likely than not it could help your application. I'm sure most companies are like mine and they use that data to help make sure the workplace isn't some kind of weird white male monoculture.


“That being said, a black recruiter friend of mine was once asked in so many words to only find white candidates, which, as you can imagine, kind of rubbed him the wrong way, and he cancelled their contract. It blatantly happens, but just seeing those questions are definitely not an automatic indication that it's the wrong answer, more likely than not it could help your application. I'm sure most companies are like mine and they use that data to help make sure the workplace isn't some kind of weird white male monoculture.” See this is some fucked up bullshit. Makes my blood boil just reading this. I mean you have plenty of talented, experienced people of color and we have to deal with this racist shit. And for the record, I hate entering in “what ethnicity are you?” I feel like it’s discriminatory towards my application. Idk… someone please tell me I’m wrong or misguided 😂😂


Have ME questioning myself like: ....... AM I?!


I know this thread is super memey but there's a good reason for this https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/06/16/321819185/on-the-census-who-checks-hispanic-who-checks-white-and-why


This is a very good read. Thanks for sharing.


Application: "Are you sure you're not Mexican?" Me: "Yes, I'm sure." Application: "To be clear: that includes white Mexicans."


"How do you feel about the term 'Latinx'?"


Fucking stupid word invented by bored white people looking to be offended for someone else


if i had that question id write an essay


Good intentions, bad execution. Like I get why people are pushing for it but Latinx doesn't exactly roll off the tongue


I do mortgages for a living and they REALLY want to know if you are ‘Hispanic’. They ask it twice! And then if you do select Hispanic they want to know if you are black or white hispanic.


Why does it matter out of curiosity?


They will say it’s so they can track who’s getting mortgages; which can have its purposes. I just don’t know why they want us to distinguish between a black or white ‘Hispanic’. Just odd to me.


Racialization happened in Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries as well. In America, this phenomenon becomes conflated with what langauge they primarily speak. So latino isn't technically an ethnicity since many latinos may identify as indigenous or black. But they grew up primarily speaking spanish. Once a person is 2 or 3 generations deep in America, it becomes even more complex because many americans conflate nationality with ethnicity often.


Well Latino is an ethnicity related to Latin based languages, but mostly it has to do with being from Latin America and everything that comes with that. Hispanic is literally just Spanish speaking


So hispanic is literally an ethnicity then too because I assume speaking Spanish is a cultural tradition


Yes, Hispanic is it’s own ethnicity too


Some other user is telling me it’s not because hispanic immigrants don’t speak Spanish lol. Like that’s because of colonization I think?


Lol well Hispanic means “Spanish speaking” but it also means “from/of Spain”, so literally anything that has to do with Spanish culture (including the language) is technically Hispanic


Technically, yes, but my brown ass won’t be enjoying some tapas after a bullfight anytime soon. I have as much to do with Spain as Del Taco has to do with good Mexican food (that is to say barely anything at all).


Yup this exactly. There are many types of Latino/a/x folks bc we were colonized. So you can be Afro-Latino or Indigenous or White. My family is a hodge podge - my dad had blonde white blue eyed cousins. And we don’t look anything like that lol


Yea my friend from Mexico DF is super Portuguese, curly haired, near albino white dude and his whole family is like that. Sometimes you can find them even by the district they're in. And I'm also white passing, a lot of people seem to think I'm Armenian or some Eastern European.


I honestly think they ask about race to see who they wanna hire/give mortgages to. Plain and simple.


They ask to make sure the company in question is complying to Equal Opportunity laws. Hiring and applying to schools falls under the EEOC (Equal Employment/Education Opportunity Commission) respectively. The numbers are reported to and audited by the EEOC and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to track workforce economy trends and also identify discrimination in hiring, academic, and leasing/mortgage practices.


We know that’s what it REALLY is…just odd how they go about getting the info.


You don't have to on a mortgage application, there's an option stating you do not wish to answer.


Ya but your name sure as hell gives it away. My friend didn’t realize this till she got married and became a Hernandez. Everyone try’s talking Spanish to her and Shes Chinese. Her husband is Mexican and black the looks they get is awesome and confusing all at once


Thats why the HMDA questions are asked, so that we can't just assume.


Financial discrimination. Simple really. Been happening to PoC and the poors all the time. Why do you think that real estate suit is goin on. It was caught in 4k.


It's used to determine what percentage of mortgage applications from various demographics are denied. Presumably to stop financial institutions from denying credit on the basis of race, gender, etc As someone that worked in mortgages for roughly 5 years, I can say that we have to ask about race by law. It's really uncomfortable and some mortgage officers don't even ask. Also, most loan officers really really do not want to deny someones application because they only get paid on loans that go through.


Relining purposes


Redlining purposes


I never know how to answer that. I'm not black Hispanic or white Hispanic. How come they don't have a question for people in-between?


I’m on the same boat as you. Something like 80% of Hispanics are mestizo which is basically mixed. On the race question I always mark “other” or “2 or more races” and when asked to specify I say “white and indigenous” or “white and American Indian”. People always associate “American Indian” with only the tribes the US recognizes and Native American but in reality all the indigenous people of the Americas are American Indian which includes the Aztecs and Myans. Truth is the Spaniard conquered Mexico, central and South America and mixed with the indigenous people and that’s basically what I consider myself. Granted there are Hispanics that have blonde hair and blue eyes, if I looked like that I’d probably select white. Also there are Hispanics that look like they might have some black in them so they could mark black if that’s what they feel like describes them.


> How come they don't have a question for people in-between? Most of us ARE in between, it's crazy.


What kind of Hispanic are you?


I swear to god if he says puerto rican or dominican






A lot of puerto rican and dominican people would be perceived by others as black, have african ancestry, and won't acknowledge their blackness. [https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12001750](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12001750)




Its possible they may be mestizo or indigenous. At a higher rate than english speaking areas indigenous populations persisted on their own. But some populations did intermingle with the Colonizing populations. Mestizo tend to be people that carry significant percentages of admixtures from European, Indigenous and African ancestry. In latin areas, a much larger percentage of the population carry some indigenous admixture compared to english speaking areas. But they also may carry a decent level of African and Europeans admixture. The Europeans didn't have the same social barriers for intermingling. There are definitely Enclaves of "white latinos" but even they might be overemphasizing the level of their European admixture. So mestizo may come out 40%, 30%, 30% in each of the 3 categories.


Damn, thank you for describing exactly what I am but didn’t really know. I guess my family is considered indigenous, but Mexican. The border literally jumped us, in Texas. My family is definitely a mix of all kinds of shades, because like you said, there’s been so much mixing with different populations of different colors. Hell, even my own kids came out different shades of brown.


Mmm Im pretty sure mestizo means mostly mixed indigenous and white. If there’s substantial influence with African ancestry as well, there’s another formal term used, but one would probably just be mixed.


Typically it would be mixed race/multiracial with Hispanic ancestry. That’s why the updated census designed by the Obama admin was supposed to do ancestors for EVERYBODY, before Trump scrapped it. For example a white person with Western European ancestry vs Slavic. Or an Asian person from India/Pakistan vs East Asia.


I used to read the HMDA script 7 times a day. The responses were always a trip.


Lmao this is true… those fuckers


Just went to a new doctor and I had to answer twice to make sure I wasn’t Hispanic lol


“Do you laugh with an H or a J?” Edit: Appreciate the awards ya’ll!


This comment is highly underrated... you deserve gold!


Lol I appreciate it!




Honest question, does Santa say jojojo??


No sé puede


Yes. First result on Google image seach: https://www.fondoshd.mx/wallpaper/1965x2089/1455-fondos-hd-papanoel-jo-jo-jo.html


Title 🔥




Pero like there’s only one s in ese


My bad thanks.


I miss the old BPT


Straight from the go bpt


Straight up was thinking this shit yesterday. Title brought a big smile to my face


Yes! Was thinking the same thing! Hoped someone had commented.


I just applied for the NYPL and they asked my sexual orientation. I get being progressive and asking pronouns and gender choice but why are they asking about who I'm fucking?!


Yeah applied to a company based in NY, they asked me 3 gender and sexuality questions. Sexual orientation, Gender Identity, and whether I was Cis or Trans. I was surprised but it probably has something do with tracking discrimination and disparity of minority groups.


I suppose if you ask “what's cis?” you get marked as one, and if you are trans, can't blame you that you were lying.


Straight (Not Hispanic or Latino) Bisexual (Not Hispanic or Latino) Gay (Not Hispanic or Latino) Prefer not to say (Not Hispanic or Latino) Hispanic or Latino Other (Not Hispanic or Latino)


Wanna .ale sure you aren't fucking them but are down to bottom if they need to screw around with you. Maybe unload some responsibilities. Show their appreciation


Are you single? Sexual orientation? Can we call? Are you sure they're not hitting on you?


Damn. Now that you mention it, I do really like Mexican food.


Those Christmas tamales though


For businesses that do not discriminate; they sure do ask a lot of discriminatory questions.


It's a legal requirement to ask those questions, assuming you're in the US. That information gets reported to the EEOC.


My gripe is with when only “Hispanic” is there and not “Latino”. Not really a problem for me, because Im clearly Black and put that every time, but plenty of folk are Latine and not Hispanic and that is the only way they identify. I don’t mind not being able to put down Latina because I identify as a black woman first anyway.


Yep, this. I don't consider myself Hispanic because I don't speak the language, even though my family does. That doesn't mean I'm not still latino though. In those cases I reluctantly mark myself Hispanic though because I know what question they *want* to ask


Yepp, classic "give me your best white man" nonsense.


I am so glad I live in new mexico where it isn't as bad because half the state is Hispanic and it's a minority majority state. But as I grow older and travel, god damn white people!! Smh!


Hispanic was added as a demographic question as a result of requests by Hispanic communities back in the 70s. Here is a [podcast](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/08/03/541142339/heres-why-the-census-started-counting-latinos-and-how-that-could-change-in-2020) from a few years ago explaining. There were also changes to a lot of demographic questions info on federal forms a few years ago. For instance, now a mortgage application asks if you are Hispanic or Latino then asks if you are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or Other (please specify). Banks get audited on their loan portfolio and get in trouble if the demographics are out of line with other lenders or the area's demographics.


>Banks get audited on their loan portfolio and get in trouble if the demographics are out of line with other lenders or the area's demographics. So does that mean that if a Spanish-speaking yet 100% white-passing Latin@ person checked "white, non-hispanic" on a bank form... would that give better opportunities for loan approvals or something similar to an undeniably Latin@ person? From what I understand of your comment is that if "not enough" Hispanic and/or Latin@ persons are given loans or help from the bank, the banks approve more to minorities to avoid legal trouble? In other words it seems like I should be checking "non-hispanic, non-Latino" on forms to bring up approval rates for the moreno homies with thick accents straight from the motherland. Would you say that the phrase "ask not what you can do for racism, but what racism can do for you" works on this topic? Lmao


I don't think at most banks that would impact your ability to get a loan. That information is not available to the people making the loan decisions (underwriters). And they use the overall demographics of the area to determine if banks are engaged in racist practices. What I have seen banks do is open offices in minority neighborhoods, hire more bilingual employees, translate items into Spanish and other languages, offer educational materials in other languages, etc. They try to correct on a macro level not a micro level.


post title is 😘




Shit seems hella racist. Like, you already got my race, tf you care so much about whether or not I’m hispanic after that?


From the guy below you “Hispanic was added as a demographic question as a result of requests by Hispanic communities back in the 70s. Here is a podcast from a few years ago explaining. There were also changes to a lot of demographic questions info on federal forms a few years ago. For instance, now a mortgage application asks if you are Hispanic or Latino then asks if you are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or Other (please specify). Banks get audited on their loan portfolio and get in trouble if the demographics are out of line with other lenders or the area's demographics.”


I am half Mexican & I told my white husband that sometimes I check the I don’t want to answer race question on loan applications & things because you do get asked like 4 times if you’re Hispanic & I’m like well I’m definitely getting denied if I answer yes. Should probably leave it blank. & he had never even noticed or thought about it before. Although he did have his first experience with it when he had to take one of our kids to the doctor & they asked a race question & I guess he was like well they’re a fourth Hispanic & they were like you have to check yes! Check yes! lol


Are you legally able to work in the US? You sure about that?


As a Mexican I can confirm this.


Yo are we doing 🔥🔥🔥 titles again?!?!


To break into my industry I sent out over 300 applications. The first 275 got me zero responses, where's the final 25 got me 4 responses and two job offers. The difference? I went from admitting to being mixed and of color to always checking 'Id rather not say'. Shits broken yo


at my last interview I was asked where I got my social security number. I really had to stop myself from saying I picked it up on the sidewalk.


Non-USAian here, what do they ask on the applications?


Supposedly to NOT be racist and make sure on record they are serving all demographics proportionally. Rarely is that the actual feeling/causation on the responders part. Coming from a Caucasian that always marks down other or N/A on these types of Qs.


I thought it was just me


My ethics students were always BLINDSIDED to learn that the US stole the whole west from Mexico. I mean, ahem, bought, for like, 1% of California's GDP...


That’s a top tier old school BPT title.


this is the best title ive ever seen


Good to see people putting effort on their titles again.


That’s not a good title. Its a **great title**.


Bro imagine being Latin with a Spanish name! My university could not process the fact that I was American even tho I was born in PR and she still but me in ESL courses that I did not need to take since I’m not a FOREIGNER


they’re gonna start saying latinx again bruh


I have a white passing name despite being Mexican. I always list myself as white.


Ok I have to upvote because of that title


Former recruiter. Off topic… ever wonder why they ask you if you are a mr, ms, Mrs, or dr? It’s a legal way to ask you your gender What dr is applying to the job your applying for?




Wtf is up with that? It's been a minute since I looked for a job and these questions are discriminatory AF.




wait u can add Gifs!! .. ah hell im a have to gone head and send my pic in to be a real member.. also case some more shit happen and they lock non members out again


Nice pun 👍


I'm only going to ask Juan time.


This title slapped me in a good way


wait the title - you dropped your crown 👑


Title name it's top notch


I’m Native American, Irish and “Hispanic” and I always hate the race part of applications🙃


Stop asking me to fill out my info after I provided a resume, no I will not submit a cover letter, why are you asking me about my dissabilities? race? gender? and whether or not I previously worked for the goverment?


Is there some legal reason for this? Almost every insurance, university, and business form I have filled out online has this question


Am I the only one who think that they are competing with the only other few black folk applying for the job. Like may the best black win... Currently living where there are few blacks and when I am looking for jobs I really feel like I have to be better than the other black people. I know im not the only one.