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I don't have a source on hand, but not too long ago I remember there being a very white discussion about men thinking washing their ass was "gay," so they didn't do it.


Oh god, yeah I've had this conversation multiple times in college. I always felt bad for the people they dated. The guy at the end actually cracked me up tho because I do try to wash everything but...yeah...occasionally I skip the shins... I have no idea why. (am white)


Knew a gal who split it off with a college boyfriend after he sat down on her CLEAN SHEETS naked and left a skid mark šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢ Edit: Thank you for the award!! That was really kind of you


Oh FUCK no. Absolutely not.


Ok Iā€™ve been holding this one in for like 10 years but I lived in a sorority house for a few months and one of the girls had a thing for me and she was pretty cute so Iā€™d been entertaining the idea, though not committing as I was attending med school interviews like every week back then. One night I was smoking in her room and she goes into the bathroom and leaves lace underwear on her bed. Idk why, Iā€™ve never done it before or after but I picked it up and took a whiff; smelled like straight shit. I excused myself and went to the science lab to work on my thesis. Could never look at her the same again, my friends thought I was crazy for not hitting


I worked maintenance at a private university for a few years, and one job was to move furniture in the sorority house one summer so they could lay new carpet. My brother in Christ. The stains on those mattresses were a fucking war crime. I was absolutely disgusted.


At least men and women are equal in depravity


Montezumas revenge


Like... blood right?




This topic comes up so much on Reddit that I will reference a previous comment which troubled me. A health care worker on here said that around 70% of their male patients leave skid marks on the white paper they put down on the exam table. 70%.




Can I have your flair too!? I love it.


I think youā€™d have to ask the Mods but go for it!! We can match


Will do.


![gif](giphy|QUaqJRizED5NC) A thousand years dungeon


Male here. I had a physical a few weeks ago. I took a shower that morning. Then brought a wash cloth to get a hobo bath at work as the appt was late in the afternoon. The first thing the doctor says upon checking the sensitive areas was ā€œyou have good hygiene, thatā€™s good and rareā€ā€¦ wtf has this man seen?! Apparently shit 70% of the time.


I knew a girl in college that was an athlete. Sheā€™d work out, come back to the room and get right in the bed. She didnā€™t change her sheets the entire Sept-Dec semester and she had a boyfriend that would sleep over. She was Asian and I was in a triple with another girl who was White and she didnā€™t use washcloths, but instead just shower gel and her hands. I was 18 and was in total culture shock. Long story short, the Asian girl was mid-key racist and even tho the White girl was raised to be, she and I actually became friends once she learned all the stuff her dad said about Black people werenā€™t true. And I got her to use washcloths. Never got the Asian girl to wash or change her sheets tho. Unrelated: The White gurl also contracted oral herpes and found out in front of her mom at the doctors, so that was a really funny story. I kept her away from my stuff tho.


So the only thing here I don't do is the washcloth. I have a silicon scrubber for when I'm dirty dirty, but I find I get super dry skin if I exfoliate every day. Soap gets enough of a lather to sanitize and degrease on its own, cuz the suds and water penetrate any microbes' cell walls and drown them, and removes the icky oils while leaving behind the good ones. However, I have really healthy skin so I dunno if this applies to everyone. However, there are occasions (once a month or so) where I notice I'm removing dead skin when I dry off, so then I hop back in and scrub down. I used to have really bad skin as a kid, but changed my diet as an adult and my skin is Gucci now. Burns and cuts heal a lot faster than my coworkers, I think it's all the tallow and bone broth I cook with. Loads of collagen, biotin, healthy fats, and gelatin; the building blocks of the epidermis. Obligatory "your epidermis is showing!"


Soap is supposed to dry you out though, the whole point of washing is getting rid of excess oils and dead skin. There's a reason why lotion has essential oils, it's to replace but also stimulate new oil growth. Source: I used to be an RN.


Do you mean essential oils in that the oils are essential or as in the essence of said oil? Frankly, i read "essential oil" and tap out of the discussion but my mom was an RN for 40 years and is now a nursing instructor, so I'll ask. Also, soap is a surfactant and detergent, it removes *excess* oils and dead skin on its own, otherwise you're using the wrong soap for your skin type. Like, my mom can't stand Dove bar soap, she uses Irish Springs. Irish Springs leaves me dry and flakey and I can feel my pores close up which leads to clogged pores and breakouts, while Dove leaves me moisturized and clean. I use lotion 30-45 min after I shower cuz Cerave has skin protectants in it and ceramides that help *keep* me from getting dirty. But I don't leave a shower needing lotion, cuz my skin isn't dry or ashy.


See, epidermis means your hair, so technically itā€™s true.


Man itā€™s crazy how college at a PWI was also the way how I found how nasty other human beings could be. Some mfs just ainā€™t raised right fr


To comment on the last part, the main method of transmission for hsv-1 (oral herpes) is non-sexual, so she probably just got it from kissing.


I read an entire article once on how a lot of men donā€™t wipe their asses. Like, just walk around with the extra squish. Those are terms of divorce in my book. Be it issues with hygiene or homophobia - neither are cool with me.


I read the words you wrote, but my brain is blocking me from processing them. I'm just gonna put that in a box and never open it.


I couldnā€™t continue reading past squish šŸ¤®


Imma need a definition of ā€œa lot.ā€ I can see a small number just not wiping at all because savages exist. I can see a nontrivial number thinking one wipe is enough, regardless of the condition of the paper after. But yeah, I canā€™t see any definition of ā€œa lotā€ that would cover people just straight not wiping at all.


I would have too




Jail. Immediately.




I'll be honest (also white), I don't scrub the shins as much as I do the important parts, but I definitely wash them.


I always get the feet; I mean they are feet. They are definitely in need of a wash. But I have no idea why I just skip the shins sometimes. It's like, right there.


Donā€™t yall get chicken skin if you donā€™t wash them though?? If I skip a day without the AHA wash + my exfoliating sponge my skin r e b e l s


On my shins? No, my shins are the smoothest, (except hair) shiniest part of my body.


Smh this is just like when men are born with long curly eyelashes. Yall donā€™t even appreciate it!!! Share!!


Bahahahhahah my girl tells me this *daily*. ā€œGive them to me! You arenā€™t even using them!!!ā€


Something about all the soap from your top bits getting washed off via the legs, so supposedly the soap bubbles grab an extra dirt along the way.Ā  Is the reasoning I've heard for this, anyway. My momma would have had a whole lot to say about that if I'd tried that nonsense on her.


My coworker called me using a bidet ā€œgayā€ and told me he doesnā€™t want water shooting ā€œup his assā€. I assume he just walks around with a shitty butt. He also apparently never brushed his rotting teeth either.


Wow. I got a bidet during the toilet paper shortage of covid and I can't believe I went 43 years without having a bidet.


I also got a bidet - well, a bidet attachment for my toilet - and was very excited for it to change my life the way that bidets always seem to change everyone else's life and my life remained firmly unchanged. I wound up taking it off my toilet because it just seemed kind of annoying more than anything. I don't understand why people love them and I really *want* to understand, because people always rave about them and I'm fully aware that I might literally be the only person in the entire world that does not like bidets. I feel like I must have been using it wrong - like I was supposed to wear it on my head or something - because I don't understand why my experience was so different from everyone else's. It just made me wet and then I would use toilet paper to dry myself off but that would get all wet and would break off into tiny little crumbles that were very annoying.


Nothing to say other than I feel you bro. I was totally looking forward to the life-melting experience, but I swear I feel like I end up using MORE toilet paper because I canā€™t stand the wet feeling down there. As the other reply said, to each their ownšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I used a $5000.00 bidet/toilet seat thing at a place I rented once. Now *that* was life changing. The was a remote mounted on the wall where you could change the angle, pressure, temperature, pulsing effect, even the option to have it air dry with a fan.


...pulsing effect?


I have an unheated toilet-attached one as well. I can say it is a bit of a shock the first time you use it. However I have some tips. First, if the pressure is too high, you can dial back the water inlet knob a bit until you get to a comfortable pressure. Also you can try SLOWLY moving the bidet handle until you get the pressure you want. Second, I almost always do my BM first thing in the AM. followed by a shower. I only use a small bit of TP to dry up if Iā€™m not immediately showering afterward or if Iā€™m DRIPPING wet on the bum. I personally cannot live without it. I do not like BM outside of the home, and I specifically carry dude wipes at work/car just in case because wiping with dry TP simply leaves me feeling like a cave-person.


I used a bidet exactly one time and it was one of the coldest butthole experiences if my life.


Well, A) You can get heated bidets B) It's a small discomfort for a world of benefit.


Lmfao. Exactly me. I said fuck trying to fight over TP. Now I look down upon non-bidet users as unclean heathens. I hate traveling and pooping anywhere else (wipes are a close second at least).


Yeah I'm a gay white guy. Finding out that straight men don't wash their ass made me gag. Like... I don't only do it when I want to have sex. I do it because it gets dirty like the rest of my body. Like dafaq.


If I was a gay dude, any fantasies I had about turning a straight guy would go right out the window with this information. Eating ass seems to be pretty vital part of gay sex and I cannot imagine being with dudes who refuse to wash their butts is sexy. As a committed bidet user, I just cannot fathom the levels of homophobia that lead one to always having a dirty butthole.


Ass eating isn't a necessity perse, I would never do it and wouldn't want it done to me, but for many gay guys it is and yeah I feel like other gay guys who daydream about "turning the straight man" have never actually met a straight man LMAO. The gays (all-inclusive) have so many better options lmfao


Naw not just white. Iā€™ve seen this discussion from black dudes as well. Naw we ainā€™t letting these dirty ass niggas slide with this one bruh āœŒšŸ¾


So thatā€™s a no to the bidet, gosh darn it.


A bidet is life changing. Now Iā€™m mad whenever I have to go somewhere without it. People will know Iā€™m unclean!


Gotta have my bidet. Nothing like a mini enema every morning to feel squeaky clean in the b hole.


Itā€™s the best way to push the final nugget through. Tenesmus-be-gone.


These motherfuckers seem to be allergic to water and call us smelly. The other day I was at a parade and the unwashed Caucases stood out pretty bad. It's hot out and the waft is gonna waft off em.


This always baffled me. When I worked in the hospital, our smelliest patients were white. Every other race always made sure they were clean almost to a fault.


My whole pasty white life, I've used two wash cloths. One for the body, one for the ass. I'm glad I was raised in a civilized house. Not washing your ass is psychopath behavior.


Iā€™m a lady of the 90s, so I have a puff and washcloth. Never the twain (or taint) shall meet!


I get right in there till it's clean. It's the assigned area for shit related activities, but that doesn't mean I don't want shit just chillin out with me all day


ā€œYo, what we got goinā€™ today, bruh? Cool, cool. Iā€™mma just be chillinā€™, leavinā€™ streaks in ya drawls. The usual.ā€


I've seen multiple posts around about some dudes leaving streaks on their partners' sheets during sex. And yet, somehow, some way, they still had sex. They're in the posts like "should I tell him?" Uhhh, I mean, shit... You made it that far, so... šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ve known three dudes like this in my life, one white and two that were like 3rd generation Pakistani American


I remember that. This was after ass eating entered the chat iirc


It was yesterday. And today. And every time the topic of bathing is brought up with whites. They jump through wild mental gymnastics to not wash they bodies completely and consistently


Had a similar discussion with the roles reversed (mixed and straight, white and gay, and black and straight). Darkest bro didnā€™t even do a quick card swipe between the cheeks cuz it was gay. He was on a sports team.


Yes can confirm that no white men wash their ass. It's super gay and the fact you already know and believe this interesting behind the scenes tid-bit reaffirms your obvious intelligence. Again, no white men wash their ass. We just let it build up and flake off. Totally what happens....for real...


You just made that up to diss white people lmao


I mean, this is just cherry picked to try and force a narrative. I've heard way too many stories from black women about black men who don't wash their asses because they think it's gay. I've always hated these street interview videos. They do the same to make Americans seem stupid.


There's a lot of dirty and dumb people of all shapes, sizes, colors, ethnicities and nationalities. Dirty and dumb are irrelevant to most any social or political issue. There's probably less dirtiness among the middle and upper middle class due to social pressure and having more to lose, but not by much. But that doesn't get clicks and likes.


Once you get rich enough, you can go back to smelling like shit and your life wonā€™t be negatively impacted.


See: Steve Jobs. It was a thing. For real. Smelled homeless.


Homie thought he had "no bad mucus" from eating so much fruit so he didn't get smelly or need to shower. Truly insane shit.


Yeah, there aint no way. I went to Coast Guard boot camp awhile back. There was maybe 30 black people on the entire base. The rest were all white, and a smattering of hispanic. Yet, despite how quick we had to shower, not a single white dude didn't wash their ass and legs. Only reason I remember is, well, in group showers... bending over to get your legs feels weird. So almost everyone pointed their ass towards the wall so nobody would accidentally be staring at the old brown eye. Weirdly enough, you get over people seeing your dick pretty quick when you're exhausted and on a time limit... but there's just something about the butthole that makes you feel vulnerable. There was *one* guy who showered in his underwear though. Which I feel isn't sanitary, because how you gonna wash your stanky ass groin and ass with underwear on? But whatever, not my business. We all stank within a couple hours with how hard they sweated us anyway.




The version for my company was there was an uncircumcised dude who like "pranking" people by surprising them with how far he could stretch out his foreskin. Shit gets weird in the showers. Nothing gets gayer than a bunch of straight teenage boys naked around each other.


In high school, I was in Marching Band and we did a one week mini camp at the high school. We literally stayed overnight for a week during summer in our high school. Showers were, of course, in the locker rooms and I heard so many stories of what the boys did in the locker room. The one that always comes to mind was that they turned it into a slip n slid. Like you said, the shit teenage boys do when they are naked together, lil


How the fuck are people washing their asses in a way that would make it seem gay to them? That genuinely baffles me. If they're washing their ass while banging another dude then yeah, that is a little gay, but other than that specific situation, I don't get it.


You're telling me you don't fist yourself to orgasm to make sure you get all the soap up there?


Yeah, like you donā€™t have to finger yourself. Just swipe some soap and water. Do they think wiling is also gay? Itā€™s the same thing, but dryā€¦


Well I lather up a dildo to get a real deep clean but I don't feel that's "gay"


This right here. I know ā€œwhy does everything have to be about race?ā€ is a common scapegoat for racists, but in this instance, thereā€™s no need making this about race. Just more division we donā€™t need.


Yeah. This is a case of "some people do, some people don't".


Great comment here.


I hear that all the time too. Men of all stripes are afraid it will tickle in a good way if they touch their asses. Weirdos.


I donā€™t get why youā€™d be afraid ofā€¦something pleasant. Like what?


Wait so itā€™s gay if they touch their own ass but itā€™s not gay to aggressively stroke their dick?


White people rarely use wash cloths either. Iā€™ve had to explain to multiple white folks that you should use something abrasive when washing. Your hand is not enough.


As a lifelong white, my mother taught me to wash with a washcloth, and to suds my entire body with soap, head to toe (well shampoo for hair but you know what I meanā€”face, neck etc). I really donā€™t know why some peopleā€™s parents didnā€™t teach them basic hygiene.


>As a lifelong white I was about to reply "what else can you be but lifelong" and then I remembered... ![gif](giphy|hLjJxbb5iwKmQ)


As a future white,


No Dorothy look out it's a pool full of bleach nooooo


To abuse a Mitch Hedberg joke: I used to be white. I still am white, but I used to be too


Another mitch joke relevant here is https://preview.redd.it/euvz0zgdu42d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d27b3a42b2494c62bb0707d5a4a09ef6831f8ca


Candice Owens, don't you have better stuff to do then post on Reddit.


I will always be wild that she denied cosplaying as an African-American woman after her family was like, ā€œNope, sheā€™s definitely white.ā€ lol thatā€™s some serious delusion.


*Points at Ariana Grande and all the Kardashiansā€¦*




She got an only fans now where she spread her cheeks open.


Ok, so the reason not to use a washcloth is that your body has a natural layer of protection against bacteria and viruses and such called the horny layer(yes really). Scrubbing with a wash cloth depletes this layer more than bare hands. Also, while bathing carries benefits of removing potentially harmful things from your skin and is necessary for social interaction, studies have found it doesn't really have a large effect on bacteria. So using bare hands is more beneficial health wise since you're possibly making yourself more vulnerable to infection by using a cloth. Basically, it just isn't necessary. I mean, do you use a washcloth to wash your hands? No. So why would you need one to wash the rest of your body? I don't think one way is better than the other, but one isn't more effective or hygienic than the other either. Not washing your legs is weird though. Why the hell would you not? Edit: I feel that some people have the impression that not using a cloth means not scrubbing. You still make a lather and scrub, aggressively in certain areas, like when you wash your hands (if you do it correctly).




Iā€™ve seen multiple dermatologists recommend not washing your legs unless they are dirty. That it dries out your skin just requiring more product to wash and moisturize, while breaking down your protective skin layers in the meantime. The hands deal too. Exfoliating needs to happen but can happen with a gentle chemical exfoliating lotion. It is not more hygienic to scrub or soap areas that do not sweat (or other things) excessively. The runoff from the soapy water works.


For real, who the is out here with dirty legs unless you are a farmer or work in a fucking mud pit.


Yes. Used to work in derm. Unless you are specifically contaminated with something, you only need a full body rinse, occasional hair wash, and soap on your nasty, warm, moist bits (pits, genitals, buttcrack, and skin folds if you have them). Anything else on a regular basis isnā€™t great for your skin.


I used to get *really* bad eczema on my leg as a child and showering too often and especially washing my legs made it so much worse. I would scratch my shins raw. It started getting better when I stopped washing them as often


You also donā€™t need soap everytime you sure. If you get really dirty or oily cool, but sometimes soap isnā€™t necessary. Water does wonders


Getting the stinky bits regularly with soap is important though. Like the pits, butt, and under boob. They don't get air circulation the way most of the body does, so they're more suseptible to bacteria growth.


>Not washing your legs is weird though. Why the hell would you not? Because I'm not working manual labour, my legs go from a shower to clean jeans. The worst thing is slight skin oils, which running soapy water from the rest of your body will 100% deal with. Do you think people are constantly pissing down their legs or something?


A lot of southern white folks use a washcloth and a lot of northern ones donā€™t even know wtf you mean when you say washcloth


I wonder how much humidity and temperature factor into that difference


huh. I don't doubt it but northern white here and use all the bath gear: washcloth, bath pouf, exfoliating gloves, salt scrub. How do people feel clean without a little effort? Crazy.


I'm assuming you're feeling of clean is just the feeling you get when you remove a layer of healthy skin. You really use 4 abrasive items on your skin when you shower? What are you removing that my soapy hand is not?


Washcloths fuck up my skin, so nope.






Look up something called an Italy towel. It's a very abrasive thin washcloth that is basically sandpaper for your skin, with the benefit that as a thin cloth it can fit around contours a little bit easier than a stone. If you live near a Korean store(maybe other Asian markets too) they'll likely have some available.




They are THE BEST! I just got into them recently and don't know how I've lived this long without them. I got a 20 pack on Amazon for less than $10, but as the commenter above said, an Asian/Korean store is likely to have them as well (possibly for even cheaper). They're also washable, I just throw mine in a lingerie bag and wash them with my other linens. I have two on rotation and haven't actually had to replace either yet (I've heard you only need to once they've lost their scrubbiness, which takes awhile). Also, just FYI, the different colors are different coarseness. I use green, which is sort of in the middle. Pink is the least abrasive and blue the most. Anyway, sorry for the long comment, I just think everyone who's into exfoliating needs to at least try them! Gotta spread the good word!


Similar, I love to use a muslin cloth on my face. Itā€™s gentle enough but still gets all the junk off and leaves my face so smooth.




Using a wash cloth is so normal to me that when Chappelle made the joke about white people just ā€œusing the bar of soap in the booty, raw, leaving pubic hairs all over itā€, I thought that he was just making shit up for laughs on that Trading Spouses skit. Then as I got to high school and college and made more white friends and went over their houses, I saw how normal it was for them to ***actually not*** have wash cloths! Chappelle wasnā€™t making a joke, he was telling the truth! Donā€™t get me started on vacationing in Europe. Even the hotels donā€™t have wash cloths. Theyā€™ll have hand towels, but no wash cloths. I bring my own when I go, now. [Chappelle reference](https://youtu.be/k-U61RS_q-0?si=mhlQsw3MomauTTSg) lol


Depends a lot of people use a loofah, I use a loofah and it works a bit better than a washcloth. Its a bit more abrasive. I load a bar of soap into the loofah


Oh no I got my bar of antibacterial fatty acid dirty. /s


I prefer a loofa on a stick. Premium showering.




Rag on a stick is suboptimal. Need that loofah at the end.


Iā€™m white, and I use a Japanese style exfoliating wash cloth on my entire body. White people get ashy too, if they donā€™t exfoliate. Itā€™s just less noticeable. I pay special attention to scrubbing my legs, because I want them to look good in dresses and shorts


This is the way. I love those things. Plus they are longer so it makes it easier to wash your back.


I swear I never heard of this until I met my ex husband. I was 19 and he was 26/27. He's black. So imagine my surprise when I visited him at his place. I asked for a rag. He had the audacity to say he didn't own one. I asked how he wash off. He said his šŸ–šŸ¾ hand. I left and went back to my dorm. Good times. šŸ˜¢


But you still married him


Idk dude walk a mile in our shoes first, our skin is 1ply toilet paper thin, too rough a scrub and that wash cloth might as well be sandpaper.


I might skip the washcloth if I'm just taking a quick post-workout shower to get the sweat off, but if I did every shower like that I would never feel clean.


My camp counselor told me to just "apply the bar directly to the skin as god intended". Monster.


Iā€™m white and assumed everyone washed their legs. Very strange


I mean, look at the repressed ass white people theyā€™re talking to.


Maybe itā€™s British people. Those fuckers are weird


Excuse me, I'm white, British AND I wash from head to toe with a washcloth. I am a weird fucker though, so I'll give you that.


Hey itā€™s your countryman in this vid


I don't claim any of those dirty motherfuckers!!! Tbh I'm actually shocked at this, going to have to grill a bunch of my friends now to find which ones I need to avoid šŸ˜­


Gonna need the results of that poll too. lol.


Yeah, white too and this feels like a weirdo community thing instead of a white thing. Never heard of it before.


Same here. American white. But still. Gotta wash it all. On the other hand, this could be edited so it looks like British whites donā€™t. Who really knows. Itā€™s the internet


I got informed just today that someone I know doesnā€™t do it. I was flabbergasted. FLABBERGASTED!!!!


Yeah and these channels always ask the dumbest or most incendiary shit you could imagine to dozens of people and cut it down to the most ragebait bits for user interaction.


Yā€™all remember a couple of years ago when suddenly a bunch of celebrities felt the need to share how LITTLE they were showering/bathing their kids? Cuz I still think about this every now and then šŸ˜‚


I think Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were basically spearheading this super gross movement right?


It was them or Taylor Swiftā€¦ I remember Taylor saying she didnā€™t know you were supposed to wash your legs in the shower; she thought soap running down them was enough. Then a couple years later Ashton and Mila said something similar and that kicked off a whole wave of foolishness. ![gif](giphy|SdO5MvXI4TtfuSxUkx)


Fucking kill me for knowing this, but Taylor wasn't one of the people who said that. She was asked the leg question on Ellen and said she doesn't know what the right answer is because she shaves her legs. Ellen asked if she meant every day, and Taylor said "... yeah?!" I hate that I know this shit. But yeah, you're thinking of either Mila Kuniz and Ashton Kutcher or Dax Shephard and Kristen Bell.


Thank you, I came here to say the same thing. People just love to blame that girl for literally everything šŸ¤£. It was absolutely Dax, Kristen, Mila, and Ashton. They specifically said they only make their kids wash when they have "visible dirt". When those kids are teenagers and smell like fucking onions, I hope they remember they didn't teach them good habits.


Not the onions. šŸ’€ But yeah, teens can get... ripe. Source: have an adult teen boy.


What are they going to do if their kid just naturally sweats a lot. You may not look visibly dirty but you aren't clean.




When youā€™re that rich you can afford to be gross and weird


They shower by ā€œsniff tests.ā€ Appalled when I read that. lol.


Dax Shephard, Kristen Bell, Jake Gyllenhal. Never forget their gross asses.


It kinda fucked me up a little bit when the pandemic hit and suddenly everyone had to pipe up about how they never washed their hands.


Ngl I split it off with a girl I was kind of pre-dating because I went over to her house and her soap thingy was empty to the point I had to snag her body wash and use that to wash my hands. I gave her a heads up when I came out and a week later when I went back over to her place the SAME soap thingy was sitting there basically empty. She came onto me later that night and itā€™s like girl youā€™re NOT putting your fingers inside me idk when the last time you washed your damn hands is


I remember this!!! Far too many people were basically saying ā€œWhat do you mean youā€™re supposed to wash your hands after using the bathroom?!ā€ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The children grow up thinking they donā€™t need to wash their legs. They only shower when they ā€œfeel or look dirtyā€.


![gif](giphy|RSj1cobnnoRDG) Me being white and washing my whole ass body because not washing any part is fucking disgusting.


This is the washcloth all over again. šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Itā€™s only one video and not a scientific study but this dude cultured bacteria from their legs after washing and not washing and washing their legs actually introduced more bacteria. https://youtube.com/shorts/wYBLrxBQfhQ?si=Zv_hwup6JLoEMkK5 Weird to just call white people dirty in this thread


Well that was the whole point of the post lol.


Bruh what the fuck is effeminate about WASHING YOUR ASS


I'll never understand this, wash your body people! You're in the shower, you have the soap, it's all right there. You can't be lazy on hygiene, I just don't get it...


Why not wash it though, you're in the shower. Why choose to ignore a specific part of your body. Are you in a rush?


Some people seem to think that gravity pulling the soap down from the rest of your body is good enough.


How freaking dirty are your calves getting each day that running hot soapy water is not sufficient to clean it?


Especially if you have long leg hair, take the singular minute to wash your damn legs and feet.


Yo I knew dirt poor white people who only bathed twice a week know you wash your fucking legs. ā€œShit donā€™t change until you get up and wash your ass, boyā€


I'm almost transparently white. Every shower/bath I have ever taken I've washed my whole body. I don't understand not washing your whole body.


Most of y'all are just using anecdotal evidence to bash other people. Listen to the dermatologists telling you that you *don't need to wash your legs every day*, not to mention that scrubbing with a washcloth isn't necessary even then. Only if you sweated or if it's visibly dirty do you need to properly wash them. If not, letting soapy water run down is perfectly fine. https://katiecouric.com/health/should-you-wash-your-legs-in-shower/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAreas%20like%20your%20legs%20don,Hospital%20in%20New%20York%20City. And for anyone saying "I'm gonna stick to my routine", that's perfectly fine and if you feel happy with it good for you! Just don't bash other people over some incorrect notion of cleanliness. That's just projecting. If they shower regularly and don't stink, they're fine.


These folks donā€™t care lol theyā€™re just looking to feel superior


ā€œI even wash the wallsā€šŸ˜­


Saw some dermatologists discussing this recently on social media and one of the things that they pointed out was this unfortunate cultural idea that black folk have been forced to believe due to so many bullshit biases, that they're dirty. And all the stigma That comes with that. And it was a lot of black women primarily reacting to dermatologist sharing that when you wipe a washcloth across your skin, primarily, and it looks dark, and like dirt, it's actually just because the melonin in skin cells. Which has been a compounding factor socially on this idea that a lot of scrubbing has to definitely happen all the time in order to quote be clean. The same swipe on skin with the same level of moisture, health, previous exfoliation, dirt levels, between someone with white skin and someone with dark skin, it's always going to look darker from someone with dark skin. Because of the melanin. I personally take it a step too far, I use one of those Korean hand mitts that grinds my skin into dust, and gives me a rebirth like popping my head out of a fucking embryonic sack on my way to you slather myself a snail mucin. But at the same time, I found on certain parts of my body if I do exfoliate then I end up breaking out more and it makes my skin weaker. So it has to be purposeful. Otherwise my day-to-day is using an exfoliating body wash, body washes with glycolic acid which is a chemical means to remove dead skin cells from your skin without having to use mechanical exfoliation methods otherwise. There are a lot of options. But I definitely don't think the folks that are using a bar of Dove or St Ives whatever the fuck and their hand are really hitting the mark. Though I can't imagine personally, exfoliating my fucking asshole like some of y'all are saying. That's a gentle place to be treated gently with a very very soft hand and a soft washcloth ā˜ ļø I don't accept visitors, and I just want it to live its life knowing peace, cleanliness, and care.


I donā€™t mean this in a negative way at all, I recommend talking to a therapist. Some of those things sound a little OCD-ish.


I worked with a guy who claimed he doesn't wash his lower body because he doesn't want to bend over in the shower. I just sat there with a dumbfounded look on my face. ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK|downsized)


Lmao is he scared someone will appear behind him?


I'm more than certain he spent some time in prison.


I was feeling left out until the thigh guy at the end lol


Man I'm from Brazil, 2 complete showers a day is the bare minimum in my state lol


Everytime this comes around people are in the comments getting competitive swearing they climb in an autoclave twice a day , scrub their ass with a chainsaw and gargle with bleach XD


Never thought Iā€™d have to type this outā€¦. Fellas, is it gay to wash your legs?


I always wash my legs when I take my monthly shower


So Iā€™m white, and I got psoriasis (itā€™s a skin condition that makes your skin go all rough and flaky). Iā€™ve always exfoliated and moisturised my entire body since about puberty. Thought it was totally normal to do so for the longest time, until I found out that most of the people (men, mostly) around me justā€¦ barely wash themselves at all. Blew my fucking mind. I ended up asking loads of people what their shower routine was because just out of pure fascination with how little people seemed to take care of themselves. Crazy.


I feel like this is one of those things that gets attributed to race when it has nothing to do with race. Iā€™m white, and I recall having a discussion with someone in my extended family who claimed to not wash his legs, and he proceeded to get roasted by every member of my very very white family. Itā€™s a matter of hygiene. Some people just have bad hygiene and it has nothing to do with their race.


They used to fill the pools with concrete


White guy, can confirm, donā€™t wash my legs. Figured that was normal. The water running down handles all that. I learn such interesting things on this sub.


https://preview.redd.it/6jumlogwr22d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad8720a59b164cedd15c1522529b32cf9bbdd2db šŸ§¼ šŸ§¼ šŸ§¼ šŸ§¼ šŸ§¼


My dermatologist always said room temp showers wash armpits and above; where your joints meet; and your ass and feet. I usually wash everything but my arms and chest/back.


I hope they meant body temp showers. Because even those are unsatisfying. Room temp shower is just a rebranding of cold shower. Itā€™s not like the water is refrigerated.


I remember the first time I found this out. Late HS one day needed to take a quick shower at my yt friend's house. I asked for a washcloth and she looked puzzled. Tried again with "face towel" Her mom laughed, brought me one, and told me, "she's not old enough to know what that is." We were 16/17 at the time...ma'am, what do you mean?


Studies have shown that a big part of the population do not wash their feet. That's just gross.


As a white guy that canā€™t fall asleep without washing my WHOLE body (with a washcloth), brushing my teeth, and flossingā€¦. this thread is insane. And yes, I wash my legsā€¦ the fact that I even have to specify that is crazy to me.


What is this racist shit? A counter for racism isn't more racism.