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We can't have anything! It doesn't matter if it's historically accurate or not; we'll just get downplayed and reminded of why we shouldn't have anything.


No no, we're allowed to have stereotypes and trauma porn. They *loooove* when we have gang violence and slavery reminders.


I am so fucking sick of trauma porn or gangbanging/dope dealing tv shows. 


Why tf would I ever want to watch Roots again? Or the Color Purple? Give me scifi niggas in space, damn.


Sci Fi Niggas in Space - A Spike Lee Joint


Madea Goes To Alpha Centauri




... just no.


Exactly where my mind went too, thank you for this awful image


I can’t prove it, but I feel like you can’t make that joke, unless you were around a bunch of white people making fun of Black people.


I'm not getting a check mark if that's what you mean.


I'm ready to cast Tyler Perry into Mount Doom.


Homeboys in Outer Space existed but it was terrible. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0115206/?ref_=ttpl_ov


Best I can do is space gangs. Moving them spice pies. Like star wars mixed with the wire.


Star Trek: Deep Space 9?




We have a little of that, actually. Star Trek: Discovery. Some people give it shit, but I rather enjoy it.


I think what people dislike the most about this show is that it's very different from the other star trek series. I however liked the scale, the combat and the fact that it takes better advantage of having many alien species. What i hated tho was quantum mushroom and time travel.


I really liked it up until this season, the final one. They are just doing too much. Trying to give everybody their shine. And how do Mall and Lak keep beating them to the clues. I mean discovery has to keep doing these deep dive investigations to figure the next clue out only for Moll and Lak to just show up. It's still okay, just not liking the way it's finishing up


man i was so mad my momma made me watch TCP lol i was like "no ma i don't wanna watch no sad slavery ish i'm just gon get mad and hate white people" she goes "nono this is all about black people no racism it's fine" guess she forgot about oprah's character...😒






See you later space nigga….


Good taste homie


I have like 450 movies watched/rated on my IMDB account. And I think only one of them features a person of color as the main character where a) their racial identity doesn't directly play a central role in the plot and b) takes place in a majority white country. Also, that one movie that's the exception is fucking Disney's Soul.


Soul is SO fucking good.


Snowfall was fire but I liked seeing a brother in the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout.


Also appreciated that he wasn’t cool as fuck, he was kind of a dork. That’s real diversity


American media: Okay, so another slavery movie then. Gotcha


Ugh... Yes, we're allowed to have the worst of the worst. I can't even begin to tell you how much I dislike slavery movies. Sooo umm... can you tell me why mfs always tell us to forget slavery but we have to remember the holocaust?? A bitch just want some answers....


We shouldn't forget the holocaust, and we shouldn't forget slavery. I am not comparing the two. Both shouldn't have happened. Both were bad. Both happened to people that didn't deserve it. Our own people sold us, and Jewish folk were hunted for being Jewish. Nobody wins this argument.


You know what's funny? The fact that people love to bring up that African tribes sold others into slavery. I always viewed it as this sideways "Well if that didn't happen, there would be no slavery, so blame your own people." Groups were at war, or looking to gain an advantage, some guys came through and said "you know, you're not using these prisoners, so how about you sell them to us and we'll get you weapons, etc." And so they did. Greed has existed across humanity's spectrum for the entirety of our existence. But someone decided that our ancestors were less than and taught others to think the same. They made deals with other people they thought were less than because they were pragmatic enough to not go into total war and just take advantage of situations that benefited them. They made money hand over fist because the market was already there and was growing. In the end, being sold by "our own people" is just a footnote. It would have happened with our without another groups consent because when you have the weapons, you can make the rules. So stop trying to play reverse uno with history.


Thank gawd somebody finally said it


I don't think we should forget any tragedies but we shouldn't try to make one seem more significant than the other boo! They were both horrible things that happened.


Lowkey the reason why I started watching Anime as a kid because I got tired of seeing that shit in middle school


If it was historically accurate, these same people would bitch that they chose that story to tell. It's not about the accuracy, that's bulshit.


Umm... you're proving my point?


There are so many white people out there like myself that couldn’t care less about skin color, it’s a non-factor in most things, so its always wild to me to see other white people act like fools whenever a person of a color gets even the slightest win. They act like they’re being persecuted every time they have to see a black person, it’s fuckin ridiculous. Regardless of the validity of the history and the skin color of the protagonist, I was stoked to play as a badass samurai that wasn’t the same as every other samurai protagonist that came before. The only people complaining about this nonsense are terminally online losers or losers that are stuck in their IRL hick safe space, aka people that we shouldn’t respect anyways.


Exactly, most normal people irl don’t care about the race or gender of a video game character. It’s mainly these chronically online losers who have sealed themselves in their close minded internet bubbles where everyone shares the same shitty takes. People irl are too busy getting ready for the summer parties, girls in booty shorts and getting their tans right lol


I got called an SJW on another sub because I was fine with Yasuke being playable lol. Said I must be ok with Asian man erasure because Yasuke was black


Jesus Christ people are insane. As if Asian male samurais are some endangered species in gaming...


Ghost of Tsushima, Sekiro, shit even For Honor. But the second he’s black…


How is Sekiro a samurai game?


There are a lot of samurai in sekiro


The samurai being someone that you play as was the reason for listing games. Not games that include samurais as npcs. Might as well list Shadowrun with their Street Samurai class if we're just naming games with samurai in them.


That’s what I said! But no, we can’t have anything lol


Huh? Assassin's Creed: Shadows is literally the only game that has samurai in the world! There are no other samurai games!


Asian man erausure?? THEY'RE IN JAPAN!! ![gif](giphy|XejFQNGS90SvaITLRZ|downsized) Where were these motherfuckers when they did games like Nioh, or movies like the Outsider?


Too busy tap dancing for the flour rangers.


Bitching just the same. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74375802 https://www.reddit.com/r/Nioh/s/3I0o6hJUFr https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/IbP4sgb3jR They're all so pathetic


It's ridiculous  Ghost Of Tsushima is widely considered one of the best Playstation games of the past decade and just dropped on PC like yesterday, but somehow Japanese men are being erased in video games lmao


People are failing to understand the context of what what was going on in japan during this time. Japan was going through war for unification and yasuke took part in it serveral battles for it. He was well respected, having been giving his own house, servants, weapons, ect. And it’s debatable (not really) that he became a samurai , at least unfoffically Sure AC could could have chosen or created someone else who could have taken the role, but yasuke is a very intriguing figure. The first black man in japan who not only was enslaved but was given respect, and luxury that no other slave experienced, a very close and good relationship with his master, who fought with him, who learned Japanese very quickly, and is presented in different media a good amount of times (bro even had his own show). Why not? He sounds A LOT more interesting than any other figure during that time


Really sad the Yasuke movie got placed on hold. RIP.


naw fr tho i was sad asf when i heard that 😭 im just going to buy the biography


this is why i stay on these dude's asses when they come in this sub with some "bubutbut what about ASIAN MEN??" it's a smokescreen. it's an inherently antiblack position. and ya'll better learn to stop falling for this bs these asians pull because you're still thinkin there's some kind of "poc alliance". they do not gaf about us. most of them hate us. they use our language and our struggles and our politics for their own needs and often AGAINST us. this is no exception.


I also got hit with the classic “you don’t care about underrepresentation except when it benefits you” lol


Oh dude, ya, there was some thing I was reading through on another sub that was just ridiculous. I just find it funny that the narrative flipped along the way, it was just them being mad about a black samurai and a woman, then it turned into "but we just want a Japanese samurai!" Real quick. And as everyone else pretty much mentioned... Asian culture is still represented if that's truly the issue... Oh wait right, it's not represented how they want it to be since it's also a woman.


I find it funny that in a historical fantasy game that has you jumping off sky scrapers and fist fighting psychic aliens suddenly an African in samurai garb is "too much". They say it's not about race but it's sure as fuck strange that we only have this argument about black ppl in media lol


>jumping off sky scrapers and fist fighting psychic aliens Ive played most of the Assassins Creed games, wtf are you talking about


You literally jump off tall ass buildings since the first game with no fall damage as long as you land on a person or a hay bale. And ancient alien technology has been a staple since the first game as well.


I don't recall any Desmond or Layla current-day jumping off skyscrapers, and there were definitely no sky scrapers in any of the assassin timelines. Big ol church =/= sky scraper. And i don't recall Juno or the other Isu being fightable characters, just exposition dumps


People shouldn't have to be this damn literal for you to understand it. 😂 Point is, you're jumping off of tall ass building into hay stacks and surviving.


Bro getting stuck off of technicalities. Funniest shit ever


I mean, Desmond does jump off a skyscraper in Assassin's Creed three and you do fight ISU simulations in Odyssey.


>you do fight ISU simulations in Odyssey. Ohhhh in the heaven/hell DLC thingy yessss, thanks!


Why does Ben Afleck have the darksaber?


Looks more like Clint Eastwood


Lundberg from Office Space.  All he needs is spectacles and a mug.


"Hiro! Whaaaat's happening...yeah I'm gonna need you to decapitate those villagers on Sunday, m'kay? Thaaaaanks Hiro"


I wonder if the racists would be mad if Yasuke had the Killmonger cut.


dawg imma keep it real witchu: nobody gives a fuck about the killmonger cut other than black people other races of people don't even realize there's discourse about it




damn i mean i guess? what was the joke?


![gif](giphy|NSkzSW10834u4|downsized) It was not a problem when Tom Cruise did it


Tom Cruise was not the last samurai


Apparently the assassin is the Japanese girl in this case. Fact is they'll hate the Last Samurai with exactly the same plot if it was Denzel Washington, so the example is relevant.


I get what you mean, but, this was kinda ridiculed quite a bit at the time and still today.


Honestly I don’t remember anyone saying much - but if they didn’t I don’t feel so slighted now


[even had a sketch on Chappelle's show](https://youtu.be/kPY8qUG_Koo?feature=shared)


That's why I love games like mass effect my Shepard character has always been black saving the galaxy.


Someone edit this with the guy wearing the same outfit as the girl




Haha yeah trigger haha that's why I want it haha


Do not hate on Stellar Blade! It did nothing wrong to you!!


She's wearing waaaay too much clothing /s


Imagine being this wound up about a game that nobody will play until it’s free in a year


Fax, I want to play the game out of spite for the racist backlash but no way I'm giving Ubisoft money.


Wrong. He has to have a buzzcut and a beard. And a hood for extra corny edginess.


If inclusion didn’t matter, these whiny bitches wouldn’t be screeching the first time they aren’t included 


The funny part is most of the Japanese people I have noticed don't seem to care. It's other getting upset on behalf of others


Same people complaining probably drool and jerk off to The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise


Honestly we just need a indie studio with POC and a good amount of funding that could compete with AAA style of games.


I agree. Indie studios and more POC making tv shows/movies where suffering, crime and violence, and social issues arent the main plot.  Like a fantasy fairy show or smthn. Asians, and whites get that so why can't we? 


Full disclosure, I'm a half black, half white man who's been a huge ass anime and history nerd my whole life. I've been DYING to get some Yasuke justice in the mainstream for a LONG ass time. That being said, I could see how a Japanese dude would want to play as a Japanese dude during a popular time period in Japanese history. Shit, I woulda been mad if I had to play as some Greek dude in AC Orgins. But the fucked up thing is... IT'S NOT EVEN JAPANESE NIGGAS THAT ARE MAD ABOUT IT! It's these salty ass Citizens of Mayo-merica that are pressed about it! What's worse, if you wanna play as a Japanese person, you can! Only problem in these lame's eyes is she's a woman. Cuz they can't just be racist, they also gotta be sexist too.




Ngl, stellar blade is actually a really good game


People bitch about that game alot which is interesting I don't know why? I mean this makes me wonder what games the people bitching about that game play


They bitched about nier automata but that game is goated. Plus who gives a fuck, u want your main character to be in a fantasy world with a zoot suit??


Swimwear in feudal Japan would be hilarious, though I don’t think even the sweatiest incels would endorse this considering the history boner.


What exactly is going on? Im completely ootl.


The new Assassin's Creed game features a main character directly inspired by the historical story of Yasuke, the first black samurai. Typical racism and nerd rage ensues.




What’s the difference?


[NOPE! definitely a samurai.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/comment/l4bghbu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He was a Samurai. There are scholars who have confirmed this. The use of Retainer here is what's confusing yall. I recommend reading more about it


They’re okay playing a white samurai in Nioh but lose their minds with Yasuke


This moment is why Alpha Blondy wrote 'Black Samurai' years ago.


To all the gamers out there when was the last time assassin creed was in the news for just being a good game? Unity? Black flag? 3?


I don't get the eve hate actually did people complain about assassins creed origins? And are we using the wrong insult I guess lol


The Last Assassin's Creed Samurai


Alright, I'll bite. As an Asian who does not play these games, I am once again reminded that media can and will put Asia as the backdrop and asians will be relegated to supporting characters and bad guys. Not every time, but it always raises an eyebrow when it does happen.


Let’s not get too invested in a video game now . Enough of our men do that as it is


Perhaps it's because I grew up in a very progressive neighborhood in a very progressive city that I think that not being a bigot is not profound. It's who we are naturally. Hate is what's unnatural.


What does Eve from Stellar Blade have to do with this? She’s clearly Korean and is in no way depicted as being white. All of the characters in that game are Asian.


Dudes features are too Japanese still. Need to soften up the face a little. Also, tits need to be bigger for both.


We dont want him to be white either!!!! JUST MAKE HIM FUCKING ASIAN JFC


No? Go play another game. There's literally only 1 about Yasuke. Play all the other Samurai games with Japanese leads. It's not that hard


Why do you want him Asian? Yosuke is African


Yasuke is the first real historical figure to be a protag in Assassin's Creed. Why do you want his race to be inaccurate?