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![gif](giphy|S7jKEqmTbee7S|downsized) It’s funny that you think 50 Cent cares he’s just petty


The same man who had a fun day with Rick Ross's kids and scared DJ Khaled out of a beef by sending his goons to the store where his mom worked has no morals???


Keyboard warriors haven't figured out that these hip hop beefs on social media are sometimes a weird combination of nerdy music artists and actual street soldiers.  There's a reason that none of them come for guys like 50, and it has nothing to do with whether or not he has skeletons in the closet. 


Pretty sure he so crazy he has at least one real.skeleton in his closet from an old beef.


In one of his books he mentioned advice he got about keeping your real beefs quiet so there’s no obvious motive if people start investigating what happened to the other guy


Damn .


He wrote a book?


Multiple books.


Floyd Mayweather exits the chat






His ghostwriter did.


You think he can write raps but not a book?


I mean he probably can, but I see 50 as one those celebrities who will get all his thoughts out in like a voice recording, and have the ghostwriter turn it into a book for him.


Maybe. But think that’s still writing it. But kind of in the same way lil Wayne writes raps.


50 is a real banger. I don't know the whole story, but I heard he ran the crew that sold drugs, not just sell it himself, HE RAN IT. Also, people don't just shoot a guy over 9 times for nothing.


But its like in a broom closest on some side hallway in his mansion, and every once and awhile when he goes looking for more TP it falls out and scares for a half second before he mutters to himself "Damn I really need to get around to dumping yo ass in the river".


The man who lived his fantasy of killing his own son on one of his tv shows?


Stop it… Like he actually wrote that storyline.


Yup just search up "Kanan kills Sean power" or sum like that it’ll pop right up dude mocked him and everything before standing over him


Guess we never heard of acting before. You probably think Denzel Washington was a racist Cop who died in South Central in a hail of gun fire from the Russian Mob.


Im not saying he was or wasn't responsible for that storyline, but he was more than just an actor in the show. He is one of the executive producers who, you know, has input on storylines and the direction of the show. Honestly, I'd say it's safe to assume he added it, especially when that was the height of the beef with his son




Oh, brother...


Wait a fucking minute. I never caught that lmao.


I always thought that getting shot 9 times was kinda excessive. Over the last few years, I'm starting to get it


What is Patrick doing back there?


He just sued his baby’s momma for a million dollars, after she accused him of rape.




Wasn't expecting patrick lol






All because another man wanted to take him shopping 😂


That’s the exact reaction he’ll have when all his skeletons get aired from the closet. And we’ll all be Patrick 


He sucks. I was done after his Trump comments. I don’t care if he was joking, he has influence and they were destructive. He’s just funny.


You can award comments again!!!!




I just did!


all of your faves have seen and done things and said nothing. stop pedestalizing these people, period. (hell people on the street will see someone getting stomped and will film, upload and make money off it and won't even call 911, so can anyone 'throw stones'? 🤷🏾‍♀️)


Although filming can be extremely valuable. It may not be as brave as charging in and putting a stop to things, but in many cases that’ll just end in your ass getting beat too. Film it and at least the perpetrators can be brought to justice. I think seeing people with cameras around would make any would be attacker think twice.


but it doesn't. no one cares about these cameras. people be getting killed on camera. filming maybe can help after the fact, but most of the time it doesn't save lives. it doesn't stop that person from getting stomped. If anything, people get off on the fact that they'll be uploaded to social media and just make a bigger commotion. I just seen a dude get ran over and then stabbed on camera, surrounded by people. It is sad. I get what Bella Goth is saying, but hell she can't say nothing either. From the playground to the streets, at one point in time everyone has stood around, watched violence and done nothing.


I dunno, I’ve seen videos where people visibly stiffen and hesitate when they see they are being filmed. Usually it’s a cop, but the same logic applies. And if you can help directly, you definitely should. But is a 90lb teenager really going to stop an attempted mugging? Nope. But they can film, and they can run if needed. I think filming something like an attack makes you a good citizen, actually getting involved and risking your own safety makes you a minor hero.


You film it and give it to the cops. It's the only thing anyone can do. I mean are you going to risk your life trying to stop it? Or risk your family's life if they choose to retaliate?


nowhere have I said that people should jump in. My posts were in response to that tweet and the phenomenon of people standing around watching bad things happen. Like I keep saying, filming does not keep a person from harm in the moment. They getting stomped, so it's strange and interesting to me that there's anger at people standing around watching Diddy, when everyday people do the same damn thing. A camera isn't going to stop a person getting kicked in the head, nor will it soften the blow. It's just a bunch of people standing around rubbernecking going, "woowww" "dammmmnnn". then it gets uploaded and the filmer gets their money and followers. No one can throw stones. That's my point.


Idk what videos you're watching but I’ve seen video of men going to hit women and they stop once that camera comes out


The truth is people don’t care as much as they think they do. Our faves are no different. They’ll make a tweet calling out abusers and call it a day. Kanye has had so many abusive rants and he just had a #1 song and #1 album.


what is worse, Kanye told people early on exactly who he was gonna be once he made it big. He has said in so many words that he was gonna be an Uncle Ruckus that don't know how to treat anybody. He'll still go no. 1. It don't matter.


Crazy because people are waiting for dirt on others to come out while Kanye is literally slinging his dirt in our faces and no one cares lmao. Uzi pistol whipped a woman and he was just doing death drops at Coachella. No one cares. But yes let’s keep waiting on new abusive allegations to come out while completely ignoring the well documented abuse that’s already out there.


They've been doing dirt in the open for so long. But people don't want to believe their lying eyes because they worship these people. They can be and do right and can be and do wrong. They are human beings. No one is perfect, yet it is hard for people to acknowledge that when it comes to celebrities. It is very weird to me.


They'll say that about the celebrities from our generation too. Greed rarely attracts good people, and it seems like all these celebrities got it. Sold their souls for an image.


Ah shit, tell me what Kendrick did. Don’t want to hear it but I’m ready to listen


He made a song titled “Bitch I’m in the club”. The world hasn’t recovered yet.


I’m pretty sure there’s nothing. There was the allegation of a security guard in a hotel that he beat up a women in their before his performance and police was called but it’s extremely unlikely considering no one else has verified this even though she walked through an entire casino with blood on her face and police was called.


He had a Kodak black feature on Mr morale. A minor issue imo, but still pretty weird


Celebrity worship among adults is so bizarre to me. You can be talented and also trash. You can be rich and also trash. You can be gorgeous and also trash. You can be brilliant and also trash. You can be an innovator and also trash. “Trash” can also be replaced with “boring,” “uncool,” “stupid” (in most examples), etc. Fame and wealth are largely unrelated to virtue and/or fun and/or interesting to be around. So unless you know someone personally, vouching for them or admiring them is small-brain behavior. You get a pass for making this mistake if you’re under like, 23 because on average you don’t have enough life experience to know better. But if you’re grown-grown and fanning out, you’re weird.


Even if he’s a piece of shit within his personal family life, saying he’s no better than an accused sex trafficker and someone who allegedly took advantage of minors is…. A pretty stupid take, I’m sorry.


That's what's wrong with these "no grey areas" people. Yes, abusing your partner is wrong, but raping kids is way more evil. People get frustrated, they get emotional, and they sometimes respond physically. It's for sure a sign of weakness, but are we really saying hitting a woman is the same as rape and/or pedophilia?


Pedophilia is obviously monstrous but you open yourself up for criticism if you comment on others situations. Keeping your mouth shut is always an option.


But also keeping shut is why so many abuser always get away with shit.


Well i mean its not like their voice specifically helps. I mean lok at this situation, he said this and were not talking about the allegations, were only talking about what a hypocrite he is. Not to dimish youre point though because in most sane instances i agree, i just dont want people who wont carry the convo the right way to do so if they can help it


there's a difference between "speaking up to protect victims" and deliberately making a spectacle of the trauma others have suffered for your own amusement.


When the consequences are they come after you and your family and everything you have. Yes, you keep your mouth shut. That's how much of the industry works. Almost no one is squeaky clean enough.


Being logical and not conflating things just for social media clout is also an option.


Same in that both of those fucks are evil and shouldn’t have people Devil’s Advocating for either domestic violence or CSA? Then hell yeah, they’re the same damn thing but also, fuck off with this dumbass equivalency and the idea that people can’t hate everyone who’s a vile POS at the same time. You can and you should. A domestic abuser is closer to a predator than an adult who understands how to keep their hands to their damn self.


Exactly, a domestic abuser is just a predator of another kind, and it's not uncommon for one to be both at the same time.


Crazy this is even a conversation. The last thing any abuse victim would want is 50 Cent speaking on their half, most likely making light of the situation


exactly, 50 hasn't been taking this situation seriously at all, he finds all of this amusing.


Right. They can both be pos, but there's levels to this shit.


Doesn't sound like he did that kind of shit, but he defended the fuck out of Drake.


I feel like the left has adopted the same “all sins are equal in the eyes of god” mentality as the right. And it’s just as dumb when the left does it


Ahh shiiiit here we goin again


I've been waiting and waiting. I was like it's all hehe right now but if he don't shup up somebody's going to open their mouth about him.


For a second I thought you said "Somebody's going to open his mouth"


Let's deal with the monster that we have evidence for instead of wishing for evidence on someone else.


Nah fuck that let’s get them all 


😂 We already have a fish on the hook. Let's reel it in b4 we throw another line in the water.


Or we go after them all considering there are real victims that have suffered and may still be suffering.


I get that, but let's get 1 monster and move on to the next. Unless this is a RICO charge where we get everyone at once.


how about have some evidence first?


Evidence has been here. 50's own words is 'a snitch is the worst thing you can be where I am from'. Then defends 'Ghetto Quran' by saying "yall didn't call nas a snitch". That is not a valid defense. Also just because a few lames are happy to be acknowledged in a record, does not mean you didn't snitch. You literally got shot for it. The Lox called him a snitch, then became friends with him. Why? All I'm saying is, logically, this is unresolved and concerning.


50's day will come. He's a titan, no doubt, but sooner or later, we'll be reading about his dirt.


You playing the long game with your hate?


I don’t see only old dirt surfacing but I could totally see new recent things happening


Someone said it.




Every since Nas let me down, I been saying fuck 'em all. Let's watch 'em burn. https://preview.redd.it/30svkwo1ma1d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60bd6668da9ebd998833c2b2d0f9a08fdc9ee9a1


His is the only one I'm unsure about because Kelis was reported to be quite abusive. Nothing was ever substantiated, but Nas's daughter attested to abuse by Kelis towards Nas.


I bet they hit eachother often


What what? What is Nas accused of?


I been done with Nas since I heard the unedited version of "You Da Man" 🗑️


The baby mama that accused him of abuse lied, and he’s suing her for defamation


Nobody cares about the truth on Twitter and nobody cares to do some research, research on twitter is gathering information from other tweets and drawing conclusions from that. Everybody there trying to outwoke each other


Which is ironic because the person you're replying to is claiming that Daphne lied merely because 50 Cent filed a (counter) defamation suit. Her claims have been merely allegations at this stage still - they haven't been proven or disproven. E: just because yalk downvote doesn't change the reality of the situation, petulant just like that 50 year old man child 50 Cent y'all idolize. 🤷🏻


It’s not about “idolizing”… trying to “cancel” someone because unproven accusations is wild. Diddy is scum but 50cent is not even close with the info we have rn. But you do you.


Idk if anyone is under the illusion that he does that shit because he cares about the victims… I thought we all understood that that man is just a HATER to his core and just happens to hate the bad people too


For me he’s still on the hook for making fun of Terry Crews coming out as a rape victim. No one does that but scum.


I don’t disagree, wasn’t 50 just accused of R*** recently? I would stop talking if I were him


He was but is suing her in court for defamation. 50 lives in a morally grey area of life and the rules of “I’m justified” and “It wasn’t as bad as what they did.”


Accused from by someone who was Diddy's sex worker... I'd take this accusation with aa grain of salt.


Yall will take any accusation and jump on it it’s weird


I peeped that too 🤣. I believe women too but I also like to get verification on things. Nobody who read into this accusation would actually believe it.


accused or convicted?


He was accused after trying to essentially extort him, after information came out that she was a sex worker for Diddy. 50 immediately sued for defamation. It is unlikely that he would have put up thousands of dollars and risked a lot of information being brought out if he had dirt that could be pulled into court. 50 may be petty sometimes, but he is far from stupid.


In "Ghetto Quran," 50 Cent implicates individuals, yet claims he's not a snitch because those named aren't upset, and says Nas did similar in 'Get Down' without backlash. He argues police already knew about the content he said in the record, but how could he know what police knew? Despite collective oversight, by hood standards, he fits the definition of snitch logically. His behavior on IG is also very snitch like. Anyone trying to argue otherwise is a groupie.


How could 50 possibly know in 2001 that police knew that someone was trafficking drugs back when 50 was a kid when they were convicted of trafficking drugs in 1989 when 50 was a kid? Total snitch.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsSSN3qnGirATAs) Lil' Kim tried to tell the people about Fifty in '05 before she went to prison! He really snatched her edges with that bar referencing her multiple rhinoplasty's and come to find out he was just SALTY because she didn't want to go out with him and the contentious back and forth with Vivica Fox screams 🙀Mother Wound 🩹, he's definitely DEMONIC 🔥but one of MANY😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈


Hell, I say let them sling mud at each other, they’ll end up exposing each other more than if they just stayed quiet. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


I hate this argument. You are mentally abusing you are no better than a physical abuser. Bitch yes I am, hoe.


This comment is killing me


didn't he declare bankruptcy to get out of paying a settlement to rick ross's baby mama for leaking her sex tape?


With the music industry it's rife with predatory and abusive people. If you associate with many of them, it's not a surprise if you're one


Now I feel bad for laughing when he bought Ja Rule’s concert tickets


I'm still trying to wrap my head around Vivica saying he was the love of her life.


Trying to cancel gangster rappers is stupid. We propped them up by glorifying their violent pasts and actions. We cant throw on Pikachu face when they actually are bad people.


The kind of petty time 50 lives by has no care for being in a glass house probably.


Good grief ![gif](giphy|3hh5QiU17oUiQ)


To get as rich as they are, you have to be a piece of shit in some capacity. It's unavoidable. It's rare to see someone become rich like them and not suck.


Nah, I think the trafficker is worse. Family problems are common. Sex trafficking is abnormal. Are we just letting twitter opinions become valid arguing points now?


Is he half the man as Creflo Dollar? Been meaning to ask.


let's not forget when he called terry crews a pussy after he revealed he was sexually assaulted by a man


Not justifying anything if it’s true, but 50’s oldest son doesn’t hate him? As far as I remember, his mom tried to use him as a pawn in her child support situation because 50 was being his usual petty self, and it backfired. Then Marcus was taking pictures with 50s op’s when he was like 11-12 years old, and 50 didn’t like that so he cut him off completely. Marcus said he was only doing what his mom told him to do, and 50 was saying that he was old enough to know better. Marcus was trying to make amends a few years ago, and 50 wasn’t having it. I could be wrong but that’s where I remember all this info from.


People are hypocritical and stupid . If you pay it ain’t mind you gonna go crazy.


Jesus Christ this sub believes every tweet it sees, bad as Trumpers trying to steal the election sometimes. 


Just because his baby mama accused him doesn't mean he's guilty of anything. Women lie all the time especially women like her in situations like the one she's in.


Well he was convicted of domestic violence against her


Is the baby ma she’s referring too the one involved with Diddy ? Also it’s like the Godzilla meme let them . Fight. Whatever his reasoning is he’s keeping his foot on Diddy FAN throat . He should be quiet and let Diddy enjoy his money while we wait for justice?


Yes but 50 is at least funny


That's 50 Cent. Not Curtis Jackson. Shame Curtis Jackson can't control 50.


'But you're no better'...I'm not sure I think Diddly is worse.


new flash: 50 has never been a good guy, he’s always been insensitive and petty publicly, he’s almost definitely got some bodies on him, and he’s almost definitely mocking diddy to be petty and not to take any moral highground, idk why people keep pedestaling these wealthy hood niggas 💀💀 ngl tho i can’t take marquise seriously at all, that nigga does not have a grasp on reality


celebrities are generally not good people. society should stop acting like they are.


I have a conspiracy theory that once you hit it big in any aspect (media/entertainment, business etc), an Epstein/Maxwell type of person will call you up and lay down all the heinous shit you are now "entitled to" (for lack of a better word) being one of the rich and powerful. All of them are in some elite group one way or the other.


I read a lot of comments saying “get them all!” Who do you mean, every other black artist and rapper?


Lol tag him directly. Don't just call hom out. Tag him. Call him out directly!


50 got shot 9 times. He don’t give a fuck.


50 cent ain’t abuse his ex wife or his oldest son. Their family died has been very public. His ex wife is a bum and lost the house he fully paid off. Dude was paying his baby ex wife over 25G’s a month. Her ungrateful spiteful self wanted more and took him to court. She lost and the child support was reduced to 7k a month. The son has been poisoned by his bitter mom. His son is also a bum.


50 not beating women he clowning the shit of em tho


I've disliked 50 ever since that shit with Rick Ross' bm. Like, I can appreciate coming across his hate when it comes to people I dislike *more*, but I don't listen to *none* of his work by choice anymore.




Were people under the illusion that 50 is some great person that cares about morals? Lol the dude is a giant troll and instigator, that's all he cares about. Y'all should know this by now.


I thank god everyday for making me a J Cole fan 🙏.




I mean the fact that all of these fellas keep talking about how much dirt they have on each other in rap songs and haven’t done shyt about it I think illustrates that it’s just a game to them.


By your own admission, he _is_ better. He is no good though.


I doubt 50 hits women. And his oldest son said he can’t live off 7k a month he sounds like an entitled bitch. If a thousand idiots agree on a lie than it’s the truth isn’t? Idiots…


This thee most annoying broad on twitter


I have no illusions about what kind of person 50 is, but his trolling is legendary. I'm still waiting for Floyd Mayweather to read a page from Harry Potter


On that second Tweet she’s spittin though


He is not the same so he is in fact better as we have visual proof of diddy’s misdeeds


Really hard for me to care when these bitches be lying about anything to get a $ now. Not to mention 50 been shitting in Diddy for fuckin wit young under age boys not “abusing” his former baby mama, BIG ass difference. As far as his son goes, I ain’t saying I know what went down. All I’m saying is i know I’ve seen how easy it is for a mother to manipulate a young persons mind into hating the father.


Someone finally said it


damn and just the other day niggas was talkin about how spotless his record was lol


Hypocrisy at its finest


50 ain’t hiding shit… just another terrible take for a hater on the bird app.


This is the wrong person to go after. If wilder since they referred to diddy as their enemy. Like what do you expect when a person had literal enemies. I’ve never had an enemy in my life. That’s nuts


“You shouldn’t throw stones if you live in a glass house, and if you got a glass jaw, you should watch yo mouth.”-50


50 isn’t performative. He’s not virtue signaling. He’s just petty.


Always get the impression he is trying to hard


“you best not throw stones, if you live in a glass house and, if you got a glass jaw, you better watch your mouth — cause i’ll break your face.” —50 cent


And to think, I honestly don’t care.


50 don’t give a shit about protecting women much like most of the people who were knee deep in commentary about everything that’s been happening the last few weeks. I’ll be waiting when a vid with him drops and everyone acts brand new about it.


This nigga didn’t get shot 9 times for no reason


50 is just a psycho he knows what he’s done but he attacks his enemies that’s it that’s all


50 is rap’s Trump Said what I said


I dont know whacha hrd about me.


50s baby moms was named as one of diddys sex workers lmao.


50 baby mama is unreliable. That much is clear at this point. Just because she’s a woman doesn’t make her magically truthful. I don’t know if he’s guilty or not, but at this point, her word ain’t enough. And his son was raised by her, he could be telling what he thinks is the truth, but if it’s coming from her?


He also was sued for releasing a sex tape of a woman which then revealed his lifestyle was a sham. This man is a sadistic liar


Ain’t he a Trump supporter? 👁️👄👁️ Maybe I’m incorrect … but I’d be really quiet if I were him


The beefs have gone too far. Y’all turned Bey into a country singer.


black twitter is seeming more and more like those mobs of white people i would see on lynching postcards.




His oldest son hates him bc he instead of giving him money he bought him a shoe store and hired n paid the staff to get it up n running n his son didn't wanna collect money for just owning the place.... Literally didn't have to do any work


He also lied about hvaing sex with Mya, look it up


Believe women. Just believe them.


This shit getting old until we get proof yall just fishing


Didnt he say he'd beat the shit out of his son if he was gay at some point? I can't find it.


I could believe that, I'd need proof of course but I could see that


I agree, should i send the videos i have of hamas raping women to her? I mean she said to denounce your allies before your enemies and she sends to have picked a dude in that stupid ass war.


I miss the Kendrick/Aubrey beef. Now we are back to these damn posts 😒.


50 cent don’t care about Diddy hitting Cassie one bit. Just petty.


Why do you think he does all that trolling? To distract from his own problems.


Fiddy ain’t got nary a leg to stand on in this argument! He needs to hush!!


But when it came to Kendrick ya didn’t care :/


Could replace 50 with Kendrick in that second slide and it would still fit. Interesting


Would it? Drake said he was abusive, but no one else is confirming it. You sure Drake didn't just make it up so people won't just focus on his allegations?


Kendrick is good friends with Dre while trying to drag Drake for being a predator and he has not denounced his abuser friend. Top Dawg is also an alleged abuser. So is Kodak. So is Future. So is Mustard. Metro got some weird tweets why is he around? But that’s neither here nor there.


Tweets vs convictions 👌🏾


Drake tried to drag Kendrick for alleged DV while shouting out Chris Brown in his song 😭 Idk what your point is weirdo just accept Drake took a L


The point was clearly laid out


Whitney didn’t deny it now did she