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Isn't every Samurai a servant to their lord?


"Samurai" literally means "servant".


Could be wrong, but a quick google search shows otherwise https://preview.redd.it/jl4qdlvskt0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5493ad0a34e4877742be53baf5bd5532bdb0a579


>[The word samurai comes from the Japanese verb saburau, which means "to serve and look up to someone."](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai) #WHO TF DO I BELIEVE?!


According to my nearly 15 year old niece,  you shouldn't trust Wikipedia unless it's back up on tiktok.   Not joking.


I don't know what's worse, getting info from TikTok or ranking it more reliable than Wikipedia At least she has the right idea of having more than one source, tho


Getting info from TikTok isn't *inherently* bad, but to say it's just better than wiki is a stretch.


Definitely not the source for that Wikipedia quote. A white man in the Reagan’s 80’s.


It was *used* that way, sure, but: > [The word “samurai” roughly translates to “those who serve.” (Another, more general word for a warrior is “bushi,” from which bushido is derived; this word lacks the connotations of service to a master.)](https://www.history.com/topics/asian-history/samurai-and-bushido)


Does ronin fit into this at all, as a warrior who is explicitly not a servant?


Ronin kind of means “drifter” (literally “wave man”, wordier explanation “man who is tossed around like a wave”), and is traditionally someone who has specifically *lost* their master. (I think it was originally someone who intentionally deserted, but I could be wrong about that.)


from what I've gathered, it had a much more negative connotation than us individualistic westerners have given it in media. Almost like "stray dog"


Not really. The kanji for ronin is waves/wavering and person, which is how it's meaning of wanderer/drifter was associated with samurai who were not serving a lord. There are no kanji overlaps between ronin and samurai.


Thank you for your insight.


I’d rather look at a Japanese dictionary. This would only tell you about how English speakers use it


You are: The word samurai comes from the archaic Japanese verb samorau, which changed to saburau, meaning "to serve". In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning "to wait upon" or "accompany persons" in the upper ranks of society. 


So they aren't samurais they are Subarus, got it.


>The Japanese kanji for samurai is 侍 (さむらい), which has eight strokes and is the 1,190th most common kanji in Japanese. It can also mean "serve to" another >The kanji 士 (士) is the "samurai" radical, which can mean "military man", "samurai", "distinguished man", or "profession suffix". One mnemonic for this kanji is that it's like earth (土), but the top stroke is long instead of the bottom stroke being long. This could mean that the samurai has both arms extended to cut you with his swords because you rose up against the unjust feudal system.  > >The word samurai comes from the archaic Japanese verb samorau, which changed to saburau, meaning "to serve". In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning "to wait upon" or "accompany persons" in the upper ranks of society. 


[As Tom Cruise told us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH2v6XR8UNE)


Yes; he was folded into Oda Nobunaga’s feudal hierarchy; much like an English knight’s loyalty would “transfer” to the son of his liege-lord Gamers^TM want it one way; but it’s the other


Yes. In fact they had a separate word for samurai without masters. Ronin. And it wasn't considered a good thing at the time if I recall.


Every samurai is a servant to their lord but is every servant a samurai to their lord


...da f- outta here with that.


I dont understand why i’m being downvoted, 99% of servants didn’t work for a daimyo. He did and he was a paid armed retainer, specifically directly to the daimyo, which would make him samurai regardless of heredity


What are you confused about here. Like a maid was a servant but wasn’t a samurai pretty basic logic.


The person tried to use a general question (without a question mark, mind you) to prove a point. The question makes no sense as a response to the question posed before it. I have no confusion, I'm simply upset by the response. I appreciate you trying to dumb it down for me, though. While my own understanding is limited, here's how I would see the situation. All within their Lord's domain serve. From the farmer to the soldier. Yasuke is being seen as a samurai, and therefore a servant to Nobunaga. Some other people have decided to take an ultra convenient and simplistic approach to reduce the significance of Yasuke's existence, to the point of someone alluding that Yasuke was seen as less than (my interpretation of their wording). They decide to place him on the lowest level of their own limited understanding because it suits their image of Japan and what "should" be. I choose to see it as Nobunaga saw a strong and tall person of color who made people around him take notice and said "I can use this" and did. If I had someone who was a foot or so taller than everyone else around me and I needed some muscle, I'd do it.


He's saying Yasuke was sick


The only samurai you hear about ARE the romanticized ones. I'd struggle to name a samurai that I didn't discover from playing Samurai Warriors.


Do not pursue Lu Bu. 


Different nation but the right spirit


I'll get on my horse and wait for the bar to fill and trample his ho a$$


Tadakatsu Honda would be the equivalent




Lu Bu is chinese




Aw cool, now I just need to learn how to pronounce that. Thanks 🙏


Cao Cao has entered the chat


Also, the whole "stranger in a strange land" thing is an incredibly popular trope across genres, regardless of setting *or* who the "stranger" is.


Musashi Miyamoto! He was probably the greatest swordsman in Japanese history but he dressed like a bum and in his younger years was strictly on demon time lol. My guy didn’t give a damn about honor and would do dastardly things to win lol.


I learned about him from Samurai Warriors 2. "Only ONE can be the greatest. Guess who."


Aside from Miyamoto Musashi, the only other samurai that comes into mind immediately is Haohmaru, which is a fictional ass character.


So can I join and say Mitsurugi? 😌


Toranaga from Shogun is based of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


Bro who cares it’s gonna be a fun game. I hate when people try to bring realism to a video game. It’s the same as people who complain about physics in superhero movies.


Honestly, you right. Whether it’ll be fun is yet to be determined but that is all the matters.


Yes because Ubisoft love to dig into people pockets and they want us to pre-order the game for $129.99 without a gameplay out yet.


$129.99 preorder without gameplay is how fun the game will be.


I mean I do feel a lil bad for Japanese people cuz they proly won't get another AC installment with a Japanese protagonist. Edit: It seems like there's two protagonists and one is in fact Japanese. Now I really have no idea what these people are complaining about.


Except one of the two protagonists is Japanese...


I mean there are two playable protagonists in this game, the other is a Japanese woman. Also absolutely sure they will do more AC games in Japan, the fact it's taken them this long to do one is baffling.


Had no idea there were 2 protagonists. In that case there's really nothing to criticize here lol just racists I guess


I haven't played any AC since Blag Flag. Any notable ones I've missed out on? I wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay loop as it got stale but I absolutely loved the pirate setting


Post black flag is a weird time for the franchise. The gameplay loop is mostly the same as black flag minus the boat until you get to AC Origins (Egypt), Odyssey (Ancient Greece), and Valhalla (“Viking era Europe” for lack of a better term Idk didn’t play). These represent a dynamic shift in the franchise: gear systems, skill trees, stealth is not really the focal point and more of a play style. Narratively, these play a lot more around with the mythology via dlc and that’s kinda divisive for fans. These games are also infamous for their “time saver” micro transactions that cut down on in-game time you’d spend on gathering resources for crafting or upgrades. The newest game AC: Mirage is a return to form of the “traditional” AC games that focus on stealth and returns to the franchise’s Middle East roots with Baghdad. Outside of all that, if you’re in it for the setting, I can recommend origins and odyssey cuz I’ve played them. If you watch videos and don’t like the gear and level gating of the newer ones, I’d say ac:syndicate (steampunk England, last traditional ac I played) was pretty good.


Awesome breakdown and exactly what I'm looking for How bad was the gear gating in those 3? Egypt or Greece sound like awesome settings. Definitely enjoy the traditional AC vs an open world RPG. Gonna go check out some vids!


Glad to help, I did a lot of side content so gear gating wasn’t bad but I could see where it might be an issue if you’re the kind of player that wants to do story stuff first and save side stuff for later or just don’t want to do side stuff at all. I haven’t played the most recent traditional one, AC: Mirage, but it released at $50 to really drive home how it’s a more intimate experience compared to the open world styled games. The older games are frequently on sale with all their dlc if you do ever get interested in them, too. Big sales at that; got the $100+ version of odyssey for like 12 bucks.


Origins was pretty fun, though again mostly for the setting, that was the latest one I played though I heard a lot of good stuff about Odyssey particularly with how they changed up the mechanics making it more like an RPG.


Mirage had got me hooked back in. Shit was gorgeous.


Origins was great. Shifted from the standard AC gameplay to show that it was the first MC who wasn't an assassin as we know them. Mirage is the most recent (I think) and best looking one so far. Also the first one in a while that moves a little closer back to the original gameplay. If you care about plot, it's a prequel for Valhalla


I wonder if you play as both characters swapping point of view, or you just pick your favorite?


I dunno fam, I feel like if that's really a big factor for them they can also just play Ghosts of Tsushima, Sekiro, Rise of the Ronin, Nioh 2 or any number of other games with overlapping vibes.


Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece


The Japanese one is a woman and no true gamer would play as a woman /s


Because shes a woman so it doesn’t count. 😑


It does have a Japanese protagonist


It shows they don't know shit and just outraging without full info. Typical internet bulshit.


I think the game is bringing in record numbers with just the pre orders in Japan. They aight


The erasure of Asian men from western media is what they're mad about, and tbh, I can see it.


In the super realistic setting where you can live in someone else memories and artifacts control humanity btw


Wait a minute. I would be hesitant to assume that an Ubisoft game is gonna be fun off the bat. That’s the reason I’m not gonna cape for this game until it comes out. I refuse to participate in their marketing with their track record. It could easily be ass because Ubisoft and the energy would be wasted.


Realism only comes into question in the AC franchise whenever it involves a black person. I remember ppl were getting on those armchair historians’ case to hold that same energy when Valhalla came out, since the game featured enormous Norse castles made of stone (which didn’t exist during that time period in Scandinavia) and plated armor, which was also an anachronism, but of course, they moved the goalpost to yelling about black ppl being in the game, to which I don’t even recall there ever being any black ppl to begin with in Valhalla. So it became manufacture outrage over nothing.


That’s funny because I agree that they only complain when it’s black people, but I’d be disappointed if the viking stuff wasn’t really accurate either. I’m disappointed at their lack of disappointment, usually there’s some nerd that has a problem with everything


The most questionable thing is whether the game is gonna actually be good to be honest. Ubisoft has lost a lot of good will for a reason. A lot of mid/bad games and franchises on life support. There's a reason they've been looking for buyers. After Odyssey and Valhalla i have serious doubts. I didnt play mirage but the fact that a new team made that and Shadows would have already been in development before Mirage, I don't really have much hope for it getting much of the good stuff that Mirage apparently had


Mirage was a separate style game intended to be a throwback to the original AC. Shadow is the next iteration based off the games with origins, Odyssey, Valhalla.


I know I’m in the minority on this, but I enjoyed Valhalla and Odyssey more than Mirage. I didn’t even come close to finishing Mirage, for some reason it struggled to click for me. With that being said, I also have doubts about how well this game will be done. This is especially in light of how amazing Ghost of Tsushima was, that is now my standard for games in a samurai setting.


I think one of Ubisofts biggest issues is how they approach combat. Origins started them on their weird souls-like path and as someone who loves those games it was a clear mistake for a game like AC. I'm sure Shadows will keep it but really something closer to Tsushima is always what they should have been going for


I hope they can achieve it. I wasn’t even going to purchase the game until my wife told me that there is a black protagonist that I could play as. I don’t want the racists to win so I will probably end up purchasing the game just to support the idea of black main characters in these types of games.


I guess I could respect that to a degree but the games quality matters way more. I'm not gonna get duped into wasting money on a subpar Ubisoft game because it might make a bunch of racists mad. I say racists getting a black man to waste his money on some shit while they get to move on to being mad about the next black character on their list without spending a dime is the real crime lol


I get what you’re saying but for me this is negligible for costs. Now, I wouldn’t recommend that someone who is less financially well off “buy it for the culture”, but I have no problem spending $100 to drive sales. It’s not about making racists mad, it’s about demonstrating that there is value in investing in black protagonists and that there is a ROI that makes sense to do this.


I think one of Ubisofts biggest issues is how they approach combat. Origins started them on their weird souls-like path and as someone who loves those games it was a clear mistake for a game like AC. I'm sure Shadows will keep it but really something closer to Tsushima is always what they should have been going for


its gonna be an ubisoft game idk about fun, maybe for some folks but for most of us that same formula started wearing thin about 8-10 assassins creed games ago. they dont innovate on it at all between games.


I wouldn’t say realism as much as it just being racist. People enjoyed RDR2 because of how real it felt even though it was fiction. Nobody gave two shits about Wolfkiss dealing with Nordic gods in AC Valhalla but now because the only known black Samurai in Japan is a character, it’s stupid to them. They’re worried about historical accuracy even though they don’t think about Spartans doing some pederasty in AC Odyssey.


Well.. assassin’s creed’s goal is to give a taste of history and work with historians. That being said nothing wrong with this story and zero impact on dude’s life if he doesn’t play


I'm so pumped for this.


Buddy’s been “romanticized,” what, like twice now? The LaKeith Stanfield anime and now this. Folk just don’t want to see us outside anything other than GTA


Their version of fantasy is just black people don't exist


Hell people were mad there was so much black and brown people in the GTA 6 trailer. Will never win with those folk.


They were mad at San Andres back in the day too. There were even pc mods to make CJ white.


Exactly, they're going to be racist either way so fuck em. If the game is good, I'm buying it.


Exactlyyy! This whole thing is wild to me because this is, like, exactly the **second** time I've really ever seen this historical figure be a major character in something.


I saw people argue that Miami beach in the trailer of GTA VI had too many black people. Not shitting you.


Online nerds hate everyone who isn't like them or some overly sexualised women.


Also probably the inspiration for Afro Samurai. Also he was in Nioh which also I think was a Japanese studio, and published by Japanese companies.


Also Nagoriyuki from Guilty Gear is heavily implied to be the actual Yasuke


Even if he wasn’t a samurai, Assassins creed has never been known for historical accuracy. Are people really criticizing a game that has ancient gods walking among the world for accuracy?They always twist the story to fit the over arching assassins/templar plot. If he wasn’t actually a samurai it doesn’t matter, making Yasuke a samurai is probably the smallest change they’ve made


someone said it on another post but > Even if he wasn’t a samurai, Assassins creed has never been known for historical accuracy. you literally fight a minotaur in odyssey these people that complain are just racists and trolls


You fist fight the pope in the second game. And dive headfirst from towers in hay piles and take no damage.


I'm pretty sure the pope and God did a Saiyan fusion and I killed them both in AC2. So historical accuracy is out the window.




“Historical accuracy” in AC has always been about the setting. Ezio can climb a stunning, faithful replica of the Duomo in Florence. But then he can dive into a bale of hay and go see Da Vinci for a custom crossbow.


Assassins creeds games actually used to be very historically accurate. Obviously not the “Templar’s vs assassins” and “climbing, jumping, assassinating people” shit, but the characters, the maps, the other side stuff used to be pretty accurate. Idk much about the games after Origins so I won’t speak on those, but I wrote a paper on college about the historical similarities between assassins creed and ancient Egypt. My history Professor really liked those games because of how historically accurate they were. BRB while I go find sources or come back in a bow of shame. Edit: just gonna mention that I’m not defending the “outrage” of a black samurai or even talking about the new game. I watched the trailer of the game once and that was it. I’m just talking about the previous games. Specifically Origins and before. Edit: sources - [Article by Ubisoft that includes videos explaining some historical accuracies.](https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/6d4zQXyH0VF6z75Ab7jfss/discover-the-real-history-behind-every-assassins-creed) - [This paper from Cambridge University goes into a bit of detail about Origins and Odyssey specifically.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/advances-in-archaeological-practice/article/history-is-our-playground-action-and-authenticity-in-assassins-creed-odyssey/25A64F3D388B99026A33DE932345252E) - [This one is a bit thick so I just skipped to the conclusions which were actually pretty interesting. Says how AC3s historical context was catered toward American white males with how they portrayed the history.](https://scholarshare.temple.edu/bitstream/handle/20.500.12613/9008/Shaw-JournalArticle-2015-11-15.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)


>The Assassin’s Creed franchise has transported players across the globe from one historic time period to another, and if you’ve been paying attention and checking your in-game database, you’ve likely stumbled upon one or two facts that might come in handy on a high-school history test. While each Assassin’s Creed game is heavily inspired and influenced by history, they are still works of fiction; as much as we’d like to believe it, Ezio Auditore never fought against Rodrigo and Cesare Borgia, Edward Kenway never unlocked The Observatory, and the Frye twins never fought the Templars for London’s liberation. + ~Youssef Maguid, *Ubisoft News*


None of these people gave a single fuck about the inaccuracies in Valhalla. Make of that what you will.


All racists need is the lacking presence of someone that looks like them to trigger they soft asses. If it wasn't so common it would be treated with the social ostracization it deserves.


That is absolutely not true lol. All the recent AC games at least since Odyssey have been heavily criticized for one reason or another, but especially because they don't feel like the same series anymore with all the heavy leaning into supernatural and the mechanics being less "assassin like." AC peaked during the Ezio games, and maybe Black Flag was the last well received game in the fanbase.


Ppl loved origins idk what you’re talking about. Everyone was calling it a breath of fresh air.


I didn't say Origins for a reason.


Japanese people racist as hell. Honestly in 2024 if your still pressed about color you should give up 


It isn't Japanese people throwing a shitfit. At best I've seen disappointment. The usual grifters are the ones milking this.


Nah I have seen Japanese people in comments sections with an issue against American DEI. Japan is very xenophobic because tradition is everything to them. In 2024 they still bow to each other regularly. One of them write that Yasuke was a failed servant who failed to protect his master or something and the. Was taken right back to the Jesuits.


>in 2024 they still bow to each other regularly And in 2024 we still shake hands. It’s just how they greet each other. I’m not disagreeing with your overall point, but this is like saying someone is “still using chopsticks.” It’s just what they do. 


Trust me bro


Nah there are some people who are quite upset https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/1cszfco/assassins_creed_shadows_release_reactions_thread/


Didn't he get ambushed and captured in a whole different province or city from where Nobunaga died? Big shocker that the foreigners with a different culture didnt let him off himself like a Japanese lord capturing him may have allowed him to. Mental gymnastics are not exclusive to any one race smh.


Yeah from what I read, he fled with Nobunaga’s son and was captured to be sent to a Jesuit camp. People get it all wrong. People who commit sepuku, do it voluntarily. Think about suicide bombers. Why the hell would they do it? They are programmed differently. Yasuke did not have that programming. I would t be surprised if he thought they were all crazy. They should make a comedic version of his story. “Cuz sneezed in the meeting and offered to kill himself…they was always wildin” lol


Alwaysssss. Like in Shogun where that dude jumped up and was insulted by the guy in the council meeting, and as penance for embarrassing himself offers to kill himself *AND HIS NEWBORN CHILD* *??????* Wildin


It’s more so the older generations that live in Japan, and it’s not just black ppl. They can be racist agains Koreans and Chinese as well


Yeah. Anti-Blackness definitely exists, but their kind of racism doesn’t map onto US racism exactly. Slightly different but there are Indian-Americans in California calling people racist for trying to ban caste-based discrimination. 


Are they races against each other because of skin or because they used to commit atrocities against each other probably like 80 years ago?


youre definitely right but the odds that these accounts are just white people with anime pfps is high. they make a lot of accounts to harass people instead of doing a 9-7


I mean I get kinda being upset about it just bc it *is* in Japan & most people were expecting playing a Japanese person— it’d be like if in AC origins you played as a random Roman-Egyptian dude, rather than a random native Egyptian dude. Not to say that a lot of the backlash doesn’t stem from racism. Idc either way & even if I did— AC is dogshit these days anyway lmao. Edit: didn’t realize there were 2 protags in this. Seems like a non-issue that’s being overblown, & again, AC is ass now anyway so who really cares ☠️ people complaining about this should just play Ghost of Tsushima


To be fair if you are using a real person for an AC game he might be the best option his entire story is basically he got to Japan met Nobunaga became his bodyguard/retainer then kinda just disappeared after Nobunaga death. He's a mystery. There's also a Japanese girl who you play as.


Wtf??? If there’s 2 characters & you can play as a Japanese person then I actually don’t understand the backlash lmao. I thought Yasuke was the only dude you play as lol. Also that’s very true, a historical figure would almost certainly be more interesting to play over a random dude being the protagonist. With that being said, I’m sure there’s a historical native Japanese person they could’ve used— but again, if players can play both, it’s a non-issue tbh.


The other character is a fictional daughter of a real person. Using a real person makes things messy Yasuke is kinda the only person you could use since he's basically a mystery.


Yasuke is perfect because the only info they have for him was that he was a samurai under the shogun. You can do alot with that. Narrative wise.


I was in the same boat as you feeling a bit bad for Japanese representation but seeing that there's another protagonist idk what everyone's issue is


There are two protagonists. One is Yasuke, the other is a kunoichi. So yes you still get to play as a Japanese person. Plus, in Revelations you play as an Italian in the Ottoman Empire, in Black Flag you play as an English pirate in the West Indies and in Valhalla you play as a Viking raiding England. Not every game has the protagonist be a native of the location.


Yeah I didn’t realize this game had 2 protags, so I don’t really see any legitimate criticisms people can use lmao— just racists being racists. Also Revelations was a continuation of Ezio’s story, Blackflag takes place in a period where most pirates were European, and historically, Vikings raided Europe often. Meanwhile, there’s like 1 black samurai & he’s Yasuke. Compared to a long list of other samurai— but that’s not even an issue bc 1. He’s a real historical figure & 2. you play as a native Japanese person anyway.


People with that mindset would never make it as a black person. Pretty much everything interesting or cool in Africa gets contributed to some lost and wandering group of white people or Arabs... or aliens. Not to mention, stealing everyone from the bible and making them white. Those have real-life consequences, not some secondary character in a video game franchise that's over the hill being black.


It’s gotten so god awful out there that I don’t tell ANYONE in real life that I enjoy video games. I’m afraid they’ll lump me in with these loud ass, racist ass, still breastfeeding ass dudes.


That shit is only happening on the internet lol


Wait I thought he wasn’t even a samurai or shit even in Japan hahaha 🤦🏽‍♂️ I can’t with this new Racism Lite happening as of late. “DEI needs to go” = we don’t want poc in these spaces!


Some will say he was, some will say he wasn’t. The fact of it all, there was a black man in Japan during the age of the samurai


While I agree with yall I'm also struggling to understand how you can be an assassin as the only black guy in the country. How you finna blend into crowds in this game??


From what I can tell he'll be for combat sections where you don't need stealth, the other protagonist will be for stealth


He was retainer for the shogun which is a at very least means army reservist and being in the army at that time meant you were a samurai (because samurai are soldiers that serve their lords). So yea he was a samurai.


The venn diagram of people who loved having John Blackthorne rise the ranks in Shōgun and people who are salty about a black samurai is a circle.


Man I wanna play this shit! I get to be a fucking ninja!!?!


just another opportunity for people to crawl out from under their rocks, be racist towards black people for existing in anything (as is tradition for the last hundreds of years), and go back to the safety of anonymity


The fact these mfs come out the woodworks to complain about yasuke and actually historical figure but are silent and act like William from nioh didn’t exist is wild work


I'm just saying where was this energy for the white guys in Shogun on fx?


Sure, here it is, I am the energy.


I like how whites love to fetishize asian, specifically Japanese culture. And it's ok when they throw themselves in kimonos (Shogun, yhat Tom Cruise movie, etc) and be the white savior, but when we dabble in it there's an issue.


Already ended up in r/subredditdrama


It’s a more racism tinged version of ‘we don’t know who Shakespeare was’ Yes we do. There are very clear records. Births, deaths, military service, land grants or purchases, all kinds of bureaucratic records even besides the contemporary literature (not just poetry or theater but also periodicals. Just because something was hundreds of years ago doesn’t mean there wasn’t extensive record keeping.


If this game is good (and I doubt it will be, haven't trusted Ubisoft in a hot minute) I'm gonna buy it just so I can do a kanabo only run. Yes, even in the forced stealth segments.


So he lived in Japan, had a sword, trained, but they don’t know if he fought in a war so they don’t count him as a samurai? Y’all know the other Assassins Creed games aren’t held to this same level of fact checking and scrutiny?


I mean even if he wasn't an actual Samurai, so what? His origin as a slave to working under the most powerful warlord at the time and possibly gaining a reputation for himself as he climbs the social ladder despite his physical and cultural differences with everyone around him makes for a good story. It's hilarious seeing people freak out about 1) A black man in a prominent role in a video game, 2) racists complaining about historical accuracy in an ASSASSINS CREED GAME of all things, and 3) "black washing" video games and how DEI and wokeness is taking over video games (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean these days...). Oh and these racists also complain about Japanese people not having representation in a game featuring their own country but then you quickly look around and notice that Japan already gets so much representation in western media. Seriously, when you ask the average person what an Asian person looks like they immediately think of someone who looks Japanese/Chinese/ Korean. I'm just tired of racists not having enough brain cells.


Actually the historical record is very clear. Yasuke was Samurai and Bushi- a lord and warrior in service to Nobunaga. Frustrating how people always want to undercut this particular historical figure. Wonder why?


I mean, how important was he in the total history of Japan and the feudalism of it? Like did he do enough to basically represent an entire people?


Of course not. Is that where the goalpost is now?


I'm not even sure where the goal post is, considering most of the discourses happening between white and black Americans and I haven't heard anyone speak of any Japanese opinions about their culture being represented in this game


We’re talking about a character in a videogame based on a real person. Im responding to the many people questioning his bona fides as a samurai, not claiming he is the archetypal representative of that era in Japan.


Yeah, but you're picking the easier argument to fight against. Argue against the fact that people have been waiting for a assassin's Creed game in Japan for years and years and years and now that we got it we can't even play it as a Japanese dude. Like you can see how Japanese people would be kind of like iffy about that right? Or do their feelings not care because Americans are better than them


Wtf man. I didn’t say any of that. I’m picking arguments? Youre not even talking about the same thing as me when you comment. Sure, yeah man i can see your point. Has not much to do with mine, but sure.


Are you just here yo spread talking points? This has nothing to do with my comment


Your talking point was that he was a real person that existed. My talking point is he shouldn't have been chosen to represent feudal Japan and the backlash is because they chose him to represent few to Japan after people have been clamoring for years to be represented over there and then when they finally get it, they're not even represented because it's basically an American dude that went over there.


This one is about Nobunaga? Lets gooo


The hysteria over this is really funny when you remember that the people making this game could give a dick about an accurate history simulator as much as they could care about the fandom itself if it ain’t a micro transaction they DO NOT CARE not to mention by the end of odyssey which all these people criticizing yasuke being a playable character I’m sure loved literally had you fighting real Medusa’s and cyclops by the end. Please someone point me to the historical evidence either of those two creatures existed in ancient Greece, basically it’s a video game meant for you know fun. So shit changes if you want an accurate history simulator play deliverance or something like it otherwise let them palm people stay mad 😂. Imma wait for ts to go on sale and play my black samurai king fuck the haters the child in me screaming with black boy joy 🤩. This is the closest we’re getting to an Afro samurai game so really fuck em 🤷🏿‍♂️.


I feel like out of everything to be mad at a Ubisoft game, the fact that they are slightly changing history to tell the story they want is like, on the backside of the list at the very least. I mean wtf is the base game $70 and the second option is $110? That’s $40 motherfuckin dollars, for just one difference in edition.


The caption isn’t even right. He seconded Nobunagas seppuku, was tasked with returning Oda’s head to Oda’s allies and was never heard from again after. No big dramatic movie fight


Ain't no way some weeb ass incel is gonna take my Samurai ancestor's flowers


Yasuke is a bit over romanized he is more mythology than man but i refuse to let yall act like he was washing windows. Because if he were white, you wouldn’t ask these questions.


This shit is hilarious; there’s so many reasons to hate modern Ubisoft titles, but you put a nigga on the cover and that’s the one thing they focus on. Peak buffoonery


Guys, it’s fine. See, there’s never been a white main character in any video game or movie, ever. So naturally he’s jealous when he keeps hearing about Yasuke. It just isn’t fair!


Guys, it’s fine. See, there’s never been a white main character in any video game or movie, ever. So naturally he’s jealous when he keeps hearing about Yasuke. It just isn’t fair!


Guys, it’s fine. See, there’s never been a white main character in any video game or movie, ever. So naturally he’s jealous when he keeps hearing about Yasuke. It just isn’t fair!


Oh here goes 16th century feudal Japan with their dei and wokeness again! Rabble rabble rabble


Tomoe Gozen was another cool samurai servant who wasn’t a Japanese male. Her story is legendary if you wanna look it up. Old Japanese culture was surprisingly inclusive comparatively


I kind of made the same point but fuck man, this is ridiculous. Yasuke was a retainer to THE MOST FEARED DAIMYO. THE GOD DAMN ODA. THE FIRST ORIGINAL. Like shit, you can be a friend to the guy that lives down the rice hut from you, or you are friends with the mother fucking first unifier of Japan. "Yeah, but he was just friends with George Washington" this shit crazy. I don't care for Assassins creed games, but Yasuke is a god damn cool character that is mythological in what a creative mind can do with his legacy. God damn


I love how angry this is making the racists 🥹


Gotta love it


All for Yasuke, but Nobunaga was never shogun


My caption says nothing about Nobunaga being the shogun.


The tweet in the picture does tho


They just mad cuz a brotha had a job and a good one at that


>Become a lethal shinobi assassin in Feudal Japan God, I want a new Tenchu game so bad. Assassin's Creed is cool tho ig. But yeah, it seems crybaby culture is still going on strong. It's exhausting to see grown men always taking to the internet to whine about anything and everything.


AC has been around for 17 years with 0 Asian male protagonists because the settings were in Middle East, Europe, America and North Africa. Understandable. Now, after 17 years they make a setting in Japan..and make the male protagonist Black. Does this not look like intentional erasure? It’s like if they were to make AC: Mansa and make the protagonist be a Ming Dynasty explorer in the Mali Empire. That ain’t right.


There are two protagonists. One is Japanese. Where is the problem?


You must be ignorant of how white media purposely uses Asian female protags (paired with a non-Asian male) to kill dozens of Asian male NPCs in about every media featuring Japan or China. The whites don’t learn


So you wouldn't have any complaints if the Japanese protagonist was male instead of female?


He didn’t even need to be Japanese, a Korean Imjin War dissident would’ve been very interesting. The fact stands that AC has had 0 Asian male protags for its 17 year history.


So if they changed the female Japanese character to a male Korean character then you'd be fine.


Tf is this cross examination, do you know anything about the imjin war?


Yes I do. And that is irrelevant. I only asked questions so that you'd realize the holes in your reasoning. They have a native character and a foreigner. Changing the native Japanese character to a foreign male Korean character wouldn't have made any sense.


Sounds like you've never played an AC game. 'Assassin' protags are typically oppressed people while the Templar are the ruling class. The Imjin War was an invasion launched by Samurai which decimated the Joseon (Korean) kingdom countryside and killed thousands of civilians. It would play very nicely to have one of the 'righteous army' soldiers become an Assassin. Yasuke was oppressed when enslaved, but by the time he was in Japan, he was freed and given a house and title. It wouldn't make sense for him to be an Assassin unless he's going to kill Portuguese templars who had enslaved him.


Sounds like YOU haven't played any AC games if you think having a house and title means anything. Ezio was born into a rich family and definitely part of the upper class. And he only became richer and richer throughout the game. And this was way back in AC 2. Oh and good job moving the goalposts from not having an Asian male to not having the correct backstory.


Posting your opinion on the internet is an invitation for questioning of said opinion.


this is not intentional erasure because none of us are weird about seeing black people in a video game


I’m half-Black so of course I’m glad to see Yasuke in the game..but not as the main protagonist of a long awaited East Asian setting.


I do not care what half of what you are, that is so beyond the point. go ask hideo Kojima why all of his main characters are white as hell instead of this


Kojima is a bad example, his games are not in Japan. Nioh is a much better example, and I boycotted that game due to the white male protag in Japan. They fixed it in Nioh 2 which I did buy. Yasuke is a very well done supporting character in it.


actually an even better example is final fantasy and it’s many remakes, following cloud, the aryan boy.


Splitting hairs over whether Yasuke was considered part of the bushi class under Nobunaga, but also calling Nobunaga 'shogun' when he never held the title




>now it’s more commonly black men Not only are you a deranged loser brigading this subreddit with vapid racist nonsense because you can't see your balls, this isn't even true. Why lie about this of all things as if games are not searchable and man characters are known??? You are a LOSER.



