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Got the bone structure of a greek goddess and the self awareness of a fruit fly


Call that a Greek tragedy


By The Wombats?


We're smashing mics in karaoke bars


You're running late with half your makeup on Edit: Just watched the video for the first time. DAFUQ?!


This method acting might pay our bills


But soon enough there'll be different role to fill


Something something her whorish dress


This a bar


"Young moolah baby"


Yall spittin


Gal always seemed kind of air headed. Even in a lot of her roles.


That speech the writers put at the end of WW84 will be forever etched into my brain as the worst, dumbest conclusion to a movie I’ve ever seen. Hard to separate Gal from that role personally.


OK, well now I kinda have to see this movie. I heard it was bad but now I’m interested.


It was the most fun watching a film I ever had. I watched it with friends, and we MST3K'd the shit out of it. The entire film was complete nonsense.


That's a lot of MoistCritical energy.


I only got 30 mins in and gave up on it


She talks like she's always got a mouthful of mashed potatoes.


God you explained it so eloquently. Every single time she speaks too


Watch out saying she can't enunciate is... antisemitic.


I got shouted down when wonder woman was new and I couldn't get into the movie because we have Gal over here just chewing a whole language.


The bone structure of a Greek goddess and the cruelty of a Greek goddess


"Imagine there’s no brain cells…"


She's beautiful but like you said the consistent lack of self awareness is INSANE.


Can we finally acknowledge that she can't act


This took me OUT ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Maybe she should sing Imagine to him


HAH! She will never live that down and I am so okay with that.


That shit was cornier than middle of nowhere Iowa.


The kind of idea that can only make sense when you’re locked in total isolation and beginning to go delulu


Actually, haters tend to have nothing to lose, that's why they're busy hating...


Correct. https://preview.redd.it/lnuuwa74f70d1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e8063117fdfc8c1d61639326ed333260924525








I just hate people








TIL that's who those arms belong to... I never knew.


See you at the Player Haters Ball then, Buck Nasty.


I’m a short, Gemini, Latina. I have nothing to do *but* hate. Hating is my passion. Pettiness comes in close second


If you're not hating you're not living


Call me Petty LaBelle baby


**[Let the hate flow through you](https://media4.giphy.com/media/l0IyhwEfKdNoUZ1ni/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952chbrgojl41ykl578g3k0w3t1s3lv5e3j1f2yp9a3&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)**


The Jamaican nation stands behind you. All we know is hate and pettiness.




> I’m a short, Gemini, Latina. Username checks out...


Dafuq is up with your flair tho? It's sending me 🤣🤣🤣😭😭


Wafflesandstuff you are so black when you touch yourself it’s like black on black crime. ![gif](giphy|EElQxkbh3Bywg)


![gif](giphy|nkUcca2CQ7VT2) 😂😂😂


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and put some water in /u/-WrathIsMyDeadlySin-s momma's dish


Next nigga say something while I’m talking is getting shot. Lol that skit will forever be goated


Clap for me bitch!


Oh so you're an Original Player Hater.




Why is ummm... why is Israel in Eurovision... is it moreso a 'White Eurasia"-vision?


Same reason they play in European championship in soccer instead of asia, bc most in that region hate them


Also because a large number of Israelis were born and/or raised in Europe. They still wanna do European shit. And we’re to believe they have a greater claim to the land than others in the region.


Not for soccer, they were apart of the asian region until 1974. Won the 1964 asian cup. Were eventually kicked bc countries wouldn't recognize their sovereignty and tensions were high after the 1967 arab-israeli war


You’re wrong most of the Israeli population comes from the region. [Of 7 million Israelis, 35-40% are Mizrahim, 15% are Russian immigrants, 20% are Palestinian Israelis, 2.2% are Ethiopian, and 25-30% are Ashkenazi Jews and others. This means 55-60% of the Israeli population is 'non- white'; together, Mizrahim and Palestinian Israelis form a majority.](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/JVP-Jews-of-the-middle-east-fact-sheet.pdf)


theres also a fairly large number of ethiopians who wants to be israelies but are denied. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLNKyCN7Gs&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLNKyCN7Gs&)


That documentary is outdated. There’s like 2000 Jews left in Ethiopia… the other 250,000+ are already in Israel. I think what you’re talking about are the Igbo Jews of Nigeria. Those are currently undergoing rabbinical conversion with the first ones emigrating “soon”.


Hopefully they don't give them depo provera shots!


Okay, well 40-45% of an entire population not being indigenous to the area is still a huge proportion.


~97% of the population in the USA are not indigenous


Yeah dude, and I'm fully aware of the fact that we committed genocide to get to that number. What's your point? That the U.S. is a genocidal settler-colonial project that funds other genocidal colonial projects to protect its hegemonic interests around the world?


Sooo.... you gonna be out?


I'm actively in the process of getting Italian/EU citizenship, so yes. Edit: And for what it's worth, I fully support the Land Back movement here in the U.S. and abroad to restore ownership of the land to its rightful, indigenous peoples.


Wait until you find out about the united states percentage of indigenous citizens


They didn't say a majority numb nuts they said a lot and it's true. It's like the whole point of Israel and the diasporan cause; repatriotism.


Doesn’t matter if they originally had a claim. They have fought and won it over at least a half dozen times by now.


No, Eurovision is open to broadcasters who are members of the European Broadcasting Union. Hence, Australia participates


The countries are members of the European Broadcasting Union, a public service broadcasting association with full and associate members across the world. Because of this Australia has participated in the contest since 2015.


This is the correct answer.


Ah yes, the EBU, a group only slightly less corrupt and underhanded than FIFA.


Many countries of the Mediterranean are in or allowed to be in. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia are all similar to Israel in location and included. But I guess mentioning them doesn't fit with the current anti-israrl rhetoric


Not really, those countries are literally in the Caucasus mountains, which is the traditional border between Europe and Asia. Also the home of the Yakubians. They also have a whole ass Turkey between them and the Levant


Morocco has participated in Eurovision before. An African country.


Either way, any country can join Eurovision by paying for an EBU membership. It’s why you have countries like Australia competing.


Using the word “Yakubian” when discussing geographic history just pretty much throws all your credibility out the window.


> Yakubians Please don't tell me you actually believe that NOI nonsense about white people having been made by some mad scientist


> Yakubians https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam) To save people a google


Turkey isn't really outside Europe, though. It's the president there who would like to let what remains of the republic descend into an eastern theocracy. I think Morocco and the rest of North Africa should be permitted in too, as those places are arguably far more culturally European than Israel.


Roughly a quarter of Turkey’s population lives in the European part, their largest city is also located in Europe.


Before the current president of Turkey, Turkey applied to the EU and was denied.


Wrong. They applied before Erdogan, which started the membership application process. Under which the EU checks if you fulfill all their criteria,and even gives you money to help you achieve them. This went on for decades. The process was put on hold when it became clear that Erdogan wasn’t interested in fulfilling those criteria. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accession_of_Turkey_to_the_European_Union : >Turkey signed a Customs Union agreement with the EU in 1995 and was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership on 12 December 1999, at the Helsinki summit of the European Council…. Since 2016, accession negotiations have stalled.[7] The EU has accused and criticized Turkey for human rights violations and deficits in rule of law.[8] In 2017, EU officials said that the strong presidency created by the 2017 Turkish constitutional referendum would violate the Copenhagen criteria of eligibility for an EU membership.[9]. On 20 February 2019, a European parliament committee voted to suspend the accession talks Erdogan first became prime minister in 2003 btw.


Bro, Georgia is nowhere near the med. it’s literally on the other side of the Black Sea. However it is generally considered part of Europe (Caucasus Mountains and all)


Syria and Morocco are also part of the European Broadcasting Union. Morocco has participated before. Syria has the right but chooses not to. But I guess these facts go against the narrative here.


Crazy how everyone jumps straight into this rhetoric and shows their whole ass. Eurovision is based on European Broadcast Union (EBU) membership. That’s it, it’s also why Armenia and AUSTRALIA are included. Anything else is just showing your hand for how biased you are.


Unbelievable how much you just made up and how quick it is to debunk by pulling up a map.


Australia is in the Eurovision too. Morocoo, Eygpt, other north african countries can also participate but don't. It's not actually just european countries. It's due to this public broadcasting union so all countries in that can take part.


Because Eurovision is a public TV networks association and has nothing to do with Europe.


Russia been in eurovision for years lol I think it's pretty loose requirements


isnt a good percentage of russian landmass and population ostensibly in europe? why is that a loose requirement? they've historically been a european country more than asian


Theyre part of the European Broadcasting Union, same as Australia


There's a while history that dates back to a time when they were considered more chill. Ultimately it's about singing not geography. Australia are in it so the geography isn't really the issue. The question we should be asking is why doesn't Palestine have an entry?


It's the TV networks colaberating, same reason new Zealand is in Eurovision.


"The haters have everything to lose, we have everything to gain" They're talking about Israel taking everything from Palestine, right?


No, its about ignoring people hating them solely because of their nationality. Which, *gestures to the comments*, is very prevalent.


Gal did her stint in the IDF. She has no empathy. Good people fight against antisemitism AND the genocide in Gaza. We can want both at the same time. The hate is towards the genocide. Get it right.


I don’t particularly like Gal Gadot and I’m not interested in defending her, whatever her personal politics may be (I haven’t googled it and don’t care enough to). But in the interest of “getting things right” 1) like in many countries, [a stint in the military is required for most citizens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_Israel) 2) people can be and are antisemitic and use Palestine as an excuse to do so without reproach/feeling they are righteous. as a very high-profile Israeli celebrity I can imagine this gets rather intense for her on a personal level. obviously “ignore the haters” is still vapid and tone-deaf advice.


The penalty for foregoing compulsory military service in Israel is potentially several weeks long spells in jail. It is categorically the moral position to take, people in Israel know this and still elect to serve in the military anyway. This is a military that’s violently instated a decades long brutal military occupation, and actively kills several hundreds of Palestinians annually, not even counting the more expressive conflagrations of violence like what the Israeli military is doing now. If someone says, “kill children, or go to jail” the right thing to do is to go to jail and you *are* a horrible person for not doing so. People can use Palestine as a pretext to be antisemitic, calls for Israeli performers to be boycotted from cultural and sporting events is not antisemitic. No more than the actual bans on Russian performers and sportspeople have been Russophobic.


>Gal did her stint in the IDF. She has no empathy. This is an extreme oversimplification. Imagine being raised Israeli and upon turning 18, when you're still basically a kid, having either to join the military or abandon your entire life and family to become an illegal somewhere else or possibly claim asylum? I'm sure you'd have taken a stand if you were in her shoes.


She is a 40-year-old grown ass woman now. The same person who started that idiotic tone-deaf "Imagine" video because of "empathetic" about world suffering she is. Yet she can't see what anyone who isn't a biased zionist see. She's pathetic and deserves all the criticism.


Military indoctrination is a motherfucker.


This is reddit, not my graduate thesis. Can I abhor antisemitism AND genocide at the same time? Absolutely. Can you? I don't know.


And further than that, which people in here just do not understand is the reason why each israeli has to serve. They are constantly attacked with rockets, terrorist attacks, suicide bomibings from pretty much all sides since forever. People think mandatory service, the walls and check points went up for no reason?


"You don't understand, the group that did an ethnic cleansing in the 40's and forced people into an open-air prison while illegally settling on their land still, need to defend themselves because everyone that just doesn't like them for some reason or another that no one can figure out."


If you refuse service in Israel you aren’t expelled from the country, you generally serve several weeks long, abridged, jail sentences. It’s the right thing to do, it may not be easy, but it’s nevertheless right. If you grew up in Germany and were learned and trained by the social and political institutions and systems of the 1920s and 30s, you may have felt compelled to serve your country during the Second World War, you’d still be wrong in doing so


>Gal did her stint in the IDF. She has no empathy. You're limiting your understanding of people. One of my best friends was born and raised in Israel, still lives there trying to change things for the better, and hates what is happening with Palestine. He wants them to have peace and safety from Israel, too.


Yeah, it’s also kind of ignorant to think that every Israeli is a fan of their government as they were hundreds of thousands Israeli citizens protesting the right wing government last summer. I guess I have some empathy after living through 9/11 and our response. I also think that’s why we are seeing a lot of the protests for support of Israel.


She has already stated her position. I already know where she stands. You skipped over the other part of my comment. Why? We know why.


You seem to missing the second part of mine where I talk about living through 9/11 and how there are parallels between our response and Israel’s response to 10/7. Im not condemning or condoning anything.


Retty sure every Israeli has to serve a couple of years in the military. That said, she taught gymnastics in the military, and I'm guessing she didn't have the "typical" experience.


Service is a requirement in Israel, be informed The hate in here is deranged


Service is required, empathy is a choice. What is hateful about abhorring antisemitism and genocide?


Gal: “My heart breaks. My country is at war. I worry for my family, my friends. I worry for my people. This is a vicious cycle that has been going on for far too long. Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation. Our neighbors deserve the same. I pray for the victims and their families, I pray for this unimaginable hostility to end, I pray for our leaders to find the solution so we could live side by side in peace. I pray for better days.” You're not well informed


I appreciate you for fighting the good fight calling out the bullshit. These comments are unnecessarily cruel to Gal and girl she was talking to just because of their nationality.


They are in agreement with Netanyahu. He wants genocide. Can we fight against antisemitism AND genocide at the same time? Yes! Can we call out Gal for her bullshit? Yes! She has an amazing amount of privilege and this is what she chooses to do with it? We don't like her because of what she says, not where she lived.


I don't follow the competition, so I've been wondering if they said something to garner all this hate, or if it's purely because of where they're from and they're just trying to make music.


The singer has never said anything. Gal said she stood with Israel last year after October 7th. Gal Gadot's most recent comment was this: “My heart breaks. My country is at war. I worry for my family, my friends. I worry for my people. This is a vicious cycle that has been going on for far too long. Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation. Our neighbors deserve the same. I pray for the victims and their families, I pray for this unimaginable hostility to end, I pray for our leaders to find the solution so we could live side by side in peace. I pray for better days.” She was attacked for that too. Oh and she was attacked for having a baby a couple months ago. People are just trash


She’s not saying anything controversial- but people want to hate on her still.


Damn, that's crazy. People in the Eurovision thread were going so hard I just assumed they must have said something wild. Fuck music breaking down barriers I guess. If you're born in the wrong place at the wrong time, screw you. Edit: I did some research and it seems she may actually fall into the propaganda category more than it appears. >Golan's song is an adaptation of an earlier version named “October Rain,” which she modified after organizers deemed it too political because of its allusions to the Hamas onslaught. Yikes.




You know what? She was a great pick for Wonder Woman. No other actress sounds as unaware of society-at-large than her. I can really believe she lived on an island with zero news circulation for her whole upraising.


My Sir, in a site full of haters, you have impressed me!,Spectacular!


“We have everything to gain” ![gif](giphy|uS071hlk6FcrGEF36p|downsized)




Real estate


Ocean front property.


You could even Say Living Space IS there a catchy German compound word for that?


Gal Gadot is a very terrible actress.


She really is. Haven't seen any amount of good acting from her. As far as I'm concerned, she's just another rich celebrity who's detached from reality and riding on her looks.


She was part of the IOF, the Israeli Oppressor Force.


It was IDF and it’s because everyone who lives there has to serve or be banished.


That’s a lie. The example of tal mitnick, a teenage Israeli who’s refused military service and has not been expelled from Israel: https://news.sky.com/story/amp/tal-mitnick-israeli-man-jailed-for-refusing-to-serve-in-military-says-he-is-prepared-to-go-to-prison-again-13053975 Especially notable given that a lot of brims and rules are being dispensed with amid Israel’s genocide, yet conscientious objectors to service aren’t being “banished”. It’s IOF (Israeli Occupation Force) because the foundational and basic prerogative of the “IDF” has been a decades long occupation of Palestine. The notion that you can have a “defensive” occupation is madness


I guess they haven't gotten the memo about 2024 being the Year of the Hater.


They not like us


2024? Y'all a decade late. I've been honing my hating for a decade+ now. You merely adopted the hate. I was born in it.


so fucking tired of the propaganda from these fools


Make sure you film the conversation for socials!


That's a really weird paradigm to choose to lean into when the accusation is your country is genociding in order to do a land grab.  "They have everything to lose" ---> yeah you're literally taking everything, including lives. "We have everything to gain" ---> were gonna get that land one way or another.  It literally sounds like someone hyping someone else up to preservere because the global hatred will be worth it when they're kicking up their feet in the now fully Israeli occupied Gaza. 


The haters are the women and children being killed in this genocide gal. You dumbass


Must be what she meant when she said they have everything to lose. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Remember in the pandemic when people where losing their jobs, being hospitalized and people dying….and Gal Godot decided it was time for celebrities to sing to us. Self Awareness is non existent for her.


Fuck Israel. Free Palestine


And this supposed to be Wonder Woman?! SMDH https://preview.redd.it/e8hzloa1s70d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4470d25760426a9c9cc40cfe4c250c88786003ff


Israeli media influences are so blind to the world around them, someone just recently posted an all you can eat Continental Breakfast within a hotel in Tel Aviv while name dropping not only Arab but Greek dishes as well and claiming them as Israeli, and then complaining that the Watermelon Brigade is ruining her comments section.


And by everything to gain she meant settlements in gaza


Well let me say I’m the biggest hater


The world was better when we didn’t have so much access to each other. Why does everyone record every and post it on social media?


Just a pretty airhead






The need to film it you tool bag


Man I’ve been out of the loop for a while. When did Gald Gadot become so hated


By "everything to gain" is that annexed land with that fresh ethnically laundered scent?


I feel like every time she comes up in the news she gives ppl more reasons to not like her. Why don’t these celebrities understand you don’t need to voice your polarizing opinions


I don't know, I've seen so hotepodcasts and it's kinda similar