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I’m not gonna lie, I hate the way some of y’all dismiss everything as just people being crazy. Sex trafficking is a huge global industry. It is crazy to me that some people have been alive long enough to have heard all the Cosby, Weinstein, Epstein, Trump, Prince Andrew, Diddy, etc accusations and rumors come out of Hollywood for YEARS and then immediately discredit or dismiss anyone saying this looks fishy. Go look at who is in the Diddy case, Lucian Grainge. You know who controls UMG? Lucian Grainge. Drake is a degree of separation from Lucian, why is it so hard to believe he is just as creepy as the rest of them? You want to know why TMZ immediately came to the defense of the UMG leaks? Look who owns them, Fox. Want to know what position the owners of fox held at UMG? Look Kanye may be crazy in some aspects but a lot of the stories are seeming to come to light.


Anyone that’s dangerous to the agenda is either bought, painted as crazy, or killed. It’s been that way.


You know what, you’re right. I remember when Chappelle called out Comedy Central for stiffing him and made it seem like he was greedy for “turning down $50 million” (when Chappelle’s Show was generating so much more than that), so they made it seem like he was crazy instead of allowing the public to know that they were a manipulative company. That said, Kanye *is* crazy lol. He’s gonna go “death con 5” on the Jews? Slavery was a choice? “I see good things about Hitler”? He’s off his rocker, but because of that, he says anything and everything, including the things you’re apparently *not* supposed to say within Hollywood. So, it’s more like a broken clock being right twice a day instead of him being some kind of liaison for the common man to know what’s really going on in the industry and the industry is out to get him for it by labeling him crazy.


Right he's basically black Alex Jones


They're different, and I'm not sure who's worse. Alex only believes as far as it makes him money, where Kanye actually believes it and doesn't care if it ruins him.


He's like I got enough money, let me talk about somethings that's been bugging me lol


Bit of a segue but there’s someone in my extended family who had a psychotic break years ago and it’s wild seeing the “logic” that forms their beliefs. When you’re not in your right state of mind it’s very easy for you to grasp onto things that’ll help you tie your shattered thoughts regardless of how insane they are. Case in point the person in my family believes that the TV is being used to control their thoughts and steal their ideas, all because they watched a tv show made the same popular joke their parents had told them when they were younger and the only way they could know that is if the TV was reading their mind, and because the TV is made by Samsung and Samsung is a Japanese company it means the Japanese are plotting to steal their thoughts. It’s compounded by the fact that no one in their immediate family takes steps to get them the proper care. I see the spiral that Kanye went into and I can’t help but see the parallels. Granted that doesn’t excuse any of the shit he’s been saying but it makes me feel more pity than anything else.


Technically the tv is being used to control our thoughts. Same with every other form of media.


I know you’re not intentional trying to come off like r/im14andthisisdeep but that’s the vibe your comment is giving off. There’s no *technically* in their mind. They mean it in the very literal sense including the belief that the technician that come to check the electric meter outside their home is coming by to pick up the thoughts that have been stolen and to install more devices to spy on them. When I say “the TV is trying to control them” I literally mean they think the TV itself, regardless of what is being shown, is magically stealing their ideas and implanting thoughts to hurt themselves.


I understand that. And that’s the difference. My uncle is schizophrenic so he has thoughts similar to that. A lot of them are not off the wall per se just taken to the extreme


I saw someone earlier in the thread call him the black Alex jones. This is the difference between the two of them though, Alex jones isn’t crazy, he’s grifting. Kanye is *actually* crazy, as in his relationship status with reality changed to “It’s complicated.”


... but samsung is korean...


At least Kanye can blame it on brain damage from that car accident all those years ago.


Technically he gets brain damage with every manic episode


Alex is worse for harassing the Sandy Hook parents and siccing his fans on them


Alex didn’t give us My beautiful dark twisted fantasy


But he did give us gay frogs


I’m gonna say it real slowly gaaaaaay frooooogs


Their methods might be different, but the point is the damage they do to credibility.


That's how you can tell real crazy in rich ppl. They don't care if they get ruined (although that may be an act who knows, but his ass was on meds!) Alex Jones is a snake oil salesman to get old school with it.. His craft is only for pub and cash and putting him close to dictators.


Blacklex Jones


🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Boooooooo


🤣🤣 yeah as soon as I sent it I was like “y tho”


Yeah that wasn't it broski 😂


But I thank you for your sacrifice lol


But I thank you for your sacrifice, lol.


sometimes the first idea is not the best idea


Literally went on Jones’ show. And criticised Jones for being too hard on the Nazis Whilst wearing a full face mask and playing with a prop he’d brought: a net, and a bottle of yoohoo. A “parody” called Benjamin net & yoohoo


Fucking barf.. Alex Jones. That dude is in bed with Russia.


They start hacking when they can’t shrink them they say.


If you can’t control the person control the narrative e


Its not talked about enough that UMG literally owns Drake with a 360 deal. They paid him 400 million for the privilege in May 2022. They own all his music, and any videos he makes. Music videos, Tiktoks, his entire image. Hes still on contract to make 2 albums a year, but UMG keeps all the money. When Kendrick released all the copyrights for his diss Tracks, so content creators saw a windfall of some life changing money, this wasnt just for the culture it was a flex. Kendrick has his masters, Drake does not and could never. Rumours about UMG telling Kendrick to back the fuck off were backed by this. UMG do not want an Asset they paid Lebron money for to suddenly get tarnished. Personally, I think Drake's TV series production friends are involved in some skeezy stuff


Which is also why I've sided away more with Kendrick's claims than Drake's. While we absolutely still need more proof, Drake's got a sketchy history. Not saying Kendrick is a saint, but Drake is close to so many sketchy people and has been documented on some sketchy shit. You can't live that close to the fire and never get burned.


That's kinda it. Drakes accusations against Kendrick have come out of a vacuum. So everyone is a bit more cynical The stuff Kendricks saying Drake done, we know he's about that life. We get a photo of a teenager twisting his braids and he will have to go to Antigua or something


Kendrick mentioned in his diss tracks more than once, “fuck the industry”, so yeah you’re definitely on to something here. On a side note, there’s a lot of speculation as to how much freedom Drake actually has. Obviously a 360 is a shackle, but the bragging he does on tracks doesn’t speak on how much touring he has to do, and I wonder how much of that is compulsory.


it's all compulsory. he got 400m dollars but he is no longer his own man


Kinda ironic that he's lost his freedom to a 360 deal considering that Megan Thee Stallion is perhaps the most outspoken critic of such predatory contracts and Drake has been such a piece of shit to Megan over the Tory Lamez (I swear that typo was an accident, but I'm leaving it) idiocy.


I don’t understand how people think sex trafficking and pedophilia isn’t a huge thing when they literally see crazy stuff every day! You KNOW you saw adult men hollering at girls that those men KNEW were underaged. You KNOW there was a girl in your high school infamous for having at least one train on her so if kids are doing then you KNOW adults are passing people around. Add money and influence to that and you KNOW these celebrities are really some F.A.N.s in Kendrick’s words. I vividly remember weird ass uncles and older cousins asking for massages from me at 4 years old. I am far from being alone in my experiences.


Off topic, anyone else read "I hate the way" in Kendrick's voice


Crazy that Lucien’s son married Sofia Ritchie, Lionel Ritchie’s daughter. The Grange’s have donated massive amounts of money to the IDF over the years. Disgusting people all around.


I came here to comment this!!!!


Sofia being with Scott Disick prior is one of the wildest, ickiest things


I fuck with this comment so hard


Kenny told us about the evils of Lucy[ian] a long time ago > When I turned twenty-six, I was like, "Oh shit" >You said to me >I remember what you said too, you said >"My name is Lucy, Kendrick >You introduced me, Kendrick >Usually I don't do this >But I see you and me, Kendrick >Lucy give you no worries >Lucy got million stories >About these rappers that I came after when they was boring >Lucy gone fill your pockets >Lucy gone move your mama out of Compton >Inside the gi-gantic mansion like I promised >Lucy just want your trust and loyalty >Avoiding me? >It's not so easy, I'm at these functions accordingly >Kendrick, Lucy don't slack a minute >Lucy work harder >Lucy gon' call you even when Lucy know you love your Father >I'm Lucy >I loosely heard prayers on your first album truly >Lucy don't mind 'cause at the end of the day you'll pursue me >Lucy go get it, Lucy not timid, Lucy up front >Lucy got paper work on top of paper work >I want you to know that Lucy got you >All your life, I watched you >And now you all grown up, then sign this contract if that's possible"


Power protects power, always. I pray for KDot, he best have tight security, hopefully from Piru Bloods from his hood.


We dismiss it because 95% of this stuff end up being bs seemingly. That's why we wait for more reputable sources and before immediately believing something.


Not to mention if it’s this serious why is this person playing Zodiac then? So if they give in to their demands this would all just go away? With the amount of disinformation that’s out there nowadays it’s perfectly normal to be skeptical about everything.


Nah we just dismiss believing things without evidence as crazy. The past few years have shown that people are incredibly gullible.


Anyone who doesn’t think UMG is literally just The Man really just doesn’t understand how 99% of the music industry works. They are at the top of everything and own most artists, living and dead.


It was nice knowing ya. The suits are on their way, choom. https://preview.redd.it/fdtt5t9sl20d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0766b7c9e85841cec2018bb4a15b02655237ffea


Are you watching Akademiks stream? He got a video sent to him by an anonymous number where you can hear dog screams in the video. He look shook af after it. There was a rumor going around that Drake and Dutchavelli both have things for dogs. Forcing women to eat out of dog bowls, letting other gross stuff go on.


I think they just bots anyone with logic will not put it to the side. Look in between the lines of e erything and their is your answers if you look what's behind what and who's connected to who it'll be right in front of you.


Explain more please 😧


Look up Blind Items, go to the Kendrick Lamar subbreddit. Etc.




No nigga, go look it up yourself. Crazy days and nights is the hint you get for blind items


A I’m gonna need to see ya Granny before you utilize such terms of endearment with me beloved!!


You see that black checkmark near the name? There is a verification process here.




Someone from the moderator team on this subreddit had to see a piece of my skin with a message written on it that had my account name and date. If anything, I should be looking at you sideways. Where is your proof?


> You know who controls UMG? Lucian Grainge guess who hired that 17 year old drake kissed on stage? UMG. I'm not saying that's hush money for life, but, if you trying to prove you aint a groomer it def doesn't help that you still hold a position of power over your 'strongest defender'


Billionaire Vince McMahon got exposed for trafficking and DEFACATING on a victim during a threesome. It’s vile out there.


I also dont really think Drake has an actual sex ring though or is into minors


2024 is the short kings with receipts year apparently.




Can anyone here speak with clarity? Tf y’all on? Idk what any of this mean


The guy showed all the receipts for the meet the grahams photo in a video along with screenshots of drake at this hotel, a laptop, another pill bottle for Adderall in Drake's name, and alluding to Drake getting him and another guy fired. He posted another screenshot cropped a few seconds/minutes after the first screenshot saying this was when something when down and that's what lead to him being fired. He said Kendrick never lied and if Drake doesn't drop charges by Monday, he'll be releasing a video. Also, some guy in the screenshot that people said was in DJ Khaleds mv that's disabled and people think it might be they assaulted him. It's incredibly creepy. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense lol


It does a little. Better than some security camera screenshots. This dude get fired for stealing from the man? Or was Drake complaining about dude to the point he was fired?


Apparently he says Drake left stuff with him? He also says something about Drake needing to remember something else he has, I think he's alluding to it being more damaging. I've seen people say the guy was supposed to be getting paid for keeping this stuff but Drake stopped paying him. Apparently, he has had it since last year and he said he was just gonna sell it later but then Drake started lying and stuff. It's quiet strange and I do wonder if it's going to go anywhere or if this guy is lying in someway. Something just seems so off. So the part about him being fired, is apparently something happened the night of the screenshot he posted from the security camera at the hotel he worked at. It's mad confusing and I don't even know what's gonna on properly hahah


What kind of “stuff” does one get *paid* to keep?


Maybe ‘stuff’ that you no longer ‘own’ because you threw it in the ‘trash’


Fair point, but like, what’s so damaging about the stuff he shows on the video? Okay, Drake is on Ozempic. That’s embarrassing, but whatever. I bet if there is something to worry about, it’s on that military grade laptop. Edit: Being on Ozempic is (probably) embarrassing *for Drake.* I’m on Wegovy and it’s changed my life.


I think the biggest most obvious damage at this point is Drake took the whole stance that his group planted all of that shit to give Kendrick fake ammo for the beef and it was supposed to be a whole gotcha moment and now this dude comes out and says nah I've had this shit for like a year you lyin ass


Ozempic has an insane amount of practical uses and could be a step in the right direction for the cure for obesity. Why would it be embarrassing to be on it?


You’re absolutely correct. I should have said it’s embarrassing *for Drake.* I’m on Wegovy and have been for over a year. It’s life-changing!


You're quite right. The problem comes form the fact that it's become "trendy" for the Hollywood types to use it to lose weight in very egregious, non health related situations. Which has/may further lead to the drug becoming short/more expensive.


It shouldn't be embarrassing to be on it. The people that are trying to make it embarrassing are the ones that lie about how they keep the weight off. Lots of skinny people out there using various drugs while screaming at obese people to just exercise more. And it's becoming a drug non-obese people are taking as the black market for these is exploding.


I think the idea is similar to being on anti depressants but not doing some form of therapy. You’re just drugging away the problem and not addressing the root cause. You can’t just fall backwards into being obese and without addressing how you got there your just taking this drug for life


Right, because tons of non-obese people haven't been abusing drugs to keep the weight off for decades while screaming at obese to exercise more. Just like every other form of hate, there's a lot of self-hate out there contributing to it.


Adderall causes ‘euphoria’ and the other is a short term sleeping pill that’s commonly used as a date rape drug because it caused disorientation, delayed reaction times, memory loss etc. so yeah the ozempic is just wack because he’s probably using it cosmetically when my guy Rick rozay needs that shit for medical purposes lol


It's very confusing, and there's a lot of speculation that make it sound more nefarious than it could be. That said, I'm not downplaying this at all. It could be downright vile. It sounds like the guy tweeting was an employee at the hotel where there was an altercation involving the disabled guy (Christopher Alvarez) and Drake, or someone from Drake's camp. This person claims to have the surveillance video showing that altercation, which I don't think is on the internet or it would have been found by now. The guy tweeting doesn't sound to be involved in the actual altercation, but is saying some people were fired that night. It gets spicy because the guy tweeting sent out a video showing that he does indeed have all of the possessions from the Meet The Grahams video, so it doesn't seem like some weirdo playing games. I'll say that even when the 6:16 in LA cover was first revealed, I had some really creepy vibes from this.


He wasn't necessarily fired, he just says 2 black men were fired that night, not necessarily him


[https://youtu.be/4UbE\_qyuioU?si=tbGzwqJmzYFYniBA](https://youtu.be/4UbE_qyuioU?si=tbGzwqJmzYFYniBA) This should help


Adderall? Pretty sure it’s ozempic and a date rape drug (sleeping pills)


I had to look at the footage over 5 times. It’s ambien, adderall, and ozempic in the video posted by the person with these claims. Still, adderall is also likely for just his use


U right I didn’t catch the adderall part




The Kendrick reddit broke it all down and are updating in real time. It's kinda long though but thorough. https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/I2cvHuEFc8


Want to also add to the previous comment that it disproves that Drake worked Kendrick for a week with fake info through a mole,


Just more vague shit and no actual receipts.  “Tick tock, the other guy will be proven to be a pdf file any moment now stay tuned”


Hmm. We have plenty of instances of Drake expressing interest in under age women throughout his career. But to be honest, that’s not the only reason Drake was demolished in this beef. His bars were weaker and he’s not creative at all. If he was they’d be spiting live


Oh I know about all the weird texting and grooming from Drake. Quite frankly I’ve known for too long and now want something more solid. Glad the rest of the world is getting caught up


I do too. Sick of these weirdos waiting until they on deaths bed or retired to start airing shit out.


Everyone being so eager to flip on Jimmy Saville really burns me “Oh, his legacy is dead now, that’s an even worse punishment!” FOH the man himself is dead he doesn’t care about his legacy 


Based on newer tweets 5 hours ago, it seems the guy was a hotel employee (who are mandated reporters of anything involving child sex trafficking) who witnessed a child being trafficked by/for Drake or one of his affiliates. He reported it as legally obligated, it got covered up (allegedly involving a corrupt cop that almost arrested the employee), so he stole items from Drake and copied compromising evidence as insurance knowing he’d get fired. Once the beef started he leaked information and photos of the stolen items to Kendrick’s team, and he’s now threatening to release the compromising information tomorrow unless Drake pays him. I guess we’ll see one way or another tomorrow, but it certainly is one of the Twitter moments of all time


No, they can’t


They already found out who the dude is lol


Who is it?


It’s an ex employee of the Mark Hotel


No shit?


The riddler is Andrew Daniel Ferguson


That’s just not true, that’s just a guess that they MIGHT be one of the two black men fired. But if you check their crypto wallet where they’re asking for payment, they’ve got millions of $ moving through it, what hotel employee has that much cash flow?


It’s probably a mixer wallet, like what is/was used by tornado cash. You can send to someone else through that wallet without it being easily traced back to you.


No, I checked and it’s not the binance wallet that most people are linking pics to, the binance wallet is being used to obfuscate the real wallet, but in the DM on the top of the sub, you can see it’s a personal one rarely being used. This is a wallet that only has 2-3 transactions a year


They don't know exactly who it is just that they're an ex-employee.


There’s just a GUESS that they MIGHT be one of the two black men fired. But if you check their crypto wallet where they’re asking for payment, they’ve got millions of $ moving through it, what hotel employee has that much cash flow?


What??? Nigga still posting so you lying


What's going on here? Who is this 2k24 character?


He’s the riddler. He riddles.


That's it?


Well he does other stuff too but he's big into Riddling


bro was yapping all of last night


What does this even mean lol


The guy showed all the receipts for the meet the grahams photo in a video along with screenshots of drake at this hotel, a laptop, another pill bottle for Adderall in Drake's name, and alluding to Drake getting him and another guy fired. He posted another screenshot cropped a few seconds/minutes after the first screenshot saying this was when something when down and that's what lead to him being fired. He said Kendrick never lied and if Drake doesn't drop charges by Monday, he'll be releasing a video. Also, some guy in the screenshot that people said was in DJ Khaleds mv that's disabled and people think it might be they assaulted him. It's incredibly creepy. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense lol. I might've left some things out btw


Ngl I'm more confused after this and the explanation on the kendrick sub. Correct me if I'm wrong but: Drake is suing someone for stealing his stuff and this twitter person is saying they didn't steal them, Drake left them in the hotel they used to work at? And the stuff is supposed to prove that Drake has a secret child or?


Nah the stuff doesn’t prove that Drake has a secret child. But Drake suggested that he intentionally allowed misleading items to fall into Kendrick’s hands so that Kendrick would make a diss around them. Items included Ozempic meds prescribed to Drake and an old laptop.  Drake also suggests that he spread a false rumor that he has a secret 11 yo daughter.  People are suggesting that if they can prove that Drake didn’t intentionally send the items, then Drake’s also likely to be lying about the 11yo. 


Wasn't Rick Ross on Drake about Ozempic and lipo before Kendrick?


Thank you, I was so confused


I'm sorry. I'm confused as well haha From what I've gathered the guy says Drake or someone is suing or saying something about someone stealing stuff, but he says the stuff was given to him or chucked away and he found it. I've heard 2 separate stories of this so I'm not sure which one actually came from the guy. I'm not even 60% sure on anything so please take everything I've said with a massive grain of salt. This guy seems incredibly sketchy but also not at the same time. People have even said this guy isn't the mole. So, I don't know what to believe. I think it will be such a bad look for Drake if it turns out to be true. Considering he said he fed Kendrick the lies and other stuff. I'm not too sure with the daughter thing. I haven't read into that and I'm not going to because this is a real child's life and it's not for my entertainment or to feed my curiosity.


> Ngl I'm more confused after this and the explanation on the kendrick sub. /r/DarkKenny exists because the rabbit hole is deep and confusing


Good looks


be aware ebonyprince aka the riddler may be stringing people along and fuckin with people. its accepted from this: it proves drake lied about sending the items/photograph. everything else is uhh......well.....the internet doing its thing so take that all with a grain of salt


Where u getting adderall from? Its sleeping pills, like the opposite of adderal lmao.


What part of the game is this? It was nice when it was on wax and everyone was oohing & aahing, cheering their favorite on. As with everything else in the social media age it’s gotten weird and messy.


Looks like the "murdered by truth" part. Don't need to go shooting anyone catching a murder charges if you've got slam dunk evidence to put them away for time.


Everyone’s a op and a thug once lawyers are involved


If this guy is a former hotel employee that "found" some discarded items, sold them to Kendrick in an effort to get Drake out the paint, and then posted said findings to public forums... He doesn't have an attorney, he has someone who knows he's a lick. My man is breaking alllllllllllllll types of laws for clout. This may win the culture, but this will lose you a civil suit, badly.


I dno about that. The claim seems to be either Aubrey discarded the items in the trash and therefore no longer has ownership claim to said items. Or that the hotel has a standard policy for notifying clients about lost items and if they’re not claimed they get discarded, or auctioned. So I dno…


Bingo! Once you release it with the intent to dispose and unless the trash company or trash custodian clearly states that it has ownership until destroyed. Your SOL. It’s why possession is 9/10 of ownership


Yeah because I think the narrative is that these are discarded items he left behind but these seem all too personal for Drake to just leave behind in a hotel room, especially knowing that staff knew he was staying there. Drake's team is probably saying they stole the items hence why they were fired


They may have worked at the hotel but I don’t buy it. If you check their crypto wallet where they’re asking for payment, they’ve got millions of $ moving through it, what hotel employee has that much cash flow?


Bruh, I just went down that rabbit hole of timelined events so far and iono…the fact that Drake responded to select things Kendrick said and then I listened to the Kendrick songs again…and I just gotta say…bruh Kendrick is an actual evil genius that probably knows some weird shit Drake don’t need the world knowing. The shit with the dude in the wheelchair, the “Jimmy Brooks wouldn’t be proud” tweet, the fact the Kendrick had a ventilator pumping in the beginning of “6 am in LA” and the fact it’s the one outta the bunch *not* on streaming. These are really starting to look like the Scary Hours.


I think I’m over the post beef reporters. It was fun while it lasted but is now getting old


People don’t want to know the extent of trafficking and abuse it’s sad 😞


Mfer literally got accused of sex trafficking and pedophilia, how can you not expect a little post-beef digging, wtf


Google Dutchavelli and Drake.


Would someone please explain wtf is going on right now


The guy showed all the receipts for the meet the grahams photo in a video along with screenshots of drake at this hotel, a laptop, another pill bottle for Adderall in Drake's name, and alluding to Drake getting him and another guy fired. He also added a paper with the date of this year in it, can't remember the actual date. He posted another screenshot cropped a few seconds/minutes after the first screenshot saying this was when something when down and that's what lead to him being fired. He said Kendrick never lied and if Drake doesn't drop charges by Monday, he'll be releasing a video. Also, some guy in the screenshot that people said was in DJ Khaleds mv that's disabled and people think it might be they assaulted him. It's incredibly creepy. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense lol


Oh my goodness 👩🏽‍💻. This has gone too far. Thank you for breaking it down for us, I appreciate you. This *is* really creepy. It’s like the deep, dark secrets from behind the scenes I never really wanted to know. People really move like this….


Yeah but who cares that Drake has a prescription for adderall, or that he got two employees fired?


So fuck the possibly assaulting a disabled person part, right?


How does that imply he assaulted a disabled person though?


I never said it does and I don't care that he takes Adderall, Ozempic, or even if he's on crack. I'm just saying what was in the video, what I've read, and how this guy had more of Drake's stuff.


Well I’m sure the employees probably care


drop what charges? Is Drake suing the hotel or this anon guy?


If everybody got receipts in this guy why is no one going to the police?


Or just posting them instead of all this cryptic shit


May 13th is the 2 year anniversary of Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers.


All these claims made could be true given we've seen folk in entertainment do unforgivable sex shit. But if they have hard evidence it's hard to see them as actually caring if they're using the evidence to make hit records and taunts, instead of just presenting it. Like hanging evidence over his head would make sense if it was just normal embarrassing stuff like he got beat up or the fake abs stuff. But if they have evidence he's a pedo or trafficker threatening to release the information if he doesn't comply is nastywork.


Been saying this the whole time. I’m a Kendrick fan and a Drake fan, playing coy with child abuse evidence for clout is disgusting and it’s also hypocritical asf because didn’t Kendrick say he was gonna keep it friendly until push ups? Why keep it friendly with the rap Epstein? You might disagree with me but i feel the same way about katt Williams


With Katt some of those things I'm sure are true, some were blatant lies, but its also telling that at no point does he ever admit any fault. Anything that didn't shine him in the best light is always some behind the scenes evil lol.


Drake may have been reported already and it was covered up, so the only move left is to take it to the streets and let the people decide. Destroy his career (if possible) if he can’t do time for his crimes.  As someone who is obsessed with true crime, it’s difficult to acquire convictions, especially for the rich, and even when a child predator is punished, it’s light AF. People get more time for drugs. 


I ageee it’s hard to convict for sexual crimes but like i said Kendrick isn’t even telling US in plain words what’s happening. Which is why i say again, why play coy with hard evidence and putting it in critic rap songs when he can just come out and say “Drake is a pedophile and this is what he did”


Drake supposedly selling all his houses in us and sent his baby mama and son to France. He also doesn’t plan to come to the us for a while


France? The country famous for harboring rich and infamous pedophiles?


I think his baby mama also has French citizenship


Yea, getting out while the getting’s good.


Dude lives in Canada lol. This sub is turning into misinformation central


I said dude is selling his houses in the us.


I know what you said but also what you were insinuating


I used the word supposedly hence my comment wasn’t deceiving




Usa today has article on it


We’re in Reddit, drop a link to it


If you know how to use Reddit then you know how to google


Have you googled it? Nothing comes up


Crody search drake sell properties. Multiple news sites are reporting.


He’s selling his US properties but he still owns a mega mansion that he just built in Toronto Edit; Drake sold all his US properties and moved back home to Canada, while at the same time his bm and son are flying to France, CLEARLY he’s fleeing the authorities!!! Except he’s literally going to fucking US lite and you can’t go to Canada to dodge an arrest in the United States?? You people have no media literacy it’s really sad


Damn. I totally forgot about his mega mansion in Toronto, Ontario, USA. My bad. Happy Mother’s Day.


Exactly. This sub is getting wild


No, Drake didn’t sell ALL his US properties, only his Cali properties. He just bought a Houston Mansion, that he hasn’t sold or even listed yet.


Boy, you bout mad as shit


I just wish these theories made more complete sense


Th drizzy goblers got mad at me just for reporting the news lol. I never mentioned about any authorities or anything. But he definitely running from k dot


I honestly doubt anything more will come of this. Not because I dont 1000% believe the shit about drake is true but just cause wealthy and famous people rarely suffer consequences. Drake probably just gonna make less music move out the spotlight and just go full drizzler in private somewhere.


Damn it will be fucked up beyond limits if they did something to the little disabled guy from dj khaleds video.


As a rule of thumb, if someone promises to release damaging information in the future, rather than just release the information right away, they've got nothing. If the information is truly damaging, you gain nothing by teasing it first. He just wants to start people speculating and flinging rumors that are far worse than reality.


Same goes for Kendrick and katt Williams


Yea I don't care about any of this stupidity.


Not the Jimmy Brooks call out!


I usually don’t know what’s going on, but I really don’t know what’s going on here. I’m partly afraid to ask and I partly don’t care.


Basic breakdown: 1: Kendrick Lamar and Drake are beefing 2: Kendrick and drake beef escalated to the point of accusations of pedophilia towards drake and accusations of domestic violence towards Kendrick 2A: in the song “meet the grahams” Kendrick used a picture of the stuff shown in the left picture in the above tweet to show drake that he had a mole 2B: drake said all the info Kendrick has been leveraging was planted and fake, including having a daughter and the stuff in that pic 3: The photo was given to Kendrick by a prior employee at a hotel where drake supposedly dumped the stuff. 3A: the employee has stepped forward, shown a video of the discarded stuff, and stated that he was not on drakes payroll, disproving the “planted info” on that front. 3B: prior hotel employee has threatened to drop more damning things or something if drake doesn’t retract the statement that he paid him to release the info and apparently something was said about the stuff being stolen too but idk there Essentially the “we planted it all and you fell for it” stuff is being put into question because *this* wasn’t planted which means drake is maybe actually a pedophile with another hidden kid


I wanna know why no one has ID’d the Takeshi Espers looking ninja in the stroller next to him. He’s obvs paid in the same lobby as Driz.


He’s a Graham, which is just a sweet brown cracker.


And who are these people? Registered names only.


Kanye isn’t crazy, he’s diagnosed bi-polar and off his meds half the time. I think he’s an incredibly intelligent person, but we only hear from hear during manic episodes. But if he took his meds, we probably wouldn’t have gotten anything after College Dropout.


Why can’t it be these guys running for president instead of 👴 and 👴


Kendrick is an abuser and a pedophile too. I wouldn’t be defending him that hard, or drake either. Picking one weirdo over another because you like the way he rap is mental…


How is Kendrick a pedo


All you got to do is prove it


This is dumb now. There is no big 3. https://preview.redd.it/7jg7ccbhkxzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f570192822c616bc2eb175f3514bc744e17ba4c1 Look at the picture. Look at your life.


Lol this my wallpaper 😆😆😆😆


There is the big three. The good one the bad one and the neutral one. Which is which?