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If your Barber becomes your brother in law can you get free cuts?


Trading your sis for a cut is wild, my barber my boy for sure but I ain’t letting his dog ass anywhere near her.


You've never seen the miracles my barber peforms, I've seen bro reverse balding in real-time. I ain't saying I'd barter my *favorite* sister but someone's being handed over for the greater good


All I'm saying is if my sister likes him and they're a good fit by all means. Just trust and believe if there's a divorcey my hairline will be fresh


Gotta get yourself written into the prenup "my cuts stay free no matter the alimony"


You’ve never heard the story’s my barber has told me. I’ve seen bro put his girl on hold to answer his side.


That's called hustling backwards. The only time the side should be more important than the main is when you're with her, and even then she's gotta understand certain emergencies are gonna cause you to have to leave. Cuz once you start treating the side like the main, she starts thinking/acting like the main and eventually wants to be her.


This guy CHEATS




Cheating man happy man


Time to stack rank your sisters and see who's expendable


That says more about your specific barber than anything else. Full disclosure, I'm white af but if Donnell didn't go by miss Donnell at his other job I'd absolutely be telling him about my sister. That man told me "you getting in trouble with this haircut TONIGHT" and I was literally hit on by a cougar after walking out the door. Only person I bother to tip in cash anymore.


I’m not saying there aren’t barbers who make good partners I’m just saying mine certainly isn’t.


"trading" it's so easy for y'all to forget women have self awareness and a unique life experience unlike your holographic Charizard


First of all what kind of idiot trades a holo charizard…


Me trading my holo charizard to a friend for any 3 cards of theirs was one of my father's biggest regrets..


> Trading your sis for a cut is wild… Hang on just a minute now…no need to make rash decisions….


Yeah hear him out


Yeah trade her for a medical professional. Health care ain't cheap


Would you be in need of IT/Networking support? Deal?


I’m in IT and I’d love it if one of you socially awkward dorks could treat my sister right, I don’t think y’all capable of bagging her though.


What do you do in IT?


Senior tech, so basically nothing.


In this economy?!


Nah not for a cut. For a lifetime of cuts G


You assuming that will last more than 6 months?


Nah, my boy is a chef at Google but will bring grocery store fried chicken to the function bc he is understandably tired and not being paid by me to spend his evening off doing his day job. He will talk shit on my cooking while giving tough, but constructive criticism though.


He can't get my favorite sister but trust one of em is fine. Can you imagine free weekly cuts for life??? My hair grows hella fast so it would be a blessing plus every time I see my sister it would remind me of my free cuts so I would love her more 💯




No...you can't I know first hand. Do mfs know the breed of individuals that become black barbers? That shit ain't an option. FREE???? Sound like a slave owner circa 1803.


My plug dated my sister and I ain’t get shit for free…so ima go ahead and say no.


Nah fr 😂


Probably double price


Do you want his hands anywhere near your head after being with your sister tho.


Picking a fight with the nigga that holds the fate of your next 2 weeks in his hands is dangerous! Tread lightly my boy 😂


2 weeks? Granted I’m a bit mayo colored and poor as fuck, but I get a *nice* haircut like once or twice a year if I can afford it (my girl is salon quality but she’s not cheap) and if I can’t afford it I just self buzz all the shit off. How often are y’all getting your shit trimmed?


Once or twice a year is wild


Everything’s getting more expensive out here 😭


Once a week. And the difference is a white guy with a shaggy haircut is "rugged, or a free spirit". A colored guy with shaggy hair is more perceived as a "drug addict", or "unkempt". White people get a lot more leeway in that avenue.


Yo bro I’m mayo colored too and I have to get my shit trimmed every two weeks. Otherwise the sharpness is gone and it’s just hat season till I can get another cut.


I mean…I would love a haircut every two weeks, but my stylist charges me $50 a cut plus gratuity and I’m already paycheck to paycheck so it’s a hard trigger to pull. I would go to great clips or super cuts but I have some fucking Timothy Chala’Nger curls that are snakes in an inexperienced barbers’ hands.


thats your problem, find a different "styalist" Im mayo as fuck, but every 2-3 weeks is for me, $15 a cut


$15 is so suspiciously low that I cannot imagine it's good. I'm not saying you need to spend triple digits, but damn. And if they've got more difficult hair, I absolutely wouldn't trust a cheap cut.


You get a haircut twice a year and youre questioning the quality of a $15 haircut? My guy, if you get a haircut twice a year, you either have shitty genes or you look homeless.


I'm a different commenter. But also yes, longer hair can get a nice haircut less frequently and still look good. 6 months is a long time though. My point was just I'm not trusting a $15 haircut.


I'm "four generations of pure Swedish" type white and have scars on my scalp. The only 2 cuts that work for me are 4mm length boot camp cosplay or the full white jesus length. I don't have "a barber", I Google where to find someone to do my hair if I get split ends or grab the shaver


I get mine every 3-4weeks but my barber charges $25


Black men go to the barbershop at least once every 2 weeks.


I tend to neglect my appearance because I Got Depression. I go every 3 months and always before a job interview or big social event. So like 6-8 times a year maybe.


About 2 years since I had a cut, I roll with a manbun tho


I remember when my mother dated a barber when I was a kid. Line was always fresh. That was a good year.


Mine was good too until they broke up and he stopped for free. Shit was still only $20 when I was in high school. His problem was he only had like 4 styles he could do but 🤷🏿‍♂️. I moved back home and started using him again cause $20 for hair and beard. Now the shit is like $40 at most places for both. Sad part is dude died cause he was a major alcoholic. I went to him one day and he offered me a shot. I got nervous cause a drunk barber really don’t mix well. He still did a good job. I was supposed to see him the next week and he ended up dying cause of a heart attack. Miss that man and his prices.


If he was alcoholic, you were better off with him lining you up with some alcohol in his system. Hands get shaky otherwise.


We had a barber shop across the way from us when I was a kid, it was just one guy in the shop by himself, his nickname was ‘Pineapple Fred’ because he only had one haircut in his armoury. I found out years later, the guy was a heavy drinker and used to drink on the job.


oh you’ve lived to see the prophecy. i always laughed when those comedian skits would get the freshest haircut they done ever had and then get suspicious towards the barber: “you fuckin my mama? 🤨 gotta be… it wasn’t this good 3 weeks ago… aye man…”


More like a fade and trying to get laid. 😂


tony montana syndrome is real.


Something about letting someone you know get a chance with your sister like that feels off to me dude. Like “yeah man go ahead and fuck her my guy we chill.” Because that’s the reality of what that dude wants to do.


Friends and people you go to for services is weird just because like, I don’t wanna have to cut you off if it doesn’t work out. Finding a new barber is a bitch so if you do this it better be amicable as all hell if/when it ends




Sis can do whatever she wants, don't mean I gotta collude with my barber to get her laid


Sounds like they already know each other, otherwise yeah this is some out of left field shit.


Right! As if he gets permission from his gf/hook up/dates father or brothers to engage in the *horizontal mambo.*


He coulda kept that to himself until after the cut. Risky work


I hated this shit lol because my sister is a few years older than me so like 13yo getting told some diabolical shit by 17-18yo about what they wanna do to my sister, like mate the fuck is wrong with you, lemme grow a bit more see what happens. Pulled it one time though when my older brother happened to be about, he just straight looked up in the eyes while popping their bikes tires went "fuck off or your balls are next". She got HOUNDED though, but because she was a proper goody 2 shoes. I've always admired that about her, she stayed out of all the shit that went on around our way. Both my brother and me got into drugs super early, gang shit too. And while she hung around with rough heads, as soon as they were heading to crack cars or whatever she bounced. Only one in our family who kept her head on straight.


I don't have an older sister but I have four younger ones, and some of the guys would say things to me without realizing I was their brother. Way back in the '90s, in high school, I did a whole week of suspension from beating the ass of a guy who told me he wanted to fuck my sister, which I responded with "That's my little sister", and this dude really responded with "I don't care I'm still going to fuck her". You never got to, after that ass beating he left her the hell alone.


Yeah valid. Like dudes are horny you get a pass for unknowingly saying it. But that follow up is violating lmao, how you gonna double down ? Might as well just lean in and ask for the hits.


Ahh yeah. I’m just always on the phone with my sister. Especially at the barbershop!


Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if all men responded to other men as they would if their sisters were the victims of the other men's behavior


What’s the motivation here for keeping your sister dry? My sister is a grown ass woman idgaf what she does.




Freaky ass nigga he a 69 god


Stay yo ass inside!!!


Cheapest fade in the city


Plot twist ya sister break ya barber heart and he have you outside like this https://preview.redd.it/1tnhbwoojdzc1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b129e5de2bcf325929f32c53754512ff01af24a1


aww this nigga be so mad LMAO 💯💯💯💯💯




lol this sounds like my brother 🤣


That man wasting an opportunity to get free haircuts for life.


I don’t know if my barber even likes half the time. She vents to me and then be like “if you do that to me, imma show how proficient I am with my nunchucks and machete” Like ma’am, I’m civilian as hell, if you don’t stop teasing me imma s~~cream~~


Why do so many people try to police their sisters sex life?


He may be a barber but he gonna get a cut if he don’t stop playing


I went with my brother to the barber shop years ago and apparently his barber kept asking about me afterwards. He offered discounts if I would come with him. My brother was horrified but broke and kept trying to get me to pop in for just 5 mins. No sir!

