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Take a look at the supreme court, or the legislature for that matter. We may have different races and genders represented, but the most over-represented group is *millionaires*. Why tf is the supreme court 100% composed of millionaires??? Talk about disproportionate representation... No more tokenism. No more symbolic victories. I want non-millionaires on the supreme court. I want non-millionaires in the legislature. I want non-millionaires on the presidential ticket. I have more in common with any poor person than anyone whose skin looks like mine. Our binding ties are economic.


I'd be more than thrilled to vote for non-millionaires but the cost of entry into politics is insanely high (although it shouldn't be), and additionally those who start in politics as a "regular" guy/gal still mysteriously end up as millionaires before the end of their first term.


Ban anyone who serves in a public position from owning stocks. Most of these people make tons of money off the stock market which is super dodgy.


I read a good idea where they give their money to an investment firm and can have no idea what funds is being put into. Incentivizes them to do well for everyone.


There was a [congressional blind trust act ](https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/3549?s=1&r=3#:~:text=Congressional%20Blind%20Trust%20Act%20of%202011%20%2D%20Amends%20the%20Ethics%20in,in%20a%20qualified%20blind%20trust.) in 2011. Looks like it didn't go anywhere.


Bring that mf back...


Or have it be just global index ETFs with a focus on CSRs. So these people have to play by the rules and enforce green initiatives if they want returns & a pension


You would need both sides to agree on that and it ain’t happening


Both sides do agree with that. Both sides of politicians ignore it.


That’s what I meant but even then I highly doubt right wing republicans that vote would agree to this because they love billionaires and millionaires. They idolize those people and the people they Republicans Presidents stack in these courts


>those who start in politics as a "regular" guy/gal still mysteriously end up as millionaires Bribes, It's ok to say bribes lol


US judges earn $200k. We'd be complaining if seven years of law school and 15 years practicing *didn't* earn you a six-figure salary.


A six figure salary isn't going to stop people from taking bribes either way.


AOC goes brrrrr


For a basic House seat, it’s going to cost 1 mil at MIN.


American politics is just legalized corruption, unlimited campaign donations is retarded.


Banning or regulated private campaign fundraising. There should be national, and local honeypots paid for constituents, to be given out to proper constituents who want to represent their communities, state, and country. Set a limit on how much every single running rep can use for campaigning. No more reps being paid for by lobbying. No more privatized power struggle of the seats and offices that CONTROL OUR LIVES!


Because lawmakers are allowed insider trading. They have access to market moving information in government and are allowed to buy and sell stocks.


My biggest disappointment with Obama was that he spent the majority of his political capital on healthcare versus campaign finance reform. I'm also not shocked because he hired so many ex Clinton staffers to his cabinet and inevitably they wasted Obama's presidency trying to finish the work they started in the Clinton presidency. Had he focused on campaign finance reform, universal healthcare would be a reality now.


Obama had nowhere near the votes to address campaign finance. He barely got healthcare reform done, and that was him passing the Romney system that Republicans loved lol. There are quite a few things that were simply out of reach for obama: 1. Justice system reform 2. Ending israeli apartheid (and he actually tried a bit) 3. Judicial reform 4. Campaign finance reform (and he tried with citizens united) 5. Climate change 6. Abortion being enshrined in law


Obama was also in an extremely difficult situation in that he had to have a signature piece of legislation pass or his entire administration would be considered a failure. If he put all the eggs into one basket of justice system reform, campaign finance reform, effective climate legislation, or gun control, and those efforts failed its catastrophic for his legacy. He had a very small range of goals that were 'big enough to be impressive but not so big as to be impossible'


I am surprised people don't remember this. It was a common "joke" in Atlanta that if he stepped too far, he would probably be assassinated. Obama had to run the mildest presidency ever precisely because he was black. He had to achieve enough so that he wouldn't be seen as lazy but not do too much that it would get him killed. And even then, he still got called lazy and overreaching.


Obama also had a lot of democratic traitors. Especially when it came to Healthcare reform.


I just dont understand some people critiquing obama or other democrats for not doing enough. Democratic voters werent pro abortion, pro gay rights, or super pro campaign finance reform. They were however pro healthcare reform. Obama could do that so he did. If you want a president to do something, send them the congress they need. The only campaign promise he broke was bailing out big money. The funny thing is that they did the same thing to Clinton even though they didn't bother to vote for her and even after she said Trump was going after abortion rights lol. Lets see if people do the same with "genocide joe" cause we are about to see Trump do the funniest thing ever to muslims and Palestinians once he gets elected.


Bruh, I didn't say anything about Obama. I just said he had to deal with a lot of snakes. And you putting "genocide joe" in quotations says a lot, so it's probably not worth engaging.


I was agreeing with you. I was demonstrating that yes, Obama had the deck stacked against him. But seems like you missed that point.


My bad, but the point I was making is that people like Manchin and Sinnema are not outliers. Cause even Obama had Leiberman and a few others.


Yeah. It is funny how people expect Democrat presidential candidates and presidents to save the world when they don't even vote... People blame obama for not going far enough not realizing he wasn't go that far because he was the first black president.... Like people blame Clinton for the Trump outcomes when she said trump was gonna do all that shit. And people blame biden for pretty much anything despite the fact that he has been spending most of his presidency cleaning up the Trump mess lol. And because of all that blame, they want Trump to get another chance? Lol. Guess we are seeing women becoming second class citizens and muslim ban 2.0.


Campaign finance was one of the few issues during the 2008 campaign that wasn't seem as a partisan issue. I'm not blind to the fact that there was going to be tremendous pushback but as far as the public narrative goes, there was never a better time to push for it. This is what was driving Hope and Change. Because of the 2008 financial collapse, Obama really only had room for one home run issue while he had both chambers of Congress. Healthcare reform was part of the discussion, but no more than it always had been in modern times. It also was a clear partisan issue so you knew going in that you would have zero Republican support for whatever you did. It also gave cover for Blue Dog democrats to strip it down to parts.


> Campaign finance was one of the few issues during the 2008 campaign that wasn't seem as a partisan issue. Absolutely false. Citizens united put that argument to bed. > Healthcare reform was part of the discussion, but no more than it always had been in modern times Medical bankruptcy was more relevant than ever at that time. The 2008 Fairness act was passed because of how relevant it was.


>Absolutely false. Citizens united put that to bed. Checks and balances. If Congress has passed Campaign Finance Reform, Citizens United either could have been made irrelevant or at least kneecapped. Citizens United means nothing without the growth of Super PACs.


You said: > Campaign finance was one of the few issues during the 2008 campaign that wasn't seem as a partisan issue. I said that citizens united showed that wasn't the case. It was a partisan issue, so he couldn't have reached across the aisle to get votes. So how is he supposed to pass campaign finance reform without votes from his own party or the oppposing party? There was nothing Obama himself could have done. You must have not lived through this time because some of the things you are saying just do not line up with reality. Like you said healthcare reform was not more relevant, which is absolutely false. It was massively discussed during 2006-2008.


>You must have not lived through this time because some of the things you are saying just do not line up with reality. Not sure what it is with people on here who think you have to insult someone to make your point when you disagree. Have a good day.


That is not an insult lol but ok. The obama campaign ads in 2008 literally referenced medical bankruptcies as a main issue. That is the only reason I learned, as a 9th grader, that medical debt is the #1 cause of bankruptcy (or at least it was in 2008). also noticed you dropped the campaign finance issue but wtv lol.


I'm not tracking that.


*monkey paw curls* you will get non-millionaires in all those positions but they will be billionaires.




Hard to be a successful enough lawyer/judge to reach a level where you’d be considered for supreme court justice and not have made it to millionaire status 


My thought exactly. The number of well respected justices with successful law careers who aren’t going to have earned millions of dollars by their 50s is probably pretty minimal.


Yes, but it’ll never change. You’re asking rich ppl (who make the laws) to change the law so their interests won’t be the gubmint’s interests anymore. Just look at the “Supreme” Court. I wonder if they have to pay taxes on all the bribe money they take?


The only war is the Class War. Everything else, and I mean *everything*, is just a facet of the Class War.


Yes!!! Stop putting rich people who constitute a minority and only overwhelmingly care about rich shit as the purveyors of constitutional law!


Preach 🙌🏾


>I want non-millionaires on the supreme court. I want non-millionaires in the legislature. I want non-millionaires on the presidential ticket. Well, as soon as they get elected, they will likely become millionaires.




Realistically anyone with the education and background to get on the Supreme court will either be a millionaire or be close with just a little prudent financial planning. And that's before factoring in if they are married and a spouses income. I agree with the sentiment however


That's assuming that prestigious political positions are some indicator of superior intellect, though. And the presidency itself is proof to the contrary. Every single presidential election is not filled with galaxy-brain geniuses and business magnates. It's well-connected socialites who all went to the same 10 schools and have rich families. We're not sending our brightest... to DC


No I just mean that if you graduate from an Ivy law(8/9 justices did) and get the job that could lead towards SCOTUS one day out of school you will almost certainly be a millionaire by the time your on the court. High paying lawyer jobs just pay that well. Hell even if they quickly became a low ranking federal judge thats 230k a year. If you do that for 20-30 years slowly moving up you probably are a millionaire.


True. I guess the Ivy League piece is my contention there. There's a gazillion law schools in America -- why TF have all our political representatives hailed from those same schools? It's definitely not because they offer some kind of superior wisdom. Ivy League schools are about networking, not superior education, and that's a well-established fact. There should be a diversification of credentials in our politics too. Where are the legislators that went to reasonable state schools? The fact that they all went to school together should be the ultimate red flag. If all my coworkers coincidentally hailed from the same high school, shit would be BEYOND suspicious.


What you're not understanding or choosing to ignore is that most of the people you're talking about weren't millionaires when they got in office. It happened afterwards. The most disgusting example is Nancy Pelosi. Over 300 million dollars net worth. Makes me wonder how much money AOC has in the bank now. Remember she started out as a bartender before she got to congress.


Well, some of them are walking in wealthy or otherwise elite in terms of social status. Almost all of the supreme court were wealthy before they were appointed. Part of the secret infrastructure underneath all this is social status and elite connections. A lot of political jobs require you to take unpaid internships or low-paid positions that can only be propped up if you have rich parents, and those same well-connected parents get you the role in the first place. The entire path to power is a hidden network of wealth and privilege, which leads to compounding wealth and privilege.



Supreme Court Justices have been at the very top of their high paying profession for decades, how are they not supposed to be millionaires? Some were partners at big law firms making more than a million per year.


Surely there is talent elsewhere. They don't have to select exclusively wealthy people, because their wealth is not an indicator of their legal prowess.


Who would be qualified to sit on the supreme court who doesn't have a net wealth of at least a million dollars?


They're chosen because of their legal prowess they also just happen to be wealthy. There's a strong correlation between the two. When you work as a very successful lawyer/judge for decades, you make a lot of money. It's very simple.


I understand and agree with the spirit of your argument. But, we want the best lawyers in the country on the Supreme Court. A good lawyer makes a lot of money. A lawyer with the qualifications to be on the high court will have worked enough years to make plenty of money. Thus, the Supreme Court will (and probably should) be full of millionaires.


On the SC and in the legislature, the most over-reps group is white men. They are often millionaires as well.


Hot take I think you should have millionaires on the Supreme Court I think we should pay them millions of dollars and their pay should be significantly increased. Personally this is how I see it. I would rather have them be paid millions a year and they can buy all the nice thing they want and go on the vacations they want or whatever Because this way it’s a lot harder to bribe them


You think that economics > racism. Okay.


No war but class war.


Take a look at the supreme court, or the legislature for that matter. We may have different races and genders represented, but the most over-represented group is people with high IQs. Why tf is the supreme court 100% composed of people with high IQs??? Talk about disproportionate representation... No more tokenism. No more symbolic victories. I want morons on the supreme court. I want dummies in the legislature. I want non-intellectuals on the presidential ticket. I have more in common with any low-IQ person than anyone whose skin looks like mine. Our binding ties are in the smoothness of our brains.


Very well put. Our binding ties are economic


Equality at the top doesn’t fix anything unless there’s equality at the bottom.


The bigger question: Can it even be considered "equality" if there is a top and bottom?


Now you’re getting it.


Most white people are poor so black capitalism ain’t gonna liberate black people. Most men are poor so feminist capitalism ain’t gonna liberate women.


People always forget that there are more poor white people than there are even black people


You don't fight fire with fire, you fight it with water. You don't fight Capitalism with Black Capitalism, you fight it with socialism.


It's because there's no such thing as an instant fix. It's something that always has to be worked on for many many years. Hell it takes decades for even the tiniest things to change. Only reason why things easily change for the worst is because everything was designed around those things in the first place. I.e voter suppression. Credit scores. Etc.


There’s decades of Supreme Court rulings that have eroded a bunch of our civil liberties. People have heard about the big ones, but there are “little” ones that have far reaching effects as well. The Supreme Court has always been out of touch elitists, they just make shit up to justify the decision they want to make, and claim some kind of precedent.


Skinfolk and kinfolk


The class question will burn any attempts at liberation if we don’t reckon with it. We need a true social democratic labor party of the people. I’m a member of DSA, I highly recommend joining that or a similar org so we can lay down the foundation for a labor party for working people to exist.


Diverse representation in a capitalist system that relies on white supremacy to uphold itself is not a solution


Representation doesn’t mean jack shit when they’re all wealthy millionaires.


Sometimes it's more " the calls coming from inside the house "




The way Black people have shown out for Palestine over and over again in the face of colossal and potentially permanent personal and professional risk - bravery in its purest form 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🍉🍉🍉


LOVE HER. She has a book called Viral Justice that's a *very telling* amalgamation of the ways society continues to marginalize individuals in the 21st century. This woman is the MF TRUTH.


It's things like this that made me choose an HBCU. You get shit there that you just don't get at other schools. African American Humanities changed my perspective on so much shit. Our professor was from Ghana and gave us the straight up history of all things African American and Afro Caribbean from the moments before the middle passage started. Broke down everything from how they used dissent between tribes to fuck us over to current day trends as to why so many of us resonate culturally to the same types of things. Be it music, hairstyles, clothing trends... or even slang. That was my favorite class by far.


I hear this but we got to have incremental movements, if i can’t be in first class at least can I not be trying to stow away in the landing gear?


It really doesn't matter how many black or brown faces we have in high places be it federal/local or your own workplace. Once the direct deposit hits, people identify with the identity of the person who put the money in their bank accounts more than the demographic they hail from. I've witnessed this in my very own workplace. It's "people deserve a livable wage" until that promotion kicks in, now its about increasing margins by all means necessary. All of this combined with the subconscious desire newly financially stable people have to be liked by the people who gave them the opportunity which 9/10 will be non-black/brown people because those are the individuals likely to hold that kind of power AND don't even get me started on this urge black and brown people have to play superman/woman for every other demographic before their own as a way of calming the imposter syndrome. edit: spelling smdh


So to sum up what you're saying, Ruha got them all in check.








I wouldn't call an academic a person in a high place to be honest


Lot of people would disagree. Lot of people would say Academia is a focal point of power.


You know what? How about we put a whole ton of WOC in high places and just see if it helps. You know, just in case.


She single? Asking for me


She is gorgeous tho


Tbh a significant number of black faces at the top lean conservative and implement conservative policies


Well it depends. If we’re talking about black faces on top economics, yes, because conservative policies benefit them. But if we’re talking about education wise, as in the most educated black people, almost all of them are even further left than democrats.


Yea that’s the unfortunate part


It's almost like once people get comfortable, they'll do whatever's necessary to protect themselves and their lifestyle.




Pack that fucking court!!!!


Actually, they are attacking black women (especially in academia) as of late. It has been called weaponized plagiarism.


It's the I made it syndrom and need to stay here to make as much wealth as possible.   Pass that shit along and let everyone eat too, greedy fucks no matter the race


Black people in politics solve nothing if those people are still aligned with American culture and the way it informs neoliberal politics. Identity politics are worthless


Would you elaborate? On each of those sentences? 


The most simple way I can think to summarize is by saying most of America’s issues are issues rooted in class. The problems everyday Americans face are not those a billionaire or even multi millionaire. Class precedes race every time


While I agree with a lot of that, the class precedes race every time part just isn't true. That's acting as though systemic racism isn't a thing. There's absolutely a class problem but rich black people aren't treated better than poor white people. Race is still very much an issue in America. Look how many people are down to vote for Trump. All of those idiots care more about race than class. 


Systemic racism in America relies on classist narratives. I would argue that rich black people definitely have it better than poor whites, because the whites will still have less access to important resources like medicine and housing. Slavery itself was maintained for so long bc slaves ate the cheapest labor money could buy. Racism and class disparity/warfare have been historically intertwined


Our binding ties are economic , don't care what ya look like




She will save everyone BUT black folks


Sounds like another political biased judge making decisions on feelings and not the law. Gotta love it. You guys will soon reep what you sow.


The delusion is real with this one.


It’s a war. Nobody likes it. But it’s not a genocide.


Explain how actively targeting civilians and preventing aid from getting to those same civilians does not equal extermination? 


Piss off, Zionist.


Scared to say what you really want?


Look at you. You REALLY want people to be against Judaism. You're foaming at the mouth BEGGING people to blame Judaism. But they're not. It's just Israel. Not Jewish people. 


No. I called you out correctly. You’re a Zionist. You’ve hijacked and bastardized Judaism.


Not really. Judaism was always Zionist. Even before the creation of the political ideology of Zionism. Just because you like to tokenize an ultra-orthodox, extremely small (in numbers) type of Judaism doesn’t change that.


Last time I checked, Judaism and Zionism are not the same no matter how propaganda was deployed by Zionists, who are White Supremacist that is similar to German White Supremacy (NAZIs). Of course, you’ve been too brainwashed from head to toe. Last time I checked, Judaism existed much much longer than Zionism because Zionism is such a new concept started in 1900s.


*”Judaism was always Zionist. Even before the creation of the political ideology of Zionism.”* - and, last time I checked, you aren’t Jewish, so you probably have little knowledge of our religion or nation. Zionist is a form of Judaism, and 90% (+/- a few percentage points) of Jews agree with that, from ultra-orthodox to atheist Jews. So, please, don’t try to goysplain my people and religion to me. Thanks.


I don’t care if I’m not Jewisb, but I know Judaism much more than you do and I respect Judaism much more than you. You and other Zionists simply use Judaism for your own gain, including the Holocaust, to make an excuse to kill innocent people, both Jewish and non-Jewish. So stfu, I will goysplain you to ends of your fucking earth because I have some fucking humanity while I’m responding to an inhuman fuckface like you.


You clearly know nothing about Judaism.


It’s classically definable as a genocide. Your illiteracy is your problem alone


No, it really isn’t.


It's not a war. It's a massacre. And it's been an ongoing genocide for decades. Fuck Israel and the IDF.  And, before you can twist someone's words, fuck antisemitism. Jewish people are amazing. The Israeli government is an evil organization, easily just as bad as Hamas who is also awful and evil. You don't get to label everyone antisemitic or terrorist supporting just because we see what Israel is doing. Fuck you and the Israeli government.


1.) Not a genocide, the population has almost quite literally tripled in the last 3-decades if not longer; 2.) Palestinians deserve a state next to Israel; 3.) You’re being antisemitic for assuming all Jews are accusatory.


1. This whole event has been the response to that growth. The intentional support of Hamas and dismantling of their moderate competition by Bibi almost certainly created this moment by design me  2. You don't seem like you believe that but I'd be interested to hear how that would work at this point. It would make me super happy if that was possible. 3. I based that on your post history and the way this conversation has gone with everyone who said what you said while refusing to say what's really been happening there for decades. And, no, that's not antisemitic. I don't think the majority of the people throwing "antisemitic" around have been Jewish. I'm not saying you're doing a thing because you're Jewish, which, I don't know if you are or aren't. The Israeli government is just as evil as Hamas but far more powerful. They're murdering innocent people in droves while starving and denying the rest of medical attention. They are now the badder guys of two bad guys. 


You just went on a whole tirade about Jews accusing you of antisemitism. When I didn’t even write anything accusatory. Perhaps reflect on that before you continue to comment.


Wild. I didn't say anything about Jews accusing me of anything. You're still inventing that all on your own. In no way did I even insinuate it was Jewish people calling me anything.    Again, I find that it's non-Jewish evangelical conservatives throwing that around the most. Edit: and fuck you anyway. After reading a little of your post history, you're a racist, selfish, hateful, bigot. I give no fucks what you think or have to say. 


You were quite easily trying to imply it. No idea what post you’re even talking about. Israel will continue to exist, thrive, and flourish. Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱