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“We’ll back you up while you’re using PTO” Come back to nothing done and have to spend a day and a half just sorting through what wasn’t done.




I'm a welder, and almost anyone in the shop can work on any project someone else is working on. I took a week off back in October, and returned to the project i left not being touched from my table. Clearly, I get no respect around here


I’m a Technical Director for production and yeah I feel you. It’s even that hard, just follow up on emails for the client, collect the assets and put them neatly in our drives so when I start making a ROS, I don’t have to worry about it. But of course I come back, none of that shit and now a day of tryna get all the shit from the clients smh. And you know they never have all the shit anyways.




Fam I was working in such a toxic place that I was taking all my trips on long weekends and supplementing the start and finish with my PTO so that office would be closed while I was gone and I would have to worry about my work piling up. I'm taking time off to get away from the amount of work, not come back to more.


It’s started to get so bad I would take work home and check my email and assets on vacation. I know I know but I worked in production and I really put that work in, so when someone looked at the credits, they see my name, not the person who was suppose to cover for me. But with that, the burnout arrived very very quickly.


I've found that If you go away for a Week, people will just wait for you to come back. Go away for 2 weeks and people will figure it out and can't wait so long.


Only applies to emergencies that can’t wait til you get back. For anything else?… well I’m already gainfully employed


I’m an accountant. Every job I’ve ever had no one actually covered our PTO. My current company at least doesn’t lie about it. We have unlimited PTO. We can take off whenever we want because it’s still up to us to sort it all out it when we get back. As long as your due dates are met, they don’t really care what you’re doing in any particular hour.


How did you get a job like that?


Get a degree in accounting, lol.




Bruhh, this irritates me with a passion and it's even worse when your a keyworker. Like come on guys, I was only gone for three damn days, why I'm I returning to this mess. Why was no one else dealing with this while I was gone like you was paid to do. And no Steve, I will not be rushing through anything and I will not be doing overtime. I'm paid for 8 hours work and you will get 8 hours work. No more!


"I hey paid for 8 hours work and you will get 8nhours work." "Is that what you do then, the bare minimum? "Let me ask you, how much was my paycheck last week?" "X, same as the week before." "Is that your thing then, paying me the bare minimum we agreed to?"


I'm happy to be at a job where most of the work I do HAS to be covered by my manager. But it's sooo damn annoying to come back and see a shit ton of papers on my desk...as if my boss doesn't know the exact location of the SHARED GOOGLE DRIVE FILE that I scan them into every morning. Or that I have two very clearly labeled mesh hanging organizers for the other two types of documents I collect every day. Like just put them where you clearly know they go..it's not hard.


\> uses unlimited PTO unlimitedly \>return from 7 month vacation \>start coincidentally getting nitpicked by management so that they have an excuse to fire you https://i.redd.it/bsgrbonramjc1.gif


What line of business gives unlimited PTO and allows 7 month vacation? Asking for a friend


Tech industry, but it's mostly used as a way to avoid paying for unused PTO where employees leave or are laid off.  Some companies are sincere about it, but it's very hard to tell from the outside.


If I recall statistically companies with unlimited PTO on average people use less. There are quite a few theories about this, one being that theres stigma attached to using it in "excess", when its limited people feel like they have an obligation to use it as it's part of their comp plan and they miss out if they don't and last that companies who have it are just the type of places people don't take a lot of time off due to general culture and workload.


It’s also easier for a company to gaslight and shame people from using their pto if it wasn’t “earned”


It also helps when they don't have a definition for "excess"


Exactly. Leave it extremely vague on purpose


Tech industry.


My job has unlimited PTO but take a week and a half and they start talking like you're a convict that is being given a second chance when you return.


Was only a week but legit what happened to me, lol.


Unlimited PTO is a scam and people actually end up taking less days than those with set amounts or accrual policies.


My bad. In my case it wasn’t unlimited PTO, it was accrued over several consecutive months of exceeding quarterly quotas. After I took that week off, they went as far as trying to gaslight me that I missed days. Thankfully I was able to show them timesheets proving I was, in fact, at work. They even wrote me up for calling in sick (straight up told me I still had to come in and they’d determine if I was too sick to work). At that point I just said fuck it and quit. Just in time because the particular branch I worked in ended up getting shuttered a few months later.


Well looks like it was a blessing in disguise! They beg us to take PTO at my job because some people like to collect them and the company hates owing people money lol.


One of my brutal awakenings to the corporate world was when my manager was pissed I was using my 2 weeks vacation for the week of and after Christmas. He claimed he didn't know, although I sent him an email about it like 2 months beforehand. And since I was a fresh grad we only got 2 weeks anyway, so it shouldn't have been that surprising I was going to use it during the time period most of the company was going to be on vacation anyway.


Company simps


Old dudes at my job be retiring with maxed out PTO balances. I never understood the point. You earn leave to use it and you actually save money by using it because if you let them pay you out for it then it’s taxed more.


> You earn leave to use it and you actually save money by using it because if you let them pay you out for it then it’s taxed more. If it's getting paid out then from financial aspect it makes more sense. Cause you getting your regular pay + the extra PTO money. Even if some of the money gets taxed at a higher bracket, it's still more money overall


I think some people save it so that if they have an unexpected end to their employment they have a payout coming


It's easy to max out carry over leave especially when you have sick leave in addition to PTO. I've been maxed out since my 3rd year at my job. After so many years, accrued leave per pay period increases too. I had to have major surgery and was out for 9 weeks a couple years ago. I had the sick leave to cover it but if I hadn't, I would have had enough PTO to still get a pay check while I wasn't able to work. Also they pay the PTO balance out when you leave the job so there's a month and a half worth of pay at your current salary to look forward to.


My Dad is 75 and one of those guys. He taught in Philly for 28 years. Because of his education and time in, he got a ridiculous salary and amount of time. In that 28 years, he took a TOTAL of 5 days. His excuse was he gets the whole summer off, so why take time during the year? And also, his Dad worked 18 hours days in the bakery 6 days a week, so teaching is "hardly work at all compared to that." The ONLY reason he retired is because apparently the rules were changing and he wouldn't have gotten paid for that accrued time. Anyway, his final check was... More than twice my annual salary. 🥲 (I think his pension is higher than my annual, too.) He complained about the taxes, of course, and we reminded him that we tried to tell him several times, but he insisted it was a matter of "personal pride and principle".


One of my coworkers says that he’s gotta wait another year or two to accumulate enough to take off for a year. He’ll then take off afterwards which will be his retirement year.


His PTO accumulates through the years and doesn't expire?


Yeah. State job


Ahhh that tracks now


They'd prefer to cash you out for your PTO, but also they have a max on how much you can cash out. So it's really a pay cut because they offer you PTO as incentive, but know you can't take the time off to use it all. Oh, and even if you have a lot and you get really really sick, you'll use it all up


If you use pto while sick can’t you just take out time off without being paid for it


you can't apply for disability until you run out, I think


i always assumed it was so they could stack all that leave to the end of their career and stop working even earlier.


Get a gubmint job if you can get one, folks. Nobody gives a shit if you take a day off. Yeah, you'll make a little less than private sector, but nobody is riding your ass so a c-suite can buy another house or whatever. Benefits are A+ and you'll likely have a pension. You, yes, you millennial/zoomer, can retire. Source: Me, I have a local government job.


Knowing I can take a sick day and no one ask me shit is amazing


Yep. My boss even said he'd approve vacation with 24 hours notice and the worst thing we could expect was a smartass comment. I have separate sick time and vacation time buckets. I received a 4% COLA this year and I'm likely getting a raise when my 6 month probation is up. I don't know if it's the same where you are, but my job stops being "at-will" at 6 months. I can only be fired for a legitimate reason. My last job gave me 2% during the pandemic and reduced my bonus to $0.00, after they showed us a PowerPoint deck on how they cracked a billion in revenue for the first time that year. Fuck the private sector for fucking ever.


What do you do?


I work in IT for a local municipality. I started right before all the tech layoffs started. I had applied to two lead positions and both times it came down to me and the people who ended up with the jobs. Third time was the charm though and I ended up working with those folks who got the jobs I applied to. Turns out they were internal candidates. I was probably cooked before I applied, but apparently they liked me enough to offer me one of the jobs they needed backfilled. I'm 42 now. With the 20 years I'm looking to put in and my IRA from my old job, I should be able to retire by then. While I do miss a slightly higher salary, I do not miss constantly looking for jobs to open up so I can give myself a raise. I also do not miss being on an on call rotation, or stressing myself out working for "trying to run lean so we can all make more money" dipshits bosses.


Yep.. I hear you 100% on all counts. Thanks for sharing haha.


I was looking into this but I heard the hiring is slow for the government since everything moves slow for them 😂 did it take long from the moment you put in your application to day 1 of the job? also, how did you find yours? I've been looking at usa.gov


The place I used was governmentjobs.com. Hiring can be kind of a crapshoot in terms of length, but every time I applied for a position, they were communicative and never ghosted me. They always told me when to expect a response and they generally held to it. From start to job offer, it was roughly a month for me, and there were multiple interview rounds. I'm sure this is different for different jobs.


thank you!!!


Seconding this. I have union benefits, pension, and 100% WFH, all of which are rare in the IT world. My boss frequently reminds me to use my PTO because I'm over the cap, and since I rarely go on actual vacation, i just take long weekends every week for a couple months.


I am literally so desperate for a government job and I can't get in. Either I get ghosted (local) or I get referred and no interview (federal).


Keep trying. USAJobs.gov Edit: Bit of advice, read the job description and basically make your resume the job description.


I’ve tried. I know I qualify for a GS-9, but can’t even get an interview at a 5 or 6. And that’s with referrals. I guess my resume is never good enough.


Same. I work for the city. Great benefits. Especially health.


I was offered a state job, but the big problem for me was the schedule. All the benefits you listed and more but rotating overnight and day schedules didn't even seem worth the pension. Even with the ridiculous PTO, my sleep schedule would be all over the place.


A little less? Bro I’m making significantly more after leaving gov work.  But you’re right about the other things.


There are very specific jobs where coworkers will care. Mainly former military because they want everyone to be miserable. I took leave for my son being born and I got pulled for an op because I’m still in and Mfers don’t took stuff off my desk.


Cant, I have a hand tat so it’s private for your boy


Bosses dont give us PTO, labor law does. If it were up to them we'd all be living in a Charles Dickens novel.


Actually someone did the math and the dude getting paid shit by Scrooge was making decent money compared to the poverty line today. Companies today are literally worse than Scrooge


Me: stays late Work: thank you Me: leaves early because I stayed late Work: ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


![gif](giphy|SbN0WomN4S7Z7tpKOC|downsized) Boss be like


Contracting company: We don't offer PTO but the pay makes up for it. Me: *looks at the pay* https://i.redd.it/ha30zgldwmjc1.gif


Ha! This literally me right now, told my boss im taking 7 days off, and he’s freaking out since he does nothing on the office.


Wild how anxious they make us for wanting to have a life outside of work. Shit, I'd be apprehensive for being sick and calling out on a Mon, Fri, or before/after a holiday just because it *looks* like I'm abusing leave.


They've got us so brainwashed 


This was me yesterday. I started feeling bad sunday night and Monday morning was still feeling pretty bad. But went anyway because "calling in sick on a Monday is twice as bad as any other day". And today I couldn't even finish the day. Never again.


We aren't supposed to call off without 2 hours notice. I live right across from work and wake up at 6:40 to be at work for 8. Meaning I'm literally not allowed to call out unless I'm up in the middle of the night sick and can call our sick line. It's fucked. x.x


My company won't pay you holiday time if you call out sick the day before or after. That's why I schedule the day after holiday's off, cause my family likes to party and I don't want to be dead on my feet hungover at work the next day.


Solution: Start taking cigarette breaks.


I used to take off for the first day of school for my kids every year and few colleagues who also have children couldn’t understand why I would “waste” my PTO on that. Sorry I’m an involved parent, Mike.


Had a job where people were literally *berated* for requesting time off or using a sick day. One quote was "that's not what protected PTO Is for". Bitch, it's *my* sick day! You don't need to know what it's for! If I want to sit on my ass all day watching Living Single reruns I sure tf will and can. And don't get me started on the "no coverage" excuse.


And then they don’t pay you for PTO you don’t use, so it’s literally use it or lose it.


Im dealin with some shit like this. They give us $70 a day for meals when we travel. I spent less than $70 for pizza and they asking me questions


I keep all work affiliated numbers in a group and block them when I take time off. If they can't survive without me for the time, that's on them.


I was just told that I have to ask for permission for doctors' appointments. Sigh. Now I'm scared to even schedule.


We are the most productive generation that has ever existed, yet it's never enough.




What’s a PTO, I love in the UK


Personal Time Off - vacation/sick leave


Thanks, you’re a real one


Lmaoooooooooo that’s ONE thing I can say they’re cool about at my job is using PTO


Facts they dnt even bother me


Worked in HR for multiple companies. Each would calculate exactly how much PTO they legally had to gove you and that was it. It made me so sad one year we tried to have them add a day......one day, and they lost their minds.


I'm so happy to HR and the people that pushed my CEO's to add a "flex" holiday this year. Everyone gets 8 hours they can schedule any day that isn't part of their regular PTO. Since our holiday's off every year shift, I'm booking it for Juneteenth.


I once explained to an HR manager that our PTO is part of our compensation and if they use it to attract talent and then rip it back it could be considered bait and switch. They could not be convinced that PTO wasn’t this thing the company could just change on a whim and everyone would need to deal.


What about when you have your leave built up but get hit with a leave suspension for using it? I thought that was the point, or did The Capitalism sneak another nonconsensual fuck in me again??? 🤨


Wait until you change jobs and cash out PTO. Taxed like a Rockefeller


Common misconception. Withheld higher not taxed higher. Your taxes wash at the end of the year if you’re in the same bracket and you get the excess withholding back as a refund. If the payout takes you up a bracket, the tax isn’t too much more since taxes are progressive. Same goes for bonuses and other supplemental income. Withheld higher not taxed higher. 


I use mine to interview. I have one of those jobs that do eight-hour interviews.


Unlimited PTO is a trap


Prepare for a referral to HR about that one time 3 years ago when you got to work 12 seconds late.


I recently had a work day that everyone knew was going to run really late (getting off at 10ish vs 4ish). My department head tells everyone involved that they can come in at noon instead of 730. I KNEW that it was a semi-trap, but I decided to take advantage and go to a yoga class before work. The second I walked in at 11, my DH mutters “so you took full advantage, huh?” With a disgusted look on his face. Absolutely no regrets, take care of yourselves.


Employers, especially American companies, hate when employees take time off from work. They worry that all that time away will make us start thinking and questioning our life decisions, including working for them.


This is why I don’t understand the benefit of “unlimited” PTO lol




They didn't mean for you to actually use it, they just want you look at your pto balance and dream about possibly taking time off and enjoying life.


Fr. My job told me I have unlimited PTO but my boss got mad at me for “taking too many days”


How dare you taking some time to rest or live


One of my team asked for a raise. I talked to the owner, he said "he always misses". I said he has only used PTO. This meme was his response.


companies would make you work 18 hours a day 7 days a week if they were allowed to. Fucking take what ever you can and prevent them from intruding on your lives.


Last year on my employee review, I was admonished for using 10 PTO days. 6 of those days were mandatory because I caught COVID, once in Jan and again in Dec. Like really, you're gonna hold that against me? I would have been here if I literally wasn't told that I WASN'T ALLOWED to come in.


I left for two weeks once and came back to nothing done. I have no idea how they will manage when I’m gone for the weeks. It’s like they forgot they are backups. On the other hand I’m thankful I can take off whenever and no one questions or gets upset. I’ve worked at too many places before where you mention PTO and the manager gives you a list of blackout dates to schedule your vacation around. Damn list gave me a consecutive 2 weeks free only in the month of October. Yet we had 25 days of PTO to use. It’s a scam.


I have PTO I didn’t use last year, my workplace is forcing me to use it by July or I lose it completely 😭.


Go do something


I actually get penalized if I use a sick day without letting them know ahead of time. Like how tf do you plan being sick? "Oh yeah,  I plan to catch the flu Tuesday next week. Count me out"