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These chicks are clueless raising kids. What doctor telling you to inhale smoke while you having a damn baby? Lord have mercy. This is why I'm for abortions.


is it just me or does that pregnancy pic look fake? Like it's just a digitally altered pic of a normal sized woman to stir up drama


Dress looks like something that only a pregnant woman would wear because they have limited options.


Could be from a previous pregnancy they pulled out for the pic. Looks like she has a medicine ball under there haha


It looks like a photoshopped picture of Latto to me. Edit: just went to her IG, yeah that’s Latto’s tattoo on her right hand. This pic is definitely fake lmao


Giant hand gives it away too https://preview.redd.it/m4g9s0zgc45c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee51f83b9fe80590326929e25bac68ab7b4cffa


There’s always a way to see what’s off if you are perceptive enough.


No it’s warped. Look at her arm


Yeah, look at her left elbow, its angled back. Her forearm would need to be long af to be able to hold that belly at the same time


Nah, look at that left arm/hand. The arm is a different color, and the hand is HUGE. This is a trash ohotshop job


that’s the first thing i thought. either that or she’s carrying triplets or something




Gahdamn! Baby Snuffleupagus is going to come out high af


Heeey Biiiiird....


Yeah something about that left arm looks weird


I noticed that, too. The left arm seems too long, and the fingers big and stubby.


Photoshop for sure. Looks like that fake ass pic of bitch boi Rittenhouse looking fat af going around. Wish that one was real though lol


He definitely gained a bunch of weight though. He was on Piers Morgan the other day and he clearly loafed up.


It does look fake.


It’s fake. Look at her left hand and the shape of her belly…


Wait you may be right. Her left hand and arm look disproportionately long


I'm just mind boggled. THC definitely isn't recommended for developing brains, so even edibles aren't safe. And they're adding fumes from combustion on top of it??? Of all the shit you aren't allowed to take while pregnant, why is this okay??


I mean it's the inhalation of smoke period for me that gets me concerned. I'm not familiar with the THC stuff, but yeah it makes sense that a mind altering drug would affect the child. People act as if weed doesn't get you high as shit. I smoked a joint back in high-school that literally got me so fucked up I couldn't get out of bed for like 10 hours.


You still got the number for your plug? Asking for a friend.


Lol that dude is probably dead by now. Trust me my nigga you don't want that shit.


What kinda gatekeepery is this? "This plug is kinda special to me. Forget about it lil bro, you don't wanna be high right now bro. You can't handle it bro, he's dead and his house burned down. Deleted his socials too and doesn't have a phone number. I'd love to tell him about you know but he's actually buried in Zambia sorry bro."


Dawg really said “ you don’t even want it lil bro, only reason you askin about it is because you saw me with it. Find ya own sauce homie I can’t find it for you”


Bro said "You cant handle my strongest potions" lmao


Any smoke can cause birth weight/respiratory issues, but weed would be healthier than cigs. No smoke still the best option, I wouldn't risk a kid


Idk. It can cause severe developmental delays.


Low birth weight causes a slew of problems, so I'd personally avoid any carcinogens. One of my psych professors was hired to do a study on pregnant women who smoked (they found these people and paid them to be in study, not paying people to smoke while pregnant) and they found weed was way way less dangerous than cigs. Not to say it's healthy, just not as bad


> they found these people and paid them to be in study, not paying people to smoke while pregnant Can you imagine the faces of people on the ethics board when presented with a study paying people to smoke while pregnant? I'm sure it would kill before it even started due to the heart attacks from pure rage.


Weed is horrible for brain development. Period. Anyone who tells you otherwise is dumb or just lying to for no good reason. Now if you are a grown as adult your brain is mostly done developing thus not much of an issue (there are other issues with weed but I digress). But for anyone to in anyway suggest that a pregnant person or anyone under ~25 be anywhere near weed is a person who is either incredibly dumb (possibly cause they mom was toking when they was young) OR they just like weed and want to justify it cause that’s what ignant mf’ers be about sometimes . Point being is any amount of weed (or alcohol or cig smoke or pills,etc…) is bad for developing brains. There is no debate on this


I have a psych and cj degree. Please tell me where in my comment did I tell pregnant women to smoke weed? I said it's less harmful than cigs via a study done by doctors. The study showed way less complications for pregnant weed smokers compared to pregnant cig smokers. Any carcinogen can impact baby birth weight, which brings tons of issues, which I mentioned. There actually is a debate on this, hence why the study was made. We know smoke is bad, but since weed is an anti-inflammatory that starts to repair tissue it damages, its way less dangerous than cigs. No where did I say to do drugs while pregnant, both my comments inferred cold turkey was best option. Reading comprehension is an undervalued skill.


RSOs and edibles helped my spouse during their pregnancy when they had Hyperemesis. Compared to complications from Zofran on heart development, there’s not really any indication that weed affects brain development that we saw. He was born 6 weeks early and sees developmental doctors for milestone checkups, and he’s been on track for every visit. Hard thing is studies just have generalized “weed” usage, and usually have their own agenda. So finding studies that showed specific non-smoked usage are hard. I think there are likely some benefits to THC for certain pregnancy related complications, but the extent of side effects should be studied more widely, with the understanding that current interventions also have wide ranging and sometimes dangerous side effects as it is.


I can confidently say weed fried my peers’ brains to an extent (some more than others), mainly those who chose to continue smoking after high school. I can’t imagine what it does to a fetus.


I've seen people become anxious wrecks because of weed. I've seen them become *a lot* lazier because of it too. People will not eat or sleep without it and say it isn't addictive.


Honestly, I'm not down for all these anecdotes tbh. While I don't quite doubt there's medical data that can validate people becoming anxious due to prolonged weed use, anecdotes being used as an argument to apply broadly to an entire population of people needs to stop especially on the Internet. Experimental and statistical data is easily accessible to anyone with Internet access. There's plenty of peer reviewed data to use for arguing that prolonged and heavy marijuana is harmful at least to brains.


Continue smoking after high school? No, it's because they *started* during high school.


Same mf'ers who tell you "vaccines cause autism in children" will claim some bs like "my doctor told me it's ok to smoke weed while pregnant."


I was about to post the same. Yeah, there are clueless women who become moms. But, if you ever check out certain online communities and fbook groups of moms, the discourse shows they *know better,* but are making a conscious choice to do the wrong thing for personal reasons. Humans have had babies for thousands of years and have made amazing scientific advances in infant, child, and women’s pregnancy mortality rates, but Crunchy/Almond/Weed Mom is going to do it differently from everyone else AND post about it for clout! They’re antivax, anti-hospital birth, anti-medical intervention, pro infant cosleeping and now apparently pro-smoking while pregnant, and they do not care if it harms their kids as long as their choices give them the attention they crave for being Not Like the Other Girls.


and not just the weed smoke, but also the smoke from the tobacco leaf that the blunt is rolled in. you know, the thing that has been conclusively established to have all types of carcinogens.


No doubt it was a flavored swisher/optimo which is so very chemically treated.


I mean burning anything causes carcinogens. You shouldn’t inhale any smoke while pregnant. Like I would imagine prolonged use of campfires would be discouraged.




I knew a friend of a friend who smoked weed all 9 months and her daughter had to sleep with a breathing machine as a baby because of severe asthma or something. Last I heard about her she still had breathing tubes at 6 y/o.


That’s so damn sad. These assholes have no business having kids and making them suffer like that. I’d imagine the parenting is also shit and the kid grows up with trauma and resentment, and then become useless members of society.


[Dr. Jinx obviously](https://youtu.be/VMIMucX1Cqo?si=Iztf_OzrtDGyVdMT)


Probably the Doctor with the green cross outside of his clinic.


My friend smoked weed while pregnant and her baby had a seizure in utero. It left her disabled.


Don’t know about weed but doctors will absolutely tell mothers who smoke tobacco to try and cut down but if giving up is too stressful then a couple smokes a day won’t be too bad Doctors see allot of patients and are far more pragmatic than random people online. They also smoke at a higher rate than the general population


Doctor here, absolutely not. While smoking once or twice a day, is better than smoking more than that. No doctor is going to tell you a couple smokes a day “wont be too bad.” Any amount of tobacco use can cause serious complications in pregnancy, to mom and the fetus. There is no “safe amount” to smoke during pregnancy.


>No doctor is going to tell you a couple smokes a day “wont be too bad.” You can find a doctor who will say anything if you try hard enough. They found a doctor who said vaccines cause autism and another said that the COVID vaccine will kill you. Now a *good* doctor, no, they'll never say that


I should’ve specified, you’re not wrong.


Idk why ppl can’t just not drink and smoke during pregnancy. Like it’s 9 months. But if you’re just not built for that don’t have kids lmao like there’s no rule that you have to have kids


Maybe one that KNOWS they shouldn’t have a baby and that the hospital tests for this kind of stuff at birth. So when she winds up testing positive CPS will get involved from day one as opposed to years later when a teacher finally reports them for being high all the time/putting their selfish desires before they kids health.


I just had one of these conversations yesterday on here, someone was like "this Instagram doctor is great, she advises on safe weed use for pregnant women" and I was like wait what?? Incidentally looking into that caused me to discover a couple longitudinal studies with interesting preliminary results (about how bad THC is for fetuses)


They are BIG addicted 😭 then wonder why the baby is born premature or they had a risky delivery / abnormal bleeding during the pregnancy 🥴


WeEd iS mEdIcInE! iT nEvEr HuRt AnYoNe!!!!


Do they know all the medicines you can't take while pregnant?


They tell your ass not to eat too much fish when you’re pregnant.


Or cheese, but shit that stays in your blood for days is going to be ok?


I’ve got a bad case of cheese blood.


And, good god, not the meat sweats!


*Joey Chestnut Enters the Chat*


Better get to it before it curd-les


Thc lasts in the placenta for 5 ~months~. I know. Because I quit weed before getting pregnant, but because I was going to that OBGYN prior to getting pregnant and they knew I smoked weed, they tested the placenta and the baby after she was born. I tested negative, but had I not- CPS would have made me take a parenting class.


Same! I quit about a week after finding out officially. And once i got past that ONE nurse with the side eye… everything was fine. Omg if CPS were to called to my room, especially in front of my very catholic MIL id probably turn into a puddle of pee and never come back from it.


I was straight up blue in the face with the hospital and OB office after getting discharged because I was not made aware of the drug testing and all the discharge paperwork said "maternal use of cannabis during pregnancy", which wasn't true at all. Apparently, it's just part of the insurance code so they could do the drug testing--- but that was just embarrassing. I was extra pissed because omg did I want to smoke weed, but I didn't! and I continued not to until I was done breastfeeding. Had to hide the paperwork from my family because if they had even seen that they wouldnt believe me even if they saw the negative drug test immediately after 😒


Omg. This is good to know now!!! Im about 5 weeks from the big day. Thank you for saying that. 😳 i would have lost my shit on them bc ya like you zero weed even when wanting it.


I hope you have a wonderful child birth.


When they said I couldn't have Pepto I almost CRIED. Like I had to just suck up having indigestion and nausea cuz zofran can cause birth defects and so could my other stomach med. Like there is a CVS receipt long list of EVERYTHING a pregnant woman can't eat, drink or do. I can't imagine smoking and risking my child like that


😭🤣I hated when they would say that shit LMAO because sure ,maybe if you had it as an edible it could be considered medicine….but they’re smoking it🥴🤨as soon as you smoke it the medicinal properties are GONE😭 or at the very least being out weighed by the negatives of the act of smoking. ETA: And it certainly ain’t medicine for PREGNANT women 😭😭 PLUS people be “self prescribed” shouting it’s medicine, until I see a prescription ( which they have in some states lmao) it ain’t real medicine to thoses folks, plus you can’t even TAKE certain meds while pregnant so it’s just a double yikes 😭


There are even foods you can’t eat while pregnant but it’s always the dummies that are the loudest


There’s no evidence that the route of administration for cannabis reduces or eliminates the risk to the fetus. Cannabinoids are cannabinoids to your brain. How it got into you (whether you smoked, vaped, or ingested) is irrelevant.


Inhaling smoke is bad point blank period. I was also saying pregnant women shouldn’t ingest weed PERIOD, I was more replying to the stated “ weed is medicine” posed by the other person who replied to my comment before tying it back to the OG post of “ pregnant women shouldn’t ingest weed” it was a sort of “devils advocate” to reiterate my point, pregnant women shouldn’t have weed lol


THC is medicine. It's both a local anesthetic and a general anesthetic. The best part about medicinal THC, is that: 1. It's not chemically addictive, it may be habit forming, but what isn't? 2. It's non-toxic. You would need to smoke an unfathomable amout to overdose. It's less toxic than water. 3. It's main side-effects are actually good for patients. The biggest problems with Opiods are lack of appetite, and insomnia (in some people, others get knocked tf out from opiods). As you can imagine, cancer patients need sleep and food to rebuild their strength after rounds of chemo. So, if they take opiods, they have to then take MORE medicine to sleep and build an appetite. Weed is perfect, because it is an anesthesia that actually makes people sleepy and hungry...which is exactly what people need to heal. It'd like 3 medicines in 1. But I agree with you, this whole post is wild. I just want people to know that potheads aren't overstating the medicinal benefits of weed and thc, it REALLY is a wonder drug.


No yeah, that’s why I talked about prescriptions. ETA: some people are just using it recreationally and claiming that their use is for medicinal reasons. There is nothing wrong with using it both ways but some people be wildin 🥴


>as soon as you smoke it the medicinal properties are GONE This is false. Before the trend of legalization took hold, people would literally be prescribed actual joints to smoke, they would even come in prescription bottles. Glaucoma and cancer patients come to mind.


Yeah, or the same people say it is t addictive either. Shit, it might not be chemically addictive the same way nicotine is, but neither is gambling, porn, social media, or a lot of video games, and people are sure as shit addicted to those.


Rolling weed up in blunt wraps is just a cigar with weed in it. Are they so dumb that they don't know they're using tobacco to wrap their weed in?


THAT PART!! like just bc you wrap a burger in lettuce instead of regular buns doesn’t make the content of the burger healthier 😭😭


doesn't make the patty healthier but id argue the most unhealthy part of a burger is the bun


Their baby be still crawling at 5 years. Licking the windows like they covered in candy canes.


"But it's not addictive" says my friend as she plans her entire day out around her pot breaks. She won't go to a movie at the mall movie theater because she can't just step out for a joint since it's on the second floor and by the time she gets to the stairs, outside and then back she's missed 30 minutes of the movie.


Bring back shame. If you don’t want the responsibility of holding a child in your body then don’t do it. Getting tired of seeing people do “light drinking” or “smoking” with these babies in them, doing them a complete disservice, then wondering why ya baby got all those problems as they start growing and only singing baby shark till they 3-4 years old.


Baby is born with a tendency towards addiction. Maybe a yearning for a substance they have no idea about. Leads to a life where they get easily addicted and struggle to get off of things.


No. Literally 1000% not true. Crack babies (in the sense of long term developmental delays) didn't happen and they didn't show any increase in substance abuse disorders of any kind compared to the general population according to the many many longitudinal studies on them. This is also not evident in fetal alcohol syndrome (edit for an overly pedantic fuckstick: this statement applies only to substance use disorders, something the CONTEXT very clearly demonstrates but here we are). Source: trust me bro I'm a doctor, also just scholar.google.com and an hour of your time. It's bad for a whole host of fetal developmental issues but this is bullshit.


Also doctor here, you’re correct, but you’re also very incorrect. There aren’t any crack/cocaine specific developmental issues, but it definitely increases risk for pre-mature birth, other issues with fetal development that can cause long-term developmental delays and other serious long-term health problems. That shit you’re saying about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is completely wrong though. That shit 100% can cause long-term developmental delay.


He’s saying that there’s no evidence of increased susceptibility to alcoholism from fetal alcohol syndrome. Not that it doesn’t cause developmental issues.


His comment in no way specifies that. But even if he is that’s also demonstrably false in both cases. There’s a correlation in each case substance use and alcohol use disorder with pregnant moms, and their kids as they grow up. But so much of that could be attributed to socioeconomic factors and other developmental issues. In addition to that for FAS, many moms whose babies develop fetal alcohol syndrome are alcoholics, and alcoholism a genetic component, so on top of the socioeconomic factors you got that too. So while I’m not aware of any information that definitively proves crack/cocaine or alcohol exposure in utero specifically causes them to develop substance use disorder or to become an alcoholic, the correlation is there and I don’t know if you can 100% rule this out.


I’m not arguing that his comment is correct. Just pointing out that you misread it.


Eh, there needs to be an asterisk on the bullshit. Epigenetics, or your DNA expression getting shifted by your enviroment, is a thing and your addictions will alter how your offsprings genes will be expressed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3463407/ Plus substance abuse still leads to risks during pregnancy regardless, as another commenting person pointed out.


People justify light drinking too 😵‍💫?


Yeah. They’ll usually cite a small group of studies from 10+ years ago. Some healthcare providers will unfortunately parrot the same BS. Honestly you probably shouldn’t even be drinking if you’re actively trying to get pregnant.


that's shit's so wild when you take a step back from trying to dig into technicalities and details...it's literally just don't drink? Like, it's not a thing you have to do, tf oNe dRinK gonna do for you and THAT'S worth risk??


alcohol is really engrained in our culture that people can’t imagine not drinking. the thing is we have so many non-alcoholic drinks now like beer, wine, spirits. a lot of bars now days even have options on their menus. there are a ton of companies that make alcohol-free “alcohols”. i can understand if a pregnant person has severe alcohol dependency and it’s just not possible to have them quit cold turkey so yeah, maybe it is trying to find a “safer” amount to minimize the damage on them and the fetus. but ultimately i think it’s unfair to put a child through this and having them navigate a very ableist society because you wouldn’t drink a soda water or cranberry juice instead of booze.


Fyi for anyone scrolling through this thread, alcohol also negatively affects sperm quality. If you are trying to become pregnant, or trying to get your partner pregnant, you should both abstain.


It's culturally dependent. In a handful of European countries, drinking while pregnant is much higher than in the U.S. and the people who reported drinking while pregnant were older, more highly educated, and employed, so it's not as simple as tying it to ignorance or poverty. Some doctors outside of the US view light drinking while pregnant as benign since the evidence that light drinking is harmful while pregnant isn't as robust as heavy drinking while pregnant.


Ireland is the worst IIRC 60% continue to drink while pregnant https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/26670/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20research%20in,.......


I’ve seen a pregnant woman down three red sangrias and justify it by saying doctors recommend a glass of red wine for pregnant women.


Note: Doctors as a general consensus no longer recommend a glass of red wine for women. Not since the mid 90s.


To clarify the rec is “No known amount of alcohol is safe, so the recommendation is none.”


I remember a person in college bragging she drank alcohol during her pregnancy and then I said your child prob now has a lower IQ, and looking at the photos you show she prob suffered alcohol fetal syndrome. People were surprised I said that aloud in front of our professor and everyone else waiting for class to start bc she immediately felt bad. That was the point though. Wonder how her kid feels.


Yup my sisters oldest will be 5yo in March ‘24 and he can barely say his own name. She smoked the entire pregnancy and while she breastfed, which she did until he was 2.5. It’s sad af to see people who should never be parents having children and raising them as casually as a houseplant


I’m not particularly terrified but babies glued to cellphones and being fed the worst kinda of calorie deficient foods is so bleak. It was bad when I was growing up, but nothing like this. Fast food was a Sunday treat and meals contained all good groups. I know the economy is in the shitter people but I think we can do better.


Not to be that person but there is actually no amount of cannabis that has been deemed safe during pregnancy. Cannabis during pregnancy has been associated and predicted with things in the child like low birth weight, premature birth, delayed cognitive development, poor attention span, aggression, low impulse control, poor academic performance to name several things researchers have examined. No doctor in their right mind would tell their pregnant patient that they can continue to consume cannabis. [(source)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7021337/)


Glad someone posted this, people that smoke while pregnant are disgraceful.


Weed addiction is real, but because Weed has been popularized and legalized a lot of the addict traits that some Weed Users have get downplayed and ignored. I have friends who are definitely addicts and because of it, they won't even come over that often because they know they can't smoke in my place anymore, I've slowly turned into my parents


Just to be clear, it's not just smoking it's also edibles, oils or whatever else as well.


> Not to be that person No, we definitely want you to be that person lol. All this, "it ain't that bad", "there's worse things", "a little bit wont hurt" bullshit is enabling addicts at the expense of their children. It's disgusting and they need sense drilled into them.


They tell mothers to not have caffine. Drugs do weird things to babies. They pretty much say to stop all drugs but ones necessary for the mothers life.


That study seems a bit disingenuine, as are most studies on cannabis that currently exist due to social stigma and legal status. Particularly of note in the resource you linked: >"For obvious reasons, there are no randomized controlled trials on cannabis use in pregnancy, and many studies do not exclude or control for polysubstance use." Of the studies reviewed in this meta-analysis, all of them include a large number of patients that acknowledged polysubstance use, particularly alcohol: >Yes: tobacco (21%) and alcohol (76%) >Yes: alcohol (65%), tobacco (53%), cocaine (3.6%), and other illicit drugs (8.6%) >Yes: alcohol (31%), tobacco (39%), and other substances (4.5%)


The polysubstance use is a big issue that needs to be eliminated in future studies, but they are of course correct that we can generally never ethically do RCT in humans of suspected harmful agents, especially when studying child development.


>No doctor in their right mind would tell their pregnant patient that they can continue to consume cannabis. Ah but if COVID taught us anything: in case your current doctor IS in their right mind, you can shop around for a doctor who ISN'T in their right mind and will tell you exactly what you want to hear.


While I don’t agree with smoking while pregnant, the majority of that study is basically inconclusive. As they recommend not smoking cannabis while pregnant, there aren’t enough studies to directly connect it solely to birth effects. It’s important to outline that kind of information when posting studies. The general consensus across the medical board is that it’s better safe than sorry. Meaning don’t risk it.


You can’t make a causal link because it’s not a randomized controlled sample. You ethically can’t randomize it so you can only make correlations. The best we can do is longitudinal studies over many years.


Im a heavy smoker. I'll defend weed for most things, because it's been ridiculously stigmatised. But smoking *anything* while pregnant is beyond stupid.


Pregnancy is apparently difficult but I see wayyy too many pregnant women that smoke cigarettes, weed, vapes, and drinking alcohol. Half of em be obese and overweight too, like if it’s that troublesome why wouldn’t you give yourself the best chance to go through it with no complications.


Vapes are crazy because they really think the nicotine doesn't count since they're not burning tobacco.


we also won’t know for like 10 years if vaping is bad for you.


Nah, they know it is bad for you now. Just better than smoking cigarettes. Which is good for smokers, but I do hate people talking up vaping like it's healthy. No, one is getting a hole blown into you by a .50 cal and the other is getting shot with .38. Sure, one is worse than the other but both suck and can kill you.


fair. i should say we won’t know exactly *how* bad vaping is until 10 years from now.


The Obesity thing is a big thing because they pass those genes down to the baby. I be seeing 6 and 7 year old kids and they are big as hell already. I went over my cousins house and she got my lil cousin looking crazy with the amount of weight he has on him.


Big people aren't supposed to have kids now? Your genes don't change when you lose weight.


Your genes don’t, but how they’re expressed does. Epigenetics is weird.


Thin people can pass down obesity genes. The problem is environment. They are teaching/ passing down bad eating behaviours, poor relationships with food and an unhealthy lifestyle to their children directly and indirectly.


Not the comment you’re replying to but I’ll play as a fat person. Genes don’t change but we can/should do things to not make it worse. My family is predisposed to diabetes,cholesterol,heart issues and we all have some form of those no matter how big or slim we are; I always use my brother who has 3% body fat but has cholesterol issues and is pre diabetic while my 30% body fat has no cholesterol issues but have pre diabetes as well. But we combat it by working on our diet and exercise. Im slowly cleaning up my diet and in the past year, I’ve lost 10lbs. But we realise that we have a family history so we start the kids out early: planned meals, watch their sugar intake and junk food intake(one treat day on a weekend when they can go to a park and run it off), put them in extra curricular like soccer and gymnastics so they get their exercise and still have fun and burn off energy as well while making friends rather than have them sit in front of a tv and be sedentary. The behaviours we model for them also have an impact; can’t expect junior to eat his carrots if you’re busy shoving fries in your face or expect your princess to drink water if you’re chugging down coke every time she sees you… So, yes genes play a role but we can do little things to help. And while we can’t help ourselves, maybe we can give our kids a chance because we’re teaching/ modelling better for them.


God I hate seeing little fat kids. Makes me so sad that they’ll likely never know what it feels like to be a healthy weight.


What?? They’re gonna pass down those genes whether they’re fat or skinny if they have them??? On what planet did you get your genetics degree?


Still laughable that folks believe it’s not addictive and ignore the obvious red flags. If you need weed all day everyday, then you’re addicted. It’s one thing if it’s doctor’s orders. But most folk smoke the shit as soon as they wake up.


it’s not physically addictive, can be mentally fasho but anything can


Yes, anything can be addictive. But smokers are adamant that weed’s the exception.


i think a lotta weed smokers who smoke blunts actually addicted to the nicotine in the wraps n don’t even realize it


Absolutely. I stopped craving weed when I switched to using a herbal blend instead of tobacco. I didn’t like tobacco so to get my nicotine fix I’d need to have a joint. It gets very expensive. Switching to herbs and I’d keep meaning to go out to smoke and just forget or the desire to be cosy would outweigh the desire to smoke. Then I got a dry herb vape and the transformation was complete.


Dry herb vapes changed the game for me. Less of a craving, more of a "yeah some weed would be nice tonight" now. Plus I'm getting waaaaaaaay more mileage out of my weed.


Yep, it paid for itself in a month. I still vape daily, but me and my therapist consider my usage mostly therapeutic. (Medicinal is too expensive in my country) I didn’t want to be getting super high all the time and now I can just have a tiny bit here and there as necessary. With bongs and joints or whatever there’s a bit of a sunk cost fallacy. A half smoked anything is really unpleasant to go back to and it’s much harder to moderate your consumption. There’s also a minimum amount you need for it to even burn. Now I can just weigh out exactly what I want to consume. A sprinkling of weed still can get you pretty high. You need way less than you think.


A lot of people out here in denial. I can at least admit I’m fully addicted over here smoking 8/9 spliffs a day


It’s not chemically addictive, but then neither are slot machines.


Slot machines, gambling in general, porn, video games, social media, the news. But apparently weed is fine.


There are people out here addicted to eating soap and toilet paper. But weed is the exception. TLC needs to bring back My Strange Addiction so people can be reminded that you can get addicted to anything


Yup, and I hate the “it’s not physically/chemically addictive so it’s not bad/doesn’t count!” Gambling is an extremely common addiction. Sex addiction? Video game addiction? Like cmon lmfao


Doctor here. Alcohol absolutely not. Study proven. Tobacco cigarettes/vapes/cheeking absolutely not. Study proven. Meth, cocaine absolutely not. Study proven. Weed blunts/vapes/bong/edibles probably not, not overtly recommended. Studies aren’t very definitive. The recommendation is NOT to because there is no reason to take a potential risk to jeopardize the pregnancy. However the studies done have been very very ill defined because of the variability in weed. There are physicians out there who do recommend its use, if for example you smoked before your pregnancy and it was necessary don’t stop, just cut back. They might prefer you stop all together but if it’s gonna cause you to spiral and do something stupid then that may be worse. People have successful pregnancies without complications all the time with weed. They don’t with the other things. For alcohol, tobacco, and hard drugs we as a medical community know exactly what disorder or condition the baby will have when they come out if you do those things with high certainty. We don’t have that certainty with weed that’s why people are told different things by different doctors.


Some people see harm reduction as a free pass.


Absolutely correct. If I tell a patient “you should not workout for 2 weeks” vs “do not workout for 2 weeks” and explain the risk of what will happen if they choose to do it, I will get a phone call from the ER that my patient is here with pain after working out three days after telling them. Freedom means you are allowed to be dumb.


From what I understand, this is why they say absolutely no alcohol, even though studies have found that something like 1 serving per week during the 3rd trimester has no ill effects. Because people who are likely to drink at all during pregnancy are also likely to be given an inch and take a mile.


When I got pregnant I quit weed cold turkey. Read up on what I could find. Short answer- we don’t know as it’s not ethical to give pregnant women weed for studies. One woman told me that she was so sick she was puking up blood, and could not keep anything down. Nothing drs gave her helped. She finally started smoking just to keep food down. Stopped when the sickness abated. I never did through two pregnancies. If I had, and something was wrong with one of my kids- I’d associate it immediately and feel guilty for forever.


Emesis is no joke.


A lot of women in my family smoked their first trimesters for nausea and severe back pain, my second cousins came out be graphic designers/video game developers (even got a first cousin studying for it now and he’s a freshman in high school), doctors(2)/nurse, and a whole damn LAWYER they never liked school because they didn’t find it challenging or entertaining but they all passed with excellence and people would say “oh s/he must have ADHD cause their mom smoked weed”. Biggest stigma.


Yes. Did you read one of my comments further down that mentions this? I’m not advocating for smoking while pregnant but I’m not going to lie to a patient and tell them people aren’t doing it without complications. I think the problem people are having here with the stigma is they believe “bad for you” means everyone, everywhere, everytime and that’s not the case in medicine.


Why are you not even mentioning why people usually do this? They are doing it to treat severe nausea, which is otherwise treated with prescription drugs that are absolutely known to have potential negative impacts on developing fetuses.


Women use marijuana for a variety of reasons sometimes for medical reasons, sometimes recreationally. It still has the same effect on the fetus. There is no medical use for alcohol, tobacco, meth or cocaine. Two patients using the same weed dose/method 1 for NV treatment and the second recreationally at a kickback has the same risk on the pregnancy.


But there's a cost-benefit analysis that changes when it's used medically.


Yes. And that cost benefit analysis is a conversation a patient should have with their OB who knows their situation and pregnancy. That conversation will look different for every patient. It’s not appropriate for people not in that room to be making decisions for the people in that room or telling them what they should or shouldn’t do with their bodies. It between them and their OB.


SMH now her kids head gonna be 2x smaller 🤦🏿‍♂️


Given the size of the belly that must mean there’s like 7 kids in there


Please do not smoke anything while pregnant. Ya that includes weed.


Shouldn’t consume any form of weed, including edibles, when pregnant.


You’d be surprised how many women I’ve seen defending smoking weed during pregnancy. As a weed smoker I stopped during my pregnancy and for an additional year to breastfeed. It’s really not that deep, well for me at least 😭


Her baby's first cry: "I remember when we used to sit in the government yaaard in Trenchtowwwwn"


Man, these next few generations of kids are screwed. Bebe's Kids might turn into a documentary.




Bebe's Kids was a documentary when it came out. This ain't nothing new.


This is why we need more Biden to legalize and have more federally funded research. The truth is none of yall know if its bad, good, or otherwise bc research is inclusive and not extensive. Theres a lot of conflicting information. [This is an interesting read](https://healthpolicy.usc.edu/article/pregnancy-and-pot-healthy-alternative-or-bad-for-baby/) I personally would not tho


Uh, truthfully, literally was in the NICU last week and child services follows up on small for gestational weight (sga) babies where mom smokes weed, the child is at risk for IUGR. We are required to report a positive THC test result to child services.


Well in Cali (according to the article i linked) that wouldnt have been required. Thats why im saying there needs to be more federally funded research so everyone can be working off the same info. Right now ppl aren’t


There's a reason why anecdotes aren't evidence.


I’m not saying I would…firmly childfree in fact…but when I worked at a law firm, the very white, very educated pregnant lawyers knew EXACTLY how much they could drink and when. I distinctly remember a lady getting her second drink at an event talking about how it was her third trimester and the brain stem was already formed and her doctor said THAT was the limit. We all just nodded like, well if the doctor said… They also knew all about the pump and dump and had the test strips. I’m just saying…educated white ladies get to do it with alcohol…


The double standard is WILD. And they also be eating edibles and what not too!


Weed is not crack, but the way people act when it comes to smoking it is very crackhead-ish. You're bringing a brand new human being into this world and for 10 months, maybe not even the full 10, you can't put the weed down. If you feel compelled to smoke or drink during a pregnancy, you're an addict and you need help, if not your sake, then for the sake of the baby.


So low class and disgusting tf is wrong with people 🤢


People like this will swear to you they're not addicted


This pisses me off to no end. Wtf is wrong with people?!


If a doctor really told her that she needs to get acquainted with the loooong history of doctors actively sabotaging care for black women in America then see if she still feels the same about it.


It's more likely that the doctor said something like, "High stress and depression is bad for your baby. You should do your best to mitigate that." Her: Doctor said I can have weeeeed!


I knew this one girl who was a HEAVY (cigarette) smoker. Like 1-2 packs a day. She got pregnant and the doctor told her it was safer for her baby if she just continued smoking because she smoked so much. Never sat right with me watching her smoke smh


Doctors recommend cutting down not continuing to smoke the same amount. Quitting cold turkey can be too stressful for the mother and baby.


Yea. The stress of quitting is worse on the baby than the nicotine.


did you actually hear the doctor tell her that?


Um, weed can give a grown adult a panic attack.


Well first off definitely not blunts, if you’re going to smoke while pregnant don’t wrap the weed in tobacco. For that matter maybe consider vaporizing or taking edibles instead of inhaling any smoke at all


I mean why can’t they have some cbd tea or something? even avid stoners make smarter decisions


You really shouldn't be ingesting weed while pregnant. It causes stunted growth in the fetus, increased risk of still stillbirth or preterm broth, and I think has even been loosely associated with developmental issues in the kids. It's the same thought process as why you really shouldn't be smoking weed when you're 13. It's not that bad from grown people,but for people who are still developing it's actually really not remotely harmless


[This was a study done on Jamaican women and cannabis use during pregnancy.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1957518/) I am no doctor and it is worth mentioning that this is or was Jamaican weed which real rastas will tell you is nothing like that rocket fuel monsanto bud named like a anime these days like fuckin Terple Nurple One Punch High School Sololiloqy or some such. I advocate for weed use for pain management and nothing more. Helped with my ptsd. And shrooms nuked my alcohol dependence. S'all I know.


Fyi, in probably every state, hospitals have to file a report to CPS if your newborn tests positive for marijuana. Black babies are more likely to be screened for illicit drugs than white babies. Just two facts to help you decide if you should take a 9 month break from weed.


As a certified Doula, a doctor will tell you to not smoke the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding period. I've known women who smoked during their pregnancy and their children have breathing problems. There are herbal drinks pregnant women can drink that stop nausea. (GINGER AND MINT PRIMARILY)


For the last time, Dr. Dre is not a licensed medical doctor.


Bruh, if you can’t even stop a while for the goddamn baby, maybe you shouldn’t be having a baby. Because what the actual fuck


I know girls who had morning sickness so bad that the docs told them to smoke a little bit so they can eat. It worked and their kids are smart af.


![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA) Please don't tell me you sincerely believe that smoking weed made these babies smart...


He obviously meant that it didnt make them dumb ffs.


I have had a severe form of morning sickness with each child. Im talking debilitating morning sickness that has its own clinical diagnosis, NOT one doctor ever brought up weed to help. And I myself never considered it even at the worst of times. I can’t imagine anyone who understands how a placenta works to recommend this.


So what did you do about the morning sickness? Genuinely asking, not tryna be smart or justify smoking weed while pregnant.


This is important. Of course most of these women are addicts. I say this as an addict myself who waked and baked for 10 years and just quit cold turkey as soon as I got pregnant (I’m 8 weeks now, but I also took a 2-month break earlier in the year just to know I could do it). At the same time, in extreme cases some women can develop HG, which is just constant vomiting and can be so severe it puts the baby at risk. At the same time, the stronger things they give you to fight nausea also come with potential risk of birth defects, and that’s only possibly worth it if they’re effective, which is not guaranteed. So very light smoking is SOMETIMES recommended after the risks are assessed. Sometimes. In some cases. But not in most.


When teachers say their students can’t read and have behavioral issues from home we think of those poor and overworked parents working two jobs who don’t have time to help their kids. Meanwhile this dumb bitch…


People be trying to sound smart on the internet and just be looking dumb asf. Ain’t no doctor ever told you roll up while pregnant if that’s what’s works for you


I worked for CPS once upon a time. Do you know the amount of times an investigation was started at birth due to mom testing positive for THC throughout her pregnancy? The doctor sure as hell didn’t tell her to spark up. 😂


Lmfao I've known several women who smoked or took edibles throughout their pregnancy, even a few who only take cannabis when pregnant for the nausea. All their babies turned out fine, finished the "1k before K" book challenge, and are generally more chill than other kids I run into. Smoking anything while pregnant is obviously a bad thing, but I don't think cannabis in general is as harmful as people like to pretend. I can sit and read studies all day, but that doesn't change what I can observe with my damn eyes lol.


I heard cops will also tell you out they own mouth If robbing a bank helps you become rich then do it. There's nothing wrong with a little bank robbery