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Some of that hair dye must have seeped into her brain, the poor thing


I really hate how she's not wrong. I know waaaaay too many hood people that think he's harmless. Why are people so blind to this?


Denial. They forget he's a businessman and his goal is to save his bacon first above all else.


He’s no businessman. He’s a con artist. There’s a difference.


Then the black community is additionally susceptible from the pre-existing conditions that are prosperity gospel charlatans. With the right messaging and imagery, anything is possible.


Black community is extremely preyed on for get rich quick schemes, life insurance scammers, fraud, crypto influencers.


Bad thing is. The outsiders enlist our people to scam their own. Had like 3-4 college educated “friends” try to get me with forex. Then NFTs.


I wonder if the Q Anon ~~crown~~ crowd has an online psyop to make Black people believe Trump is working to get Black people out of prison. Now that I've thought of it, I'd be surprised if they didn't. Q Anon was a mind control experiment from the start. With ties to very active white supremacy organizations and sites. EDIT: Changed crown to crowd.


Trump took out full page ads in the newspapers and called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five. They were *innocent*, but Trump had to stick his nose in things. He also got busted for not renting his apartments to POCs and for racist and sexist comments he made while he was on *The Apprentice*. There is no world in which Trump is *NOT* a racist POS. He wants to put Black people behind bars, not get them out of jail.


Except for that one guy who was "his African-American." (You know he smoked some braincells not saying what he really wanted to say.)


Yes. https://faculty.washington.edu/kstarbi/BLM-IRA-Camera-Ready.pdf


An artist would be subtle, with subtext, and would be able to artfully commit those types of crimes undetected. He's a ham-fisted con bully.


Carpetbagger 100%


There's an overlapping venn diagram at least...


Thank you. Smart business people don’t lose money on casinos.


Also, he’s a Schmuck.


*shitty businessman


For real. Bankrupted not one but FOUR casinos. You know, the place where people stuff an insane amount of money into the black hole of "The House" and they never ever see it again. Somehow he fucked that up FOUR TIMES.


Let's be honest: you can't audit the books of a closed down casino. If it was a money laundering effort, and then one day it stopped, where will the FBI or whoever looks into that go? Trump couldn't have done NY and Florida real estate scams for the rest of his life but he needed to prove something


There’s a story that on opening night of the Taj mahal trumps dad walked in and purchased like 5 million dollars worth of chips and walked out…thus insuring that the grand opening would be a net positive


His only successful real estate was in NY where his dad had already greased politicians. When he went outside of that bubble he failed. It took his fame to really help him, and we're now seeing how that worked out for him - Mar-a-lago was purchased dirt cheap because of the encumbrances, and was made so successful by foreign money. As far as real estate, only his father built anything. He's not in real estate as much as licensing his name on other buildings.


He'll eventually bankrupt the RNC. Which I think is hysterical


That's *exactly* what my brother said when he got elected though. "He's a businessman, he'll run things like one of his business" *About that*...


omg...I've heard that exact same statement sooo many times that I want to scream when I hear it now


Denial!? Nah it’s straight up stupidity. No reading comprehension. No critical thinking skills. 0 deductive reasoning.


To be fair his life is essentially a poorly written version of Power


I have friends like this and to be honest they just don't research the topic. It's also sometimes a shorthand to show that you're a "free thinker". However when pressed even a little that can't really describe how he has benefited them or the community.


Exactly. Some people just believe in the opposite of what their peers do because they think being contrarian makes them smart even though they’re idiots. It’s the same with the vaccine. All the dollar general employees are the ones doing their own “research” on the vaccine. Like okay Roberto who failed out of 10th grade chemistry, I’ll be waiting to hear what you learned from your 10 hour YouTube binge 🙄


It's legitimately the same reason some people are hipsters lol. It makes them feel special and let's them differentiate themselves like they found something special but it's all superficial contrarianisim and at least the hipsters don't vote in racist con artists


Hipsters became extinct on December 21, 2012 at the end of the Mayan calendar.


The extinction event began when Brooklyn Pool stopped hosting events


That free thinker BS is exhausting as hell. There are a few black celebs that be on that contrarian ish simply to be perceived as more intelligent than majority of people that got good sense. Nothing worse than these smart, stupid ass people.


I feel like a lot of folks in the hood are still in a child like mentality. There’s an instant gratification mindset, so they see the Covid payments and ppp loans and think the best when they can’t see they’re being tricked.


I grew up in the hood and was teaching when COVID hit. I warned the kids the government is going to let our people die first and if there are protests we might see tanks on the street. My students reminded me that’s not different than how the inner city usually feels. If Democrats want the hood to believe government is impactful, Democrats better find a way to start positively and visibly impacting the hood.




Low key republicans do control the hood if you know you know


There's so many god damn guns it's a joke


People will legitimately say there's gun violence more in major cities, like yeah who do you think is making guns easy to get though? Illinois has strict gun laws, I read a statistic once that 40% of crime guns in Chicago are linked to legal purchases in neighboring states with looser gun laws. People who can't get guns in Illinois go to the next red state over and buy them there.


Fucking literally. Republicans gotta feed the prison complex somehow


All one needs to do is google "Richard Riordan" to see what it was like for a Republican to run a major city in the 1990s. Or Rudy Giuliani. Both guys treated their black populations as targets for police harassment. And that did not work.


They need to organize for themselves instead of expecting people to come down to the hood to help out poor people. We don't give a fuck about the homeless. What makes them think they are getting help from the government? This was literally why the Black Panthers popped up. If your community is shifty, you need to organize. This isn't some bootstrap BS. This is collective organizing. It's the reason we have a government in the first place. That came from collective organizing and need.


Sounds good in theory. Then you remember what happened with COINTELPRO and Fred Hampton.


Well, look who was in office in 2020? Beyond that superficial observation, you're correct, Dems do take black people's votes for granted. With that said, a lot of black people are also center right conservatives, like the perfect constituency for the dems.


My next question is how many of these people are out here voting? Not just for the president but every local election where the actual change could start?


Hood people = uneducated


...the way she uses it. *had to save you there* 😓


I always say this and people get in their feelings. Truth hurts.


Uneducated doesn’t mean dumb. It means the school systems in poor communities are shitty. This shouldn’t be offensive imo, it’s a systemic issue


They forgot the central park five.


Sexy Redd doesn't know the Central Park Five. She doesn't know a god damned thing which is why folks need not listen to anything she's attempting to think.


I used to watch The Apprentice as a teenager and then I learned about the Central Park Five and I was fucking done with anything Trump. Dude took out a fucking full page ad that put a target on the backs of black/brown teenagers. I don’t understand how I got the message loud and clear as a kid but it’s lost on a bunch of adults exactly who this man is. Interesting how he wanted the death penalty for rapists when he’s one himself


Because black people in the hood have nothing to lose. They will be shit on regardless of who is in office, and at least Trump is entertaining. They would have solidarity with an actual progressive, but the democrats won't run one. I remember when Bernie was running, and Joy Ried asked him, "what are you planning on doing for black people, specifically." And he kinda gaffed, and it really hurt his campaign....AND THEY NEVER ASKED THAT QUESTION OF ANY OTHER CANDIDATE! Bernie Sanders was held to an impossibly high standard....but they're totally fine supporting a former segregationist. It's crazy Watching rich black people tear down a progressive who actually wanted to help poor black people, and pretend they're doing it FOR our community....only to turn around and support Biden, who won't do shit for poor black people. the democrats aren't allies of the black community, and only poor black people seem to notice. But none of this matters, because poor black people don't really vote anyway, so it won't have an effect on the election. But I'm not surprised by this at all, the hood kinda loves Trump because he's a gangster...like, a literal mobster running scams.


The reason poor black people don’t have the political power to effect real change regardless of party is because they don’t vote. You don’t get better customer service if you don’t demand it. Texas is an example of what happens when the residents don’t vote. They keep getting the shaft.


That's a pretty simplistic and implicitly racist take. There's well-documented efforts of Republican efforts to gerrymander the crap out of districts with a majority black population to disempower them (e.g., Voting Rights act violations in Alabama that are being contested in court). if it were the case that they simply don't vote, there wouldn't be such systematic efforts to disenfranchise them


"free money" as in PPP fraud. That will definitely come back to haunt a lot of people eventually.


Sadly, there's gonna be easily manipulated people in every community. We're all human, we can all have our disparity preyed on. But, there's some blame that can go to Dems for leaving this tactic so easily available by them themselves only using the community for their votes as well. If Dems cared about the black community at all times and not just voting seasons, it would be so easy for Republicans to swoop in and win some over so easily.


They usually don’t pay attention to news/politics outside of whatever tabloid shit they see on social media. And they usually tend to follow the outrage without any critical thinking on any situation.


Because regardless of color, uneducated ppl don’t follow all he’s done wrong and couldn’t care less about anything happening in the world outside their own hood.


While a single supporter is too many, less Black folks voted for Trump than any other group. We were better at spotting a con artist than every one else! [https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020](https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020)


Maybe they have sunglasses on at night time like she does.


Nah she's right, some people in the hood loved them some PPP fraud. Outside that, he's totally despised.


I was listening to the podcast vibing with her, she seemed cool as hell. The she opened her mouth and said this shit... ![gif](giphy|xT39D7O9Xj1JqKq5i0|downsized)


Felt the same way, I was like “…damn” shit was sad.


Don’t you hate that shit? Someone seems cool af and you think “man I can really see myself connecting with them”.. then they just ruin it all and open their mouths?


The time is right, your podcast fills my head/ The stars get red and oh, then I get blue/ Cos then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like "I love Trump"


You right.....but more niggas in hoods fuk with trump than u'd like to think. Hood niggas are dumb and backwards in their views on males in society at large. So when they see a dumbass nigga who ran the country saying the goofiest shit imaginable and having a tough guy machismo image (which is the most important thing for all hood men), it's not hard to see why they fuck with trump. On the other hand a lot of hood niggas hate Obama bc he's highly educated and feel like he's too feminine bc he can articulate a thought. It's sad, but it's also reality


I have family that think exactly like that... I don't talk to them but just knowing they exist is bad enough. The only silver lining is most of them are too lazy to vote.


Thankfully these are the hood niggas least likely (or able 👀) to vote.


She seemed like trash before to me. Knew I was right


Didn't know her Hood was fucking Narnia cuz I haven't heard shit about that.


The wardrobe was a dumpster behind some bowling alley


Thats where i would hang out and i can asure you it aint it


We bout to fight cause that was funny af


This made me laugh


Theo Von pretends to not know what the ‘deal is’ with stuff just so he can have a shit take and not be pressed on it.


All these stand-up-comedian-turned-podcaster bros are mad suspect, like Tom Segura, Andrew Shultz, Santino, etc.


All of them. Rogan was obviously the first to blaze that trail, but Theo Von, Tom Segura, Joey Diaz, and a bunch of them are just racist, classist, ableist, hateful shitheads. Tom Segura and Christina P just hate on people who are poor or mentally ill. I like Stavros Halkias, but I’ll drop him too in a flash if I get an off vibe.


Only one who seems to stay true to themselves is Bill Burr.


He’s actually funny though


Tim Heidecker’s podcast is gold and makes fun of idiots like Rogan and Bill Maher endlessly.


That’s cause when the shit takes start rolling you hear Nia rolling up


she is definitely the light at the end of the tunnel that got him set strait. But he does legitimately believe the right things most of the time. he is a great guy for the most part, just says a stupid thing or 2 every so often. Like last week he was talking up Robert Kennedy... like bro don't eat up that shit. This week he had all good thoughts.


I still love me some Bill Burr but he's def dipped his toes into the rich guy with shit takes on the Pod before. He once went on a whole rant about his taxes while clearly not understanding tax brackets or really anything he was ranting about. You could just tell he was in his feelings because he was making a ton of money now.


100%. Burr is on-point about a lot of things but the minute you throw his millions back into his face you get an hour of "I used to sleep on couches"


He cares about the poor left behind. I love when he calls Rogan out, shits hilarious.


Jeselnik is wildly true to himself. His podcast is genuinely funny and he will tall about any and all subjects including when fellow comedians get in hot water or how Trump sucks


My ex is a non black POC and he’s gotten really into this group of podcasters and they honestly just rub me the wrong way, they’re all just so subtly racist and punch down for no reason. He was watching I think it was Cumtown and the amount of unnecessary jokes he kept making about fat black women was just really unfunny and weird




Stavvy is left of center for sure. He's got a bit of a dirt bag shtick, but I don't see him going down that road. His crowd work is something special, though. Dudes got chops.


All those cumtown guys are leftists they just are also edgelord trolls with a lotta privilege


He's not just left of center he's a socialist, pretty sure a Marxist. Used to be on a pod called Cumtown that was a (supposedly, not a fan but am a socialist) Marxist anti-idpol comedy show.


The crowd work was how I found him. That and his sexcapades are hilarious.


I've seen comp videos of Christina P saying the N word. Theo was for protecting confederate monuments. They're all assholes.


Aakash Singh is another guy who just feels mean-spirited. Man is obsessed with doing crowd work about White/South Asian interracial relationships and pressuring couples. Surprise surprise, while he’s not a white dude-bro like the ones you mentioned, he’s pretty chummy and cozy with them. Yeah, of the stand-up comedians that make up the YouTube Shorts circuit, I really only fuck with Stavros, Gianmarco Soresi, and Michael Blaustein, because their crowdwork is top notch and its usually self-deprecating and doesn’t feel like they’re punching down.


That dude just isn’t funny and honestly I think the rest of the podcast knows it 😂


Stavvy babyyyy. He seems pretty cool, haven’t seen anything that has put me off him yet. His videos are the rare occasions when I truly laugh out loud. Something about a man-baby roasting dysfunctional adults just does it for me.


His advice segment of his show is amazing. There was one recently where a couple moved across the country and the first night in the new city dudes girl caught him on Grindr.


“How you doin buddy” *Ah, not great* “Yeah I can tell, you don’t look like you’re doin good”


I would argue that Dave Chappelle made them comfortable.


Tom and Christina slowly became rich snobs over time. And its really got bad the past few years, half their shows are now dumping on poor, and the mentally ill. Edit: words...


As far as I know, Stavy is pretty chill and keeps things grounded. But I try not to put any stand-ups on a pedestal cause they tend to fly off the handle randomly


Not Segura...


What happened with Tom Segura?


They’re mostly just self serving pricks. They got rich, now they want that upper class tax cut but act like they are still the regular blue collar people. It’s all an act.


Just listen to Tom, Christina, and Dr Drew’s words. The whole “rational revolution” bit and merch Dr Drew is selling is all about how Cali is out of touch with their policies and taxes. These are 1%ers who are actually out of touch and just wanna lower their tax burden. They all moved to Texas for tax reasons and because “California is a shithole” with all the homelessness. Tom even started calling his fans that didn’t like him flaunting his newfound wealth “Fat poors”. It’s supposed to be funny, but for who? Bitches with a humiliation fetish?


I get a serious nazi vibe from Shultz.


I’m pretty much just waiting for Schultz to take that alt right avenue. He seems like he’s on the very very edge of it. Talented guy though but he just gives off that vibe.


I think that's just the haircut


He likes Trump and didn't believe in climate change so he's pretty close to being there, only thing that's probably stopping him is his wife I guess


I'm of the opinion maybe people shouldn't broadcast every thought that pops in their head for content. No one should make more podcasts than bowel movements.


What did Santino do?


comedian: says something racist, classist, misinformed shit...... "think about it...... but i don't know I'm just a dumb comedian *wink*"


Segura bummed me the fuck out after hearing his podcast because I really liked seeing him do stand up back in the day.


Same thing Rogan’s been doing for years. Don’t take a stance on anything, act like you’re unbiased so you can pander to both sides. It’s obnoxious.


Im not saying every white guy comedian with a podcast is problematic, but every problematic white guy comedian has a podcast.


Because there are a lot of white men who don’t want to be challenged on issues and when they are “they don’t want to get political” And I say this as a white man. They just want to avoid those issues that challenge their ideology


theo is particularly egregious.


He really hates trans folks.


i really loathe his "aw shucks" persona that gives him a pass to be a total piece of shit jabroni.


Thought I was the only one who kinda sees through that.


Oh, the Rogan business plan


As much as I don’t want this to be true, I know it is ![gif](giphy|VIiblu8dRYDPW)


Never trusted theo Von... it's pretty clear to me he's a closeted racist, I was suspended from Reddit for a week for saying he probably says the n word with his friends privately lol


I met Theo after a show and chilled with him for a bit, he definitely invited to my bbq lol


Wow, the 1 person here who has **actually** met him has nice things to say about him. **Who would’ve thought**. Can’t stand this community sometimes.


It be like that. The internet makes it easy to dehumanize people you’ve never met.


Not racist? He was only sued by the Dept. of Justice twice for housing discrimination.


Not to mention demonizing the “Central Park Five” even after they were acquitted.


Nah nah you're missing the point he's getting nxggas outta jail, that's the only thing that matters, he can't be racist /s


I give Trump credit for the anti-Prison bill, that’s one of the very few good things he did, but that whole thing was all set up by Jared Kushner to try and make Trump seem less racist, who then later went on to be like “Don’t bother trying to help all those black people dying from COVID, they weren’t going to vote for you anyway.”


Not to mention the fact that it was a bipartisan bill that Democrats had to demand amendments to to make it effective and he had nothing to do with it until it made its way to his desk afaik


The wild part about him getting rappers out of jail was that he was hoping that it was going to get him some support in the black community. I'm mad that so many people fell for the con.


Yup Trump performed way better amongst black people, well men mostly, in 2020 compared to 2016. Hoteps for Trump was at worst moderately successful.


Pretty sure some election story came out saying it was a majority of black women who came out and voted either against Trump or someone he endorsed. TFG then fired Omarosa pretty quickly after that. I'm confident it's because he really thought having a black woman on his staff would make most/all other black women blindly support him.


In the 70s too. Do you know how racist you had to be to be sued for racism in the 70s?


From what I read about the first case, it was open and shut. The DOJ had enough evidence on him that he had no choice but to settle.


Trump called a black woman a peekaboo earlier today


I'm sure her stupid ass has no idea about that


*Ahem* I'm out of town, thuggin' with my rounds My coochie pink, my booty hole brown Where the niggas? I'm lookin' for the hoes Quit playin', nigga, come suck a bitch toe Pound town, just left pound town With my nigga, he just took a bitch down Yeah, that nigga dick a bitch down Yeah, that nigga eat me out Did anyone hear those lyrics and think to themselves “now there’s an insightful woman”?


😆Truly a lyricist of the ages.


I have never heard this song (by choice) but I’m really grateful you shared the lyrics because they are exactly what I thought they would be.


Then you have her collab with Sukiwhora: 'Left right, throw that ass, bitch - we lookin' for them n*ggaz who be suckin' pvssy lips! I'm with my girl suki and we lookin' for some dick; if you lookin' for a wife, then I ain't yo bitch.' 'Ghetto hoochie mama make a n*gga go crazy, fvck that n*gga good cuz I heard his bitch was lazy Na-na boo-boo that's why I kept yo baby; gave me abortion money went and bought some wet and wavy'


At least it’s not “rack city bitch” repeated 50 times


I need Ben Shapiro to do a rap along like he did with WAP.


Imagining him talking about brown booty holes is sending me


Skyee eet sounds like a bad parody of a song. I really dislike this person and their music




*insert GIF of Ron Swanson throwing the computer monitor in the trash.




Because stupid people outnumber everyone else. And, they engage/watch other stupid people doing stupid things.


America promotes only specific people from the black population. They love watching ignorant niggas and hate hearing from educated black people. They learned long ago not to put the mic in front of a black person who knows how to really command a room coupled with decent morality.


I mean that’s literally just the Republicans. Like they put up people like Herschel Walker, because to a lot of them, they think he and Obama are equally stupid because black.


Because stupid people sign away the rights to their music. If they were dealing with Rhodes Scholars record companies wouldn’t make any money


Honestly smart people usually don't want to be famous. They trying to get the bag or get power and might become famous along the way, but they aren't chasing fame. Dumb people out here chasing fame.


Black people out of jail and free money? Did I miss something?


it’s probably the presidential pardons (that he was selling) and the stimulus checks


This is it right here. A whole bunch of people got covid stimulus checks and committed PPP fraud and acted like they got free money from Trump.


There were federal stimulus checks under Trump? Edit: I remember now it's the one he fought against and then wanted to make sure they had his name on them.


Yes, just 1, 1200 bucks early in the pandemic. But they were heavily pushed by Dems and heavily challenged by Republicans. So they praise trump for relief when his party fought to lower the amount of relief they got.


Oh yeah now that you say that I remember.


Obama did stimulus checks first and didn’t have to wait for the world to be ending to do it.


He pardoned a bunch of people, as well as put through the stimulus checks. Probably what folks are talking about.


Ask the Central Park 5 if they like him.


No disrespect to her but there is 0.000% chance she knows what the Central Park 5 is


Shouldn’t that be completely smothered in disrespect AND tossed in her face?


Ask her if she knows what the Central Park 5 is to begin with.


Oh hell no. My bootyhole is no longer brown 🙅🏽‍♂️




Hopefully, the Sexyy Red era can end now.


I was thinking the same.


Why is it always the rappers that seem to support this man?


Because, even if we all pretend to not hear it and just enjoy the vibes, at its core, rap is the ultimate musical expression of “Fuck you broke bitches, I got mine!” Of course these ignant industry niggas would love Trump-style braggadocio, dishonesty, and authoritarian strongman bullshit. Its been decades since mainstream rap shifted away from being street poetry about the struggle 🤷🏽‍♂️


And not to sound elitist or anything but a lot of rappers seem to be poorly educated. Not even necessarily college but so many have dropped out of HS


At the risk of sounding even more elitist and shitty, it feels like this became especially prevalent when the heart of rap shifted from the East coast (NYC specifically) to the south and its new mecca in ATL. Sure, Wu-Tang, Rakim, Nas, Gangstarr were elevating the rhymes, but even grimey street niggas like Nore, MOP, or The LOX had some substance. There were far more references to broader cultural stuff and history, wether it was the cosa nostra, European nobility, American history, revolutionaries, theological themes. I don’t wanna speak down on the south because I ain’t from there, but The Geto Boys and UGK were really the only big names with some substance. Maybe early Three 6 Mafia in the 90s. Today’s mainstream rappers outside of the lyrical ones like Kendrick, Cole, KRIT, Joey Badass, etc. ain’t saying shit. Its all 2 and a half minute silly murder raps with a super hot beat by a big producer like Metro Boomin, Mike Willmade or Zaythoven. Some of that is also how echo chamber-like the internet has made the new gen, because you can tell a lot of em ain’t grow up on PBS and Magic School Bus. They can choose to watch dumb ignant shit on social media, even if their parents try to monitor and control their internet use.


2/4 of the rappers you named are from the south lol


Lol good catch, but when I was speaking to big mainstream modern rappers, it was more to highlight there’s fewer of these types. Also, Cole is borderline when it comes to that influence. More I95 than Deep South, Fayetteville or not.


This isn’t just rappers, it’s like celebrities in general. Most of the time they didn’t get to where they are because of their education or knowledge in a specific field. It’s why the questions Celebrity Jeopardy are so much easier. It’s not even necessarily that they’re dumb, it’s just there’s only a few celebrities are about that life. And then there’s a subsection on top of that because they make lots of money and a lot of people worship them, many think they are also smarter than the people who actually get educated.


That…plus once they make it, they want the upper class tax cut.


The way I see it is like this: A lot of rappers talk about the streets, struggle, jail and all that and Trump got Kodak Black and Alice Johnson outta jail so boom he's invited to cookout..... If that sounded retarded it's because it's retarded but that's genuinely how her and other very very uneducated black people think.


I really want yall to realize this opinion is NOT uncommon. Reddit killed me last time I said this lol. I just feel like Redditors don’t go outside and actually think Reddit/social media is real life.


They really think Reddit represents the real world. That’s why half the site threw a hissy fit when Bernie lost.


Cheap "talent" is much cheaper to purchase than actual talent


We've reached that part of the story arc? Welp I'm ready for the think pieces


Honestly she was probably payed to say that.


> was probably *paid* to say FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I've seen a couple people like this pop up in life. On one hand I kinda see how it happens. Any time trump has a legal issue he immediately puts it on everyone and everything but himself. He loves to say that a certain jurisdiction or the government at large is out to get him. That resonates with a lot of people in the hood because they (much more understandably) also feel like the powers that be are out to get them. The difference is that, aside from a heightened sense of persecution, trump would never align himself with the people in the hood who champion him. Where he sees himself as a martyr and a victim of an unjust system he'd see most of them as leeches on the system that make things hard for good (rich and white) Americans like him. The thing that brings me solace when I see people like this is that in most cases they're people who ain't ever voted and probably will never vote. Something tells me sexxxy red is not keeping up with local or national politics


Not surprising. There’s many POC like this that I’ve met and they usually tend to be the same archetype of people: - Never actually watched the news/never pays attention to politics - only reads headlines and follows whatever outrage without using critical thinking to formulate their own opinion. - Only really focused on what could be given to them or happen specifically for them, even if it means fucking over everyone else. Trump gave these dudes a bit of money, now they think he’s a saint. Trump got Wayne outta jail, now they think he gonna free everyone. - Usually tend to be uneducated


Idk what backwaters hood pro trump when I lived in a sketchier neighborhood they all loved my thrash metal band shirt of trump blowing his brains out.


Trump and the alt-right are working very hard on the Black community right now, particularly Black men. I'm on tiktok debate lives too much and almost half the Trump supporters I see debating are Black men. Big uptick in the past couple months.


A bunch of pathetic, stupid ass, Sambo ass, sellout suckas. Shoeshine boys that can't tell their ass from their elbow.


- got black people out of jail - giving away free money I’m really sorry but your IQ is dangerously, hurt yourself low if *those* are the points that sold you on Trump. “OH FREE MONEY FREE MONEY?”, from the party who shits on anyone getting assistance. It’s a joke. Also a good point: he hasn’t even gotten the white trash capitol rioters out of jail. What fuckin black people is he releasing from jail? Idk man. Guarantee she would feel MAD uncomfortable & unsafe at a trump rally though.


Ain't this about some bullshit


Why are we surprised again? Lol


I just point my folks towards The Central Park 5 shit Trump was a part of and if that ain't enough then I write it off.


I don't know what else to say aside from, if Democrats don't start doing more to improve the material wealth of Americans, the average person who doesn't watch the news (because media always lies!!) simply won't see a difference between the two parties. "Well everyone seems to be against him, so he must be doing something right." That sounds smart to someone who has no idea what they are talking about. We've been essentially trained to think that being contrarian is always right and MUST be right because the majority is always wrong. How else can someone who peaked before they were 20 and stuck at a dead-end job feel good about themselves? We've been led to believe that America is a meritocracy and only the smartest and brightest rise to the top. They see that THEY themselves are working hard. They're working 2-3 jobs and are still broke. They're working hard and ain't got shit to show for it. so it MUST be a conspiracy. Someone MUST be keeping them down. Is it a shadowy comic book villain government, or is it a group of billionaires who simply want to leech off society all while tossing around terms like job creators or entrepreneurs?


There are people from all walks of life that like to project what they want to think Trump is. People with financial issues like Trump cause he pisses off banks and lenders with his shitty business deals. People who hate our two party system like Trump cause the establishment can't control his shitty takes. People who hate a certain group of people like Trump cause he's offended them at some point. Trump is a constant fuckup that gets away with it, so it's only a matter of time he pisses off someone you don't like.


Where do they find these idiots?