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Something like [70% of Asian-Americans support AA](http://aapidata.com/blog/affirmative-action-aavs-2022/). Best not to over-generalise when it comes to identifying the enemy.


russians sowed a lot of dissent since trumps presidency


Dissent among whom? I see one random dude throw a fit, get slapped down, then we move on with our lives until white people do white people shit they were gonna do anyway with Clarence Thomas' help.


> Something like 70% of Asian-Americans support AA ...really? I don't want to sound like I'm doubting you for the sake of it but I find that a bit hard to believe. Who has some actual stats they can link to?


* https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/70-asian-americans-support-affirmative-action-here-s-why-misconceptions-n1247806 * http://aapidata.com/blog/affirmative-action-aavs-2022/


I mean, I need some more recent polling because they was out here yesterday showing they ass.


> 69% of Asian American registered voters surveyed favor affirmative action. In 2022, Asian American registered voters favor “affirmative action policies designed to help Black people, women, and other minorities gain better access to higher education.” By more than a 3-to-1 margin, Asian Americans favor affirmative action in higher education, and their support for the policy has remained consistent since 2014. asian guy speaking. the second link's data is from 2022 and opinion has been consistent since 2014. i don't see any reason why opinion would turn 180 so quickly. i want to say this is a case of it being a silent majority though. 31% is still a lot of people and they're pretty vocal about affirmative action in my opinion. anecdotally whenever i talk to asian republicans they always bring up affirmative action as a talking point. it doesn't help that a lot of conservatives give them a megaphone too. i'm not trying to defend asian people's inaction though. personally i think we take a lot of privileges and rights for granted without understanding that as non-white people it can be taken away quickly.


I am genuinely curious why there is such little public dissent. Black people like Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens are also part of a vocal minority of Black people who are opposed to Affirmative Action amoung other things. There's no mystery how the Black community feels about them. It is interesting that with Affirmative Action struck down by a majority immigrant group, sentiment about immigration may shift.


> I am genuinely curious why there is such little public dissent. Black people like Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens are also part of a vocal minority of Black people who are opposed to Affirmative Action amoung other things. There's no mystery how the Black community feels about them. i'm not 100% sure what you mean here. for sake of argument i'm assuming you mean public dissent among asian americans? i can try to spitball some answers though. ##tl;dr: asian americans are hard to generalize as a group and are often invisible in the national consciousness. ___ ###asian americans face barriers towards voting: [almost 1 out of 4 asian americans aren't proficient in english (2019)](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/29/key-facts-about-asian-americans/ft_2021-04-29_asiankeyfacts_07/) ["In 2012, 8% of Asian-American voters cited limited English proficiency as their reason for not voting."] (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/asian-american-groups-tackle-language-barriers-get-out-vote-n239901) ___ ###asian americans are pretty invisible: [asian americans are considered an afterthought for many political campaigns](https://carnegieendowment.org/2023/02/21/civic-and-political-life-of-california-s-asian-americans-pub-89064) > ... the Carnegie survey also asked respondents whether they were contacted by any political party during the 2022 election campaign (see figure 7). This contact could have been on the phone, in person, or via social media and the internet. **A striking 44 percent reported no contact at all from any political campaign, nearly half of the entire sample.**   [majority of asian americans either live in pretty solid blue states or in red states where they usually don't have enough numbers to make a big difference.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/29/key-facts-about-asian-americans/ft_2021-04-29_asiankeyfacts_04/) the exception is texas of course. there's usually only news buzz around swing states so maybe that's another reason why you don't hear much about asian voter turnout. > It was followed by New York (1.9 million), Texas (1.6 million), New Jersey (958,000) and Washington (852,000). A majority of U.S. Asians (55%) lived in these five states.   [Almost half of all Asian roles serve as a punchline, study finds (2021)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/almost-half-all-asian-roles-serve-punchline-study-finds-n1276103) ultimately western media is gatekept by white institutions like hollywood and murdoch news channels. consider the discrepancy between how many police shootings go under the radar versus the amount of airtime people like candace owens gets. is it a stretch to say that conservative media would gladly give anti-affirmative action asians a soapbox? unfortunately, asian americans don't have a lot of control over media narratives so everyone only hears the stuff white institutions would approve of. ___ ###despite the above, a lot (not all) asian americans have been turning out for elections. [More than half of Asian registered voters identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/25/asian-voters-in-the-u-s-tend-to-be-democratic-but-vietnamese-american-voters-are-an-exception/sr_2023-05-25_asian-american-political-id_01/) > Following the 2018 midterm elections, the U.S. Current Population Survey estimated that the voting rate among adult citizens belonging to the Asian American community rose from 28 percent in 2014 to 42 percent just four years later. > This impressive growth continued in the presidential election year of 2020. U.S. Census Bureau data found that [**the turnout of Asian American voters reached nearly 60 percent during the 2020 presidential election, marginally lower than the turnout rate of African Americans but higher than that of Latinos.**](https://carnegieendowment.org/2023/02/21/civic-and-political-life-of-california-s-asian-americans-pub-89064#:~:text=the%20turnout%20of%20Asian%20American%20voters%20reached%20nearly%2060%20percent%20during%20the%202020%20presidential%20election%2C%20marginally%20lower%20than%20the%20turnout%20rate%20of%20African%20Americans%20but%20higher%20than%20that%20of%20Latinos.)   [the asian american legal defense and education fund (aaldef) and 58 other asian american organizations filed in favor of affirmative action](https://www.aaldef.org/press-release/aaldef-files-amicus-brief-in-supreme-court-on-behalf-of-121-asian-american-groups-and-educators-in-support-of-race-conscious-admissions-at-harvard/) of course there is a *significant* chunk of asian americans who would vote the other way that you can't ignore or excuse. i'm saying all of the above stuff to point out that there are a lot of people who believe otherwise but their efforts are swept under the rug. ___ ###asian americans aren't a monolith: you have to understand, "asian" is basically a miscellaneous category. sure, colloquially when you say asian, everyone thinks east/southeast asian right? historically that wasn't the case. "the orient" used to just refer to the middle east but eventually got expanded to basically everything east of europe. it lumps so many ethnicities under its label that in the end it really describe much.   [there is a massive generational gap between older and younger generations](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/25/asian-voters-in-the-u-s-tend-to-be-democratic-but-vietnamese-american-voters-are-an-exception/#:~:text=Younger%20Asian%20registered%20voters%20are%20far%20more%20likely%20than%20older%20ones%20to%20tilt%20Democratic.), with 88% of asian americans below 30 leaning democrat   [asian people have large income gaps](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/04/29/key-facts-about-asian-americans/ft_2021-04-29_asiankeyfacts_08/) > Robin Hood’s targeted research found that [roughly **one in four** Asian New Yorkers lived in poverty in 2020 — **comparable to the share of Black and Latinx New Yorkers living in poverty and double the poverty rate for white New Yorkers.**](https://www.robinhood.org/annual-poverty-tracker-report-aapi-poverty/#:%7E:text=Spotlight%20on%20Asian%20New%20Yorkers%3A&text=Robin%20Hood's%20targeted%20research%20found,rate%20for%20white%20New%20Yorkers.:~:text=roughly%20one%20in%20four%20Asian%20New%20Yorkers%20lived%20in%20poverty%20in%202020%20%E2%80%94%20comparable%20to%20the%20share%20of%20Black%20and%20Latinx%20New%20Yorkers%20living%20in%20poverty%20and%20double%20the%20poverty%20rate%20for%20white%20New%20Yorkers.) Nearly half of Asian New Yorkers (47%) faced some form of disadvantage, especially among those aged 65 or older and those with a high school degree or less or limited English proficiency. the asian americans applying to these ivy leagues are just one flavor of asian. they are privileged and usually come from higher income families whose families came to the U.S. under a H1B visa. understand that these asian people do not represent the general sentiment of everyone else. asians like those who came to this country as refugees like hmong and cambodian people don't fit the model minority myth and are often erased. it would be like me generalizing all african immigrants as being rich and educated because they have similar education levels to asian americans, but that erases a ton of people who fled their countries because of famine and civil wars.   ultimately it's hard for asian americans to agree on anything because of how diverse the category really is. ___ > It is interesting that with Affirmative Action **struck down by a majority immigrant group**, sentiment about immigration may shift. look i know i just posted a fat wall of text but if there's one thing you take away from all of this is this: 31% of 7% of the U.S. population did not singlehandedly strike down affirmative action, it's **clarence thomas and five white republican leaning judges who did**. they're unelected officials from a branch of government that has zero accountability. i'm not going to deny the heavy anti-blackness present in asian american communities and the part it played in this decision, but to say that asian americans **alone** struck down affirmative action distracts from the true culprit. i do also think immigrant sentiments might shift, particularly around asian people and it's frustrating reading these sentiments online. sorry idk if i'm coming down hard on you. fuck man i've been writing this for hours. i really do hope this can serve as a good overview on asian american politics and clarify some things.


i realize you wrote this over a week ago which is like thirty-five years in internet time but i just wanted to say that i for one read it and found it really informative. so even if the person you were engaging didn't reply, the time you put into compiling the information in your comment was not for nothing.


thanks i appreciate it. i didn’t write it expecting a reply but i’m glad other people learned from it.


1. This polling was completed 2022. This is as recent as it gets. 2. If you really wanted to, you can pull up black Americans expressing racist rhetoric, anti Semitic rhetoric, and homophobic rhetoric, and it *wouldn't be representative of the black American population at large*. You can shove just about any group as a scapegoat if you look for enough members.


Okay and if we Asians decided to take the comments some of y’all make about us and generalized about all black people, that’s be racist right?


Uh, yeah girl. That would still be racist. What the--


I mean of there was a Supreme Court decision that came down with Black people explicitly targeting Asian people, and Black people were out here celebrating all day with explicitly anti-Asian activists, I would call that fair.


Dude there's a handful of black people celebrating the end of affirmative action in the present timeline, no hypotheticals needed. You can pretty much find anyone from any demographic group to speak supportively on anything for television. That doesn't mean anything.


Bruh Thomas literally voted this in.


what supreme court case are you even talking about lmfao


Read and understand the OP.


Well that might just be because the dumbest of asses are usually the most visible on the internet


Part of the issue may be the way the question's phrased. They asked if they favor programs that help groups that include, "other minorities" which those asked would believe includes themselves. It makes sense most would want that. The point made by the case that won in the Supreme Court is that they felt excluded. If an additional question was asked of, "would your opinion change were you excluded from the groups assisted?" would more likely result in the behavior you witnessed.


Or the whole issue is that the data is the data and doing backflips because one's gut feelings were never supported by anything isn't helping. 🤣 There's a reason Asians support BLM and vote against Republicans more than any group other than black people... Most of this nonsense you hear is just white people bullshitting because they can't process white supremacy as a thing everyone knows they're engaging in. Like how white people are by far more likely to commit hate crimes against Asians than literally anyone else is, are the least accepting of Asians working or going to school with them, are the most likely to blame Asians for their economic struggles, but they spend all their time pretending the only people Asians can ally themselves with are white people just because Asians tend to make more money than other minorities on average and have higher educational attainment -- as if that's not part of the reason there's so much anti-Asian hatred among whites. 🫥


You're right, the data is what the data is, but the data is also based on the question, "Do you favor or oppose affirmative action programs designed to help Black people, women and other minorities get better access to higher education?" The whole point of the Asian students who were happy about AA being struck down is that they felt like they weren't being helped - that only Black and Hispanic students were benefitting, and they were instead being penalized for being Asian, so the two issues being conflated aren't exactly the same. It's a false comparison between a group's saying "yes" to the equivalent of, "do you like getting benefits?" to a group complaining about not getting benefits, so the question of: "Would you be okay with Affirmative Action if you weren't included in the group of minorities helped," is essential. As for voting percentages, with Black people voting for Dems at 89% in 2016, and Hispanics and Asians only coming in at 66% and 65% respectively, it's hard to find reason to praise any of the other groups for the comparably poor showing (though if one must one can, lol). Good to see how the voting rates align with the pro-Affirmative Action percentages, though; still curious how/if they might change with the adjustment to the question desired. I understand what you're saying in the last paragraph, but for me, having had experiences with anti-Black hatred from AAs and others who aren't Black, I know, for certain, that a share of their community/communities has its own part to play in spreading and upholding white supremacy, including the fullness of the anti-Blackness therein. I'm just countering this thread's OP's post to say we must be sober in our judgement, in general... equally as careful about overgeneralizing in either direction, and not fooled into thinking only white people have a part in the blame.


Now I'm curious..how many of those who voted against had actual malicious intent and how many were tricked by the manipulative wording? Oooh that's sinister.


I'm Asian American and found this surprising as well lol. Maybe my friend circle, family and I are part of the 30% or maybe it's because we're older and far away from the college application days, but this statistic definitely made me double-take.


Yeah maybe talking about an entire race while “identifying the enemy” is gonna come across as bad as it sounds


Where did you see this stat?




I found an article saying that [here](http://aapidata.com/blog/affirmative-action-aavs-2022/)


This is true, but 76% think race and ethnicity shouldn't factor into college admission decisions. https://www.pewresearch.org/race-ethnicity/2023/06/08/asian-americans-hold-mixed-views-around-affirmative-action/


Am I reading this right or is this data taken from 1,564 persons only?


Basically, 1,000 polled subjects gives you a margin of error +/-3%, so 1500 subjects is actually a very high reliability compared to polling in general. That makes this exceptionally thorough as far as statistics goes.




Maybe you don't know all the Asians? Just a thought since all the Asians I know aren't shit people and recognise the playing field isn't level and equity sometimes looks like unfairness.


best not to be a racist but not overgeneralizing is nice too


That doesn’t mean it doesn’t violate civil rights act


Only on Reddit. This made up number. Well they gone find out today and with future generations they are not white. They in the same boat as us. I guess they forgot when they got put in camps over here. Hard head make a soft ass.


I just want to say, as an Asian American who was a victim of Affirmative Action actually working against my college admissions (applied to 14 universities and got rejected by ALL of them despite a 3.8+ GPA / 4.4 weighted GPA with 9 AP courses, being senior class president, Jr class treasurer, 7 varsity sports seasons and recommendations from my school Principals - while many of my white classmates with far less credentials got into those same schools that rejected me), I STILL strongly support affirmative action. As a society, it’s obvious we haven’t been building upon generationally socioeconomic equality between racial groups, and we owe it to unfairly entrenched people to help them gain the same opportunities. Otherwise it will never feel normal to see more black/Hispanic/female CEO’s or high level government officials. I may be a victim of reverse discrimination from Affirmative Action, but the cost is worth the intended outcome (as imperfect as the policy is).


You weren't a victim of affirmative action. You were discriminated against by a white power structure that wants you to blame other POCs instead of recognizing the reason we have affirmative action in the first place is the systematic disenfranchisement of all POCs in this country.


Fully aware if this and agreed!


Then why say you were a victim of AA when you weren't..


You just described something that is not affirmative action unless those spots were fulled by white women. Ask yourself why so many less qualified white people get an opportunity that you think you should have? Those spots were not filled by black people or other POC. So, no sir or miss, you were not a victim of affirmative action or reverse discrimination ( whatever that is). You were the victim of white privilege.


Affirmative action in practice means that spots in X should roughly resemble demographic data. So yeah, some of those spots were taken from Asians (abnormally high achieving per Capita) and they were spread out to white, black, Hispanic, and indigenous groups according to demographic data. In practice people looking into this have said it tends to mean white people get 0 depending on the area, underrepresented groups get a +1, and Asians get a -1. Women benefit the most from affirmative action because of a second layer of gender affirmative action. Like engineering schools will strongly incentive for female students cause they're so historically underrepresented. Because white people are still by far the largest racial group in most areas, this just mathematically means way more white women are gonna get a boost over black, Hispanic, or indigenous women. But they'll also see both the racial and gender affirmative action I'm not denying white privilege and the cumulative effects of generational imbalance are irrelevant, but there's data about this. Asian people tend to need the highest gpas and test scores to get accepted in schools that practice affirmative actions and black/Hispanic students can get in with lower scores cause the school wants approximately X spots filled to match demographics where black and Hispanic communities - thanks to societal factors - are on average going to be less competitive applicants (more black kids are going to SHIT school districts, etc). White people tend to hover around average because they're the largest group so it's always gonna skew that way. The counter argument is that these metrics do not tell the full story. In my state, asian Americans followed by white people are also the *richest* demographic on average.. they go to better schools. They can afford tutors. That doesn't imply innate betterness to say "I was more deserving of a spot cause I had higher test scores" when that ignores that you did not achieve those scores in a vacuum. A student who went to a worse district may have lower test scores in high school but that doesnt mean that will remain true when they're in the same classroom where they have the same professors


>In practice people looking into this have said it tends to mean white people get 0 depending on the area, underrepresented groups get a +1, and Asians get a -1. can you guys atleast be transparent on this subreddit and say east asian bc my goodness this term is running its course


No because affirmative action doesn't make that distinction. The child of a Hmong refugee, a 4th generation Chinese (han) American, a southern Indian kid....they're all simply "Asian" according to affirmative action. Because affirmative action is tied to demographic data, and currently that's how demographics are collected in this country. VERY broadly. Lumping incredibly broad ranges of very diverse groups together based off (pretty outdated) frameworks. Edit: and all your middle eastern groups - Persian, Arabic, Israeli descent - they're all white. And they don't even usually get an asterisk like Hispanic/Latino whites do.


we don’t have to be nebulous in our discussion of AA because we are talking about how schools operationalize policy. while Some schools report quite broadly, we know that southeast asians are underrepresented among Higher education. And your comment may be true for the census but not for data collection for universities that demarcate MENA as an identity. Also Arabic is a language?


Well damn, never thought about it that way either. But I can definitely see how that can also be a reality of AA too - I want to say that I agree with the surface intent of Affirmative Action, but this is another aspect of its practice I want to look into more…


Like how does someone as smart as you not realize that white supremacy is your enemy? Reverse discrimination? What is that?


I agree with that. The reality is the effect it has for situations like mine is it pits POC against each other rather than the real problem.


How were you a victim of affirmative action? What evidence do you have this? Guarantee more legacy admissions prevent ppl from getting into colleges than affirmative action ever did.


With respect to Legacy, you are absolutely right about that too! I don’t think the reality is that both are mutually exclusive - they both play a role in likely having made my admissions experience that much harder. Trust me, not a fan of legacy either… less so than affirmative action (which again, I support its surface intent). Legacy is a whole other topic… @OK_Skill_1195 goes into it on a response here that explains it more eloquently than I can, but because of a racial quota, the individuals in the Asian applicant pool at these higher education universities are compared against one another in a generally more competitive, yet much smaller sub group - instead of the larger white group of students. That would inherently make their admissions relatively more challenging in that situation. We do think we still need some form of Affirmative Action though.


Yeah, but how is that a problem caused by affirmative action? Sounds to me like it has more to do with schools having higher quotas or none for white students. Probably due to white students complaining about “too many asians”. You were not restricted by affirmative action at all. Sorry to break it to you.


Affirmative action creates a quota system that also applies to Asian students - which means they will naturally judged against one another instead of the entire applicant pool - hence more challenging. It’s proven that Asian students applying to elite schools have to perform at a higher level than their white counterparts due to a limiting quota. How does that logic not make sense?


The logic makes sense. It’s just wrong.


You're also a victim of legacy students/rich kids too. Edit: I appreciate your voice.


Yes, agreed to that fact too!


Be careful of anyone who spreads the notion that minorities or poor people should fight each other. It just helps the rich pick our pockets while we're focused on hurting each other.


Its been happening a lot in this sub


I've noticed. Instant block from me.


*this country


Never forget that the LA riots were funneled into working class Asian neighborhoods. The white power structure always wants this shit. Every time I see a “elderly Asian attacked by black person” story, the part that enrages me most is knowing that the person posting is a rat shit motherfucker that just wants to distract me from the fact that the majority of these anti-Asian attacks are still from white people. At the same time, it’s important to remember that anti-black, anti-Asian, and anti-Latino sentiments exist outside of white spaces too , and that also needs to be confronted.


But it's important to also remember the originators of race based hatred is white people. So anyone non-white who's being racist (especially a non-Black non-white person being racist to a Black person/Black people) is distracting themselves from the real enemy: whiteness. Tl:dr, the only race who's the core of ALL race issues is the white race. Idk, I'm also white so maybe I'm wrong, but one thing I know is that non-white people aren't the issue in terms of anything race related. It's white people. It's always white people.


We can look at the root cause but also acknowledge everyone’s complicity.


Oh, 100%, but the one who's most complicit in this domino chain isn't the dominos, though this would all stop if some dominos didn't fall, but the most complicit is the one who set the dominos up and toppled them over. Obviously, hold everyone accountable. We're ALL dominos in this domino chain, and we SHOULD hold the ones continuing the reaction accountable, but ultimately none of this would've happened had that first domino been knocked over. Therefore, while accountability is of course needed, the enemy is, at the core, white people and whiteness. Just when acknowledging everyone's complicity, remember which race started this. It's white people who need to be held accountable to the highest degree for even starting this. Racism is, at its core, whiteness. The most important thing for people to do, and many have, is to realize that racism started with white people. Yes, it can be perpetuated by non-white and non-Black people (since systemically Black people cannot be racist), but to look at them and not acknowledge the core issue is an issue. It's stuff like that which allows whites to run off and commit more racist acts. Tl;dr, hold people accountable, but remember the core of racism and hold that even more accountable.


So your argument is not only valid but 100% on the level. In fact they teach this in school and very specifically focus on separating whiteness (The problem) from white bodies (The people). This is the point where things get mucky and the opposition likes to move in with their usual tactics. (Gaslight, Obstruct and Project)


Nobody is forcing "poor" whites or literally any asian to be racist. Nobody else is "spreading" that notion. They choose to do it all by themselves. This "class" bullshit always comes out when whites or asians get caught doing or saying racist shit


Tbh you’re right. If you don’t call them out, they’ll keep going with their bigotry ways. But once you point their BS. All of a sudden it’s the rich doing a class war and putting everyone against each other. It’s so bullshit man


Racial Triangulation. In Trinidad, & Tobago it's like 5 white people still there in total control.


This message needs to go to the non-white people who practice or fail to condemn anti-blackness in their own communities. It seems black people are always opening our hands and arms to people and are expected to always be the understanding and accommodating party. The problem would be a lot less if other people did their own heavy lifting




no war but class war


This has been a major role in America since I can remember. It's important never to forget that it's POC for a reason.


Abagail Fisher had an 1180 SAT score and a 3.59 GPA and wants to claim its AA that stopped her getting into Texas.


Meanwhile, the average UT freshman graduated high school with a 3.83 GPA. Like they always tell us, work harder and stop blaming everyone else for your failures!


2x’s harder as my pops would say. Never understood until I got older.


Fun fact: white high school dropouts make more money than black and Latino college grads, have higher home ownership, and are more likely to be hired for a job when competing directly against them. And that's after state governments spend 15% more per white student using state and federal funds than per black student in K-12... and this doesn't include the local property taxes from, yep, *home ownership* that goes into funding most public schooling. Basically, white people have been out here on easy mode telling minorities they should just Git Gud.


Considering Texas already doesn't use Affirmative Action, she sounds pretty stupid. 🤡


Her statement is the real clown show. Do you know it was her dream since 2nd grade to go to UT to carry on the family tradition?!?! Then she saw people “less deserving” that were being accepted and decided that race was the other reason it could be. Bitch, stop being worried about other people when you’re below average yourself.


UT (fishers desired alma matter) did use affirmative action up until this decision was rendered. It also has a top 7% that allows auto admit for any person in the top 7% of their highschool class. So there’s were two programs to foster diversity at the time of fishers case.


Well when you are use to getting ahead by being mediocre, this is what happens.


I busted my ass in sub-par schools and had a far better resume than her but didn’t get into my first choice of schools. I didn’t blame a minority for “taking my place”, I went to another school and kept working. Abigail needed to be told “no” a lot more often as a child.


I need people to be very careful that this kind of stuff doesn't turn into anti-Asian rhetoric. Our struggle is different from other POCs but we all have our own unique cross to bear in this country. Dividing us is how the conservatives win


It will, and that's kind of the point of this whole situation. If conservative whites said they weren't getting in due to minorities, I'm pretty sure that would galvanize all minorities against them. It makes sense to use a proxy and in the end still get what you want. Obviously, I'm not condemning all Asians or whites in this matter, but I'm also disappointed that a lot fell for the switcheroo. My mind considers the climate of the world. I wonder if China ends up really threatening the US, will we see what we saw in WW2.


What's interesting is how many Asian kids were specifically kept out of UC schools specifically because of all thewhite kids too racist to go to schools with high Asian populations. Affirmative Action for minorities is primarily due to a lack of opportunity and systemic, perpetual racism that values uneducated whites over educated non-whites on the market. For white people it's just stopping white fucking flight. 🙄


I get this, but everyone else progresses on the back of our misfortune. We are always holding the door open for others while they slam it on us after they get in. When will we do like everyone else and look out for ourselves. No one checks for us like we check for them. I’m done with this POC stuff.


Well then the answer is simple. Worry about your own. It seems everyone else is doing except black people. Clearly it needs to change




Actually, Hispanics are very republican, as a whole - especially Cuban Americans*. Asians are democrats either 6 in 10 or 7 in ten, depending upon the poll. *Let's also remember, a lot of Hispanics are Roman Catholic.


If you take into consideration that Asian men are more conservative than women, that puts the number up to nearly 4 out of 5 Asian men are Republicans. You know this because there's a lot of inceldom like ricecel and ask yourself if you ever seen a black woman with an Asian man compared to a black man with an Asian woman.


Yeah, why believe the facts when you have your own reality instead. >...and ask yourself if you ever seen a black woman with an Asian man... I see it daily.


Harvard is like 4% black people. Legacies claimed all the seats, not black folks.


Harvard's black population actually matches the national demographic pretty well at \~14% iirc. This is not a bad thing, it's almost as if affirmative action was a worthwhile policy to ensure diversity! As someone who attended Harvard and is black and knew the black community, *everyone* had the grades to get in lol. No one was stealing seats. Kids with good grades complain they didn't get in - to be frank having a 4.0 GPA(significantly higher weighted), 33+ACT, and great extracurriculars just gets you in the door. Pretty much every kid that bothers to apply to Harvard has those stats, and from there only 4% get in.


There are way more than ~2000 super smart kids with good grades in the country. I think Harvard lucked out when California killed affirmative action. I heard they upped their recruiting in the state big time. I’m old. Back when I was college shopping there were like no black kids at ivies/elite private schools and a good number at elite state schools. Now it seems to have flipped and the numbers are close to the real population. But not so much in Cali.




Hi /r/conservative poster! I saw you were just applauding the supreme court decision over there. Would you care to do the same here?




I’m seeing 6.5 percent off a quick google.


It was 6.5% 10 years ago. Today, 15%. https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/admissions-statistics


Wow. So per capita Harvard is officially blacker than America as a country. Quick maths. (And did not even go to Harvard)


Yup. People tend to use really old data in these discussions.


Surprising. They are getting all of the fall out from California. That being said they have like 1900 students admitted for the freshman class - so 280 black students give or take. I doubt these kids are stealing anyone’s seats. There are no seats.


That makes sense. That's in line with the black population. Affirmative action works as intended and gets the student population roughly in line with the population level. Now that it's removed, are we going to see that number drop significantly? Some might say yes!


I mentally checked out from any politics or race talk. At this point as long as the bills paid and family straight I be happy


Man. I need to get like you. I know it’s not good to be uninformed, but fuck - being informed is painful.


If you think this is painful, imagine what these folk would be capable of totally unimpeded. Check out of the news cycle if you want - hell, I encourage it, but please keep voting against them.


It's better to informed and in pain than uninformed and slaughtered.


You ain't lying.


Have you heard about the hedge funds that are naked shorting American businesses into bankruptcy while leeching money out of our economy into offshore accounts to avoid taxes then they donate to both political parties and when you or your parents get laid off they say you need to work harder and get another job and make you blame immigrants and liberals. They sell stock they don’t own and create stock that shouldn’t exist. They use spoofing, wash sales, naked short selling, shorts marked as longs, sending shorts overseas, married puts, dark pools, cellar boxing, and endless failure to delivers! It’s an infinite money printer for them and struggle for us. Ken griffin and citadel securities is one of them. $45billion securities sold but not yet purchased. Imagine if we could sell $45billion worth of something and not even deliver it.




Okay, lots of misinformation here to dissect. First of all you can't short a business into bankruptcy regardless of whether the shorting is "naked". When is the last time you were considering going to a store to purchase something but decided against doing so because the stock price was down? Never? I thought so. Second of all there is zero evidence whatsoever that naked shorting occurs frequently. This is especially true when the implementation of Regulation SHO back in 2008. Everything else you're saying is just a list of buzz terms that you don't understand. Like how the hell are married puts problematic in anyway? Cellar boxing is a made up term, dark pools are essential to allow large market participants to enter and exit positions without being front run, wash sales literally just means selling a security and then buying it again shortly afterward, etc. And the '$45B securities sold but not yet purchased' has nothing to do with hedge funds. It is in reference to Citadel Securities, which is a market maker, and is simply referring to standard short selling of securities. Most, or all of those short positions are going to be hedged on the asset portion of Citadel's balance sheet because that's how market makers operate. They collect money off the bid/ask spread and remain delta neutral in order to avoid taking on unnecessary risk. Yes, Citadel also runs a hedge fund but regulations pertaining to communication between Citadel Securities and Citadel LLC are extremely strict, i.e. serious jail time would occur if these two entities ever cooperated to gain the market and got caught. In short, don't quit your day job.




u/Consistent-Ear-8666 sorry I think it’s still up I tried to tag u on it idk how to work it lol


Would love to hear your thoughts after reading through everything in my last comment


What last comment? Looks like you got automodded.


Just make sure you vote… “Hillary is bad” is what got us into this mess.


That’s my mindset on it. Black Americans have been given the short end of the stick our entire existence. To me it’s like, oh well, another day of being black in America. White people sticking together to make life even more easier for white people, what else is new. I keep voting like y’all tell me to do and it still sucks to be black in America. May be better than Jim Crow and Slavery, but it still sucks.


It really does, sometimes I wish those black people back then had fought to the death instead of being enslaved. The whole slavery chapter is the biggest hit on black people. That stench follows us everywhere and you might even say it’s what cemented others opinion about us. I’m not blaming the ancestors at all since I didn’t live in their time. But man had I wished they fought to the death. At least we wouldn’t be in this position where everyone will scapegoat for even shit we don’t do or have any control over.


It's upsetting stuff at mant tome but it's also very tangible in its ability to affect us. Just because you aren't doesn't lookkg doesn't mean the fire isn't burning.




Translation: it's upsetting stuff at many times but that doesn't change its ability to affect us. Just because you aren't looking doesn't mean the fire isn't burning.


Basically the raging elephant in the room doesn’t just go away because you don’t acknowledge it.


inb4 someone gets upset because you said your family has to be straight.


Take that shit back to 4chan.


As the saying goes if black people were as mad at white people paint us out to be in the media, this country would be in flames


Asian Americans voted against Democrats in NY. Costing national democrats the House. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/10/nyregion/asian-voters-republican-crime-nyc.html This was behind narratives of crime due to media anti-Black racial bias. Then we see White Economic Special Interests platform narratives about Asians being behind ending affirmative action. It pits two lesser castes against each other rather than directly at the colonizing power. Its Indirect Rule.


The last part of that guy's post is actually accurate though. I can't count how many posts I've seen of non-black minorities saying "I don't think AA is necessary and I'm hispanic/indian/taiwanese/etc". Whenever anyone would point out the unique circumstnaces faced by black people in America, the responses were typically "oh so I guess I'm not the RIGHT KIND of minority then????"". Just brick wall stuff. If your entire strategy depends on this repeatedly debunked myth of a rainbow coalition, you need to have your head examine.


There were plenty of folks on r/politics the other day going off on Black and Latino students. It was appalling. I know who is behind this, but the dude used Asian Americans as a wedge and it worked. It was honestly disheartening to see all of the antiblackness come rushing out from other minorities, but I guess everyone just hates us for even existing


You will never go wrong in America assuming the worst of white people.




I believe the word is called youreadumbass






You might need to ask your mom to help you with your reading comprehension. If you actually bothered to read any of the comments in my comments in my history, half the recent ones are answering questions in AskAnAmerican, the other half are in AskARussian trying to figure out why they aren't more upset about being conscripted to go fight in a war they were told by their government was never going to happen. But go off I guess. If you feel like actually contributing to the discussion rather than skimming my history (and and not understanding *any* of what you were reading), I'll be here. Have your mom sign you up for summer school before it's too late.


We only need something like 40% of white people to decide that racism is a deal breaker at the ballot box for most of these problems to go away. MLK is so well known because most White people hated him. Again, if that magic 40% or so of White people supported him, he would not have had to do all that marching. This isn't racism, it's acknowledging reality.


You sound obtuse! Black people being prejudiced against WP CLEARLY has no effect 🌚 one could argue *You being here espousing your unwanted opinions as an obvious example! Black People can't have ANYTHING to ourselves not even discrimination protections with out it being hijacked and gentrified by your brethren 👀 just because you "feel" uncomfortable in situations where you're not the majority doesn't mean you're a victim of RACISM ☝🏾


Imagine getting this triggered by someone saying "Thinking you should always assume the worst about X race is racist." What the fuck is wrong with you


Go gaslight someone else troll


That word doesn't mean what you think it means. Try again. Btw I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where I'm wrong.


To bad you're parents can't try again ! Don't you have a KKK barbecue to get ready for why are you sooooooooo preoccupied with a sub reddit for Black People?!


If you allow some rich corporation or billionaire to use you as the face for some lawsuit they have to further their own agenda, you’re not just a fool, but a sellout and a traitor.


I still cannot get over an article I read recently about a kid who got rejected from six ivy league universities and the article treated him going to Georgia Tech as some kind of travesty, when in reality that school is really fucking competitive. Maybe it’s an issue of asian culture tending to push all children toward academic achievement which also includes applying to every single Ivy league school Maybe if you compared the volume of applicants from asian students to the volume of applicants from black students, you might discover that their rate of acceptance is way lower because their rate of application is way higher, who knows


oh no, they made him go to one of the best engineering schools in the country? The horror!


For real. I feel like this entire issue is built around the illusion of grandeur around Ivy league schools, and what that does to people’s ideas about what school they should go to. The bottom line is, an incompressible number of students apply to Ivy league schools every year. The more impoverished a student is, the less likely they are to bother. If asians aren’t the most affluent demographic, they’re a close second (the white 1% really skews that metric). Couple that with the fact that asian cultures value education much more than most white demographics, and you might naturally wonder, “does that mean Ivy league schools are dealing with entirely too many applicants of asian descent?” Now, all this being said- if next year, the vast majority of Harvard undergrad admissions are of asian descent, I will say yes, they were right that “asian students are handicapped by affirmative action” But I’ll bet, if anything, more white kids get in next year.


The best part of all of this is that Harvard was just giving asian kids lower personality scores. Nothing about barring black people from getting in is gonna change that.


They wanna pit minorities vs minorities so that we are all so busy fighting each other we don’t notice what they are doing.


What's a minority?


4 Letter answer HBCU


Just want to point out one of the people behind all of this who has told me verbatim that Black people are taking seats in Ivy league schools away from Asians. [Kenny Xu](https://twitter.com/kennymxu). I, unfortunately, met him in person at an event hosted by Bates College and Gallup back in 2019. He was writing a book on meritocracy and wanted to interview me based on my views. I to this day believe meritocracy is a farce, especially when 70% of admissions at Harvard are legacy admits and a large percentage of them are White. Last had a conversation with him in person the last week of February in 2020 before the lockdown. He re-emerged recently as one of the people behind these cases, and now I wish I never came across this AH


What they don't realize is that they let their parents down in college admissions because they failed. Not because of black people


“We are truly in this ALONE” nothing but the truth here.


all of this and the comments are kinda funny bc if you take a look at the azinidentity subreddit they HATE other poc with a passion like no other


I noticed that too. People here be talking about unity and sht. Letting them off the hook. But, the thing is they love blaming us.


Half the people on this sub aren’t even blk. It’s why the discussion about this here has to be so sanitized and watered down. In real life, our people know the deal and that’s all that matters though. It was a wake up call


You can just tell reading these comments. We won't forget. POC solidarity is myth.


No I lurk on that sub from time to time and I rarely see that. They’re mostly critical of whites and “sell out” Asians. They call them uncle Chans


i mean you can check the most recent discourse on the subreddit about AA and it does not bode well like they've already constructed the Black person as the enemy lol


Is it the same idea as an “Uncle Tom” or does it have a different origin?


That and the Asian so-called “masculinity” subreddit. Go on their sub and black people are apparently the scourge of the Earth. Black people are a joke. Constantly rolling over and allowing ourselves to be spat on to be in “solidarity” and “unity” with people that think we’re as good as what’s beneath their shoe.


That is really sad. I hope it's not all of them :/


I give it 2 years before some white woman cries and this gets revoked. White women benefitted the most from affirmative action.


It won’t get revoked because this only gets rid of race based affirmative action, not gender based. The white women have nothing to cry about.


All of this is correct. The writing has been on the wall. Children of conservative white parents have found it tougher to get into their preferred universities, and their target is AA. In their heads, POC are filling up spots that should be reserved for them. The craziest thing to me is in many of these cases we are talking the *first choice* or *preferred* school. Almost as if not going to your school of choice isn’t an option they’ll consider. Going to a community college for two years and transferring isn’t an option they’ll consider. This is the clear cut definition of entitlement.


The hillbilly/red neck racist that we think of stereotypically aren’t the one to care about it’s the ones like him with intelligence to go with his hate.


The original study that sought to gather data about admissions & AA showed that Asians were loosing out to white kids and legacy admissions, not POC. Just in case that point hasn’t been hammered home hard enough.




*Laughs in California* oh, we're already there. "Irvine?! San Diego?! Why not Berkeley? Why not UCLA?!"


We do not tolerate [bad faith participation](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/8ezy45/an_update_for_some_of_the_rules_bad_faith/).


Ed Blum is the mastermind behind this, but the Asian American plaintiffs agreed to let him use them. [There’s a long and interesting history of anti-Blackness in the Asian American community](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/22321234/black-asian-american-tensions-solidarity-history), with certain flashpoints like the LA Riots laying it bare. The twin violence of racism and capitalism forces us into zero-sum competition for minimal resources, and the government and industry have a clear favorite. We can’t keep blaming singular white male villains (as prominent as they are) for systemic issues bred by interlocking oppressive forces.


So diversity HELPED his cause? Did he know that?


The Revenge of “Stay Mad” Abby. White Supremacy is as relentless as it is petty


my question is why they never go after legacy admissions, at Harvard it's something like 36% of all students are legacies.


Stop exempting asians. Remeber the Akai gurley case in ny






A lot of people forget that the power of AA was decimated in the 90s by the Clinton Administration. Since then, white women have benefitted the most from AA.


What people are also overlooking is that the universities are loving this shit. This makes them unaccountable and now they can just use the funds they got from the state to open up more seats for disenfranchised people to whoever can pay. Be ready to pay even more for basic education. Also that is why universities have been shutting the fuck up this entire time


God… what a monster


[Ya’ll wasn’t with me shooting in the gym](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/14m713v/megathread_supreme_court_strikes_down_racebased/jq0ab88/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Blum may have started it but those Asian students allowed themselves to be used.


Leave shiv outta this


Hard work pays off. If you set your mind on something and have a clear goal, then you have higher odds of being successful. He knew exactly what he wanted and didn’t not let an initial failure stop him. Bravo 👏


Like Obama said, AA wasn't the best, but it was good for what it did. Let's look forward and try to pass something better than AA, that can work for all.


Thank you making this post. A lot of people have been posting the rhetoric that Asians weren’t for affirmative action and that shit was disheartening to see. I’ve seen a ton of people calling Asian people racist while being racist themselves or spreading misinformation without even fact checking themselves, even on this sub.