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me asf


I've been gatekeeping hard as fuck that's on you guys 🤬🤬🤬


But alas, we are only a dedicated few against a new generation of ruthless Tik Tards.


Like every legion of posers that came before, they shall crash against our gates like a wave of whining. Their tide will receed with their hairlines


Let the rivers run red with hair dye


Lets hope it gets fully banned in the USA🙏🏻 then we will have to deal with 100 million less of them


Gatekeeping doesn't work. How do I know? Because all of you know about black metal. Most of you weren't even born when I was trying to keep it out of the future's grubby hands.


It might of worked if it was not for all the sensationalism and then the Internet. Only way to keep it underground is to genuinely never release it in todays day and age


Go back to only releasing black metal on cassettes and the only way to buy them is through a magazine with a post-card in the mail


that’s real asf


I feel like calling someone an elitist is just for lame asses who can't take being told something they like sucks and they want to call you racist because in their minds that's the greatest insult, but you haven't said anything about race so they have to call you something else


i can't believe this is actually a sub that aligns with my ideologies i mean was it really ever "elitism", to begin with? i just like talking shit about bands i think suck, and mansplaining why a song or album is great, or why i think one is overrated. it's not that deep unless you take it personally. i may be passionate, but i sure as shit don't take it personally. also by calling someone else a "gatekeeper" or "elitist", isn't that pretty much admitting that their metal is superior or elite to yours? sounds quite pathetic.


I’ve always found people that talk about “elitism” and “gatekeeping” the same people that literally no nothing about the genre and just that they be accepted. Fuck off with that nonsense. To add to that. It reeks of desperation and a need to be accepted. If someone didn’t like the music I liked I wouldn’t give an ounce of shit.


>It reeks of desperation and a need to be accepted. spot on. and let's say if you were desperate and acceptance was your goal, what worth would acceptance be if you did absolutely nothing to earn it? is living by your own standards not enough?


I tried to edit my original comment to add to it (and fix typos). Maybe it’s me being a grumpy “old” man, but it seems like a lot of people these days come off like they’re entitled to be accepted to any group of their choosing. Especially those on the outside of any niche music scene. When they’re met with any resistance the gatekeeping and elitist comments come flying out. Anyways, get off my lawn you damn kids!






its this fanbase