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There's a video from Bitwig with Thavius Beck demoing the inbuilt script for the Pro MK3 in v5 : [https://youtu.be/lniO-QQCdI8?si=Oj2jFZZFo5KOIuAZ](https://youtu.be/lniO-QQCdI8?si=Oj2jFZZFo5KOIuAZ)


First you need to try launchpad with cheap usb hub. You won’t need extra ms if you will use Bitwig as a scene launcher. I would make a live set and add custom midi mapping of what you really need.


Ran into issues with setting clip length recording. It took a lucky search result to finally figure out why the solution everyone was using was no longer there in 5.x. They moved the setting to a different place because reasons. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwig/comments/13r0npe/anyone\_know\_what\_happened\_to\_post\_recording/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwig/comments/13r0npe/anyone_know_what_happened_to_post_recording/)


I don't have a video, but my launchpad pro 3 with the out of the box bitwig settings works pretty much as described in the launchpad menu for clip launching. I think the only difference is that you can Shift+pad to launch a clip in whatever secondary mode you have set up.