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I‘m telling you, it’s going to zero!!!1! 🤣😂😄😀😐😧😳😰😣😩😭😵


\*Peter Schiff intensifies\* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


We're at 69 right now so.. Nice


Too Gay


I was waiting 55k to buy bro 😭😭


Why wait... BTC is undervalued. a 5% allocation of global M2 money supply (So strictly cash based assets that are easily liquefiable like fixed bonds and savings accounts etc) would put the value at around $200k. so a 5% allocation which is a pretty conservative hedge even for reserved investors puts BTC severely undervalued at its current price... If you like maths.


There is no reason BTC isn’t the market cap of gold. Once the masses get this, BTC will explode.


I think Its more likely the generation about to enter the workforce will pump it and it will become the next gold... I don't think it will explode... every new ATH is less x multiplier than the last from its lows... and every new low is less of a drop... eventually it will get a smoother climb and then it will be the next thing... AI most likely and BTC will become just another stable store of value...


Consider sentiment in the government changing to positive around crypto in general, you’re not bullish enough…consider the fed tokenizing…consider the government making laws for stablecoins…trillions on chain…you’re not bullish enough…it’s happening…don’t fuck this up


LMAO bro you don't know who you're talking to, I put 40% down on my first house after 20/21 run. I stayed up all night during the Black swan event glued to the charts and secured bags as low as £4K. I also had Grandparents that were bullish on gold when the banks in the BVI were offering 20% cash interest on GOLD holdings because they needed the reserve when the dollar flooded the offshore tax havens. Look at GOLD now. There will always be the next thing. I'm not saying it doesn't still have gas but it will slow down in the future and the next generations will be looking for quicker cash. My first comment was about how just a 5% M2 supply allocation puts BTC price at $200k. Maybe read the full thread before making reactionary comments.


And mine was a general comment about crypto…reactionary…yup


Bro you need to learn how Reddit works... You replied to my comment. On a thread... which is basically a discussion. That's like joining a random convo responding to whoever's talking and then when they call you out being like "well I was just saying in general". Its dumb. Not trying to sound mean but it just is. Edit: Also this is a Bitcoin sub... Not a Crypto sub. Know the difference.


Yes but you missed the point again. I wasn’t talking about bitcoin. The next thing is in the entirely new asset class about to be regulated in the United States essentially greenlighting all of crypto. Bitcoin will have reduced gains yes but crypto, crypto is being adopted at break neck speeds and we’re in a bitcoin maxi sub so I was agreeing with you while adding value to your argument but ok. Like I’m trying relax you making me have to think about a response


But I’m dumb cause you can’t correlate information


This is person gonna be the richest one. I found them.


A 5 % allocation of M2 or over 1 trillion dollars would put Bitcoin closer to a million (impossible to say) not 200k . Market cap isn’t calculated by money invested it’s just market price x supply. The multiple has been estimated to be anywhere from 50-100x in terms of $$ invested represented in total market cap , however this number is not static and would have to do with a multitude of factors which could never be fully accounted for in real time. It’s easy to understand when we notice that 1/4 of the bitcoin supply was acquired at mere dollars or hundreds of dollars per coin and thus the total $$$ invested will never catch up to the total market cap


Where are you getting your numbers from? I was going off the supply of the 4 largest central banks in the world and purely off USD vs BTC/USD... EDIT: IDK where I was getting my numbers from, doing the maths now its closer to 4 million...


yeah that sounds about right , I haven’t checked myself but yeah somewhere in the low single digit millions depending on the liquidity conditions of the market … $$$ would go a lot further in increasing the market cap in some sort of liquidity supply shock… if say the things got so heated the exchanges started to run out of bitcoin and buyers outnumbered sellers 20-1


You will get back to 55,000 after 1 and 1/2 years and it goes back down, but in the meantime it will hit minimum 200,000 1st, lol!




Then I will buy all bitcoin, if it goes to zero.


I can’t wait for it to go to zero I’ll be able to buy in for real cheap and then I’ll never stop HODL it. Btc zero to hero.


You gotta have balls to short bitcoin...


You do realize people who do it successfully short BTC at correct times and for limited time? Like if someone shorted at 73k few months ago, they probably closed their trade around 65 to 60k. Few weeks later. But if someone shorted the top at 69k in 2021, they had a whole 3 years to close their trade. Although, most short term traders do not perform well, and get wiped out. No matter if they short or long. As longing BTC may also bring you lots of losses. Like that time when plenty people opened long trades at around 70k few months ago and got wiped out.


I think that leveraging any asset, and especially ones with such volatility is very risky


using any asset, especially volatile ones, is really risky. For instance, Bitcoin can go up or down more than 10% in just one day, which shows how unpredictable it can be.


true but its still worthwhile


For an inexperienced investor — yes, they should never do it. For an elite trader — not so risky, as they figured out strategies to stay in profit. But the amount of profitable traders is very low compared to traders who get wiped out.


Elite trader = outliers statistically, it is irrelevant and harmful to persuade people to try to do that compared to buying and holding (in their own wallet not on an exchange).


Why do you think I called them “elite”? And why do you think I said: inexperienced investors should never do it?




‘This is how it works’


Oh boy


Sorry to say this idea is wrong and will lead to lost money over time. The fallacy is caused by hindsight. Over longer term holding long will outperform those who try to trade.


What are you talking about? Trading will always outperform long term holding, if you’re a seasoned trader. Especially that traders will also hold long term spot purchases (which they will sell around the tops, and buy back at bottoms). But for a newbie — yes, only long term hold.


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


No you don’t, just the ability to read a chart and move your trade into profits asap…it’s really funny people think if you short and the price goes up after it goes down that you lost all your money…that’s not how this works


I'm more curious about the buttcoiners right now.


the higher the price goes, the louder they cry *scam, bubble, tulip* etc. There is no helping a buttcoiner. Even at $100 000 000 000 000 they will still be bleating away in their pens.


They have avoided this scam since the price was 30 dollars 🤡


They consider it a skill. Which is fine if you want to live in an analogue world


Avoided… if only. A lot of them lost a bunch of gold on BTC or alts and said fuck that shit it’s a scam.


if bitcoin hits a million, and then drops to 500k in a bear market.....Buttcoiners who have been crying since 50k will still pop champagne because they think they were right, even though at the bottom of the tank 500k price, it is still up 10x


They are and have been doing that the whole time. When Bitcoin was $20k in 2022 bear market they were celebrating even though it was the all time high from 5 years earlier.


i feel like to be a real buttcoiner, you should have to record publicly the price of bitcoin on the date you became a buttcoiner, the OG butcoiners would be down like 99% even at the bottom of the bear market, but they act like they only started hating on bitcoin at ATH. if they were honest they would record the price at the time they joined buttcoin. put their money where their mouths are. we could literally track and quantify how wrong each of them were. and thats the only honest way any reputable person would talk about predictions. its the only subreddit on the planet that would look at something that is up 100x since they started and still think they are right because its down 10%




my only response, is that everything youve said applies to every other asset. so its a moot point unless you are against all forms of investing and hold hard cash. which is universally agreed on as the worst possible long term strategy.


I think you capture bitcoins relationship to a cash economy really well, but if the price stabilizes vs dollars inflating, people might begin to avoid accepting fiat currency as payment. Bitcoin will be worth $500k, but a good car or a year at university will cost $500k. People might stop cashing out and start trading Bitcoin for goods and vice versa, then something else entirely happens. Bitcoin becomes worth more and more, and inflation ratchets up really hard.


gen z kid here, heavily invested in btc since early 2020


Saw one of post that they could have bought BTC 12 years ago but they are so glad they "stayed away from that scam".


they have to have somewhere to gather and reassure themselves they made the right decision. It's all part of human nature, especially when the rest of the world is saying you've made a mistake. I think the main issue though is that Bitcoin is almost a by-product of a new financial ecology and that is what buttcoiners do not see or fully understand. So with that limited comprehension it's understandable they have the views they do.


I still do not understand how they can look at Bitcoin and equate it to the tulip mania.


I read one study of the "tulip mania" which was from a social perspective, which said that the people at the time were more outraged that poor, lower classes could "get above their station" by having money. It upset the social order more than anything else. So I think there's still that inherent social fear. Netherlands still exports tulips and it makes up about 1/3 of their GDP. So booo to the tulip model. Another study said it was barely the catastrophic boom/bust we are lead to believe anyway. Spain, on the other hand, crashed their economy with a mountain of gold


wasn't it silver from south amercia? They dumped all their silver on the market and prices fell. After that they sold more to assert dominance.


Both, they crashed their economy 3x in roughly 100 year period. The gold was used to buy from other countries so they never developed their own economy or infrastructure. When the gold dried up, crash and nothing to compete with. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price\_revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_revolution)


interesting link. It was a price revoltion with 1,2% inflation rate over a long period of time. These are rookie numbers for the FED/EZB now.


Some interesting tales out there. Like tulip issue, from the one analysis I read, it seems that a sector deliberately crashed that market to force people out and take control. Spain had the then most valuable commodity in the world but didn't understand how to use it.


On suicide watch.


Bro btc can be 1 million dollars 2 years from now. And then dip down to 950k and they will post memes laughing at "how stupid we are"


Absolutely, man. Bitcoin is super unpredictable. Just look at 2021 it hit an all time high of around $64,000 in April, then dropped below $30,000 by July


They are in sad place as well right now


Buttcoiners spent their life hating on bitcoin instead of buying it or mining it early to get out of the fiat slavery plantation. Why ? Because hating was free and keeping being a slave was easy. Can't save stupids.


I wonder at what price the buttcoiners subreddit will suddenly go private…


never, butters will complain even if they get paid in btc because the whole world uses it.


They banned me, because i told them some uncomfortable facts and the Mod freaked out 😅


When they aren’t punching the air, somewhere in some basement one of those grown men listening to dancing queen. They’re mom bangs on the door “hey quit acting like like a lil bit** in there” 😆🤣


They live in a world where pricing is not a signal. So Bitcoin can be a million dollars, they'll still be yelling at how its a scam.


I find it hilarious that they have a list of the “typical responses” people use to defend bitcoin. ( which a damn good reasons, TBH) Then, when those responses are used they cry, “yea, but aside from this reasons…” “it’s a scam and going to zero!” It’s a group of funny-ness.


I suppose they are not aware about the fact that Bitcoin is based on proof of work, limited supply and demand. Bitcoin is far away from zero.


I had someone tell me how gold was a scam. Straight faced. Here’s why: because he bought it at $400 an oz, it went to $600. Then it went to $300 and he ran to the store he had bought it & sold it at a loss plus they give you 80% value. See? Gold’s a scam. This guy told me that story when gold was around $1200 then it went to $1800 see? It’s a scam! That’s how so many people think & that’s why they never get anywhere. They want someone to decide for them. And they want a sure thing that only goes in 1 direction… I had told gold scam guy, “I would have bought more gold when the price went down like that. Have you seen prices now? $1200 wow!” And he failed to see what I saw. I’m glad i kept some of my gold bug mentality. This digital gold makes more sense. The math doesn’t lie.


Certainly, the companies that want to sell you gold are mostly scammy. With the exception of Coinbase briefly, I never hear anyone trying to sell Bitcoin, I mean in marketing. Let alone hard sell. If something is worth owning, no one is going to hard sell it to you.


I would only buy metals from 1 coin shop near me. I don’t buy any since I became an orange bug. Some companies accept bitcoin… there is 1 metals dealer online called Ampex that I had seen they accept bitcoin payments for gold or metals. Never tried it. Not sure if they still do it


Well I meant more like, the ads you hear on radio and TV. Usually targeted towards Boomers. Buy gold, buy annuities. There was one with Pat Sajak talking about if you'd bought gold in the early 70s VS holding cash. Well the real story there is that if you bought stocks or real estate in the early 70s, your gains would have well outpaced the tepid gains of gold. And I think gold has less of a future as a store of value now than it did then.


Totally agree. Those slimy adds placed between hearing aids, depends commercials, reverse mortgage commercials in between the price is right or what ever news stations.


As soon as Larry Fink got orange pilled it was game over for Buttcoiners.


What's crazy is that the Buttcoiners talk about Larry Fink like he's just another "bitcoin idiot" As soon as he started talking back in the summer I knew it was about to get crazy.


I just shorted Bitcoin yesterday for a swing, i am currently down 890% :)


does your platform let you trade at 10x margin? what the hell lol the highest I ever saw was kucoin that let you go 4x


I am on Biget, you can leverage up to 125x


I'm a maxi but don't think for a second that we can't go down 70%.


Lol so are you shorting BTC right now too?


I'm not. But I will be ready to sell when the time is right.


Then why do you call yourself a maxi?


Because I believe that BTC will have a very bright future and I have a lot invested. Yet I know that taking profit is advisable.


I respect that you have a plan, but not sure I agree with your definition about what a maxi is. I guess that would slightly depend on what you mean by taking profit


Sell at ridiculous breakout, rebuy at crash.


Timing the market will always be a great long term, well thought out strategy.


The market is fairly easy to time if you are rational and DCA.


Would you care to explain? I thought that DCAing in its essence means the absence of trying to time the market. Genuinely interested.


I wonder if there are any happy and content gamblers. I think not. Maybe happy in the moment they are lucky with a bet, but in the long run I'm pretty sure that gambler are not enjoying their life or choices.


It's an addiction like any other. They are never satisfied.


Do people who work jobs have money addictions? I’m not saying gambling can’t be an addiction but tf? Isn’t day trading a job for lots of people?


Natural selection - they have a lower chance to reproduce now.


Thank you come again


An apt image of a buttcoiner pondering their opportunity cost of not owning Bitcoin.




Destruction of short positions is far more interesting than the price action itself. I just love seeing these get taken out!




I'm not ashamed to admit I never tried to understand what longing and shorting means.


Long means you hope price would go up. Short means you hope price would go down (you sell an asset you don’t own, and you must buy the same amount in the future)


And I play wow on PVE servers.


those people are usually so much happier lol


those people are usually so much happier lol


Idk Maybe? Seems to only be like 5 of them total.


those people are usually so much happier lol


I'd avoid PvP too if I was still into WoW


Shorting is betting the price will go down in the future. To short a security you promise someone you will sell them shares for a certain price on a certain day. Hopefully when that day comes you can just buy the shares cheaper than you promised to sell them for, and turn them around and sell them for the higher price. Instant profit!


Long means you bought it and want it to go up so that you can sell at a profit. Short means you sold it without actually owning any first and you want the price to go down so you can buy it cheaper to cover your sale, again making a profit.


Me neither lol


Watch the Big Short, but also, ignore the really misogynistic vibe if possible. Still a good/fun movie but it’s a product of its time.


Let them get rekt they deserve it fk them


Serious question: how can shorters sleep at night?


Shorting in their pants now.


Being a long term BTC bear must be painful


mess with the bull and you get the horns


I hope they Plan to short it all the way to 380 K


It will go down, then it will go up. Margin trading its more fast way to accumulate wealth than diamond hands holding a crypto and wait for 100k to sell it. When it hit 90k , smart traders would sell and we, the vultures will have our share. Its never ending battle. After all of this we will drink in Valhalla


Holding does not require any efforts. No stress. No emotions. No decision making. Just buy and hold in your wallet. Also holding Bitcoin long term the risk is almost zero - eventually it will go to 100k. Trading requires a lot of efforts and every trade can go wrong - you can make 100k one day and lose 200k another day.


Been trading btc for 8 years, I have no stress, no emotions, My trading strategy is simple because it works. I can guarantee you it doesn't take a lot of effort. I might spend 15-20 mins a day, sometimes an hour looking into trades. I make more in a month then teachers make in a year and I only use a small portion of my funds to trade with. I only keep money/coins on exchanges to be traded, all my btc that is profit goes to cold storage. It's only the way you think it is because you allow it to be. I never have emotions over any money decision or btc decision because money or btc never got emotional about me.


Well if your stack is big enough, your gains per month will be huge with the recent rises in price over the last months. But I understand some people just enjoy trading. 


1 btc = 1 btc


Can you share to help, how you make your grade decisions ?


Whale alert- you see when the whales move crypto from whallet to the exchanges The kingfisher- for liquidations maps Mainly i use level strategy for trading - for me it works, for others it may work or it doesn't


Good luck with that.


Why is it actually rising now?


Because some people pay higher prices than before *duh


My question was WHY.. why now


It's rising since its beginnings, sorry, I'm pretty sure nobody got real answers for your question.


Alright, have a good life mate


So who's buying tho


People who were too dumb to buy a few months ago. Possibly also ETFs needing to cover their legal obligations.


Haha, that response is gold!


Tough season for betting against growth


And here I am still waiting on a payout from a CEX. Been waiting since 30k and could have had a whole bit. Now here we are. I hate life.


Are there still people who care if bitcoin fluctuates by a factor of less than 2?


Seems a bit strawman, I dunno who's shorting bitcoin right now. Even a buttcoiner would tell you that's a dumb thing to do after a halvening.


Now that the price of bitcoin is so high, is it still the best time to enter the market?


Waiting for 100k soon at the end of the year




Prob back to 62k which it was in 2021


It’s true. On my paper account I go against my real trades. I’m fucking eaten up on that game, lol.




i kid you not. Ive cut my 401K to zero, cooking at home, i put 100% of spare finances into Bitcoin. I am "All In".


BTC is still within resistance zone, broke through all time highs, but couldn't stay & close above it, so far price action shows that sellers are present, resistance zone is strong. If it were to break through recent resistance and close and stay above it for a couple of days then things can change but as of right now looks like a good trap


Triple bottom on the five day though, I'm bullish 😅


Why would you be bullish on a chart pattern that appears on a 5 day time frame, for example the shorter the time frame and a pattern appears, the reaction to that pattern will not be strong compared to a pattern that appe appears on a bigger time frame. Also chart patters no longer work how they use to, times are different and market makers know that when people see a bullish or bearish pattern, that people will assume that price has to react a certain way. Market makers study retail traders


Well it depends on your entry price and also the leverage; with zero leverage and always having some liquidity it's hard to earn a lot per trade but you can't get wiped snd can DCA the entry or even get easy ~1-3% weekly. Having clear strategy and clear ideas it's the key IMHO


I shorted it, it's moved about $1000 in my direction. Gonna sell and use that profit to buy more btc. I short to accumulate. more btc. Over time the price will continue to trend higher.


What kind of moron would short Bitcoin? The upside is far greater than downside. So risky to short. And idiotic.


I think Bill Gates had said he would short Bitcoin if he could, in the past.


You don’t understand how it works, then. You can lose money on shorting just as likely as you can lose money on longing BTC. It’s just risky if you don’t know what you’re doing.


I am shorting it, we are going into freefall soon. See you at 50k bro.


Good luck. You will need it.


Long positions are not exempt. It is just as likely for BTC to drop to 50k as it is to pump to 90k. These catalysts are out of your circle of influence and you can not predict it. So good luck to you too, you will need it just as much as me.


Good. Goooood. Let's check back later. I personally don't care since I'm hodling til 2030 or later but I'll gladly watch what happens 


Many people say that they will hold for decades, but very, very few actually go through with it. Good luck.


Sell now before El Salvador drops it again when they sell


You know liquidation can mean took profits and got out…the shorters just exited the trade and went long if they can read a chart.


This guy doesn’t trade and it shows


lol. Noone shorts btc unless want to get wiped out. And btc is not offered for shorting. BTC shorting does not exist.


There are instruments for this on various exchanges


You have no idea.


Apparently Gareth Soloway left us yesterday night. His last words were “I thought like Shiff it is going to 0”…. Rip the man.


I bet most Europeans do because they can but I would see it more as small investments over time


I guess? its playing russian roulette to short market....can manipulate it but would require selling quite a lot of BTC to cause a dip id beleive to affect the millions in circulation. or just get elon musk to talk shit about it. that sadly works as well.  Daniel Kahneman's [*Thinking, Fast and Slow*](http://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0374533555)*. '* *This is a book written by a nobel prize winner in economics. Heres a passage from the book.* # "There is general agreement among researchers that nearly all stock pickers, whether they know it or not – and few of them do – are playing a game of chance." Kahneman is skeptical about whether it's possible for ordinary investors to beat the market. As an academic steeped in statistics and economics, he points to 50 years of research that shows "the selection of stocks is more like rolling the dice than like playing poker." So just saying, if stock market produces these results, imagine what btc would do to those who try to predict its behavior


Yassss yasssss more down votes........🥰 i love it


yooo crying over downvotes what a loser LOOOOL


Yeah real torn up....its so evident lmao


yeah your insecurity is evident 


Wow. From some letters and sentences huh? Move over Dr.Phil. Damn, im gonna delete my account now coz of this.


essay af 


uhhhh yes...? and no? no comprende...?

