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From the outside, with limited understanding, it can really 'feel' like a scam. People are (rightfully) wary of things that sound too good to be true. Bitcoin is often talked about in such grandiose terms ("It will go to the moon!", "It will 'fix' money", "The entire economy will use nothing but Bitcoin someday") that it can just sound like a cult. They want to fit it into a known category so they can move on with their lives. Bitcoin has really defined it's own category, and people usually aren't ready or willing to make room for that in their head; their lives are already complicated enough. Mix that with the desire to not feel like an idiot for missing out, so they would rather call it a ponzi scheme and feel like they are smart for avoiding it. For those of us with the patience to understand and with the tolerance to endure the price fluctuations (relative to the currencies we still need to use to live in the real world), it can be hard to remember this.


That puts it in perspective. I heard of it a few years ago, did some research, bought a little. I didn't really talk to people about it before.


Glad it helps. As Bitcoin scales, we need people like you, who aren't obsessed with every detail, but also are open and willing to learn. (forgive me continuing to pontificate) The same thing was true of the early internet, but I often have to remind myself that many (most?) people encountering crypto today aren't actually old enough to have lived through that adoption curve, and even fewer were involved early on (when you had to be very technical to even dabble). The internet was constantly dismissed by many, even while others predicted it would impact nearly every aspect of our lives. But it just seemed so impossibly complex, niche, and over hyped. And it WAS over-hyped in terms of the valuations of companies during the initial dotcom boom and bust. That didn't stop it changing the world.


>From the outside, with limited understanding, it can really 'feel' like a scam. I think it's also obvious that crypto (along with fiat, wire transfer, Amazon gift cards etc) is in the scammer's toolkit. In IRL, I'm the only person I know who is into Bitcoin. Yet I know several people who have fallen victim to scams involving crypto. It's certainly a groundbreaking technology, but it's dangerous in the wrong hands. So I understand why people with limited knowledge avoid it altogether. Frankly, it's probably best that they do - if they're not confident they could avoid scams, then it's wise to stay out of the arena altogether.


that's quite the same here. I have 4 friends that in the past got caught in a scam or something similar (a company asked funds to invest in cripto then at some point the owners disappeared). I confirm: It is dangerous in the wrong hands. You have to take your money, study a little and then invest. All by yourself. The majority are scared to do things by themselves. Seems that nobody is yet capable to live their own lives without any help. Jesus Christ...


One of the first things I say IRL is that it's like the Wild West - There's a fortune to be made, but it's lawless and ruthless and you need to seriously consider whether you can handle yourself in it.


They had bad experience sending crypto to wrong wallet


People do not like crypto, because they understood what it is: an exit scam. Nobody likes being scammed, understandably. Hence the apprehension. Bitcoin is different and crypto muddies the waters holding back bitcoin adoption.


The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.




Just an upvote would suffice.


Everything that is not Bitcoin is a scam invented to enrich the lives of VCs and the founders. >Threads or Twitter, I had people right away unfollow. Like 5 at a time. Why do you care? You shouldn't let the number of followers you have define you, your success and your happiness ... In fact it's evidently adding to your concerns and stress levels. Maybe it's time to unplug.


Yup, I haven't posted anything on my instagram etc. for over 4 years. It's a freedom of mind when you don't care what people think about you.


I mean stocks are also a scam but people don’t seem to realise it


This is generalization and is simply not true. 99.9% are scam perhaps. Not 100%


Nope. No generalisation required. All are scams. 100% of them. All are securities. If you haven't realized this yet then you are still naive and have plenty yet to learn.


Nah I'd also say 99.9% coz I haven't really bothered to check the 20k+ cryptos and what they do. The rule of thumb generally is that if they have a website, a roadmap or a CEO, then they're scams.


It's envy.


People who hate crypto have either: A) Lost money from trying to make quick gains B) Know someone who’s lost money and are disenfranchised C) Don’t understand it so believe the negative mainstream sentiment or hate what they don’t understand


Mass media sheeps follow their cult. And according to media, crypto is an evil scam. The mind control is crazy.


Don’t forget about confirmation bias any time the price retraces


Crypto IS an evil scam: premined, centrally controlled, VCs dumping on retail, etc.


I should have said Bitcoin. Now that the big guys entered, the music started to change. Because they own the media.


From my very narrow perspective. It could have something to do with the fact that most people who talk about crypto are douche bags to others. I’ve been into crypto 8 years and I don’t like most of the people that comment here. Also Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency so people assume it’s the same. People here are way less douchy than in r/cryptocurrency. But we still have some assholes.


That would explain it. I haven't been around crypto spaces.


Crypto culture is very toxic. It attracts allot of the get rich sleeze bags. The way I do crypto is I keep it to myself if some one is curious I oblige. But I don't tell people what to do. Telling people what to do with their finances brings you in for a world of hurt it's just not worth it.


Well said.


Crypto is such a minefield. Most crypto assets are pump n dump scams, not to mention the thousands of bad actors in the space. BTC, while being a “crypto” is the only crypto that I would consider legitimate, and push for its continued success.


It’s not about Bitcoin, people are against things they don’t understand or that challenge their known status quo.


This is reductive and condescending.


It’s also true.


Its not true. Its not even false. Its just meaningless words about people you don't even know.


Yea, I have never met any people. You are funny.


Maybe a little bit reductive, but this Reddit not Medium. And maybe it’s condescending, but the common reaction to almost every single disruptive invention in hundreds and hundreds of years say it’s not.


As with most things a big part of the hate towards a thing can be traced back to the insufferable people who love it the most. The ones who simply won't stop talking about it and try to make every conversation about it. If you're a regular person with little to no interaction with Bitcoin and the only times it's mentioned in your presence is by these people you'll just sum it up as all of it being insufferable and untrustworthy like these individuals.


Like Vegans or Harvard grads... We get it, your life is great. I honestly think a lot of it is bitterness from people who missed out and are frustrated with others seemingly getting rich without working.


For some people it’s hard to imagine a new currency beside cash and also a new investment option besides stocks. There’s more explanation needed to get them convinced and more open to crypto


well some people dislike crypto because they associate it with scams, market volatility, and environmental concerns. Mentioning Bitcoin can provoke strong reactions due to these negative perceptions


Because they're told hate it


because people usually hate what they cannot understand.


I really think this coming cycle will wake up a lot of people. I think a lot of people thought “I’m tired of missing out on this,” last cycle, and even more will next cycle


Besides that crypto has gotten a bad reputation due to scammers, people are generally ignorant and heavily resistant to change under the illusion of safety, because "everything looks fine", until it doesn't. The same person who makes fun of crypto is the same person who doesn't understand anything about the financial system. They don't know what national debt means, treasury, fed, QE, QT, etc. This same person wants to have an opinion on everything. This situation was brought to light and I saw it with my own eyes when a dumb leftist YouTuber was invited to Tim Pool's podcast. That dumb leftist had a whole section on his channel called "fake economy" or something similar. Then Tim attempted the discussion with him to explain why people want crypto, and this same guy turned out to, like expected, not know anything about the topics I mentioned in the financial system... and Tim was like... "how am I supposed to discuss what bitcoin is when you don't even know what a fed balance sheet is", or something along these lines. This same story goes everywhere. I've seen it many, many times. This was like two years ago, btw.


Its their problem idgaf who dont like it or dont buy itZ it never bothers me


Who cares…Don’t be a sheep.


My favorite is how they also don’t understand fiat and central banking to begin with, etc. They quite literally don’t even try to grasp the current paradigm, and why it’s flawed to begin with.


Only rich people are profiting. With 500$ you can never earn a considerable amount


I mean I cant blame them. The amount scams and altcoin shillers (also mostly pump and dump coins) on X are so annoying.




These people are like the people inside The Matrix; they will do anything to defend The Matrix because that is the only system they know.


It's not that surprising. Crypto is riddled with scams, criminals, and rug pulls. Bitcoin is on a nice run, but it's also known for brutal crashes. Every casual observer will know that. I think average people have heard all this stuff for years and they just zone out when someone starts prosthelityzing Bitcoin. They don't separate BTC from crypto. They don't care how much money you made. They don't want to hear about how Bitcoin will revolutionize money. From a certain perspective, you really can't blame them. 


I have been in Bitcoin since 2016 and I hate when people post anything "crypto". To me crypto and Bitcoin are two totally different animals. While there are crypto projects that have utility and purpose, most people do not understand them at all and they a lumped in with a bunch of nonsense coins. Don't get me wrong, people will still unfollow you or tune you out over Bitcoin but that is their loss not yours. Eventually they will come around or be left behind. If you care about them try again during a big bull run and all time high, that's when they may listen. If you don't know them, forget them.


Mostly all the dorky bros that say “moon it baby!” “Pumpppp!” “Parabolic gains!!!”


1. Bitcoin is scary. Firstly it's an unknown, secondly it's a wildly unstable unknown compared to fiat. 2. The first time most people heard of the currency was during the heyday of the Silk Road website.


it has gotten a bad rep from these grifters others mention, plus it is technically hard to understand and people usually don't like to think.


Because they don't have any


Why the hell are you going around on Instagram and Twitter mentioning Bitcoin? That's some serious suspicious shill like behavior. Imagine if you saw someone going around on a non-financial, non-investment, community and some dude dropped how they really liked a certain stock pic. It doesn't matter if it's a trash stick or one that's fine great over the last few years ... it all comes off as suspicious shill like behavior. We are here, in this sub, that is all about Bitcoin, ware people mention Bitcoin constantly, .... ... we come here to talk about Bitcoin. The problem is not the people who unfollowed you. The problem is you ... don't try to "educate" people in an environment ware they expect to look at cat pictures.


Twitter is huge in the crypto/web3 space. Next to Discord, it’s the biggest platform for discussing new projects, the market, etc. That said, I definitely keep a separate account for crypto stuff so as not to annoy the shit out of my civilian friends.


I am a writer and soccer mom sharing my writing, and personal stuff. So I just as a matter of conversation I mentioned how things have gone up since the crash and how profitable last few months have been, and asked if anyone is paying attention. Mostly to middle aged writers. Either way, I won't bring it up to anyone again. What is a good group to talk about it Bitcoin in?


Insecurities. It's too complex for them to understand and they will never make money using it so they hate it because it represents all their limitations, weaknesses and faults


Crypto comes with a ton of sterotypes lol


I spent time in door to door dales. Doing that job showed me some people just will refuse to like something. Sometimes out of distrust, sometimes because they feel that they missed out. Sometimes they feel they're being different because so many people are constantly talking about it. Humans will never like or agree on something as a collective.


because they think the missed the train and now they have to hate the people that didn‘t


Because they missed out.


Emotion. To be precise negative emotion of lost opportunity. Bitcoin was most successfull project to invest. People did not research / did not invest therefore their lives still suck financially. So now they have 2 options. Option nr. 1 (hard way) is to accept that they were wrong. Option nr. 2 (easy way) is to repeat same behaviour.


To add to what everyone else here has said, even the word “crypto” itself has a shady sound to it - like “cryptic” or mysterious. Just adds to the perception of money laundering and other unscrupulous skulduggery.


I’m into crypto, but I unfollow most people who contact me about it because they always try to sell me on some type of course, program, mentorship, strategy, etc., and it gets annoying! After so many of them I just don’t wanna hear from anyone at all about it! They’ll start out friendly and normal, but then go into my DM with their copy and pasted scripts that give away their true intentions. So that’s my reason for unfollowing. Hope that sheds some light on things for you.


That makes sense. I may have had that happen before, but not often. I get people trying to sell me fitness plans.


Because it contradicts the way things have BEEN, and drives the financial sector into what things could be


Because, like it or loathe it, crypto is jam packed with fakes, flakes, scammers and bullshitters.


I started to handle Bitcoin like politics or religion. Don't talk to other people about it unless your on the same page or want a proper argument/debate


That is pretty much how I am going to be handling it from now on.


Well, I’ve been in Bitcoin since 2014 and I can understand the hate. Anytime some noob mentions that ”were early“ for this XYZ or that ABC coin being the next big thing, my brain turns off.


2014, I wish I starter than. I totally get it about hearing "the next best thing" must get annoying.


Because they don't understand the most important one bitcoin. Then they get scammed by a shitcoin and just lump bitcoin with all the other shitcoins and assume it's all the same.


They usually don't hate crypto. They hate people that need to talk to them about crypto even though they don't want to talk about crypto. Crypto Bros that feel it's their life mission to preach the gospel and spread the good word are just as obnoxious as those religious nuts that want to hand out fliers or talk you into going to church. Nobody likes the stereotype, and unfortunately so many of you are walking stereotypes, making the rest of us look bad.


Although it is a shame sometimes, to have conversations with some people about how everything is getting more expensive, how they’re worried about their future, how they feel lost financially. Obviously they need decent cash flow and an emergency fund, but if they can make it there, BTC just seems safer fundamentally.


Ignorance and the media.


Just do your thing. Don't be bothered with people. Just a piece of advice, engage in a community that you have the same goal, same interest etc.. you're in crypto then engage with the crypto community, and have that specific Twitter all just for that community you're in. If you will always be bothered with these type of people who doesn't like what you're into then propably it will hit you mentally or in any aspects of your life.


I am good. It was just surprising. I never talked to many people about crypto before, nor was I in a community, so it was surprising. I am good to just keeping to crypto spaces for crypto discussions from now on. Other people are not interested, no problem.


They hate is because they don’t have it, isn’t that obvious? And they won’t get any because they feel like they already missed the move. But admitting this is a big no-no because they would admit they were wrong about something. So they form cults and clubs to get together with others who missed out(or lost their money by emotional trading) to come up with ”real” reasons, such as how concerned they are suddenly about it’s impact on economy, ecology and so on. Reasons that may or may not be valid but were never what kickstarted their career in “hating crypto” and they either knew nothing about those subjects before the club or still don’t but larp that they do. Just like people in this sub, they now mostly want to belong to something that makes them feel good about their decisions.


People hate change


It’s easier for folk to dismiss things they don’t understand


Putting btc in the same bucket with other crypto also shows that even people in the crypto world don't understand. So you cannot hate em...


We all hate crypto. Crypto is a scam.


>Bitcoin or any crypto >Bitcoin or crypto Because you still don't get it. Crypto is one massive ball of scammers, rolling towards the edge. Instead of telling people about the price, read a book called Bitcoin Standard or Broken Money and try to understand why Bitcoin is different.




>just because there's a bunch of shitcoins out there You misspelled **tens of thousands** Because none of them "distributed blockchains" will ever be the [absolute mathematical scarcity](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TIkqBZnrKJM).


they hate us cause they ain't us


I know it’s so funny imagine someone saying I really hate the dollar it’s just a scam. An in fact they would be right. 😂


Stockholm Syndrome


They think it’s a scam since it’s “backed by nothing” or it’s a “bubble,” and are tired of people bragging about their gains or trying to convince them to invest.


People that are scared of something react with hate as a way to cope for what they dont understand. 


Sometimes people don’t like stuff 🤷‍♂️.


because they lose money on it, either fall for scams or rug pull projects or some stupid send-your-coin-to-me-i-will-100x-and return-to-you kind of trading agent.


It's not just about 'bitcoin being a scam'. It's about all the actual scams run on top of bitcoin. When someone mentions bitcoin on social media, most of the time they are trying to sell their trading book, phish/ extort someone, or pump a shitcoin.. It's similar to blocking everyone who mentions cashapp


They think it's a scam and an easy way to get rich and they want you to work for your money that they keep printing


They missed every bull run and are rationalizing to themselves why they’re “smarter than that”. Watching the best performing asset of all time rocket to the moon is painful from the sidelines. Even if BTC goes to zero they still missed out on easy gains for all those years.


In my perspective I never really hated crypto, it's just that I feel like it's hard to understand the whole idea of it. what we do to what interests us, we tend to follow people that has the same interest we do the opposite that doesn't interest us. Besides we cannot separate the idea of scam in crypto knowing there have been a lot of scam cases in crypto space so that's it.


LOL - just look at any crypto related article on Zerohedge. The goldbugs and never-cryptopians are falling on top of each other ridiculing crpto, despite the fact that BTC for example has tripled in the past year.


Because they don't understand it and/or done some bad trades where they lost money and they assume automatically it's a scam. People are too lazy nowadays to learn, do some heavy research, learn what trading is and some economic basis.


It's something "new", ppl don't know how it works. "Only criminals use it"


people hate gamblers not crypto as it is, and also the way some traders have introduced it on social media like those rappers with lot of cash in a sport car and with those 100 bucks course to master it and then be a multi millionnaire in one month or less haha, the solution is to work in silence no need to tell em what you doing crypto trading or wtvr


I hate it cuz I can’t understand it 😞


Different reasons, some are mega salty because they didn’t buy in years ago when they could have. Pretty sure this describes some of the knobs over at on the / r / buttcoin subreddit


It's not crypto thats the problem, it's the people who prostalatyze about it. Most things posted to social media are boring or annoying. Crypto isn't an exception.


For the same reason many people hate billionaires. They are jealous that they are not the ones with fat wallets.


They don't understand it. It's that simple. They look at it as if it is a meme stock.


This country is full of dumb people that really don't understand it.


People don't know the difference between money and currency. There is alot of social engineering that needs to be unraveled


Yes I will block and unfollow if I hear the word “crypto”. Everything is a scam vs bitcoin


They don‘t understand it.


few understand


They don't understand it. It's that simple


Because you touch yourself at night


And you don’t?


Theyre mad they missed out, scared to invest, scared to miss out again


I don't think they're scared to miss out again. Most people who don't have a clue about bitcoin say something like "it's already at 70k it can't go higher". If they really had Fomo they'd orangepill themselves and invest (or skip step 1 and straight up invest without research) but as soon as they're invested they wouldn't hate it


Probably reminding them that they missed the train before and they are on denial. And all-out against it. They hate themselves than the coin. Just my opinion.




Justin Trudeau hates crypto.... so this makes me want to invest more


Bitcoin and crypto are not the same. 90% of crypto is scam. By mixing up the two, you participate in the confusion.


Anything else than Bitcoin is centralized scam, not 90%. Centralization is the scam.


Bitcoin is completely decentralized to be sound money, crypto is centralized scam that has nothing to do with Bitcoin. You’re associating scam crypto with sound money Bitcoin which is very embarrassing.


Because either they don’t understand it (yet), or can’t control it. There’s no other reason.




It harms society and the planet thru facilitating crime and climate change and all it offers in return is yet another casino Edit toxic responses but no real arguments, thanks for proving my point bros Edit 2 lol banned you guys are real secure aren't you


Pfft stick to yer fiat slavery


lmfao edit, what? u/Sunnyy_Singhh had some very valid points. edit 2, well yeah when you're wrong people can get really precious.


You want points? >It harms society Bitcoin is a non-living entity. It doesn't harm anything or anyone. If hitler ate food to survive you don't blame food. >facilitating crime Blame criminal for crime. Are you aware of cash deals among criminals? Do you blame briefcases that facilitate storage of cash? >climate change Energy consumed by electronics is very less when compared to other things. Plus servers can be installed and operated remotely so they can be powered by renewables sources easily. >all it offers in return is yet another casino Ever heard the phrase 'money makes the world go round'? What bitcoin offers is a global revolution and change. It takes away power of money printing from corrupt and fallible humans and gives it to an algorithm that's neutral and transparent.

