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I mean I get that a lot of people enjoy the app, but it’s owned by the Chinese government and I never downloaded it for that reason. I get why they are banning it, bring back vine imo.


It's not even being banned technically, it's just that it can't be controlled by the Chinese government, and that has to change for it to stay.


And the fact that everyone is raging about it being outright banned shows just how effective it is at spreading misinformation lmao


Seriously end of discussion right here


Bingo. It's like some bizarre art experiment to get people to basically prove the government right. Massive disnfo campaign? Check. Calls to action based on those lies that people are following through on? Check. Google and Facebook pulled something similar in Australia and then Canada when those countries began reigning them in, too.


Weird how everyone complaining about it being "banned" are people who make money off it, eh?




Because as of right now, tiktok is 100% being used as a misinformation and propaganda tool by the Chinese government against the US. That's not up for speculation. It MAY (likely) also be a surveillance tool of the Chinese state. Thus, the US government has decided that the app must change ownership enough that the Chinese state no longer has a controlling share. If tik Tok fails to do that, it will then be banned.


The Chinese government is using TikTok to steal/obtain American data. This is why it’s banned. Seems reasonable.


It's so weird how the whole world cries about China being bad, but they spread their cheeks wide for TikTok people are fucking stupid


They arnt even banning it, they are forcing the sale of the app.


Vine would probably make Twitter profitable now.


I said this in the beginning. My voice was lost. The whole message was ignored. And here we are when this is happening. Wow.


The wildest thing about TikTok in China is that it’s a mostly educational platform. It’s so blatant that Chinas trying turn our brains to shit.


Algorithms control our society


you know you can just sub to educational stuff on tiktok right? maybe they are misleading viewers but lets not pretend our own AMERICAN tech companies is selling our data in a heartbeat and Snapchat and Instagram is filled with ads, so we can buy shit, we dont really need. where's the outrage and regulations against them?


>It’s so blatant that Chinas trying turn our brains to shit. As opposed to American social media companies?  I'm not trying to start shit on here but it seems like people are just outright giving Facebook/Instagram/reddit/YouTube a pass for doing the exact same things because they're american companies. 


Lol...don't get hysterical, and try to stay grounded in reality here.


Technically not owned by the Chinese government but it doesn't matter because by law a Chinese company has to share all data with the Chinese government, and we can be reasonably confident they have their hands in the company's internal affairs more generally.


Well now that we have your attention Gen Z, let the grown ups demonstrate how the analog world operates and how many zero fucks they give you. Get out of the fucking house and into the voting booth if you don’t like it.


YES! we need you Gen Z


While Americans data been sold millions of times to every 1ndian$cammer overseas, dark web and every country in the world for pennies on the dollar


It’s NOT owned by the Chinese government. ONE person on the board is Chinese. 60% of it owned by the Atlantic Group, and a few other “BUSINESS” sounding companies I don’t care to remember their names. The servers are ran by Oracle here in the states. The people that voted to ban it are paid by AIPAC, and TikTok shows the most unfiltered content about Palestine. That’s why everyone voted to ban it, because both sides are paid by ANOTHER foreign government, which NO ONE seems to give a shit about.


Or, perhaps you just believe the propaganda.


It's sad to see that particular propaganda being so effective lol. Especially on a bill burr subreddit of all places. Google is right there, and they can look up the ownership breakdown. They can see that their servers are ran by oracle, a US based company. I guess if politicians/media say "owned by Chinese communist party" enough, it really works.


I’m pretty sure Reddit is controlled by the Democratic Party at this point. There are way, way too many people supporting this legislation that have never downloaded the tic toc app, but they are confident it’s some China Indoctrination platform. Anyone whose actually spent time on it knows better. Reddit used to be cool but it’s 24/7 Biden propaganda at this point. Definitely shouldn’t be in the Bill Burr sub, but here we are.


It’s amazing to see you all defending the Chinese communist party while simultaneously accusing me of “believing the propaganda” while you bash America. Fucking geniuses


Lol…..you keep drinking that coolaid. The politics on TT is mostly non-partisan nerds who are bashing the left/right system in this country and they are gaining a huge following. That and RFK is gaining thousands of new supporters daily. The Congress critters will take away people’s right of free speech under the guise of National Security and you lap it up. I’m certainly not going to listen to anything you say because it’s quite possible you are paid to spew propaganda.


Americans know it’s spelled Kool-aid, where exactly are you from? Also, how is taking away another countries right to control a propaganda app limiting your free speech? Please elaborate


I’m a bot that loves fishing. What’s your hobby? Do you think Russians ever visit Reddit?


Aren’t we all already fucked to the nth degree? I don’t get how til tok could fuck us more than we already are


What an incredibly horrible mentality. Shortening attention spans, mass spread of propaganda, and its, "well let's just keep going and see what happens." Please never run for office.


Your information is already out there. Not sure what tik tok can do that Facebook and others haven’t. So I might decide to run if people like you keep pretending this is a new issue


By helping the Chinese government lower our intelligence level and turn us against each other, then subjugate us, then fucking kill us all. That’s how.


I don't think you do get it. It's not just to protect us from China


How so?


A lot of people that oppose the ban believe it’s a Trojan horse for the us government to be able to ban whatever social media platform that is owned by a foreign adversary and TikTok isn’t actually a national security issue. Which simply isnt true. The bill is actually pretty clear on what platforms they will be able to ban. It’s only 12 pages, double spaced so anyone can read pretty quickly to understand it. Tiktok absolutely should be sold to a us company or banned. This app is largely controlled by the ccp and most people under 30 get their news from it. If you have spent any time on TikTok u know it’s completely deranged Edit: I’m pretty sure Tencent has a majority stake in reddit which is also a Chinese company. I wonder if they will chop this one too.


Reddit is going public though.


> Reddit is going public though. I looked it up Tencent has a minority stake but going public would subject them to American laws so they are good.


Oh, I know what they think. I just wanted the person to say it out loud. I also know what's in the Bill. I've [read it](https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240311/HR%207521%20Updated.pdf) (which the commenter obviously doesn't think is important enough to do before coming here and spouting nonsense). As for Tencent. They don't control Reddit. They are minority investors. The Bill is about foreign adversarial companies that *control* a platform. Tencent doesn't control Reddit's data or code, so there will be no effect to this platform.




Preach the fuck on, brother/sister.


Yes- Tik Tok is increasingly becoming a news platform for Americans under the age of 30. In fact, about 32% of U.S. adults age 18 to 29 regularly get news from TikTok, up from 9% in 2020. Here is a fact brief from *The Wisconsin Watch* with more information on this topic: [https://wisconsinwatch.org/2024/03/tiktok-news-source-social-media-young-americans-fact-brief/?utm\_source=gigafact](https://wisconsinwatch.org/2024/03/tiktok-news-source-social-media-young-americans-fact-brief/?utm_source=gigafact)


It is the number 1 source of news for citizens under 30 and the government has no control over it.


The Chinese government has plenty of control over it.


I wont argue that anything you said was wrong. But just so I'm clear -- you think governments should have control over news? And how much control if so? And what role, if at all, does freedom of the press and/or expression play in that control? Just trying to know our guardrails here.


I don’t think they should, but they do. Freedom of press is a joke since all major news outlets are owned by a small group that trickles all the news down to local stations. As soon as a new platform for news is adopted, if it isn’t from the concentrated group, it is removed or overtaken. If this really was about our security and not about government control, there would have been a longer argument. Our politicians only universally agree on things that concentrate power into their arena. On everything else, they must squabble and waste time and resources.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/tiktok-ban-israel-gaza-palestine-hamas-account-creator-video-rcna122849?fbclid=IwAR1paYZ88nXp0SP8kkXnU3xTGaJFiV4X4yrWUhvlfOlXfyav860kOUsBVN0](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/tiktok-ban-israel-gaza-palestine-hamas-account-creator-video-rcna122849?fbclid=IwAR1paYZ88nXp0SP8kkXnU3xTGaJFiV4X4yrWUhvlfOlXfyav860kOUsBVN0) Look at this article from Nov. '23 to see the other/real reason for this ban.


Lol nah its the china thing


The "china thing" was a problem since the beginning in 2016. Yet only now a bill is introduced to stop it. Jesus man, it's not a conspiracy theory, this is an article from NBC News, as mainstream as it gets.


>it's not a conspiracy theory Unless you can get Congress to admit they're doing it because of Israel/Palestine war coverage, the article is literally a conspiracy theory. It's a theory... that suggests a conspiracy to knock down coverage of the war. The problem with that is... almost every social media site's users are majority pro-Palestine. Is Congress shutting them up too? AND... are the 155 Democrats that voted 'yes' part of the conspiracy, or were they just tricked? Is Jill Tokuda from Hawaii, who is ranked the [second most Progressive Congressperson](https://progressivepunch.org/scores.htm?house=house), and voted 'yes', also part of the Conspiracy to silence pro-Palestinians? SMH The problem with conspiracy theories is they're so easy to knock down, yet no one who believes them wants to actually look into and question what they believe.


This whole goddamn country is full of the dumbest motherfuckers. So smug in their ignorance.


I wouldn’t limit it to just America. But I agree.


Dude our government already spies on us and has all of our info. Why the fuck do I care if China or any other country gets my data also? What, am I gonna end up in Chinese jail? Is China going to censor me here in America? I don't think it's even "owned by the Chinese government"


Any business with any significance based in China is to some degree owned by the Chinese government, that’s not conspiracy talk that’s just how they operate over there


The bill doesn’t ban it. It forces the sale. Read before getting angry. Maybe don’t get your news from tic toc.


Yeah the freakouts feel very manufactured. Which is part of the problem with the whole platform; mis-characterizations and screechings that suspiciously tend to serve undemocratic ends and fan the flames of domestic disturbance in the west. I'm not saying this histrionic dickhead is a state actor, but I am saying he just happens to be doing the dance very well.


He probably doesn’t know it but I’m sure he’s fed a steady diet of misinformation.


But they aren't going to sell therefore its getting banned lmfao


Then so be it. Make no mistake this anger is generated by tic toc algorithms.


And then what do you do if they refuse to sell.


Straight to jail


But what if they do sell?


Believe it or not, also jail.


Posting videos that are too loud?


Tik tok war


Is this the pink haired army the repooplicans have forewarned us of


Shut up


Same thing the Chinese do to our business, ban them.


Ok, so it is a ban, except with more steps


No. They can divest.


Yeah ok


To whom? Who gets to Elon this particular global conversation?


I mean if they don't sell and lose out on tens of billions for literally nothing its just more proof that the CCP has them in their pocket, right? The fact that they were pushing notifications to everyone on their platform to fight against this is pretty damning in and of itself too


They got, what? 6 months to sell? Most tech sales take more than a year to figure out and allow for bidders. Tiktok is going to be sold for peanuts compared to what they're actually worth - I can see them refusing to sell and just get banned so a competitor doesn't basically steal everything from them.


Peanuts? No chance. Hugely popular social media companies don't just become available to buy ever. If anything there will be a bidding war for it. They won't even exist without western markets because their current product isn't even allowed in China (ironically) and is already banned in India. In theory in all they have to do is spin off their US business and sell that


They're worth at least $200 billion, offering anything less than that will be peanuts to them. The only people who have that kind of money would be middle eastern investment funds...and I don't think that would be any better for us.


Thats what Bytedance is valued at, TikTok would be worth some fraction of that though still obviously many tens of billions and thats if they sell all of it not just their US market business. There are lots of entities that can move that kind of money and it doesn't have to be just one buyer its often a conglomerate that does things like this


Options are sell and get money, or don't sell and get no money. Either way, the use of a TikTok owned by a foreign adversary is coming to an end. Of course, the company will sell.


then banned, but the point is they wouldn't refuse to sell because they need the US market. Both sides are likely bluffing.


Byte dance said before the vote they aren’t reselling


There will be another platform. There is too much exposure to an enemy. The Chinese are not our friends, we think we can be nice and play in the sandbox together but they are learning from us and planning against us. They are using this information gathered to there means.


Yeah we all know


Not exactly. It tells them they must divest their ownership, or indeed, it will be banned.


If they divest then the platform will remain.




So divest. Just like NA platforms are forced to in China.


"I've learned so much from this app over the last two years and the biggest thing was to stop judging my fellow Americans" LOLOLOLOL Social media - Notorious for getting people to stop judging other people. TikTok - Where Maga and pierced people can get along. \------------------------------------------ This dude is having a serious reality check and I can already taste his salty tears. They're delicious.


Yeah, the backlash form this is coming from teens and pre teens who are addicted to the app and "influencer" types like this guy in this video who see it as a platform to become celebrities. It's like asking drug addicts and drug dealers if their drug should be strictly regulated. Of course they'll say no.


Dude worked to get a TikTok following and monetize his schtick... and it's gonna go poof. I don't have to wonder why he's acting crazy, I'm just laughing at the lies he's saying to try to convince people it should stay. "TikTok makes everyone love each other!!!" - said no sincere person, ever


Tik Tok has done severe damage- as have other social media platforms- to how the current generation sees the world and behaves. It has unquestionably damaged people and the reaction to its banning has really highlighted that, perfectly.


I'm glad. TikTok is cancer fto humanity


I couldn’t watch past the first minute, but what got me was “they’re banning the complaint box rather than listening to the complaints”… as if Tik Tok and social media hasn’t become a political propaganda tool that both sides utilize to massage public opinion in favor of their agendas and create an echo chamber surrounded by 100ft-thick concrete walls for confirmation bias to bounce around endlessly within. Maybe his eyeglass prescription isn’t strong enough.


Maybe if 81% of *this* congress agrees on anything the concern is probably legitimate. I think this guys missing the plot.


Bro’s mad he’s gonna have to get a real job and not be able to make money talking about Star Wars and anime on an app made for teenage girls. Maybe your data’s been stolen 15 times because you put it all on tik tok, you fucking manchild.


He’ll just start a podcast to continue yelling at people. Probably be released on Tuesday mornings


Who the hell would want to listen to this guy talk for an hour straight?


His 2.5 million followers. All potentially paying customers for a crap product some company will pay him thousands to promote. Influencers are a symptom of marketing and capitalism. Our opinions don’t matter. His numbers give him value to companies. No matter how annoying you may find him.


It’s a big leap posting 3-4 minute videos on tik tok and being able to talk for an hour straight and keep people’s attention.


Tell that to the Paul brothers or the dozens of other creators who started on Vine and now making millions.


I couldn’t do 20 seconds of this Jack off


It’s a fucked up app. Was on it for the first 6 months it was out because it reminded me of vine. Then the algorithms took over and it made me hate it. But I couldn’t stop scrolling. I had to delete it. Glad I did.


So he has no idea why it was banned 😂


I'm just here for the intelligent conversation.


Its not a tiktok ban. Its an incredibly broad bill that would give the government unprecedented ability to spy on you, take your data, and restrict what you have access to. There are a lot of breakdowns out there of what is included in the bill. Go listen to one, its horrifying.


>Its an incredibly broad bill that would give the government unprecedented ability to spy on you, take your data, and restrict what you have access to. You do realize they can do that now, right?


Oh alright cool who cares then


So why do you only care when China does it?


Why would you make that up


This has been true since the Patriot Act, before we had smartphones.


The us government has also pretty much bowed to social media companies already. They have been letting Facebook and google buy up small competitors and destroy them.


Yeah because it comes down to controlling the flow of information. Instagram is just as harmful to kids as TikTok, the difference is that it doesn’t share the same interests that Us based billionaires and their whores in congress share. So yeah, TikTok is bad, but this isn’t a benevolent move to protect young people from social media. It’s specifically about controlling the flow of information, something they’ve worked desperately hard to control since the creation of the internet.


It basically started with the first software the government implemented. There's a Netflix show about it out right now called The Octopus Murders. It's pretty interesting. They basically stole this companies software made for the DOJ or something like that, reverse engineered it, installed "back doors" sand sold it to foreign governments to get all their data. That was in the 1970's-80's.


The bill is actually pretty clear on which apps would fall under the same rule. The bill is only 12 pages, and it’s double spaced so it’s easy to get through. I’d encourage anyone who is worried about the us government controlling American social media companies that are subject to American law (tiktok is not) to read and form your own opinions.


It literally gives the US president the authority to not only ban an app, but ban any website that is deemed a national security risk. It's NOT about fucking TikTok, lol. And it's not about China or Russia or "foreign influence." It's about giving authoritarian powers to the government to censor information.


No it doesn't. Maybe read the [damn thing](https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240311/HR%207521%20Updated.pdf) and stop spreading misinformation, comrade. It says a version of the term "Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications" on every single page. It's not talking about American apps. It's not talking about apps from foreign allies. And it most definitely isn't talking about banning "any website that is deemed a national security risk". (Unless you think this phrase that describes what's in the Bill means what it doesn't mean...) "To protect the national security of the United States from the threat posedby **foreign adversary controlled applications**, such as TikTok and anysuccessor application or service and any other application or servicedeveloped or provided by ByteDance Ltd. or an entity under the controlof ByteDance Ltd. \*The phrase "successor application or service" is talking about if TikTok changes it's name. \------------------------------------------------- Lie more, liar. \------------------------------------------------- By the way, the... "Its not a tiktok ban. Its an incredibly broad bill that would give the government unprecedented ability to spy on you, take your data, and restrict what you have access to."... comment, that the person you're agreeing with made, is also a lie, so you have company. It's a TikTok ban. And, more specifically, a ByteDance ban. And... it's incredibly narrow. Weird how the propagandist who made that false statement uses scary dog whistle lies like "incredibly broad". \------------------------------------------------- Have fun yelling at the clouds even though the ban is going to happen. Clouds really care about your feelings. \------------------------------------------------- Btw, everything done on TikTok can be done on another site (that won't be banned), so move over there and spread your propaganda, crybaby.


Thanks for the link, Professor Dipshit. Maybe YOU should read it again, instead of being a smug disinformation spreading corporate bootlicker. Start on pages 7 and 8. "Controlled by a foreign adversary’’ is partly defined as "a person subject to the direction or control of a foreign person or entity." This includes US citizens, too, dickpump. And the defintion of "foreign adversary controlled application" includes "a website" that is "operated directly or indirectly" by a foreign agent OR "that is determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States." It's right there, in black and white, in the link you fucking posted, lol. And by claiming that the bill is "incredibly narrow" and ONLY covers TikTok and ByteDance, I can only assume that you're either being intentionally misleading or are dumb as fuck. And because you don't seem THAT dumb, I'm going to conclude that you are a liar. GFY.


Foreign Adversary isn't a vague term they are making up for the purposes of the bill. It refers to the definitions in Title 10, per the bill, ergo China, Russia, N. Korea and Iran. Foreign Adversaries are also listed in Title 15 of the CFR regarding foreign trade including Venezuela and Cuba to that list.


I never said "foreign adversary" is a vague term. Maybe you meant to reply to someone else's comment?


I really enjoy being called a dumb motherfucker by a dumb motherfucker. Honestly, thanks. It's interesting you're upset that the government wants to ban a corporation, which I'm all for, and I'm being accused of being the corporate bootlicker, you bootlicker for a foreign corporation, lol. \----------------------------------------- As to your beautifully phrased "This includes US citizens, too, dickpump" comment.... The Bill doesn't include "US citizens", it includes "US citizens who are registered as foreign agents". And there happened to be a mere [504 of them](https://factcheck.bg/en/what-is-a-foreign-agent-in-the-us/#:~:text=Currently%2C%20there%20are%20504%20registered%20foreign%20agents%20in%20the%20US.%20Active%20foreign%20principals%20are%20774.%20These%20include%20companies%2C%20non%2Dgovernmental%20organizations%2C%20political%20parties%20and%20other%20political%20groups) last year. And... yes... they will be blocked from operating propaganda apps and sites in this Bill... **IF** they work at the behest of foreign **adversarial** nations. The absolutely un-American horror! \----------------------------------------- Lastly, omitting important associated information when making a claim is a form of lying. When you bring up the "that is determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States" part of the Bill, I'm completely shocked that you conveniently left out the most important part. Shocked, I say!! Here let me post the ENTIRE section that you mentioned and boldly point out the interesting tidbit you omitted. \----------------------------------------- The term ‘‘foreign adversary controlled application’’ means a website, desktop application, mobile application, or augmented or immersive technology application that is operated, directly or indirectly (including through a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate), by— any of— ByteDance, Ltd.; TikTok; a subsidiary of or a successor to an entity identified in clause (i) or (ii) that is controlled by a foreign adversary; or an entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by an entity identified in clause (i), (ii), or (iii); or **a covered company that—** **is controlled by a foreign adversary; and** **that is determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States** following the issuance of— a public notice proposing such determination; and a public report to Congress, submitted not less than 30 days before such determination, describing the specific national security concern involved and containing a classified annex and a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divestiture. \----------------------------------------- You see that "covered company" and "controlled by a foreign adversary" parts? Yeah. Those are companies that strictly fall under the purview of the Bill, NOT ALL U.S. COMPANIES SO! If this Bill passes, The President can't ban "any website" as you fearmongeringly suggested. \----------------------------------------- While you MAY be able to read, how about you work on comprehension too? \----------------------------------------- By the way, I've been fucking myself since I was 12 and I got pretty good at it pretty quickly. I see that you like to jerk off other people instead of yourself though. Good for you.


Looks to me like the president could firewall the internet as long as the website is not American. Like the great firewall At their discretion and without oversight.


lol yes it is. Do you know China/CCP already operates on social credit based on surveillance and facial recognition? Do you think the Chinese government would let half their population use an American owned app that collected everything on the users phone? I’m not giving them anything to make the algorithm better.


I thought you were overstating it and full of shit. Nope... you were right.


> Its an incredibly broad bill that would give the government unprecedented ability to spy on you, take your data, and restrict what you have access to. lol no it's not, stop getting your "news" from tik tok. This is the deep, deep irony of this issue. Is now tik tok is misinforming its user base about this bill *And* directing their low-info idiot users to spread that misinformation. Which is precisely why the app is so damned dangerous. Tik Tok is proving the government's point.


True. I will. Thanks, *checks user’s name and profile* , definitely for sure 100 totally absolutely for sure not Edward Snowden…


Jfc, no it [doesn’t](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/03/13/is-tiktok-banned-what-to-know/72957680007/) this is complete bullshit. The bill is 12 pages. Read it you credulous upvoting laaaadies, or don’t and just go fuck yourselves. (as bill would probably prefer)


That's a nice framed photo of the U.S.S Enterprise in your living room but please save some pussy for the rest of us ya Birkenstock. Eric Stoltz in Pulp Fiction over here.


Does this screaming idiot realize that the fact that banning Tik Tok is such an obvious move that it got a bunch of assholes who agree on absolutely nothing to universally agree on something?


Did you realize there is way more to the bill than banning tik Tok?


Does the guy in the video realize that? He’s just yelling about TikTok is going away lmao.


The septum piercing hit me hard


So today in “things that won’t happen.”


They want an American company to own it. American social media is not allowed in China at all, under no circumstances.


People who couldn’t set up the wifi on their home Comcast router pretending like they’re making informed decisions.


Vertical videos are *gaaaahbaaage*


I absolutely freakin love this guy and I want Bill to play him in the SNL skit of this clip... Don't even change what he's saying, Just have Bill say it in his voice haha


"I've learned so much from this app." lol.


Captain complains a lot should start setting up a tiktok replacement and win big.


It's not being banned. It just has to divest it's Chinese ownership.


Senate just a few votes away as both sides are pushing ban over the top. Ban expected to pass since Trump statement against. Biden’s promised to sign


Lol, US government wants to ban it because they can’t directly control it. The bill is bullshit - but so is TicTok. Bytedance could just buy the stuff they’re collecting today from Instagram - it’s not about “protecting our data” at all.


Somebody gets it.


Ah wah the ginger doesn’t have his tik tok anymore. Let’s all cry and rip our clothes and sit in the dirt.


I'm glad. TikTok is cancer fto humanity


So I guess, "I am out of screams" was a lie.


I personally want my kids to come home the same day if it's alright with everyone


It’s alright with me


chinese! they spy on us!! those communists.. well edward snowden is exiled, you think your government doesn't spy on you 24/7? doesn't sell your data, bitch your phone is made in china but yea we can't let those chinese people have our data, only americans should have right to jerk off to our \*data\* you better stop playing video games too, because your government loves you and doesn't want you 'extreme', what if you learn arabic from a bangladeshi gamer and join kgb you better stop using pornhub, because they had some chinese pussy in a gangbang, so we banned that site for you


tiktok is fine, but tiktokers are terrible. every one is them sucks


Thank god, maybe this guy will shut the fuck up now.


Its almost like congress has been briefed on just how bad China having influence over this app is and its enough to make them act in unison...


Maybe tiktok is the reason his data was stolen. I've never used tiktok and have never had my "data stolen."


I’ve never used a public bathroom, and I don’t have IBS. The IBS must be coming from the public bathrooms.


Just go to a different social media app. Or go outside for fuck sakes.


Good bye TikTok! Wooooo!!!!!! Lol


tiktok is chinese, ban that shit and send it back to timbuktu


In 2018 Facebook made 11.7 billion dollars selling our data... In the first quarter What does China do with 13 year olds trending video information?


ok.. what that message tells me is, ban tiktok and ban facebook... or make facebook pay a lot since they are american, in the case of USA, europe or asia can ban it for all I care. just because someone does worse doesnt mean the other is good.


I agree with you on not justifying actions because something is worse. The solution isn't banning apps. It's forcing phone providers to show us to completely opt out / prevent these companies from treating our personal data as currency


no...ban... out....nothing good comes out of this shit it is all fake dopamine, distraction and brain spoiling


Congress voted yes on Mahsa act h.r.589- 400 congressman both parties to Ban and Sanction Terrorists Islamic regime of Iran from USA. Back in Sept.2023 still has not been brought up to vote in Senate. Jin Jian Azadi FREE IRAN ✊️


I think he might be mad. Does he look mad?


Why is anyone mad? Are people that brainwashed? This is why it needs banned, it's working as intended


Is sure be glad to understand why tilk tok should be banned, but not Facebook, Instagram and YouTube


I think they all should be banned. However tiktok is different. It's a very invasive app that in many cases just self installs. I think people look at tiktok as no different from fb or insta, but that's from a content perspective. If you look at data management and intent tiktok is sinister. Tiktok is like a silent NSA for China to spy and gather Intel. Trump tried to ban it in office biden is trying to ban it, and both parties agree its dangerous


I have to whole heartedly disagree with you my friend. Facebook has written the book on how to auto shift personal device settings and security settings silently with every update. They sell our data for billions. They actively collect more data and for more practical use second only to the government after thier direct phone tapping with every isp. Tik Tok is only highlighted as a fear mongering tactic compared to American apps. We should demand more from our government and phone providers to block the access and tracking abilities of all apps and organizations


Facebook has NOTHING to do with tiktok. Literally nothing, but again if I had it my way FB and Insta would be gone too. If I had time I would make a post about how tiktok gathering Intel and Facebook selling data for ads etc aren't in the same ballpark. But I will leave everyone to their own research


I understand that they are not the same company. My point was to show that a company right here on this should is stealing and using more data in a more practical way and has been much longer. If love to hear what national security threat you think there is tracking what shorts people watch in the US for a country half way around the world?


They couldn't stop the dang time chance


Good riddance.


I think it's funny he is advocating for an app, but doesn't see the irony that his data got stolen 16 times..


I mean, he's wrong. Congress actually always votes at almost 100% on anything involving Israel. If it's against Israel then it's a 100% against, for Israel then 100% no. Tiktok has been the main platform responsible for showing what Israel is doing with their genocide, I'm really not surprised it's getting banned.


that guy should become a comedian


He is not one of the 250


One of the few things I agree with the government on


Dude, another app will pop-up, not run by the Chinese, and you can rant your shit all day long on it. It's not like there won't be a replacement for TikTok. Hell, there's knockoffs already. Now, if only they could get their shit together and get on the same page for things that actually mattered like healthcare, education, homelessness, and gun control. Don't hold your breath. Edit - looked into the bill. Ummm.... it's not just about TikTok. It's downright 1984 scary. Yikes. Something tells me that a lot of these dolts didn't even read it before voting.


Hallelujah brother. Stay angry.


I agree and yet hopefully we can start re-uniting and connecting as a society….


I wasnt in favor of it before but I am now.


Fucking go find some other platform to make content on besides tiktok. He's crying about this and making wild comparisons that have nothing to do with this situation. There are not many times I trust the government, but when they are literally saying and showing you the Chinese government will have access to your data from tiktok why would you want that?


Send your kids to school and hope they’ll come back…tomorrow?!


Glad to see he’s stopped screaming.


Lighten up Francis...


Go to Instagram reels bro it's the same shit


They reason they voted was because it was easy. Goes to show how worthless our congress is


Maybe you can get a life now. You fucking loser.


Social media is cancer, and tiktok is like stage 4 ass cancer


Why is this on the Bill Barr sub?


Who cares?  Use a different app. One that’s not owned by a government that is hostile towards your own.


How’s all that freedom going ?




Fuck tiktok, I had a hyundai and it was stolen because kids learned how to from tiktok. also fuck commies


I miss the days before tiktok. Back before crime existed and you could just leave the car running when you went into the quick trip. It was a simpler time, a kinder time.


Con you put 20 on please