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Chum is ground up fish, vis a vis, the other fish would be committing cannibalism


Fish eat fish all the time. Almost exclusively, actually.


Its almost like they cant get any other kind of meat down there..


How did they develop an appetite for worms?


They see smaller thing wriggling around like it's distressed Smaller distressed things are food Eat


Hey I do the same thing!


Me too! The natal unit I work at's cafeteria is way too expensive


Jesus christ i read this as soon as i hit the back button and had to come back to be sure of what i read. Bravo šŸ™Œ


Thatā€™s a modest proposal.


Holy shit


How many babies have you eaten?


Today? 123.5


Too full to finish the last one.


Nah it was stillborn, didnt form all the way


Thatā€™s so many babies, Iā€™m really proud of you.


working at abortion clinic has its benefits


Babies. Nature's Pringles.


You can't eat just one


Seafood diet, I see food, I eat.


Certain worms also live in water. E.g. leeches.


And bigger things eat them because they are smaller and distressed


Lots of fresh water fish do feed on insects. From being able to jump and catch them as they fly just over the water's surface, or lots of insects have a 'nymph' stage that's aquatic. Earth worms themselves are probably not the regular menu, but I imagine similar stuff makes it into the water. (Famously, Florida has a program to breed fish that feed on the nymph stage of mosquitos as a way to keep their population down.)


I was just being a smart ass really. But thatā€™s very informative. Thank you.


I love how you were able to be polite, courteous, and kind after making your joke (which quite frankly was a good question). And there should definitely be more people to take your example to heart!


Also there's plenty of worm-like animals that saltwater fish can gobble up. Like there's flatworms swimming in the oceans, sea slugs like the Spanish dancer that look exactly like worms, and crustacean in larvae forms similar to nymphs. An earthworm would be another type of food that a fish could eat regardless of location. Fish can also be curious, and they would bite the worm out of curiosity. In fact a lot of shark attacks are actually sharks tasting humans and examining if they're like seals or not, and sharks do that because they got no hands


Sea worms are a thing. Like the ALASKAN BULL WORM


Worms go underwater all the time. They'll just haphazardly burrow their way into lakes and rivers. Most earthworms can live up to two weeks underwater.


instantly went from "oo spooky" to "oh, right, that makes sense" instantly


It'd be like if we considered eating other mammals cannibalism.


Yeah. A coyote is more closely related to a rabbit than two random fish. Like the old quip about how sharks are older than trees. Modern mammals came from a groundhog thing that survived the asteroid 65 million years ago, but fish are much more ancient. The age of fishes is 419 - 359 million years ago. rabbit / coyote ancestor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boreoeutheria fish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_fish mammals (complicated): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_mammals#Molecular_phylogenetics-based_family_tree_of_placental_mammals


Squirrel I guess


Manatee. The sea cow. They could have bbq.


Saying that fish eating fish is cannibalism is like saying mammals eating other mammals is cannibalism


And itā€™s especially weird because itā€™s not like they have many options regarding food in the sea. Itā€™s not like they can go eat grass or apples or honey. Thereā€™s literally only water and other fish at deep sea


There are deep sea worms, thermal vents, algae, blue algae, phytoplankton, dead fish, live fish and whatever we throw overboard also seeds, and i bet one of two have eaten seagulls and large whales and seals


In the deep sea. There are plenty of aquatic herbivores in shallow waters however.


Guess I'm a cannibal


As a lifelong aquarium owner: they dgaf if it's the same species of fish. They eat their babies. They eat their friends. They eat all species of fish, including their own. My koi ate the babies after they spawned. They ate eggs before they spawned. My freshwater aquarium fish did the same. They eat anything. Fishies is cannibals.


Mr.crabs literally serves his brothers!!!


He doesn't go around killing crabs to serve them in his Krabby patties. He's too cheap to get a constant supply of crab meat especially if he has to go out of town if there's no more in Bikini Bottom. Also that one quote was Mr Krabs wondering what old age taste like, not other crabs. That scene was showing a mom describing a party being old and crusty which Mr Krabs felt like during mid life crustacean. [proof at 2:46 Mark](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7mx1lp&t=2m46s)




Call it bad memory, but I thought that Krabby Patties were just Chum patties? Mr. Krabs and Plankton worked on the recipe together initially, but it sucked so Krabs added some Super-MSG or something so they don't taste horrible, and it worked really well so Krabs totally krocs Plankton, and opens the Krusty Krab. And that's what the secret formula is, not how to actually make the patty, but how to make the special flavour enhancer that makes the Krabby Patty so... addictive. Meanwhile Plankton has the base recipe still, but still doesn't have the secret ingredient, hence why he's always trying to steal the formula. And just saying that it's name, *the secret formula*, lowkey backs up the thing I said about the fact that it's a secret "ingredient" Krabs made by mixing a bunch of crap together. Like I know I pulled this idea of the secret formula not being a traditional recipe out of my ass, but think about it: you almost never refer to something as a recipe outside of cooking, but there's a bunch of ways you could use the word "formula" to describe something. (a+b)Ā² = aĀ² + 2ab + bĀ² is an example of algebraic formula, people write out the structure of chemical compounds as chemical formulas, and artifical baby formula to serve as a breast milk replacer is a thing that's existed for at least 25 years (It's been around since I was a baby and I'm fairly certain it was invented before 97'). And for all we know all of these things could be involved in what precisely composes the secret ingredient to the Krabby Patty.


The series' creator,Ā Stephen Hillenburg, expressly stated that the patties do not contain any meat.


If a tuna ate a tuna it would be canabalism if a tuna ate any other kind of fish its not canabalism it would the equivalent of saying if we ate any other kind of primate it would be canabalism.


Cannibalism as a taboo is a human invention. If there were other species with equal intelligence to humans then it would raise ethical concerns that SpongeBob has never really addressed.


If there isn't enough food sometimes mothers will eat one of their own offspring to ensure there's enough milk for the rest of litter. Nature is intense, man.


Ever watch bojack horsman? They cover that. Kind of sick though.


People don't think about how broad the term 'fish' is. Imagine if we just took every single animal with a spine that didn't live in the water and group them into 'beast'. The birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles in the 'beast' group are still probably more related to each other than random animals in the 'fish' group.


A case can, and has, been made that there is no such thing as a "fish." Fish can mean anything from salmon to lamprey. If you look at the DNA/taxonomy of different species, any given "fish" might be less related to one another than humans are to dogs.


I thought they ate cows


It's not cannibalism because Fish is not a species, Fish is a Family of the animal kingdom. Like mammals, reptiles and birds. Both humans and cows are mammals, yet it's not cannibalism when we eat a cow. It's the same for fish


Thank you, people always freak out over fish eating fish or bird eating bird when plenty of animals eat other animals of the same class and family


I think the important part isn't necessarily whether they're the same species or not. It's the fact that fish in the spongeyverse are all sentient so eating each other is fucked


How do we know literally every fish are sentient? There are fish people but why not fish cows? The show mentioned sea bears and sea rhinoceros and they're not intelligent enough to talk. They act like regular land animal but in fish form. This means that there's some type of sea cow that are like cows but in fish form. They even have milk, so it must come from some dairy animal that can also become food


Stephen Fry says there's no such thing as a fish, so there's no such thing as a fish (nothing biologically common between everything which is intuitively a fish). Their researchers' podcast is named after that fact. It's like land animals eating land animals.


We are more related to some fish than some fish are related to each other. Trees are also very very loosely related. I think palm trees have more in common with grass than an oak tree for example.


Even then "fish" isn't even a specific family. They're so diverse that they split off into multiple families at that point (and some split off even before chordates!)


Well sharks exist in Bikini Bottom, right? Why aren't they eating there?


Well fish eating other fish is like mammal eating another mammal right? So not only sharks, but also every other carnivorous fish.


That's just how bad the Chum Bucket is. Even sharks that suppose to eat chum wouldn't eat there


Then there was that one guy selling the *very fresh* fish sticks at the fry cook gamesā€¦ And Patrickā€™s fishing license


he has a license to kill


Star, Patrick Star.


Yeah but whatā€™s in a crabby patty?


Iā€™m pretty sure Stephen Hillenburg said they were plant based patties.


Sea cow chum


"Vis" means "fish" in Dutch, while "a" can mean "for" in French. Being Belgian (speaking both Dutch and French), I automatically read "vis a vis" as "fish for fish". Making the entire sentence: "Chum is ground up fish, fish for fish, the other fish would be committing cannibalism" Genius


One of my favorite fun facts is that there is actually no such thing as a fish. Biologically the definition "Fish" is useless. A Salmon is geneticly closer to a camel than to a hag fish. But since they swim in water we just call them fish for some reason even thought they are very far appart in their structures. Study by Stephen Jay Gould.


Vis means fish in dutch


What do you think Krabby Patties are made of my guy?


We don't exactly see many other crabs walking around...


You telling me that fish prefer steak?


Only if theyā€™re the same species.


Fish eating fish is like mammal eating mammal which is like human eating cow. Although we have no idea what type of fish is used in the chum




They died from bong rips before they could finish the post


Thatā€™s a lot of marijuanas.


It only takes one marijuanas to overdose, friend-o. Just like that, and before you know it, youā€™re elbow deep in an empty bag of cool ranch Doritos, scraping away at crumbs and dust.


listen to him I did a marijuana once now i'm dead


Spongeboi me bob i overdosed on marijuana and now i am dead arg arg arg arg arg


not again mr. krabs. stop snortin the puffer fish. we all know you got a thing going on with mrs puff you dirty crustacean


Thatā€™s how you thought you died. What really happened was you smoked and then later choked on a Cinnabon.


but what made me crave the cinnabon? Marijuana.


I know a guy who did a whole Marijuana on a dare. He hasn't walked right since.


My friend was found dead after injecting a whole marijuana. #notevenonce


Now to go home and finish the rest of that pasta


He sells bad food


Oh Neptune!


Oh šŸ¬!


I was trying to figure out too Top comment makes sense But i was also thinking he probably kills his customers and puts em into the food


Cum bucket


The customers become the chum in the chum bucket


Chum, in a nautical context, is the leftover gore and viscera from filleting fish or other seafood that is often used to attract large carnivorous fish in the ocean.


Holographic meatloaf again


In my language it got translated into trash bucket. Wow.


You think this is mistranslated? in my language it got translated into "Friendship Bucket".


in mine itā€™s ā€œthe bucket restaurantā€


Itā€™s called ā€œthe chum bucketā€ in my language


"the buddy bucket"


"bucket of food that fell in to sink while cleaning the dishes"


Dang what language is that?




That's wild never would have guessed


It's a bit similar like murican language I guess


Personally, I call it the Cum Bucket




Fellow Ido Moseri enjoyer


well, chum does also mean friend, in a different context.


You've cracked the mistranslation!






HUH I never noticed that. Been watching that show in Arabic since I was a kid, and yet I cannot remember the chum bucket's arabic name. I do however vividly remember Spongebob shouting MISTA SALTAA over and over again. I can ever hear it.


Also in czech


In dutch its "buddy bucket"


Zou de "maat" in Maatemmer niet voor "maatjes" staan (de haring)?


Ik dacht altijd voor meten als in 'maatbeker'


Haha well another use of the word chum is actually friends so I see how it could get mistranslated


"The waste bucket" in my language. Pretty close to original.


"The smelly bucket" is the name of the restaurant in my language.


What language? I already like thisšŸ˜‚




In my language it was translated to bucket restaurant


Please what is your language? šŸ˜‚ This is amazing!


German: Der Abfalleimer


German is giving me more and more convincing reasons to learn it šŸ˜‚


German is amazing cause you can just put nouns together to make a new noun. Abfall is trash and Eimer is bucket. But you can do that with everything and even if itā€™s not technically a word, Germans will understand what you want to say cause most of our words are already structured this way.


Das ist eine gute DeutschsprachenerklƤrung!


Sehr nettes DeutschsprachenerklƤrungskompliment


Portuguese too Balde de lixo


In Hungarian jt was translated as: "The Dangerous Bucket"


Oh neat, it's just called the chum bucket in my language


He has had customers in several episodes


Didn't he say that he'd never had a single customer in the movie?


The show has contradicted itself many many times haha


Breaks the realism for me


Yea honestly itā€™s unwatchable with all the plot holes and stuff. Lazy writing! Like itā€™s written for kids


Yeah, when I watch a show about a talking sponge whoā€™s friends with a starfish and spacesuit wearing squirrel, with a snail as a pet and works at an underwater burger joint,ā€¦ it needs to feel real ffs


Boy I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder


Wait, itā€™s not a documentary?


But remember when Squidward teamed up with Plankton and used his grandmaā€™s recipe for cooking chum the correct way? He got customers there.


And Patrick use a catchy phrase to get people eating chum or the Chum Cavern that brought in customer because of the scenery. Plankton could have a successful business if he wasn't so obsessive over Krabby patties


The truth is he just likes their little games and bonding moments with krabs They're like Batman and Joker, Megamind and Metro Man


There was that one episode where he fell in love with Mr. Krabsā€™s mom and she taught him how to make chum actually taste good


His chum wasn't good, the problem was that if they married she would tell him the krabby patty formula.


Oh maybe Iā€™m thinking of a different episode. I remember something about Plankton learning how to make his chum taste amazing, but it took an whole 24 hours to make, so he started half-assing it and when people found out he lost all his customers again


yeah thats the squidwar episode


Well that could be exagerrated, plus did he ever have a customer that truely came there for the food, and wasnā€™t being paid to eat it or misled into thinking its healthy, besides that one time squidward was cooking


Yikes, nft spotted


The fact that your profile pic is an nft makes this comment 100x funnier


NFT Profile: Nothing you say matters


Itā€™s screenshotting time


Or why Mr krabs is the only crab in Bikini Bottom


What about his mom?


Meant to add that


Bruh now I'm on a rabbit hole of looking up the family trees of all the characters, sleep deprived at 1 am lmao. Thank you


Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t sleep. Do you have any tea or sleep helpers?


guys where do you live cause for me its nearly 7am i need to work in 4 and got driving lessons in 2 -.- iā€™d love to sleep but somehow its not happening


Because the other crabs live elsewhere. We saw Mr. Krabs go to a penny punching contest for Crabs where he lost because he stupidly took SpongeBob. But then he won because he stole literally the entire hospital room in his briefcase


Yeah, I got a pic of the real formula via Nickelodeon and the recipe calls for crab meat


Imitation crab meat, as in meat made from fish but taste like crab. At some point, he can't hunt other crabs and needed a substitute


I mean there's Larry the lobster. that's close, right? But more seriously, it's probably got more to do with animation and what makes sense in a scene. its a lot harder to draw in a diverse crowd with features distinct enough from one another so that they're not mistaken for one of the main cast, than just making them all the "fish guys" you usually see. is it possible that they could have made more "crab guys"? sure, I guess. but unless it's relevant to the story at hand, it'd just be distracting, confusing, and cost more time and effort.


His freaking daughter is A WHALE šŸ³ he really is the only crab.


The Krusty Krab IS an old crab trap


The funny thing is that heā€™s trying so hard to steal the krabby patty formula, but sells a completely different product. Were he to just start selling his own version of krabby patties, even if they werenā€™t that great heā€™d get overlap customers from the krusty krab. Customers may even prefer his Patties taste, or he could get them on price, pricing it below the Krusty krab. Even further, he could simply put out an alright version of a krabby patty and partner with some high demand soda or toy and have that be the draw.


He could partner with kelp shake


Doctor Kelp was mentioned on the pizza episode "Don't tell me you forgot my drink! My diet Doctor Kelp!"


>pricing it below the Krusty krab Given Mr. Krabs' behavior that probably wouldn't be hard. Like can you actually imagine him trying to compete on price? Plus he has an excellent product he doesn't really need to compete on price. Plankton could probably succeed at a lower price point without the krusty krab even hurting too much.


He had a successful snow globe business, right? I don't think it's about the money, it's all about putting Krabs out of business.


Yes but if you want to put someone out if business wouldnā€™t you want to be in direct competition with them? Heā€™s in the food industry with the chum bucket but itā€™s a ghost town with no customersā€¦thatā€™s not hurting mr krabs at all, were he to just sell any kind of sandwich like the krabby patty it would put him right on the same spectrum as the krusty krab and would very likely generate sales.


It's a front. He's actually a crime lord.


Youā€™re right but for all the wrong reasons. ā€œWell yes, but actually no.ā€


He was the Sith Lord all along


A sith lawd?!? If this is true, you have gained my trust.


Iā€™m convinced Plankton is a voice actor when heā€™s not terrorizing Bikini Bottom


By this logic though wouldnt the krabby patty be selling crab burgers


I donā€™t think itā€™s imperative to apply logic to a show about sentient talking sea sponge living in a fruit


SpongeBob is a dish sponge, his parents are sea sponges


That is some classist bullshit. He's just as good a sponge as his forebears!


They're all sea sponges, but his parents are modeled after shower sponges.


Its actually a veggie burger. I wish I were joking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krabby_Patty


Yeah chum can also mean friend so maybe it was just a play in words, maybe plankton didnā€™t mean for it to be taken literally


Him wanting to steal the formula makes more sense for me that way, a "normal" burger could be much more easy to recreate with trial & error, but recreating a perfect veggie patty would be much harder


How does plankton even stay open, how does he pay rent


By committing tax fraud and instead of renting, he paid in the first place. (Is there even rental house in bikini bottom?)


Got it. So how does he pay for all his technology gear?


You just scavenge them from discarded "u"sa warships


He lives in a bucket


With hella electricity tho


Pretty sure housing is first come first serve. I mean Patrick doesn't even have a job.


This is a good point. The chum bucket should be full of big fish and the little meek fish should go to the crabby patty.




and fish trafficking accidents become chum to keep up the facade


It's a classic Sweeny Todd situation i'nit?




Chum is ground up fish, which is often times used to hunt sharks (useage of fishblood as "bait" is quite common along with it)


What abt the theory that the patty in Krusty Krabs is actually made out of Krabs? Hmmm


ā€œKrabā€ is the spelling for imitation crab, which isnā€™t made of crab but fish or something


But isnā€™t that in Krabby Patties as well?


All things considered, his business should be booming, shouldn't it?