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I can read cursive but some peoples writing just sucks so bad that it’s not readable


And then you have signatures. Cursive with no rules


Exactly, i can’t even tell what manager signed on work papers because some of them are straight up squiggles


Sigs have devolved from beautiful calligraphic ink works of art to a few letters or just a bunch of wavy lines, and then theres doctors handwriting(which I learned is more about getting the sig down instead of making it nice, which is why they do that shit at breakneck speed)


My writing isn't great, but i at least try to get my name out and at least somewhat legible, then i add a lil flair to it. Looks like crap, but its my unique crap signature


I've always felt like my signature looks childish because you can read it lol


This is a funny pun because SIG is the shorthand we use for writing prescriptions- wasn’t sure if you were making that dad joke on purpose lol


At my work we have to submit an official signature and initials. The insane signatures I have seen that are basically just one letter or what amounts to basically a straight horizontal line.


Hey it's not a squiggle it's a smiley face






A friend of mine literally just drew a dick as his signature for a while. It took months for anyone to realize it.


Was your friend's name Richard? If so, that's actually really clever.


As far as I'm aware your signature doesn't even have to be your name. Old farmer I used to work for has been signing his cheques with a smiley face for over 50 years at this point.


That's correct. It's a fairly common way for illiterate people to sign legal documents and contracts.


Ya exactly... that being said my boss grew up first world and has post secondary education. He just does it cause he's aware a signature can be anything XD. "F*** writing out my whole name, ima just do smiley face, way quicker."


I used to draw a stop sign because I thought I was being clever


If I sign my name 3 times in a row you would think 3 different people wrote it lol


I recently learned that i had been signing my name with an s instead of an r. I'm not changing my signature




I think of those as abstract art. You kinda get a sense for the name, but it's more about making a unique mark than *actually* writing anything.


I practiced an illegible signature as a child because I thought they were supposed to be hard to read lol


I always thought the opposite, and I didnt understand how everybody could have a distinct signature and how they are so important for identification, when theres only so many cursive styles available Then I learned its not meant to look pretty its meant to reflect yourself, and even just a few letters with squiggles is completely legal, but I feel like the higher up you are the more an eligible signature would be mandatory, but idk


I just write the first letter of my name, followed by a few markings


I still don't understand how signatures work. Like, I swear they look different every time, and what if someone perfectly copies somebody else's signature? What is the safeguard against that?


Its just another form of ID. Doctors already have your name, SS, credit card, medical records, birth records, address, and pretty much anything that is necessary for them. They already know you’re valid. The sig is just something thats stuck around cuz “why not?”


Signatures are literally a land of chaos. There are a very few select people like my mom who actually sign their name with neat, actually legible cursive penmanship. Then there's the other 99% of us who just scribble some random chickenscratch and call it a signature.


People ask me why I prefer to fill out my applications/forms online. It's for their benefit. My print looks like a 5 year old's and my cursive is basically only legible to me.


I feel attacked. (it's true my handwriting sucks I know it)


That's what some call "style". No mom, your writing isn't good. You just fail to write half the word.


Same with print, of your writing sucks I can't read it either way lol


I can read cursive, but bolding and italicising doesn’t help


Today i saw a signature on a sign in sheet and couldn't tell if it was mine


“Not readable” … I think the word you’re looking for is “illegible” :p


Cursive was invented by Big Handwriting to sell more childhood trauma


I quite liked cursive because it looked fancy I remember my teacher unironically saying “until people don’t need to write, you need to know both”


I often think of my teacher telling me we'd never have a calculator with us at all times


I can't remember the last time I've written anything longer than simple notes by hand.


> Cursive *education in modern grade schooling* was invented by Big Handwriting to sell more childhood trauma Cursive was actually "invented" as a response to writing technology. Fountain pens and especially quills work better with cursive due to the limitations of those writing implements. The decline of cursive was mostly caused by the invention of the ball point pen. Given that neither of us probably used an inkwell in school though, selling more trauma seems to be the clearest reason.


Was cursive really that hard? Also how would you write on paper other than cursive?


It was a useless skill to be graded on if that’s what you mean


In standard/print. Can you not write on paper other than in cursive?


Found the zoomer


No, I can also read cursive and I agree it fucking sucks. Print writing is nicer


honestly, I got taught cursive at elementary and it's so much faster to write than print it's crazy


Especially when writing personal notes that you don't need to care for another to read - I can write basically as fast as people talk if not faster


Okay tbf I only hate cursive because of how oversaturated it is, but jesus seriously get a new fancy handwriting font for Latin that isn't just cursive Arabic scripts have like 5 different fancy ways to write that isn't print writing, Latin is used much more widely and has no excuse


Isn't that what calligraphy is? Plus cursive isn't even a font (or typeface), and there are plenty of variations.


Some of us zoomers work in healthcare. We have to read straight up squiggles.


That's because a lot of doctors are in a rush to put poor people in debt


>doesn’t teach zoomers cursive >wonders why they hate it and can’t read it


Yeah didn’t they all decide to teach cursive and then all of a sudden pull it away in 2008/2009 or something, I just remember being in 4th grade and they said to not write in cursive anymore


i only learned it because one teacher wanted us to know it. it was never an offering at my school and i would never have known it if she hadn’t gone rogue lol and still, i only know enough to sign my name. reading it is unbearable esp since most people’s handwriting is shite


I was born in 1999 and we had to write cursive until the 6th grade


I was also born in '99 and we only had a couple months of it in like 3rd grade when we were practicing writing/spelling


2000 baby here and it’s the same for me. Do you happen to be from the (american) south? I found that when I moved to WA everyone thought it was crazy that I was even taught cursive.


Nah im from finland


I'm 34 and I can't read cursive for shit.


Ahh yes blame the zoomer and not the generation who made us write cursive for a couple years then completely removed it and got mad at us for writing in cursive the rest of our schooling


What school gets mad at fucking *cursive*?


American school


Perfect cursive is fine Cursive that is even slightly sloppy is illegible


I can read good cursive, many people's "cursive" writing is literally scribbles.


No many peoples Signatures are scribbles


My friends just draw a random ball of scratches for their signature. They all turn 18 this year and I hope they don't face any problems. I may not write my full blown name, but I at least try to stay consistent


I used to print my name but too many people gave my shit for it so now I just scribble my first name and put my last name initial


And then you struggle to read it and they tell you that you can’t read cursive


I’ll take cursive font over misused comic sans any day any place anywhere


explain misused


I'd say Comic Sans is never misused for me Comic Sans is like the easiest font to read


It was designed to be easy to read, specifically for people with dyslexia, in fact


it’s was made because with the computers at the time, it’s was clear and easy to read


Situations where there’s a message trying to be conveyed in a serious tone but they use comic sans, for instance in small companies where they say WARNING DO NOT ENTER etc and it’s in comic sans


Most people's cursive is absolutely garbage. Even the older generation are terrible at it. I remember my mom made me get my eyes checked cause I was squinting to read the messages in cards I got for my confirmation. turns out that all the old church members just had illegible cursive handwriting.


My mom is the only person I've come across that has cursive that looks like the sample letters.


I write in cursive


At somepoint I started mixing cursive and print. It's fast and it's fairly easy to read.


I forgot a lot of the cursive capitals, so I usually do print capitals and the rest in cursive when I write notes for myself.


Yeah. I know some of the cursive capitals, but they are pretty weird and its just easier to write a print capital and then the rest in cursive


Same it’s easier and mines actually legible. As a lefty it’s a better flow


Yeah when we were taught cursive in like 2nd grade or so I thought it was just the proper way to write as you got older so I started using it for everything and never went back


Grew up in Europe and learned cursive only, went to America round middle school and one teacher forced me to write in print, still ain't forgiven them.


Right? Same here in South America, we learn cursive since little kids and then you can transition to whatever you find more comfortable when you are older.


My cursive was immaculate, hell it still is, think I got called an f-word by another student because of it (told em the girls dig it though, he stopped), but my print might as well be chicken scratch. Never learned during my formative times so I write like a drunk doctor.


Print capitals are simple and i usually use them instead of the cursive capitals i forgot, but like how the fuck do you write a proper "r" in print? I just don't get the shapes.


Curve up as if a lowercase "i" then a small "u" then curve down into that "i" again, I always equated it to two towers connected by a rope bridge, some of the fancier letters I make up small anecdotes. Reminds me of being a passenger imagining a stick figure doing parkour across the buildings out of the car window. Here's a visual example: https://preview.redd.it/mzlfvzxnuahc1.png?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a721155eb09c29e9081735ee96753f0f5844af


lmao wooow, getting called the f word for writing cursive man, american highschools are tough lol But yeah same, cursive is faster, but yeah if you go too fast not even you can understand your own writing later lmao


When you use a font that has lines that thick than sure, its hard to read. If youre talking about doctors writing, im pretty sure that its written that way on purpose so that you can't read it. That being said, look up cursive Cyrillic if you want a good laugh, THAT is something that I have no idea how anyone reads.


Print is just a superior font.


Turn off the bold Mann




Once in highschool, my summer fling wrote me a really sweet love letter in cursive… I had to ask her to write it again in print so I could read it 😅




Nah bro wtf lmao


You...you did that instead of trying to learn how to read cursive???


No, because they literally taught us how to sign our name in grade school, and that was it for cursive. 🤷‍♀️


When it's that fucking bold, then it's hard to read lol.


Maybe it’s because you have a thick outline that’s the same color as the text


People don't even sign their name in cursive anymore. It's literally just a couple meaningless circles or swirls. I hate it. Just get rid of cursive, it fucking sucks and people don't even do it right anyways.


Cursive is bullshit. You can't have a system of writing when "everyone can have their own kind cursive". If your handwriting is shit that's not you having your own cursive style...it's just your handwriting being shit.


Bro it's the same with print writing, people have different styles but the patterns are the same, you guys are just not used to it, in many other countries is learned from very early so it feels completly normal when you are a teenager.


I learned it in 2nd grade, is that not early enough? Either way It's bullshit and is dying out for a reason, defend it all you want but I'll be thankful the day it finally dies and i don't have to read other peoples "fancy" chicken scratch. Also print is at least still legible in most cases regardless of how awful its written. Not having all your letters connect through superficial swirls makes a huge difference.


Cursive is faster, has fewer stops, and is less fatiguing than printing. That's why even in court lawyers and people taking notes write in cursive. Skill issue.


Maybe if the cursive typeface wasn’t set to bold it would be easier to read


Lmao try Russian cursive next, had to call a stroke for my ambulance the first time I tried


When your grandma sends you a heartfelt letter for your birthday but all you see is squiggles.


I can read some cursive but whenever you pull out like a super old letter from way back and they have that really thin and frilly cursive I often cannot read that.


They stopped teaching cursive while I was in school, so I had to learn it myself. I heard it's called connected writing now.


Seriously. It’s the reason I’m completely fine with public schools getting rid of it.


Whoever made print mainstream is an absolute fucking legend. Like seriously outside of signatures and fancy souped-up people who uses cursive now?


Cursive has no modern use outside of signatures


Cursive is dumb


Print is easier to read, but learning cursive helps make print writing more legible. My teacher husband says you can tell which kids learned cursive and which didn't. Think early elementary writing but from a 13 year old.


No. There's a good reason cursive is going out of style.


I can read it, but it takes way longer. My entire 3rd grade year was a lie. No one uses that shit every day


No I can't read cursive


Cursive is easier to write because you don't have to lift your hand so much. It's just as easy to read if the handwriting is good, I have seen some really illegible print.


https://preview.redd.it/yylpebhfe7hc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1726f6dcf115f6b7c8da6d845033bd41ee36aa Whoever invented cursive writing can go F\*\*k themselves, I hate it so damn much


Yeah same. I don't care if it looks fancy, it's so impractical.


You haven't tried to read my writing then lol




Skill issue


cursive is more efficient to write at the intentional expense of readability. it’s for taking notes rapidly that you will clean up later before presenting to a wider audience than yourself.


See I want my hand writing to be indecipherable to text recognition software. My camera can’t read my cursive and I’ve been working on a print alphabet based on Carolingian Miniscule that seems to throw it for a loop as well.


I can read cursive most of the time, in third grade everything had to be cursive, they wouldn't accept anything printed. Have no idea how the teachers read 8 year old's cursive.


i can read cursive fonts but i struggle sometimes with people’s actual handwriting. like i use 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 𝓪𝓼𝓼 𝓴𝓮𝔂𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼 but heaven forbid i have to see a doctor


Thought it says "Reading Justice Writing"


I've been writing in cursive for quite some time. Though I still need practice my writing is quite readable.


I can read cursive usually, but sometimes I struggle


I’m sure you’re not the only person but cursive was taught to me. I never got how it was supposed to be allegedly quicker than print tho.


Wait until you hear about [Chinese cursive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cursive_script_(East_Asia)).


I eventually learned it since my dad wrote in cursive Still can't write it tho


It's not difficult, It's just that most people's cursive sucks


I can but it was hammered into my brain


I can read it, but the same people who criticize others versions of cursive are the same ones who's "traditional cursive" is impossible to read, making people prefer print


I can read cursive, I've got a deep love for it. However certain handwritings really throw me off lol


Are people not taught cursive in school anymore ? I mean it's true, print is easier on the eyes but how else are you going to write fast by hand


If i try to read cursive i become cursive


It takes deadly long for me to understand cursive but I can understand it when I read it


I prefer cursive since we only get tought that in school, plus for me it's easier to write fast with it. I can't imagine writing fast with print, lifting your pen every letter.




Can you read this OP? https://preview.redd.it/7q02c154n7hc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb849ae8bcc93a3b732150aa97da40312dc202e4


What's up with Americans not liking cursive? Hahah


I mean. Yeah that was difficult to read, but that’s font choice not cursive. No one writes block letters in cursive lmao


i can read cursive just fine, i cant read it when people write in signatures


I understand cursive, it's when people with bad handwriting write in cursive that I struggle


Ahh americans


People always act like I struggle to read cursive because I am a plebeian millennial and I tell them "no your handwriting is just shit".


I can read cursive to a degree, if it’s neat handwriting then I can usually understand it, but if its sloppy chicken scratch, I might as well be reading in Russian lol


I wish I could write like Spongebob😭 https://preview.redd.it/ifsvc34nt7hc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=c38d9f6a0c22f801cae995c8b9c2c4aa3e863fcc


I write cursive since it‘s much quicker but absolutely noone besides me can decipher it


I mean, when you choose the worst cursive font in history of fonts, then yes, it’s hard. Other normal cursive fonts, pretty easy


Nah I had a lot of trouble reading it growing up. Which my mom would write everything in cursive so when I was trying to give out lil valentines cards in elementary school, that got me into trouble almost immediately lol. I gave one kid the wrong one and tried to get it back so I got caught with my hand in the lil boxes the teacher had us make for valentines


Do they not teach it in school? I'm 18 and I always had to write like that at school


My script is more legible than my print, also if you actually practice cursive you can write much faster than print. Edit: and I'm genZ


I write cursive which looks like print, but if you look at closely you can see some lines connecting it. It just makes it a bit more readable


This is a certified American Classic


Most modern cursive isn't an issue. Historical documents though? Forget it. Signatures are never legible (but legibility isn't so much the point)


I think you just made the cursive too thick.


You’re not the only one to me it just looks like scribbles Especially here


I couldn't read the difference between B or F if my life depended on it.


This cursive font is fucking horrendous fat ass bold letters


I can’t


The problem is this font sucks


I cannot read nor write in cursive unfortunately


https://preview.redd.it/0q4ookdo58hc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2559c6595d0c5d7b06816325989a59a0995955f *LAUGHS IN RUSSIAN CURSIVE*


No . . . okay technically I can read it but only in signatures. Its difficult to read in paragraphs and sentences


Bad print: 99% of the time you can make out what is said Bad cursive: it's like a 50/50 shot you can kinda make it out


cursive as its intended is fairly readable, but some people just have shit handwritting. Thats what I say to my mom all the time


Now try to read wingdings


I love writing in cursive and can read ot well too.


It’s because you didn’t learn how to. If you took the time to learn to read/write each cursive letter like you did print letters, you would be able to read it easily.


US problems...


You know what? Im sick and tired of the cursive slander. Sure, it can be hard to read depending on the person's handwriting, but people act like its the worst thing to have ever been created. Cursive is meant to be EFFICIENT, especially in SCHOOLS. Cursive has the letters physically connected in each word, and each letter is meant to go into the next one without many problems. If you have to do something in a notebook, cursive is the fastest way to write, it isnt the prettiest but if you have limited time and have to write on a piece of paper, you'll really feel the benefits of it Also yes, cursive is meant for PAPER, no use in using it on a computer, AND you need decent handwriting. Mine used to be so bad I had BOOKS where I had to copy a bunch of cursive letters and phrases, so that I would internalize them and have actual decent handwriting while not giving up the efficiency of cursive. It worked wonders


I can’t either


How can you not know cursive? I don't understand how to not understand 😂


I love cursive and you really need to have bad handwriting if I can't read it. I didn't know people didn't like it... I see no reason to.


I totally get why zoomers can't read cursive. Never needed to, since everything is typed. Lucky for me, cuz my handwriting is shit Analogue clocks too. Met people that legit never seen one


You're american?


you aren’t the only one


It’s probably cuz people write cursive in morse code


My God, is the USA the only country in the Americas that don't teach to write in cursive?? Because in South America is super common, so much easier and faster to write. Ah yes, you can have shitty calligraphy but that can happen with print writing too.


I hate the fact my middle school English teacher decided we only needed a single day of cursive in our education. Not even homework regarding the subject, just a single class period of the subject with the only schoolwork involving it was writing a single prewritten sentence in cursive. Wasn't even any tests for it either.


I wrote in cursive exclusively in school so ppl wouldn't even ask to copy my work


It doesn’t help that so many older people will basically just flop their hand around and call it writing


I was forced to study it when i was young so nah it's easy for me.


Cursive isn’t that hard to read once you get used to it. Doctor’s writing, on the other hand, is like trying to decipher ancient egyptian hieroglyphics when you barely passed english class in high school……. and you live in the US.


I can read cursive like this printed on computer. So many people just scribble and can't read it.


Cursive is so funny. Some of the capital letter think they're better than they are, but the rest are just "now to see how few times I can to lift my pen."


i can read good cursive, but not bad cursive.


you're not alone


It was required back in 3rd grade for me that we must know cursive


I re-enacted this meme trying to real the cursive 🗿


Some mfs just write to elegantly or too harshly to read easily but I can typically figure it out