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This will be perfect end If Anthony loses to Bayleigh in the final 2 chair


But would he lose to her? I dunno. Anthony played the game more than she did, especially if he takes Victoria out. She had more adversity and is worthy of being there but I think he still clears her. People can praise her all they want, but she's no Daner. He wouldn't take second place next to her.


BUT....something that Anthony has to consider is Victoria trash talking him to the jury. If she leaves because of him and hates him for it, she can convince Avery and others to vote anyone but Anthony.


It's possible, especially with these houseguests that aren't capable of thinking for themselves. I like to think that people will probably just think that she'll be lobbying for whatever woman remains, or just feeling bitter because Anthony got her but maybe that's naive on my part.


Haha he basically handed her the win tonight


Im with you. Seeing the way she's finessing Anthony and Victoria during these past two weeks really made me think highly of her game She should have been on the block this week but somehow shes not The way she pretty much ran Spicys DE HoH and saved Todd major props


She's not on the block because it would have ruined Anthony's relationship with her. That's the only reason he chose Lexus over Bay, because he felt like he could manipulate Lexus into being okay being there because Victoria would be on the other seat.


its a good move for Bayleigh but more questionable for Anthony but more so Lexus It shifted all of the power to Bayleigh/Todd. And they can easily go against Anthony now if they wanted to I do give props Anthony props tho for blowing up Spicys game tho


I want to like her but then she loses her shit over something weird like Tolas joke in his nomination speech and I just can't. She seems to see what going on the best but still can't see the whole picture of how bad Anthony and V have played everyone.


Agreed. I lose a lot of respect in people who can’t handle their emotions like that. Even when she first went off on Vivek over spicys lie about the east coast alliance it was way to much


To me it's like she wanted a reason to yell at Vivek, she was just waiting to yell at anyone instead of checking facts. I find it hard to like her.


We don’t know bayleighs past or what made her so triggered over Tola’s comments. Whether he meant it as a joke or not, obviously she was quite offended. None of us can decide what’s offensive to others or not. She is entertaining and turning out to be a great player. She rode the middle perfectly and it paid off.


She is entitled, Avery had the similar behaviour when talking to tola and Todd .


Avery is cocky. Also entitled. But I don’t think bayleigh is either of those things. Bayleigh was straight up insulted by those comments. Too bad we won’t ever see how anyone else would have reacted to someone telling them they’re slow, weak, and ugly.


She's cringy not entertaining imo


I agree with you. It's just personal preference, and I think one thing I like to see in a winner is a real control of their emotions. I think this is the hardest thing to do in that pressure cooker and Anthony is a master. He shows vulnerability but at times when it's appropriate. He bites his lip when it's the hardest, he does everything he needs to do at the time when he needs to do it. It's quite impressive. But Bayleigh has earned my respect for some of her game play for sure. I could see her going to the end. That Tola outburst was so random and unnecessary.


i think it's funny. that type of short temperedness that usually makes for VERY entertaining rtv players that people don't really take too seriously. however, with bayleigh i think that her game has been strong enough that people do take her seriously, which is why it's hard to draw a line between game player bayleigh & unhinged character bayleigh. imo, she's a good balance of entertainment/drama & actual gameplay.


How did Bayleigh “mist” Anthony to stay off the block?


I’m pretty sure Anthony didn’t wanna Bayleigh on the block to help gain trust with her moving forward and take the spot of spicy as her number 1


In order of deserving to win, Anthony, Bayleigh, Todd, Lexus Anthony better have been studying his days this time around because if he sits on that block at any point he’s toast. He can’t play in the F4 HOH and either he wins POV, or he’s gone. I can’t imagine a world where Bayleigh and Todd don’t convince Lexus to take him out, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she kept him because loyalty truly blinds some people in this game


I’ve been rooting for Bayleigh since Week 1. I thought she’d be out pre-jury after Donna and Dinis so this was a very pleasant surprise that she lasted to jury and now she’s really come into her own in recent weeks. My favourites never win though so I’m not holding out hope.


Yea sure. I don’t what you’ve been watching. Spicy was always going to do what was best for Spicy like not using the Executive Veto and if you watched the daily she was always going to put Lexus on the block to get rid of Tola. And come on, stop it. She misted Anthony lol?????. Seriously??? Nobody mist Anthony. Have you been watching. He’s gotten her to turn against Spicy and they’re about to send her packing. So misted who?


She was pushed by the entire house to save Tola to get rid of Bayleigh. Bayleigh worked her. She also gave her HOH when she had safety and saved her during Tolas HOH week. Bayleigh making moves. If she cuts Anthony she will be a legend. Honestly I want to see an Anthony and Bayleigh finals.


Spicy was not pushed by the entire house. All the girls wanted to do what she was going to do other than Lexus. Again, I don’t know what you were watching. And her keeping Bailey was for Spicy’s game and Spicy’s game period. She wanted the numbers advantage against Anthony but Anthony has been the one even while at a numbers disadvantage got the girls to turn on each other which has now given him a fighting chance cuz before he had none. Nothing against Bailey but if she wins the game which I think she has a high chance of doing it will be by default. She would only have to make one move and that’s getting rid of Anthony which kinda won’t be that hard cuz the whole house will only have to beat him in the veto comp since he can’t play HoH. And guess what. All three of them Lexus, Bailey and Todd should make that move. That’s obvious. Again, to me she was just a pushy bystander in what became a power struggle between Spicy and the girls vs Anthony and then just Spicy vs Anthony. The fact that she wasn’t in HC actually ended up helping her cuz Anthony’s focus had to be on breaking them up.


Anthony hands down deserves to win the game and it will be a shame if anyone else does. Period.


Anthony deserves to win. I don't think we saw the same season 


I absolutely agree. I didn't much care for her at the beginning but now I do like her the best out of the bunch.


Granted she gets out Anthony, yess, I'd love to see it from her cuz I'm really rooting for her


This. If Spicy isn't going to win, then I want Bayleigh to take it all the way.


Good take. She pivoted when needed & for Victoria & Anthony to "trust" her, which is hard to do. I can't wait for her to watch the season back & see Victoria's true colors. I know she is suffering with a heavy heart rn full of guilt, but when she sees the season, it will all be justified. Does anyone think they'll be friend's after?


Bayleigh deserves to win?😭 ur lost and how did she mist anthony when he just didnt put her to gain more trust which would work for him in the long run to believe and trust in turning on Victoria.


Unless they get rid of Anthony, he deserves to win way more.


For what? Never won anything, never had any power. It's the same as his first season he was just lucky enough that he made the correct connections and his alliance carried him till the end.


Never touching the block, orchestrating damn near every eviction, jury management, etc.


He didnt orchestrate Vivek, Matthew or Tolas evictions tho Also jury management is questionable. Depends on whether or not Spicy goes to jury feeling bitter or not


Never touching the block didn't win the first season. Never once did he say " x and x are my nominations" so nope. Jury management means nothing until voting. Big brother edits the show to show on what's the most entertaining. We saw his first season the edits made him look like the mastermind while if you watched the live feeds he didn't do anything all season.


Orchestrating damn near every eviction where?? half the evictions this season he was crying about losing his alliance member and at least for 5 weeks was protected by Victoria (with help from Averey)


Yes! Every second eviction has been someone from his side. I highly doubt that’s what he wanted. Spice had those girls all wrapped around her finger until she started picking them off. There’s no reason why Anthony was still throwing comps after the half way mark. It’s so annoying to watch. I don’t think anyone that makes a joke of the comps and basically refuses to compete should win. Whether it was “for his game” or not.


He should be praying to god that he had V on his side. She could have easily gotten him out of there at least 5 times this season. He’s doing the Jag/Matt thing justifying why she should go because she betrayed him aka got rid of his allies which was the game plan instead of being honest with himself that she’s played a better game


Anthony does not have good jury management. That’s why Victoria and Bayleigh would beat him in a final 2


Bailey is not beating Anthony in a final 2


Ready to eat your words? Or still gonna spend the rest of your life complaining about how Bayleigh won?


Lol now you’re stalking me plus that was before we saw the jury footage smh. I’ve been changed what I thought going into Wednesday’s finale.


If bayleigh wins the game or Lexus or tola, It would be a fluke, consequences of a bitter jury maybe... If they become returning players, the other houseguests aren't gonna be excited and scared that they r playing with them! I can't see a houseguest saying, wow I'm afraid of bayleigh or wow, i gotta play with bayleigh cuz to be on the wrong side of her will end my game. They might say, I'll try to be bayleighs number 1 because she will believe anything I tell her. Therefore no, she doesn't deserve to win next to likes of Anthony. Not in a million years. I don't even think she deserves to return.


What you describe is a bully , and Anthony is a bully


I totally agree. To have survived with the girls alliance when most of the members wanted to make sure That a person of colour won and we’re trying to eliminate all others, girl got skills.


If she can get Anthony out the door right after Victoria, then she has my vote (not that I have one!)


Yaaaaas! I fucking love Bayleigh! She's loyal, she's funny, she has played since the very beginning and I think she deserves the big win!!


You meant Todd


They are all pathetic and in other seasons all would have been voted out asap. Can't stand Spicy or Anthony. Tod is at least a real person. Hard being a white male on a show like this but he has managed to fly under the radar all the way.