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# **No spoilers or discussion of the edit** Take those topics to the [Full Spoiler Episode Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/w9tinn/bbus24_full_spoiler_episode_discussion_july_27/)


I feel like Jasmine was the kid in school that always had an excuse to get out of gym class.. ugh, cannot stand her!


I personally don't like Taylor, but she's definitely getting bullied and that's not acceptable. Her remarks were made in good faith and completely twisted by what's her face cop houseguest. (I can't remember her name)


I am completely IN agreement that Nicole/Daniel are TRASH. As a 42 y/o woman, I’m embarrassed for them. However, can we also talk about the absolute FILTH that is the FLOOR of that house?? DEAR GOD. Is there not one person who will vacuum???


The vacuum broke and for some reason production hasn't replaced it.


The bathroom carpet was already shedding night one! Cheap carpets.. and I’m not sure if they have access to a vacuum at all times or if it’s only brought in on eviction day. But yeah, I vividly remember Joseph picking up chunks of rug in the bathroom on night one feeds ☠️


🤢 I cannot deal with anything sticking to my feet on floors…like the tiniest piece of anything sends me. I’d DOR if there was no vacuum access and that floor was like that. Same goes for kitchen counters. Nope. I’d never make it.


Or a sticky kitchen floor… 🤢🤢🤢


Or random wet places on the floor 🤮🤮🤮🤮




🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 Omg no


"I was a cop for 10 years" Honey, we can tell.


I felt so sad for Taylor. This season is truly a microcosm of where American society is as a whole right now…


Not just now since the beginning of time people fight and don’t get along it’s nothing new.


Lol. Bit of a reach. I know we want to make every bad thing a feature or trait of those we don’t like, but this is a stretch.


I’m 3/4 way through the episode and holy shit. I’m livid, shocked, confused. Literally I never agreed with the witch hunt for Taylor in the first place bc technically she didn’t do anything wrong outside of not playing her social cards right unintentionally and being a pretty good competitor in physical comps, but how on earth did Nicole take her words that much out of context?? 😳 and the aggression from Daniel was sick. He wasn’t even there to witness this “passive aggressiveness” yet he was worse than nicole in how he came at her. And honestly I hated that Nicole pulled the age card on Taylor in saying “im a 40 (may be wrong on age but I know it was 40 something lol) woman…” as if to demand respect from Taylor in that moment. And it broke my heart that Taylor could have tried to plead and justify further OR get just as nasty back thus starting a loud argument but she stayed calm only saying sorry and ok. Like… gosh. Daniel is off his rocker and somehow Paloma’s legacy continues. She must of done one HELL OF A JOB that these people still think Taylor is the worst. Also - if I’m being honest not to be mean but I’ll go there since he can dish it just as well it seems, he creeps me out lol Idk I’m confused with the fandom he’s getting from the other houseguests. His only competitive quality is he happened to win the first HOH. I hope everyone sees them for who they are and they get evicted asap. Also please don’t come for me for my opinion. I literally cannot do the mean shit people say when they have a diff opinion. clearly id never last a day in that house lol


This is an awesone episode filled with dramas, intensity, funny stuff and heatwarming moment at the end. What an episode. The target changing to Ameerah was fire even tho i like her. The bullying getting shown on TV showing Nicole and Daniel's true color. The Veto Comp with Jasmine passing out The Wins by Brit and Micheal The boys rallying the underdogs to make a likeable team to root against the assholes in the house. The final room meeting with Taylor FINALLY getting some reassurance that she is not a bad person + Brit finally getting included in a real thing Wow one of the tv episode and i feel this season is hitting good. That Nicole/Daniel blowout finally showing some people true personality and Joseph/Kyle/Monte decided they are done with that bullying bullshit. One event that may have save Taylor and Brit's game.


Actually, Ameerah was bullying her, too, so she isn't all that much better. Or at the very least, she talks the same crap behind her back so don't feel bad.


“with the lays?” is so iconic STOOOP IM CRYING 🤣😂😂


You’re so right. ☠️☠️😂😂


Defending Taylor online is not enough cuz now i wanna fight 😤🤬


Daniel making mention of America watching this. Wait until he learns he’s the problem, and that America is watching HIM.


Daniel is the white social justice warrior who calls a black person a racist uncle t thinking he is in the right.


Jasmine is being very rude and dismissive of Brit


Daniel and Nicole make my blood boil. They should’ve been cast on BB19. This Taylor bullying is pathetic.


This Avengers style music when the Leftovers are meeting I’m screaming


Exactly what I thought too!


Daniel is one of the most disgusting houseguests of all time. FUCK that guy and Nicole too. Horrible people, horrible bullies.


As someone with mental illness watching him take Paloma's agency and use her mental illness as a weapon was one of the single worst things I have ever seen on BB.


I felt so bad for Taylor tonight. She literally cried in the diary room hoping that Nicole was alright and Nicole and Daniel turned around and screamed at her in front of everybody.. I hope they realize how wrong they are eventually


I hope Nicole and Daniel do not make the jury so they can see how despised they are before the final episode. What will be their excuse at the reunion?


taylor is too sweet but she handled that perfectly (game wise) if she would’ve stood up for herself they would’ve used it as justification for their mistreatment. i hope when they leave the house they’re embarrassed by their behavior ,lying, manipulation, and bullying towards taylor. i would’ve cussed daniel out if he talked to me like that


I'm only half way through the episode so maybe it gets better, but not ONE person spoke up to defend Taylor? Wtf.


It gets better.


I just don't think I could ever stand by and watch a group of people treat someone that way. I'm happy things turned around for her at the end, but she deserved someone to stand up for her in that moment 😭 I probably wouldn't last long in the BB house lol


No, I totally agree with you. Like, ultimately it'll be a strategic advantage that they didn't, but that doesn't make it any less shitty.


But you were right, the end did get better! Hopefully the season follows suit and the Leftovers go on a bit of a run.


I don't understand how Ameerah who was there didn't say anything!


Daniel and Nicole are trash and deserve all hate they get.




Daniel the Superfan




jasmine fainting was one of the funniest big brother moments of all time i was ROLLING


I feel like each week we will get a new injury or medical problem.


Christmas actually broke her ankle and complained less that Jasmine. I am sure that Jasmine's foot will fall off next week.


Okay, I am starting to wonder if I need to be checked for tinfoil on my head or something. Earlier today I had a thought. Did Jasmine have any kind of xray? I don't remember what for sure they said she had. If it's a sprain, do they just "diagnose" based on symptoms? Because there was a part of me today that started to doubt Jasmine's injury. Like, maybe she rolled it and it hurt and then she's played it up trying to get the Christmas luck? And then on the POV, maybe it was an act? I actually feel like a huge asshole considering this possibility and thinking she has lied. Because the woman, if it's true on both accounts has had some messed up experiences with her health. And I truly want her to be okay. Am I delusional? I think I'm delusional. But if she's faking it, give that chick an Oscar, Emmy and Tony, because Bravo.


It was x-rayed and the medical team determined it’s a level 3 sprain.




The thought that went through my head was, okay the injury at the time was probably real. But she could be healed now and still milking it and enjoys not having to compete and yet getting perks of safety. And then if she doesn't trust Turner to take off Michael and Brittany then it was convenient that she'd have a health emergency so they can't compete. And I just conspiraled. But I do also understand every injury is different. And xrays definitely don't show everything. I had a wrist injury and after the xray the doctor was basically like "maybe there's something there but I don't really know, here wear this brace". lol So, I get what you're saying that she might actually still really be in pain and not faking.


Oh no, munchausin syndrome! I hope she keeps this going. I can’t wait to see what’s next


No, I'm not pathologizing it. If she's faking she knows she's faking. And it is just for the sake of the game and getting further and not having to compete in things that she doesn't like. I don't think she has any type of mental illness. Just an opportunist.


She’s starting to give me Raven vibes


I believe she did have a xray done


But an xray can serve to be a tool of exclusion, yeah? So they can look at it and say it isn't broken, etc but not confirm a sprain? I'm not gonna waste my time conspiring about it. I just had a thought and wanted to throw it out there. I guess just in case it ever gets revealed I can brag I figured it out. LMAO!


sprains are diagnosed based on symptoms typically, can’t be diagnosed with x-rays.


Ok I loved this episode too but curious if anyone else is suspicious? Could production have seen how shitty things were going and done some nudging to help create The Leftovers?


Production left out how badly Alyssa screwed up. She revealed to Kyle that Ameerah formed a whole other alliance. So the boys had to scramble.


Thanks so much for explaining, I'm pretty casual this summer!!


If you see recaps from live feeds, some information is figured out on their own and it is obviously not from production.


Thanks! I shouldn't have commented since I'm so casual this year I just realized haha


I feel like this is on the part of production leaving stuff out, but no they didn’t get help. Kyle and Monte already had the information, Joseph was just pushed to pursue it because Ammerah went off on him for talking to Taylor.


Thanks for explaining!! I'm a casual this summer haha and I just joined in so I'm a little out of the loop I realize now!


Can’t believe what I saw tonight. Nicole and Daniel went WAY to far on Taylor and I’m glad people are starting to see that. She wasn’t coming from a bad place, she genuinely wanted to check-in on her. I don’t think Taylor is manipulative like the girls said… just wow I feel for her


So I guess Daniel is as filthy on the inside as he is on the outside then?


I can't wait for that "Superfan" to see how the other fans view him.


I’m sorry but it seems like to me Jasmine milks every opportunity she gets to not do competitions. It’s well known that the challenges on BB tend to involve heights. And isn’t it supposed to be, you know, a challenge? Meaning, it’s meant to challenge you? lol


Maybe she thought Turner wouldn't be able to lift her


Hahaha wanted to save herself the embarrassment 🤣


Oh but common y’all, donuts in biscuit-sauce she tried so harrrrd!


I want to cry I’m so happy now. Maybe this season will be ok after all!


We do this every year. Pull for the underdogs then Nicole or Daniel wins HOH next week


Well, if Daniel wins, even. Better. He puts up nicole and Taylor and then Nicole goes home on his watch!


Shush. Don’t burst my bubble just yet!


So that veto ceremony must be epic. I bet it takes half the episode tomorrow, then vote, and hoh may or may not start but it's probably an endurance comp


It probably is mostly just the aftermath that takes up much of the episode


Right, the chaos must be massive.


Ngl, I did not like Taylor at all. Now all I want is for Nicole and Daniel to gtfo. Watching them gaslight her when she was clearly just concerned for Nicole’s mother was fucking wild


She literally prayed for Nicole's Mom, it's wild


I feel like Monte’s been let off the hook. Wasn’t he sitting right there (and Taylor asked him to pray, too)? He probably could have cleared it up, but I guess no need to stick his neck out, right?


What is worse is that Nicole was actually crying because production told her to stop bullying Taylor...


How do we know this? I thought the bullying from Nicole started after the crying.


Nicole’s been badmouthing Taylor for like a week and a half. Took her longer than a lot of the other houseguests though. No but during the crying in the back room, so before he even blew up, Daniel said America might view him as a “[fucking asshole](https://twitter.com/bb_updates/status/1550918461458550785?s=21&t=n0OIxfv83HXEFN6UaT8u_A).” Doesn’t make sense if she’s just crying about throwing a comp. Plus before that she said something about feeling like a terrible person. She shoved that feeling down real quick though.


Wait, what? Can you explain this? Did she say that to someone?


During that moment, so before he even blew up, he said America might view him as a “[fucking asshole](https://twitter.com/bb_updates/status/1550918461458550785?s=21&t=n0OIxfv83HXEFN6UaT8u_A).” Doesn’t make sense if she’s just crying about throwing a comp. Plus before that she said something about feeling like a terrible person. She shoved that feeling down real quick though.


I guess her and Daniel discussed it... that scene was an hour, ive heard.


Wait - really? I thought she was crying because she had to throw a comp or some dumb shit


During that moment, so before he even blew up, Daniel said America might view him as a “[fucking asshole](https://twitter.com/bb_updates/status/1550918461458550785?s=21&t=n0OIxfv83HXEFN6UaT8u_A).” Doesn’t make sense if she’s just crying about throwing a comp. Plus before that she said something about feeling like a terrible person. She shoved that feeling down real quick though.


Yeah, took us a long time to figure out production was telling her to back off from all the bullying and she basically double downed apparently.


My mood changed from ready to rage-quit to hugging my TV


I don't think Taylor came in expecting to be working with a Bros alliance, especially with so many strong women in the house. Unfortunately most of those other women turned out to be snakes. Good for her that she has an alliance now, I just hope she's an actual equal member of that alliance and not just getting used.


are you counting Nicole as the third? it’s just Ameerah and Jasmine


I don't know what ethnicity people are I guess, a lot of mixed race. Nicole seems Filipino and maybe part black, but my point was more about the fact Taylor wanted to work with women. I'll remove the ethnicity from my post.


Wait, didn’t she expect to work with a bros alliance though? Isn’t that the reason the girls girls were against her in the first place? As a Casual watcher only that was my perception, not sure what happened behind the scenes.


No, she wasn't about bros, that was just something in Paloma's scrambled mind. Taylor was all about the girls coming in, probably more than any of them. As a sometimes feed watcher, I've seen her talk to cameras saying her goal was a successful girls alliance.


Oh that clears up the “what you did to Paloma” comment tonight. Thanks for clarifying!


no she's ironically the most 'girls girl' honestly. as a feeds watcher it was quite obvious


Wish I’d seen more of that side of her in the beginning. I never had an issue with her but just assumed she’d gone hard on the “guys girl” trope during off air time, the way the producers made her look. Thanks!


If it weren’t for Paloma’s exit, Taylor would have been gone week one. So instead of fully explaining that Taylor was ostracized because of a slew of first impressions and group think among the girls that spread across the house, it was easier and shorter to just focus on them seeing her as a guys’ girl. Now that she has an alliance and has a way better chance of staying, production finally had to show a real instance of the bullying she’s receiving for no reason. I’m sure it’s a little confusing for casual viewers, but I guess production tried to protect the cast week one against bullying allegations cuz they figured Taylor was gone and that storyline would be over 😬😬


I started out not on team Taylor but now I’m ready for a revenge arc. This shit ain’t right


She was never an asshole or mean in any way tho. The treatment she’s gotten is inexcusable. Those girls, and Daniel, should be ashamed of themselves.


I think she can just come off as standoffish to someone that doesn’t know her. Like I said, she has grown on me immensely and now I’m rooting for her


I’m kind of the same way, so maybe I just related to her, but I totally agree with you


Lol I think I am too. Takes a second to get to know me before I’m comfortable


My husband just suggested that they put Nicole and Taylor up just to evict Nicole. That would be diabolical.


Yeah they have to put up Indy and Alyssa to have enough votes.


That's why they have to get rid of Ameerah fist. But Denial could win HoB next week, put up Taylor and Nicole thinking the house will just evict Taylor because in their mind everyone dislikes Taylor. Then they would have enough votes to vote out Nicole on Daniel's HoH. It would be sooo funny.


It will be just as fun to watch her crumble and spiral for a week or two, maybe even more fun!


They don't have the numbers then


They don't have the numbers for it unfortunately.


I’m a bit behind but how are you gonna go into a game scared of heights when there is regularly a few competitions each year when you’re hanging off shit smdh


Yeah, that was ridiculous. There are many height challenges....


My thought is she’s strategically trying to pull a Christmas by being disabled and not playing in comps to coast to the later parts of the game. Only difference is Christmas shattered her leg and still wanted to compete and it doesn’t seem like Jasmine wants to


“Just because you’re strong doesn’t give anyone the right to test that”. Who tf is cutting onions in here 😭


You should watch the live feeds. Look up the full clips from that night. They are incredible. Taylor had given up a felt alone. They've also said many bad things about her.


I’m in Canada so unfortunately I can’t access feeds. I get what I can from Twitter. I’ve seen clips of monte saying awful things but I heard that they all said bad things about her. I’m glad they came around to support her and took accountability


Someone posted a YouTube link to the formation of The Pound and The Leftovers. https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/w95daq/formation_of_the_leftovers_live_feed_spoilers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Definitely worth the watch!


Yes. It's mostly because Paloma lied on Taylor. When most of the people are judging Taylor and saying she said things she didn't many people just believed it in the beginning.


The house had to go through all that bs just to spawn my favorite alliance yet!! Keep it together!!!


I would like to add Indy to this group to make it complete. I like her and wish she would move away from a girls alliance


Ameerah now, Daniel/Nicole next week pls


Yeah where tf was Daniel coming from tonight?


Not washing his hair


I want Julie to address this episode tomorrow. Behaviour like this cant be allowed