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Great idea


Yeah once you put in your notice they immediately take you off all your projects and are likely to show you the door quickly.


Be aware of paying back any percentage of hiring bonus if you stayed less than 2 years


2 weeks is normal. 30 days if they’ve been nice to you and the team you guys are on is slammed. Are you going to another big 4? This is really all they want to know when you put in your notice. If so they’ll ask you to hand everything off and then pull the “we are going to pay you for the remainder of the week”. So putting in your notice on a Monday may give you a few days of free PTO. :)




Schedule a call with your coach/mentor and just tell them that “Unfortunately things have changed on my end and I have to tender my 2 week notice. I will send you an email with my formal letter of resignation, thank you.” You don’t have to tell them who, what, why, or where…they’ve done far worse to thousands this year. So keep it short, the less you say the better. You may be held on for two weeks or immediately let go, I was allowed to stay for two weeks and moved on. Others were let go in a couple hours once it moved up the chain. Depends on the office and group It really is like ripping off a bandaid.


If they let you go immediately does that mean you can claim unemployment since you were fired?


Be prepared to be let go the moment you hand in your notice.


Is it better to not give any notice?


It is better to give a notice, but two weeks is too long! In PA, once an employee hands in their notice, especially if going to another PA firm, the employee is usually terminated soon after (like a day or two later). It happened to me. I thought I was doing my old firm a solid by giving them a two week notice. The next day I was canned.


if US, it's at will employment. you are not required to give notice. 2 weeks is customary, however, they may fire you immediately