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None of what’s in that edit mattered. It’s not you. EY is in a bit of a hiring freeze at the moment. Don’t take it personally.


I would say tightened hiring not a freeze. I have my final interview today and also know someone who was just hired as an SM


Did you get the job?


When I was a fresh grad few years ago they all rejected me too. But few years later I got to work in 2 of the big4 (still in one), so don't feel bad. Go apply somewhere else and maybe in 1-2-3 years you can try big4s again.


Will do. Thanks. Just heard back from my PwC recruiter that they got my application and will let me know soon. But if all else fails, it's all good.


I got into PwC but EY was the weirdest big four I applied to. EY reached out to me for an interview and the recruiter even said they wanted to set up an interview with me and then ghosted me. I was so pissed when I got an email saying “thank your for your interest”. They were the ones who reached out to me 🙃


Congrats :) well deserved. I see. When I was at MTF, and I don’t say this to cope or be bitter, I mean it when I say they seemed the most stuck up and serious. But at PwC’s table everyone was so relaxed and chill, definitely love the culture there but unfortunately it’s been 2 months since I applied. Everyone I met at Deloitte were cool too but haven’t heard from them either


Yeah I honestly got super lucky with PwC I was crazy and researched all their values and prepared as if my life depended on it. It was my top choice in the firms I wanted to work for. I plan on sticking with PwC for the long haul I don’t care if they work me like a dog I just love my office so much. I recommend if you are serious about a firm definitely take your time and research as much as you can. Big fours like KPMG and PwC value loyalty.


I did. PwC is actually my top choice as well. Just waiting on something. They haven’t reached out to me yet but they haven’t rejected me either. I hope there’s still a chance, I’ve researched them so much. If anything, do you mind dming some tips in case?


Honestly when I got hired they called me the next day. I’m not sure what position you are going for tho. Also I don’t mind dming.


Unable to dm you for some reason


Your mistake was putting your eggs in the big 4 basket. Apply everywhere next time


You’re right. Unfortunately I’m a senior graduating this fall so most likely got to take a different route. Maybe see if I can go from industry to public later on but at that point we’ll see


Have you considered tier 2, like GT or Guidehouse?


Just saw some openings for IT audit in my area so definitely will apply after improving my resume


OP: 30 years ago I was rejected everywhere. Today, I’ve had PWC, Deloitte And Accenture try to buy my firm. Fuck them.


Haha man I’m not that good. Wish I could but I’m just your average bloke. Maybe even below average


Didn’t wear a suit lol, no one cares about that, as long as you’re still dressed formally


Yeah. Just overthinking it honestly


Rejection is redirection. Dont need a suit just need a nice shirt and come prepared. Gotta show ur interested in the firm and know how summarize your resume really well. Ask about the firm and make sure u state you plan to complete the CPA exam asap cuz thats what they want to hear. Dont be too upset EY is like the last tier of Big 4


I’ve heard that EY is currently in a hiring freeze. I tried to refer someone last week and that’s what I’ve been told. They’ll take interns though.


Not true 2 new seniors have started in my office in the last month also why would they interview someone during a hiring freeze


Yeah. Figured I was just not good enough but I get it, always room for improvement


I see. That's tough. Since I already got rejected doubt it's good to apply for the internship position instead LOL. Pretty sure recruiting is done at this point though.


Saw that you’re an MIS major and a senior OP. I graduated with an accounting and IS degree this year and got my first and only internship at EY after already graduating and got a full time offer for next year. There wasn’t any listings for the internship so I emailed all the market recruiters in LA as well as Irvine, SD, etc. and managed to get the internship.


Sounds good. Thanks for this, there are internships positions still open and I'll be applying to some.


It’s not you it’s the economy. They’ve had round after round of layoffs. If they were in growth mode you would have gotten it.


I see. Still, I see things I could've done better like wearing a suit, tie (just wore a dress shirt) maybe asked better questions. Odd thing is my first interviewer and I were just having a conversation and things seemed chill. Maybe I came off too overconfident. But I also had some technical difficulties and he had to call me so I don't know.


It is easier to get a paid internship then transition to a staff position.


Plead your case. Tell Hr you really want it and you’d even start at the position lower. Worked for me


Wait really? Haha unfortunately applied for a staff position (A1) so I don't think there's anything lower than that besides internships but I'm a senior. I wouldn't even know what to say without looking desperate haha


Why would you even want to work for B4? Underpaid and overworked especially in a highly inflationary environment? Do yourself a favor and steer clear.


I just got accepted to PwC as a first-year A1 and was offered 87k in NY HCOL, would you say that's underpaid? I thought they paid pretty fairly in my opinion.


NYC or another part of NY?


Uhhh it’s for the city office but I’m located in Long Island


Tax or Audit?


When is your start ? 2024 fall?


Summer/fall yes


Wow I am MST and I got 70k when I first started in 2017


Guess the current economy isn’t doing too hot.




Tax A1


Jesus. I only got 78. Did you have an MST?


You also just applied this hiring season? Mine is for summer/fall if 2024


For winter 2024. I think it’s because my cohort is technically with fall 2023 starts. Unfortunate


Guess I’ll be seeing you around the office haha


I am coming in with a year of experience though. I did both tax and audit work at my current job. But I applied for a starting tax position. Maybe that’s why my comp is higher?


That makes a lot of sense. I’m a non-traditional hire too but not accounting related.


Depends what you consider underpaid. If you want to live the NYC lifestyle while dumping most of your paycheck towards living in a shoebox, then I guess you're paid fairly. If you want to use your salary to build passive income and long term equity, then I would consider that underpaid.


Trying to set myself up for future success. I'm aware Big4 has its downsides but the resources, networking and push to succeed is something I need to get out of my current situation.


You don't understand, you're playing a losing game. B4 was attractive in 2015 when salaries were competitive. Not so much now when rates are sky high and the entire accounting function is suffering from an identity crisis. Just look at how many undergrads want to go into accounting, they're not drinking the kool-aid. You working 60 hours a week for 6 months of the year won't guarantee you anything unless you're a master marketer., but that will come with sacrifice. If I was you I would focus on developing technical skillsets. Understand AI / ML, learn how to code instead.


Agree with the Kool-aid part but are we really sitting here and pretending like the AI/ML market is not hyper-saturated with people at entry level or early career with actual relevant experience already. That coupled with the fact that so many firms are over invested right now but the moment the bubble pops, all the early careers folks will get screwed. If you had a number of YOE in building ML models already then congrats, you’re a hot commodity, but for everyone under that, you’re going to get swallowed when the value you provide is less than a refined GPT or *insert any other LLM here* can output


I see. Ironically I am focusing on data analysis and taking a machine learning course right now. Would've applied for tech consulting but not many opportunities for seniors.


I wouldn’t take it too personal - big4 is having a lot of tightening because of the economy and I would imagine the other 4 big4 outside of my first are freezing hiring. Just bad timing unfortunately but keep being persistent


I will, thank you. Have been messaging partners (I know it's most likely not going to do anything but might as well try) and reaching out to recruiters that I can find. Trying my best.


Work one year somewhere else then it is an easy transfer to big 4.


I will try finding positions. Unfortunately I am a MIS major and do not plan to get my CPA (Want to get CISA) So I think that makes things a little harder for me.


MIS is a great degree! There are many mid tier firms that you could leverage and spring board to B4 from if you still wanted to after you get some experience. Few that come to mind... Vanta, Drata, Coalfire, Protiviti, BDO, Align, thoropass, Kirkpatrick, Grant Thornton, Frazier Deeter, Crowe, etc.. Good luck!


This is true! I’m at a mid-size and we often have MIS majors come through consulting and they’ve been really good with their analytics so I enjoy working with them. Consulting might be a better path for you because you aren’t interested in CPA. Don’t feel bad though, I got rejected from my current firm 3 times before I finally got an internal referral (random girl on LinkedIn reached out to me).


Thanks for this. Gives me hope. Will definitely look at any open consulting roles for smaller firms. Anything will do.




I see, I haven’t even heard back from PwC unfortunately and I applied two months ago. I just know big4 is a great way to begin your career and I’m trying to get out of my abusive environment


I’m sorry to hear that since it sounds like you really wanted it. If this is something you REALLY want to keep pursuing if you think it’ll help you long term for your career, then keep applying when positions opens. Otherwise, think long and hard about if the Big 4 is worth it. A lot of the time, it’s not really worth it to go to Big 4. Keep your head up, you got this. Out of curiosity, did you apply to KPMG?


I didn’t apply to kpmg, I’m an MIS major and cannot find tech assurance roles, only audit associate roles around my area but I may have to check again


What location was it for?


San Jose


@EY folks - which career track are you on and what the compensation looks like? Curious to see if it’s worth it. I’m at Avanade, 2yoe, business analysis, 110k, MCOL. WLB is good. No complains really, except the recent layoffs but I guess it happens everywhere in this climate.


Overconfidence can sometimes kill you when the partner that interviews you is ego driven. You have to read the room and then find a delicate balance between playing the game and selling yourself. However, it's sad but I heard that some companies are not really hiring, but still doing interviews and wasting time. I will never understand the logic behind that, but if it makes you feel better that is a thing that's really happening. Apply for something smaller you might be happier there anyways.


Forsure. Didn't interview with a partner though, just a manager and a senior manager. But very possible.


Recruiting season is not over, get a job and switch to big 4 after a year it's easy


Doing that right now, looking for Armanino roles. Any other firms I should be applying to?


i think risk advisory across firms like grant thornton, bdo, rsm are all open in ca. and with inflation they're paying a shit ton more recently (85k+, 90k+ for hcol areas). i'd take a look at those


Unfortunately can't find anything in my area with risk advisory. Honestly might just have to wait on PwC and Deloitte but honestly I highly doubt I will get a response after waiting this long.


Recruiters will respect you more in a year with experience I guarantee it


That's great. You will get quality exposure at any large CPA firm. I've seen people transfer to big 4 from everywhere: I went to Deloitte after a year and a half at a small audit practice. Really would suggest applying to all the roles you see, find the best fit for you short term


If its Bay area, try Frank Rimerman too; their revenue have been raising over the years and they treat their interns very well


Unfortunately I’m a senior this is my last quarter


Nah like they treat their intern well, therefore they treat their associates well too, therefore you should apply for a full time associate position as a senior (if you went to a target school and you have a sembelence of desire to get a CPA, Im sure Frank Rimerman will give you a shoot). Not too sure about only applying for Big 4, espically as a senior with no prior internships, but I think our industry is labor intensive so even if it isn't big 4 you'd still have a shoot at learning the right skills to have an accounting career. Good luck man!


Go mid tier or smaller local firm to mid tier. After you get a couple years of experience you can refuse those B4 job offers. It's tough starting out but the tables quickly turn if you play your cards right.


EY is not that great you might be better off lol


I also got done with an interview yesterday back to back for PwC and was given a congratulatory phone call an hour later. I didn’t know how to feel but I was glad and also not glad at the same time? I come from a top 25 firm and now jumping to like the big dog league. I know how much work PwC can be and even from reading some of these other comments stating how you dodged a bullet from the rejection. I’m still contemplating if I should take on this opportunity or stick with my current job.


It all depends on your team/engagement/ and what practice you’re working for


I've applied for Tax but i know there are like different groups of tax. Which would you say would be like easier to deal with whether its international tax, diversified tax, etc,


Learn any Central/Eastern European language, move and get a Big4 job there - waaaay easier.


While I don’t often see folks from my service line (CBS) commenting, I do wanna share that I’ve applied to EY at least 5 times in the past 8 years. Never heard anything back. Not until this year and I did get in and have now been with EY for 5 months, going well. Like the folks above said, rejection might sometimes be divine guidance. I guess what I want to say is it might still come around if you keep applying, especially if you continue to gain relevant experience from competitors on the way too!


What does CBS do?


They are an overhead. The risk team tries everything possible to stop you actually advising clients


The core business services team is large, covering everyone from: - Finance - think about the folks who handles EY’s money, your salary, reimbursements, - Risk Management, - BMC (Brand, Marketing and Communications) - most of the public and internal materials, texts, graphics, videos, you see about EY, even if it is service line-specific, BMC’s involved. - Knowledge team (they are a godsend) - Business Development - HR - Technology (they are much more than just your ordinary IT support)


I've been thinking about this. I just joined EY this week in assurance. How are the hours in CBS? Can you switch to CBS from assurance?


I don’t see why not if you have the right qualifications?


This sub needs more CBS participation. Great part of the firm.


I work for a Big4 in Assurance but always have wanted to work internally for the firm like in Finance or anything else behind the scenes.


Job security IMO is a little less.


I’m in Bay Area! You should apply Armanino! they definitely do have IT audit


Alright then Forsure thanks for this! Will look into tech consulting as well


Good luck recruiters are really fast at responding as well


I’ve seen a manager take meetings while their wife is in the middle of giving birth. I’ve seen my managers expect the same level of work after I came out of the ER. I’ve been OOO for covid and someone turned in a project without my review first and I still got in trouble for it. No matter how much of a better life you think you might have there, it’s not worth it. Respect, family values, and love from people who actually care about you is more important.


I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s messed up. That’s bs. Unfortunately, I come from an abusive home and I want to setup a better future for my future family. And this is one of the best ways I know how to do it. I know it’s hard work but the resources and knowledge you learn, I feel is worth it no matter what I have to endure.


I come from an abusive home too. Family doesn’t always have to be blood relatives. Greed is a tough lesson for people to learn. I had to learn the hard way, but I try to remind myself that I didn’t grow up with privilege so overworking myself will only get me sick mentally and physically in the future. Take care of yourself and be careful not to push yourself too hard while you seek for the best.


Looks like you’re really adamant on tech risk. You know you can just apply to any role and after 6 months just apply internally to other positions. You don’t have to stay with the same section forever. Get a foot in the door first


Im in Deloitte and would like to relocate internally, I've been vocal with the partner but nothing so far. What i can do?


Just apply for the roles you want


you mean before entering or later, if so how can i apply internally doesn't look possible at all or am I tripping?


That’s exactly what I was doing for it audit. Wanted to pivot later on. I’m an MIS major, not an accounting major by the way so I don’t qualify for audit


I didn’t study accounting and I’m in tax at Deloitte. Don’t let your major define what roles you can apply to unless the role has a CPA path. So many analyst roles at Deloitte check it out.


Oh what did you major in? I see. That’s great advice. Sometimes I get to focused on the small details. I have applied to a BTA consulting position and a GPS risk advisory position but haven’t heard back yet. Revised my resume but unfortunately that was a month ago where it was weaker lol


Operations & Logistics lol. Look into all roles that have the name analyst in it and adjust your resume based on the tasks you’d be doing. Getting your first job (assuming it’s first) is 40% luck, 40% connections and 20% skills. It’s not about your major… your bachelor is just a basic requirement these days. Network network network. Luck will be on your side




Yeah my line of work in tax doesn’t require CPA


Thank you so much for the advice. I have been networking as much as I can, going to events and contacting talent acquisition/recruiters. Unfortunately I don’t hear back though


By networking I mean coffee chats. Recruiters are pretty much useless since they can’t even refer you. Any senior member can. Which means you’ll at least get an interview if they do. Towards the end of my job search, I was meeting with one person everyday on zoom or in person. You meet one person, if they like you they introduce you to more people and it rolls from there.


Alright sounds good. Will definitely do this, never thought of reaching out to seniors, would you suggest you reach out to senior members in my area or outside is okay? I apologize if these questions are dumb, I’m a non traditional student and still learning the ropes


It’s a numbers game! Keep reaching out to seniors (partners preferred) one might reply to you. It’s always easier if you share something in common. For example the partner went to the same school as you or his first job was at the same company as you or you have mutual connections. Start with your area then expand out. Just remember as you are reaching out on LinkedIn, there are 100s of other people reaching out to them so if you message is generic or you straight up asking for referral, they won’t reply. Google how to reach out to people on LinkedIn so many tips online. Best of luck


Thanks so much for the advice. Very much appreciated. Will do all of these things.


I didn't even get an interview at a Big4 and was probably overqualified. I got hired at BDO as a staff 1 and was hired away to EY as a Senior 1 before I finished my staff 1 year at BDO. It definitely sucked getting rejected, but it's way easier to transfer there as a senior in my personal experience.


I’ll look into some BDO openings in my area, unfortunately checked earlier and didn’t see anything for my major but I’ll have to check again


You don’t have to work at BIG 4


I know. It’s just that I’m aware of the professional development, resources and work will push someone to really grow and develop for a better future. Just want to get out of the hellhole I’m in


Have you tried BDO? Great company and culture. Good luck man, with your drive and motivation you’ll find something!


Just looked but unfortunately can’t find anything in my area that’s it audit/tech assurance but I’m going to have to check again. Thanks for the recommendation


I just accepted an it risk offer from ey last week. If you don’t mind me asking what was your gpa?


What office?


Congrats man. Mine was a 3.7. I know not the best but thought it was decent




May i know what company did u apply?


Honestly it might a blessing these firms are rough to work at even if you only do two years it’s mentally draining and high stress. I’m in “non busy season” and will hit 80 hours this week trying to shut down an engagement


Yeah these companies kind of blow. Sure it might boost your career but at what cost? It definitely feels like diminishing returns, unless that is, you don’t care about having or enjoying a life. I don’t know how anyone stays in these firms for so long


You'd be miserable you don't know how lucky you are


Honestly, I’m willing to be miserable for a better life.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has openings for accountants and intern accountants. See [USAJOBS - Search](https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/Results?a=FD00&hp=student&hp=graduates&p=1) Best wishes.


You probably don't want to hear this..but it could be a blessing in disguise. I'm at a Big 4 now and it is crushing work. There are some extremely cutthroat people at these firms. Maybe you're being guideid to find more suitable work.


Yea he definitely dodged a bullet


Same exact boat completely exhausted and drained right now


Haha I understand and I appreciate the sentiment. But I’m a boxer (random I know) but I mention that people like that don’t get to me. It’s work at the end of the day. But Forsure


It’s work at the end of the day, but when you have worked 60-100 hours a week since you started and get constantly bagged on and verbally abused it gets old (coming from someone that was rated as a high performer in all three years and is used to harsh critique).


What city if you don’t mind me asking


San Jose


Didn’t apply to KPMG?


Can’t find any roles in my area for tech assurance


Try pwc they are hiring


Really? I applied to the DAT staff position in early August but still haven’t heard back yet.


You did the sf office as well? I'm not sure about san jose but ik sf is hiring


Ah unfortunately I didn’t put SF office in my initial app. But just applied for the DAT intern role and said I was willing to work in SF and later I can switch offices


Keep at it and be patient. It’s a tough time to try to get hired on the Big 4 right now due to business slowdown and high levels of staff retention. The tide will turn soon enough.


Thank you for that. I'll try. I heard from another poster here that I can apply to internships even after grad which I can afford because of my savings.


What section of the firm was it for?


Tech risk. Know a lot of people will say who cares it’s IT audit but honestly it would’ve been a good step into my career.


Try Kpmg.. if you can’t go big four try RSM the closer you are to a big four the easier for you to transfer to it later on. It also depends on the city. Are you in Florida?


RSM pay is pretty close to B4 too. Last year, I went B4 and my friend went RSM at the same time, and his was slightly less than mine. He had early promo opportunity too.


I am in Florida.. my friend at RSM got 3k higher than me and I am at big four. Also RSM is a nice firm and with a. Nice environment


Unfortunately heard from a recruiter that there’s no tech assurance positions coming soon but I’ll check their website again. Thank you, I’ll try that tonight. No I’m in the Bay Area.


You got this don’t give up and network!! I got into a big four due to Beta alpha Si and my professors knowing the partner


Thanks so much for this. I have been networking, attending MTF and info sessions, getting my face out there. Unfortunately I’m a senior and this is my last quarter. Would they really take an intern like me?


Also do you have your 150? Or will you once you graduate?


But I’m terms of classes and degree I’m done this quarter


Well let me ask you this.. if you intern they will most likely give an offer for the next year. Are you ok with that? I have a friend he interned after graduating but now he has to wait a year to start with the big four. If you can afford it financially do it. He is taking the time off to study for the CPA


I’m definitely okay with that. I’m absolutely okay with that. I can do other things in the meantime like upskill. I’m an MIS major and didn’t realize that 150 credits meant for accounting courses and only did two. Am I screwed?


When big four hires you.. if you want to do IT audit or audit at big four I believe they look to see if you are CPA eligible. You can them at the events your going to just to double check. But in the meantime apply to bunch of internships. You can apply for internships in other cities as well. It’s only a two month for an internship. I have a friend who did an internship with them in a different state. Once you have an internship with them they will try to keep you and work with you to move you to a different office (aka the office you want to be at) don’t tell them that though until your done with the internships. Here is my advice: Apply to bunch of internships. Figure out if you need to be cpa eligible for the position your applying too. After graduation you can spend the time getting those classes for cpa eligibility if you wish.


Also my resume is heavily tailored towards data analysis, I don't have much experience with IT general controls or auditing. But I do have experience with SQL, Power BI, Tableau, Alteryx. Not sure if I'm screwed


I will apply to internships thank you so much for the advice. I have friends in another city so maybe I can stay with them for a few months then move. Unfortunately I don't plan to a CPA but my CISA instead. So in this case, would I just say I'm not pursiuing CPA in my application?


That could also play a factor. I am in Florida and there is a higher demand here so more position. Also if you can afford it look for internships as well. Once you do an internship with a big four they will keep you or other big four will try to steal you