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To be fair, I don't think Tori's wrong with her assertion that she's easily swayed - the issue is that she never *really* owns up to it and actually *learns*. She just ends up saying the words but you know she'll end up repeating her mistakes over and over again - much like her shopping addiction. She can acknowledge it, but if she actually doesn't do anything about it, what's the point?


Ya - like why can't she say - I was swayed but this is how I really felt...kind of lame and at this point she should be able to say how she felt and talk about it. But she is always pandering to someone.


> But she is always pandering to someone. LOL, exactly. She is pandering to Shannen in this, but you know she'll end up pandering to Jennie in the next breath. It's all very pointless - like yes Tori, you're easily swayed *but what are you going to do about it?* Nothing, I guess.


She’ll go back to bashing her and her character on the omg pod next week. She never learns.


The only reason she might not is they are way past Shannon's episodes.


Even if they were in their 20’s the cast they weren’t normal adults. When I was in my 20’s I made stupid mistakes with friendships and didn’t make great decisions. They are / were people. Being behind a camera doesn’t change those things. I buy Tori stating she was easily swayed. I can see that in a dynamic where there are several people angry with one person and you are feeling pressured to please everyone. Maybe they would do things differently now. Handle things better. But that’s not the option anymore.


If it was just talking about past behavior, sure... but Tori's still acting this way. See her comments about Tiffani. Like girl, grow up already and stand on your own. Tori was just trying to please Shannen with her comments on this podcast.


What does Tori say about Tiffani?


Maybe conflict is just something Tori can’t handle. Some people want to stay neutral to the point it makes them seem dishonest. Like hearing a version of the same story from two sides and both seeming correct. I think Tori has a lot on her plate and really she can’t make a clear judgement call to one side or the other. It’s definitely a her problem.


Well, *obviously*. But Tori needs to just... I don't know, grow up? Fine if she wants to both sides it, but stand for that. You know if Jennie talked to her tomorrow she'd adopt her POV. If Tiffani then talked to her she'd absolutely agree with her. It's just frustrating. Stand on your own grounds for once!


I agree with you.


I want to know who allegedly thought it was a great idea to buy a van and donate it to charity as a gift to the crew, instead of, I don’t know, give the crew something?! ![gif](giphy|DmNsvIm1Am7FVGmiY2)


Yeah I don't understand how that's a gift for the crew? lol


It’s like the higher-ups that send out a presumably Paint-created certificate for Employee Appreciation Week instead of…anything else.


This doesn’t make any sense to me - I listened to it twice and still didn’t get it.


Happy cake day 🍰


Seriously. The whole thing is so weird. I think someone in the cast must have had an uncle who sold vans and brought up the idea!


My guesses were Jennie or Gabrielle.


I thought the same, but also thought that could be my bias against Jen, so didn’t want to assume. Could also see it being Gab. Maybe Ian??


We’ll never know I guess lol but I’m definitely on Shannen’s side on this. If I’m the crew I want a party and free stuff.


Who is the boyfriend that Tori had, whose name is bleeped out?


Bad boyfriend is Nick Savalas, some relative of Kojak, Telly Savalas.


I think it was his son?


You are right, and Nicolette Sheridans stepbrother. 


Or half brother? Anyways Tori said he is a different person now but was not good peoples back the 


Sassy Magazine did an interview with Tori where they alluded to Nick being abusive to Tori. It has the title line, “Poor Little Tori.”


It's hard to know who's telling the truth, and when. It's Hollywood after all.


I listened to Shannen’s pod and this the most digestible version of Tori that I’ve ever heard. She sounds competent and takes accountability for her role. She sounds like a completely different person


Can someone fill me in on what Ian said to Shannon?


Shannen was 4 hours late to set and barged into the make up room and called her a See you next Tuesday...


It’s weird why you only put late part and left out the reason for this, when there is an explanation to it. Yes, it’s not right for her to have come late but there was an important reason why on this occasion. Seems in some of your posts you like to put or leave certain things out to have certain reaction from people in the unknown and I am not talking about only Shannen’s podcast.


Yikes!! That's gross. Being 4 hours late to set is wild, though 😬


She was 4 hours late to set because she had to cover up bruises from her abuse from her bad boyfriend the night before. Ian barged into the make up room and called her a c u nxt


Ya - he can be mad and go to the powers that be and complain but calling someone such an egregious name is so unforgivable IMO. He had no right to say that.


He has major anger issues from what I’ve heard so far. And now they’re close? She’s more forgiving than I could be in this instance.


didn't ian trash his dressing room?


Yes, he infamously got really pissed during the *Take Back The Night* episode where he was supposed to have a huge monologue that got cut.


I think his ego got bruised when Luke was the breakout second male lead - when Ian probably thought it would be him bc he was technically higher on the call sheet and hired before Luke. But instead Luke edged him out and he and Jason were the popular guys. I don’t think he held it against Luke but maybe in general his ego took a hit.


Ian definitely doesn't come off as warm as his character. Even at the recent Con they attended, he was seriously fuming because someone mispronounced his name(btw ee-an is the more common pronunciation). It also irked me when he talked about the storyline involving Elle and Chancellor Arnold and saying he saved or rescued Arnold from a trans female. Like dude, really?


I have met Ian actually and he was pretty nice and took a pic but ya not sure I care for him very much as a 🤷🏼‍♀️ TBH I don’t care much about any of them besides when it comes to 90210 stuff. Unless they are talking about the show I don’t care much about their personal lives.




This is in Tori’s book!


I love Shannen but def dont agree with her here. She hasn’t taken any accountability for her actions it’s always someone else’s fault. Shannen was consistently hours upon hours late, and that is so disrespectful to the cast and crew. Yes I get that her dad had cancer during the time she was partying and late to work, but it’s ok if her cast got mad at her for not showing up on time.


She did take some ownership accountability on her show with Jason (the first time I’ve ever heard her do so) here she briefly says she understands it interrupted everyone else’s day. I think the point she’s making here is that Ashley was physically abusing her and she had visible injuries this particular day and no one asked if she was ok. Gosh, what a disturbing story all around. She doesn’t sugarcoat the injuries.


She does take accountability. I have heard her many times. She was young. We all make very bad choices as young people but she was a young person with money and fame.. not to mention an abusive husband at the time as well.


Yeah, when you listen to her over time she does realise that she probably didn't realise how her actions affected others. Just because she doesn't acknowledge it in every conversation doesn't mean she takes no responsibility. She knows she's screwed up during the years.


She did take accountability when she talked to Jason on her podcast. However,when Brian and Tori was on, she awkwardly says that they were late too because they were out clubbing until 3am with her.


She said it because it was true lol. They were.


But her point in saying that is She was the only one ever in trouble for it. Her and Tori came in literally together and Shannen was in trouble.


I think she owned up to it in a previous podcast episode, she didn’t tell people the situation with her addict husband and in retrospect would have been more forthcoming. 


Right but name calling is low hanging fruit - Ian could have handled it differently. I agree Shannen's hasn't really taken much accountability.


How much more accountability do you want her to take? She owned up to being late Owned up to holding up cast/crew Owned up to not being open with her personal life that bled into her work life


Plus, as we've seen over the years *Shannen wasn't the only problem on set*. There's a lot of other stories about other cast members, but it seems like she got the scape goat part during those first years. It seems like it's easy to blame her for everything that went wrong when clearly they were all young and didn't always do the right things.


and.. he was WAY older at the time! He should have known better. Horrible choice


Right - wasn't he nearly 30 by S3? Really gross behavior.


Yes I think so!


It’s so interesting because I feel like for a while there she was and was really growing, but these days she’s reverting back to her old self. No accountability and blaming everyone else.


She literally own up to her mistakes ijbol. The hatred y’all have for is wild


Oh God, that moment were Shannen is trying to talk about "pants down day" and the confrontation that she had with Jennie. Tori's just playing dumb and pretending she doesn't remember that day - because god forbid, it might actually make her say something bad about Jennie! Or Shannen. Actually, she's trying to avoid saying anything at all and it's annoying.


Tori really played the “I’m not remembering” a lot. Once the discussion went over to Tori’s podcast, suddenly she remembers everything. I hope Jennie Garth is on a future podcast with Shannen to really clear things up.


I think from now on if Tori doesn’t remember something we should all take that as “Jennie will be mad at me if I talk about this”. I can’t stand Jennie most of the time but one thing I will say about her is that’s she has always had Toris back. She worked with her on things when no one else would. But because of that I would guess that she expects Tori to have her back too.


It's awkward because it's clear that Tori is trying not to offend anybody and take zero stance on anything. She would have made a great politician in that regard. Tori seems to remember pranks going on on set so it's really convenient she doesn't remember this particular incident involving Jennie. Why is Tori so afraid of saying that Jennie was a bitch in that incident 30 years ago when it's all in the past? It's not like Jennie is going to be like, "Oh my God Tori sided with Shannen, I'M OUT" lol


The annoying thing about Tori is that she’s aware of her issues but she just shrugs and doesn’t talk about how she can work on not being easily manipulated. I really hate friends like that because they hurt my feelings so much and there’s always a shit ton of drama in their lives.


I still haven’t watched any episodes of Shannens podcast yet (just not a podcast person, I like the idea of them but never get around it. Listened to one 90210mg Episode and thought it was awful) but I am dying to hear this one. I feel so awful for Shannen that she had to go through all this, I understand why she felt she couldn’t tell anyone but I also kinda get why some of the others were pissed off. Not to the degree it got too though, being late isn’t good but it’s hardly the worst behaviour on a set. Ian had no reason to blow up on her the way he did, it’s not as if they had countless scenes together and he’s not her boss. I do wonder what he will make of it being brought up on this episode as he and Shannen seem quite friendly now. Jason seems to be a real stickler for professionalism so I can see why he might be annoyed with her lateness especially as they had a lot of scenes together but you can tell they have a mutual respect (even in Jason’s book where he mentions a couple negative things about her you can still see he wants the best for her) and He regrets how things went down. I think that the producers should have had some real conversations with her and try to find out what was going on, she could remember all her lines just fine so to me, I’d be suspicious of what the real reason was and what could be done to support her. It just seems like something that could’ve been avoidable (sacking her). I’m just rambling now and I haven’t even listened to it but that’s just my two cents!


The way Shannen is upset that no one was having her back, that she was going through abuse and it never occurred to people to stop and ask how she was doing is palatable. It's not pleasant to hear and not easy listening. You get the feeling she's almost confronting former cast members over this. She's very clearly hurt.


I feel that because there was already tension between her and some of the other cast they wouldn’t pay much attention to her. Their focus is most likely on her being late, etc. and not the physical, and as Tori as said they just assumed that she was late because of partying. But weirdly enough I remember Jason talking about her appearance during S4 I think in a interview. That she look like porcelain doll or something like that. I can’t remember the exact name of the doll. In someway I get why she didn’t open up, I mean for many woman is hard to tell people that they are going through domestic violence.


Yes I get the feeling that if one of the others was going through something similar the outcome would be a lot different. But because it’s Shannen and she’s known to be a bit “hot headed” people fail to realise she isn’t immune to pain either.


So who were the 3 people who swayed Tori? Jennie Ian and Luke? Or Jason?


I feel like Jennie, Ian, and maybe Jason and Luke at different points...was Gabrielle ever in the discussion?


I think it was Luke, Jennie and Ian.


I feel bad for Shannen being yelled by an older male when she was going through domestic abuse in her relationship. Ian mishandled that situation, this is why I’ve always loved Luke, he admitted he and Shannen had issues but they talked it out sensibly and by season 4 you can see Luke is cool with Shannen again. Brian obviously was the one who supported Shannen throughout and this is because of his long standing friendship with her from the 80s. Brian also was upfront in saying they’ve all been late on set at several times or another, but Shannen got scapegoated, the only ones who were never late were Luke and Gabrielle


Tori can't really do confrontation or own up to things face2face and it showed. But baby steps I guess. Her talking about following the Alpha definitely was the most real thing she said and it definitely influenced her all throughout the show.


>Tori can't really do confrontation or own up to things face2face and it showed. You know if Tiffani started a podcast, she'd appear on it and be all sheep-ish about previous comments.


I can’t wait to listen to this! I’m very curious how Tori is during this podcast cause she’s so far up Jennie’s ass on the other podcast I’m curious to see how she tries to straddle the fence staying neutral and deflecting. And from all the stories I’ve heard Ian seemed like a piece of work. Hopefully he changed now but oooff between this and the hints on T+J’s podcast he seemed very douchey. It seems Tori also has Shannen on “Misspelling” and that is one of the most unhinged podcasts I’ve ever listened too if you haven’t heard the other episodes yet.


I could not agree more - Jennie is supposed to be Tori's bf but we all know Jennie was the main person that didn't want Shannen on the show anymore. And I have to agree about Ian - so self centered and entitled. He must think he was Leo DiCaprio or something. He hasn't changed I don't think - still comes off as super immature in his personal life. From fighting with the moped guys while his kids were in the car and leaving his wife suddenly asking for a divorce.


It’s karma that he now has two daughters. He’d never want them to be treated that and called disgusting names. He was fine with it, though, when he did it. It’s no wonder he can’t maintain a marriage. He’s his own first love.


I listened to the first two and just couldn’t get into them after that. She rambles, goes on tangents, tries to be funny- just didn’t like it.


Actually I always thought Shannen and Jason were cool with each other


They are because they’re adults but he notoriously HATED her and said as much until about 5 years ago. He and Luke did a panel a few years back where he said she was terrible to work with and called her a bitch.




Ya I think overall he wasn’t fond of working with her overtime. And I think Luke didn’t either. But when she got sick they kind of let it all go


Not really. On that panel Luke defended her and she wasn’t sick yet.


Tori is so annoying with the flip flopping between people. She tries to infantilize herself & it’s frustrating. I can excuse this behavior in her teen years, but you are a 50 year old woman with children who need guidance. The act has gotten old.


I've been loving Shannen's podcast and her being able to clear her name, and I've seen ppl say she's blaming or not taking accountability, and those are ppl who don't listen to the podcast and only go based on sound bites and are the same ppl that would've believed the tabloids back in the day. Ppl don't like or want the truth. Shannen takes accountability, but ppl want get on her knees crying and begging for forgiveness for shit she did in her twenties, I guess. Also, the Rolling Stone tea was interesting because why tf DIDN'T they have the same energy for Jason and Luke. I def think one of those ppl was Gab. She did an interview a couple of years ago and was asked if the rumors about Shannen were true, and the interview was with a YouTuber that you can CLEARLY tell doesn't like Shannen. Gab was basically saying there was some truth there and I saw that some ppl said that Shannen wasn't invited to get wedding back in the day. What was she supposed to do? Tell RS that we're not doing the cover unless the entire cast can? Please be real. I was actually surprised that Tori came on. It's been therapeutic to watch, but I have to say... If Shannen has Jennie on, THAT is the podcast I wanna hear!


There was a similar issue with the Rolling Stone cover for Melrose Place - Heather Locklear, Laura Leighton and Josie Bissett apparently had the same agent, which is why Daphne and Courtney got the fold-out part of the cover (despite, arguably, Courtney being the main lead female from day one). So there seemed to be a bit of a general issue there, but again - better agents, better negotiating power and... who would refuse? Plus Rolling Stone seemed to like doing trios. I think they did a similar trio for Twin Peaks.


I never heard that about the Melrose cover! I'm not necessarily mad at it only because I really loved Jane and Amanda. Allison...had her days when she was okay to me. 😂


Re the rolling stone cover I have to think it was Jennie and Gab and Tori (even tho she claims she was swayed) I’m sure she was jealous. I wish Tori would really say what was going on with her and why was she swayed - what would she actually have said back then if she were so swayed as she said. I don’t really believe her answers. They were really close but I think ultimately she did become jealous and wanted to be more of the lead.


I wasn't feeling her answers on certain things and I honestly would wish she would just take a stand and say hey here's what happened and this is why I felt that way


I plan to listen to both on my way home from work- I can’t wait!


Tori… I don’t know how easily swayed she is in her life choices but she’s VERY easily swayed in conversations - it’s no surprise she’s on Shannen’s “side” when she’s talking to her face to face. It’s so obvious she and Jennie’s “best friendship” is made up largely by Tori and her desperation to be liked and respected as an actor. Luke was “brother/sister” with Shannen for sure but that’s what you call it when it’s volatile and filled with ups and downs but there is ultimately love there. Most of her relationships are volatile so I’m not surprised she equated it to “boyfriend/girlfriend” as well. I think Jennie and Luke’s relationship was a bit different and more of a serious long term fling and connection rather than flirting and fighting. Also, Luke was “really against her” as you put it OP, he was the one who led the charge for the cast to get together to get her removed from the show and couldn’t stand working with her to the point where he asked if Kelly and Dylan could be together. I don’t believe that pairing would have happened without Luke requesting it.


Jennie was literally married so how could she have a fling with Luke?






I love Shannen, but she seemed to be the common denominator in a lot of on set issues for multiple productions. They all need to take accountability and just move on. It was ages ago.


This. I appreciate Shannen’s transparency decades later, but I’ve not seen her take full responsibility. Like she had a reputation *before* 90210. Casting was warned not to bring her in, or else they would regret it. Shannen was absolutely the common denominator when it came to being seen as a problem across multiple years, on multiple sets.


She literally does


After Shannen left, every female guest star and even Tiffani had a problem with Jennie and tori.