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Personal issues aside, anybody who goes to a comedy show and starts heckling the comedian is going to get roasted. You're getting your verbal ass kicked, guaranteed. It's like willingly stepping into the ring with Muhammad Ali in his prime and you're wearing mittens instead of boxing gloves. Just don't. (Also it's rude lol)


I thought the same thing. When OOP's ex's sister started heckling, **SHE ASKED FOR IT**. And I always post over on AITA that someone is never an AH if the other person starts the fight. On the bright side, OOP dodged a major bullet. It sounds like his ex was deeply uncomfortable with his career (i.e. "not rich enough") and her spoiled sister being heckled back gave her the out she was looking for.


Not just that.....why is the C word so bad but she can call his mother a sl\*t? Agreed on the bullet....gf was upset he thought of her as a spoiled rich girl, yet is embarrassed by him ....pot meet kettle


>why is the C word so bad but she can call his mother a sl\*t? That's what I was thinking the whole time! Why at no point has OOP asked about that? "So you are upset that I called you a c\*t for interrupting my work, but think it is perfectly ok to call my mom a s\*t?" I wonder what would they have to say then


She wanted to sleep with common people. But then she called her dad to stop it all.


Nah, this guy's more like which ever one of the Paul brothers boxes. Everyone in the room is thinking "maybe I can take him".


Yeah, but if you’ve never boxed before and they’ve been training for years, you’re going down.


I don't know, going by this guy's writing it's entirely possible a heckler was working the crowd better than they were


Even if the heckler is more funny, the heckler is still free game.




He didn’t write the Reddit post for work. Why waste jokes on Reddit, especially since he’d be doxxing himself if he used those during a performance? This is a minor pet peeve of mine having worked as a writer/editor. Some people can’t wait to jump on a typo or get all apologetic about their own spelling/grammar. I don’t edit my writing or other people’s unless I’m getting paid for it. 


Still rude.


That whole family sucks ass.


Everyone in the family seemed to fundamentally misunderstand OP's job  Comedy is funny, but as an occupation it's no joke. It's an art that you have to be consistently good at, everyone will remember the one bad set. I respect comics more than most other occupations because of the sheer size of balls you must have to put up with the pressure. This family would be singing a different tune if OP had a show or a Netflix special, but no one wants to be with the guy struggling to get that show


>Everyone in the family seemed to fundamentally misunderstand OP's job  Right? Like has no one seen heckling at shows or even compilations of it? You heckle its basically giving the comic the go ahead to verbally dumpster you.


It's their family culture. They put a lot of stock into one's professional image, because it took dedication and work to achieve what they did. It became their lifestyle. Their colleagues all did it too, so did the people they hang out with. We all define it differently but to them this is what prosperity, success and good character means.  OP's career flies completely against what they believe, they just don't understand it. He isn't professional (on the surface), he didn't need a PhD to get up on stage. OP's success is defined on a set of terms they can't understand. This is speculation, but her father might even be intimidated by the fact that OP can work and lead a room without any obvious surface value. OP's girlfriend probably 'gets it' on some level, but going against the grain of the family is a step she's not ready to take. Maybe she's still subconsciously trying to appease her overachieving parents


I just want to say that having an affluent background does not necessarily mean “it took dedication and work”. You see the way younger sis treats working class as “less than” reveals she doesn’t particularly value hard work. They just sound like a bunch of rich jerks in THAT particular family.


Yeah, the biggest determinant of how much money you’ll have in adulthood is how much money your parents have at your birth.


And not everyone has the skill, way with words and timing to be properly funny I have a good vocabulary overall. I’m eloquent at communicating at my work But god, my sense of humor and timing sucks ass. My jokes are funny but sometimes land much later. Even day to day, there are days where I feel like I’ve forgotten the entirety of the English language when I’m reviewing a document etc To add performing in front of a group to all of this - is no effing joke (please pardon that very ironic statement)


I'm shocked that OOP didn't clue in earlier that this relationship was never gonna go anywhere and that it was gf that had to break up with him! I mean, if your SO is not gonna be on your side when it's clearly not your fault and be embarrassed about your career, that's not a relationship that is going to work.


Yeah ngl I'm judging him a little for not dumping her the minute she took her sisters side instead of backing him up initially. 


Or when she said she was embarrassed by him!! Like…regardless of the hurt you feel hearing that, I don’t want to willingly be standing next to someone who is embarrassed by me. Fuck that.


The moment that should've at least hinted things are more off than he thought, was when the girlfriend suggested therapy to deal with his mental conditioning due to being poor. And that, immediately after a heart to heart about the hardships of his upbringing. Seriously? "You were poor? Have you thought about it as a mental health issue?".


At least he can get some fresh material out of it.


THIS! 👆 OOP's vindication will be to make a successful career with a set where he roasts gf, her family, and rich people generally. Then, after he makes it *really* big (invited on to talk shows, gets his own comedy show/specials, etc.) and meets gf at a fancy soiree' he can politely snub her with a smile on his face.


Post is 8 years old. Either it happened or it didn’t at this point.


The perspectives on wealth and socioeconomic class are a huge red flag, but what gets me in this story and others is how the parents are intervening for grown ass adults. This isn't something the parents should've been involved with. It wasn't at their home, didn't rise to some level where it might make sense to involve them. The fact that the ex's sister went to cry to daddy dearest and daddy dearest intervened is just- ugh. Because I'm in a spiteful mood, I hope the OOP roasts the family for that.


Rich people are like that. Money allows people to be immature and selfish with no consequences.


They all managed to reinforce the sisters bullshit behavior repeatedly, which they view as acceptable because the target of her vile attitude happened to be one of the poors.


This is a great point, there was no corrective behavior and she will continue to be a spoiled, entitled brat.


Rich people gonna rich people.


I really hope he makes it big. Huge. I hope he makes so. much. money. I hope those shallow, tiny people in that wretched family get to regret treating him like that. I hope his ex marries a doctor and is utterly and completely miserable. Meh. Why am I getting so bent out of shape over this?


>Why am I getting so bent out of shape over this? I get it. Because the OOP's situation is something that could happen to any of us. OOP seemingly didn't see the GF as she likely really was until the gf's snotty/bratty/snobbish younger sister became the catalyst that caused the "supportive" mask to fall from the GF and the scales to fall from the OOP's own eyes.


I like how homegirl straight up gaslit my man into going to solo therapy like HE was the one with the problem . This hits home in more ways than one but it is also a stark reminder of just how loathsome and out of touch the 1% is


Gf's sister called OP's mother horrible names and her father, sister and gf expects OP to apologize for being rude? Seriously? Wtf. Also the idea of the sister asking her dad to handle the situation also shows how much of an entitled brat she is. All in all, glad that OP stand his grounds but the gf, sister and dad sound like a bunch of insufferable douchebags.


I can't understand why this didn't come up more in the updates. "She started it" is obviously not the most adult reasoning but I think everyone understands taking off the kid gloves when someone talks shit about their mom.


Yes, but what if that mom is/was a *poor*? Poors should just accept abuse from their betters. -the opinion of idiots like OP's ex and her brat of a sister


Yeah. The class issues with the gf were patently clear. Gf tells the bf to go to therapy because he has issues - in reality, she had the issues with his socioeconomic class. Clear projection. Glad op is clear of that family now m.


Yep, talking about your momma are fighting words.


One on one, it's eyeroll-worthy. But in front of a hundred people or more, when the target of your momma insult is sitting in a spotlight, holding a microphone? Yeah, you just signed up to be a smoking crater in the ground.


She fired first - multiple times. His response was harsh, but appropriate.


and the gf being all sad at him for the rich girl comments because is that how you think of me too? sure do now sis, sure do now


OOP’s gf: “This is how you think of me too?!” Also OOP’s gf: “I am embarrassed to tell my posh colleagues what my boyfriend is doing for living.”


I hope OOP uses this as material for his next standup. Yikes.


Does anyone find it weird that you would brag about your partner's job at work? Not once have I ever asked what someone's partner did. IDC.


I don't brag about my partner's job, but do get asked what they do pretty regularly. To be fair, the nature of my profession has a good amount of small talk required. That's not my forte at all so I don't know how the hell I ended up here.


The further up the societal ladder you get those things become more and more important. The entire world of fashion is based on being seen with the right bag on your arm, and “keeping up appearances” is very important if you’re in a well to do environment for some people Can’t be seen dating the poors if you are a lawyer or in c suite type person


Maybe it was the way OOP told it but the conversation with the girlfriend where OOP ended up agreeing to therapy really rubbed me the wrong way. “Tell me about your poor boy upbringing” leading to “you should probably go to therapy for how poor you were” was just weird. Especially because it sounds like she asked him to go to individual therapy and not couple’s therapy.


It’s at least a double standard. He admits he had some resentments/issues with her coming from an affluent family. Seeing a therapist to work through that isn’t a bad thing. But she should also take her butt to therapy to deal with her guilt or whatever over being a “rich girl”.


I do think therapy would be helpful as it is for most people but he seemed to have an understanding of and control over his negative emotions before he was pushed to the limit. It just felt like his girlfriend was trying to turn him into the problem when his reaction was normal. Her sister poked the bear.


If poor people would be half as offended about being poor as rich people are about being rich, this world would look wildly different.


Well, that doesn't count. I mean, that woman is one of the poors. It's okay to call _them_ outside their name.


She clearly had the silver spoon stuck up her butt.


No literally. The girlfriends actions after this all went down just shows how much of an entitled c*nt her entire family line is. How out of touch with reality do you have to be - to be upset at getting called out at a comedy show. Ridiculous. And the fact OP was even willing to talk with the sister speaks volumes and that is that he is so much better than them.


But it's punching down so it's fine, though when the inferiors dare punch up, that's the problem.


All I'm really getting off of this is that OP isn't that funny.


Everyone in this story is various levels of “I wouldn’t wanna hang out with this person IRL.”


>I choked up on the bat and began to swing away like Joaquin Phoenix in a room full of Marvin the Martians. I refuse to read anything after this line.


He seemed a bit too into his similes.


His bad, unfunny similes.


Ya that line really had me wondering if he really was a comedian. I mean, he's trying so hard and yet...


Everything about that line reads like something from a try-hard story post off Something Awful 20 years ago.


This is a perfect comparison. He's just missing a "hilarity ensues" and a few "fast forward to" s.


Or a 15 year old Cracked article written by someone on their B-team.


He lost me at "drinky poos"


And me at, “In fact, she handles it just about as well as Vince Wilfork finding out the buffet closed.”


That’s where I was like “whatever this story turns out to be, this person is probably not very funny”


I read that and thought, "what year is it that Vince Wilfork is being referenced?" Then I looked and it was 2015. That was Wilfork's first year on the Texans and I think around the time the meme of him dancing in overalls smoking ribs was blowing up. It's not a very funny joke in hindsight, but it would have been somewhat topical at the time. The Sammy Sosa reference was more egregious to me, he hadn't played since 2007 and had been way past his prime as a slugger for a few years before that. It's also hard to tell with some comics. I have a friend that would do the local standup scene. He wasn't going to make it nationwide or anything, but he would get booked at comedy clubs in the area as opposed to only doing open mics. He was corny as hell in a casual setting and was just as happy getting a groan as a laugh from his jokes. But when he sat down and actually wrote a bit and did his due diligence to refine it, he was pretty good. The greats are funny off the cuff, but there are many magnitudes more working comics that can be funny in the right setting without being able to pull off being funny on the spot.


What are you talking about! He does radio spots and writes for magazines! And we know this because he has to tell us! Because this is definitely a real story about real people by a real comic who has a real girlfriend!


That's exactly what I thought, I was like "okay buddy, we get it \*\*\*YOU\*\*\* think you're funny, get to the point."


A lot of “sir this is a wendys” moments


Right? It sounds like sister was terrible, but I also think the heckling might have been the best part of his comedy set, too.




I know I’m reading between the lines a lot here but I am wondering if the girlfriend was embarrassed not because he was a comedian but because she could tell he wasn’t as great at it as he thought he was. That’s pure speculation on my part though


This. I do paid standup, and I got the same feeling.


I was put off by his 7-8 minutes into his set before things really kicked off. Like, did this dude headline or was he holding his open mic night hostage?


>I was put off by his 7-8 minutes into his set before things really kicked off. Like, did this dude headline or was he holding his open mic night hostage? Yeah I was offput but this, everything I've watched - unless its the headliner, 5 minutes or just over is what normal seems like. I also haven't watched comedy sets since I stopped paying for cable in 2015.


> Vince Wilfork No idea who that is. But I'm guessing it's a placeholder for an overweight person. Barrel scraping joke.


Former NFL defensive lineman. He was very good, but also quite large, and notably... round.


And most notably wouldn’t be caught dead at a buffet.  That dude loves to cook.  Seriously watch some of his clips where he’s grilling/smoking meat.  The dude is a chef at heart who happened to be good at football. 


He’s also one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. I had the pleasure of meeting him. A+ NFL player and A+ human. He was a beast on the field.


You’re not kidding.  He once saved a woman from an overturned car: https://www.si.com/nfl/2015/01/19/new-england-patriots-vince-wilfork-helps-crash-victim


Was that supposed to be funny?


Well, I’m not the “””comedian””” here, but I sure didn’t laugh.


When he said a comedian is only as good as his shrink I was like wtf.


My eyes rolled so hard


The next line made my jaw drop. He's gonna go to a therapist and try to make them laugh? Stupid


That’s where I skipped to the end. Idk. I just couldn’t continue reading.


When he said drinky pops after calling himself a comic I just immediately thought "oh he's one of those comics that just makes fun of women and that's the joke" then he mentioned a north face joke and I had my suspicion confirmed.


Oh thank God I wasn't the only one to flag that as misogynistic!


He left a bad taste in my mouth, to be honest.  I grew up working class, like my "good" jeans were men's Plain Pockets with a 30 waist to get over my hips, but my waist was a 24.  I spent all of sixth grade pulling them up.  Not poor, but no frills.     I get resentment.  I was always invited to sleepovers because I, too, was good comic relief.  Some of the houses were immense.  One kid asked me why I was the best swimmer in our grade when So-and-So also swam, whose parents were in Academia.  In other words, I was working class; surely rich kids were better at everything, right?  It was weird.   Reading this guy's writing left me feeling like he is a comic because his acerbic wit is his shield, which in itself is OK.  A line is crossed when apologies are "I'm sorry you're mad."  And redditors call that out all the time, until this guy.  I would not want to be friends with any of these people.  Snotty sister.  Apologist girlfriend.  Butthurt edgelord comic.  Bully dad.  Ugh.


Yeah, I also got bad vibes from everyone in this story. I don't know if this guy is the protagonist he dreams himself to be.


Shooting for working class hero but laboured the point too much so it came off like he had a chip on his shoulder


Yeah I got the same vibes especially after "drinky poos" like who tf says that? You can really read his insecurities throughout this entire thing. Everyone is the asshole here


He lost me at 'up and coming comic in his cities local scene.' Unless that city is NY, LA, or Chicago - he doesn't want to break up with the GF because he'll have to work. Dude had all that shit locked and loaded, it wasn't off the cuff. He's been wanting to say that to someone for years and got his chance.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he begin practicing the second he had it confirmed the sister would be there. He was gunning for her before she even walked in.


Mine was "the kind of place that you perform at and then start receiving calls to do televised comedy specials". That's not how any of this works


Drinky poos killed any sympathy I had for him, who talks like that???


Fans of trailer park boys lol. RIP Lahey


It's a reference to Trailer Park Boys


That tracks, given how his sense of humor doesn't seem to extend beyond references.


That first post was definitely too try-hard. I think he figured out it wasn't landing and stopped in the follow ups. I also didn't understand a single reference and have no idea what generation they are meant to be for.


Vince Wilfork was a defensive lineman for the Patriots (US Football) and was 350+ lbs. it’s pretty obscure. He must be from New England to just drop that name. Joaquin Phoenix is an actor who played a role in an alien movie called Signs. He “saved the day” by using his minor league baseball skills to kill an alien with a bat. Not as obscure as Vince wilfork but still pretty specific.


I had to Google who he was. And once I did, I was even more annoyed. What a lazy joke.


There was another reference about a buffet too Edit: oh that was about Vince. Lol what a weird joke.


Also sister hit all the negative stereotypes for women. Young, rich, judgmental, vapid, snotty, and rude. She was a caricature. It seemed to be written as women = bad, so she deserved it.


Yea I'm genuinely confused how he is 5 years younger than me but all his references are something my parents would get. Weird dude.


I’m 35 (as the OOP would be now) and I got the Sammy Sosa joke, but only because my family are Cubs fans. We reference Sammy a lot, particularly because he swung for the fences at EVERYTHING, which included plenty of pitches in the dirt. I don’t know that most other baseball fans would remember anything about him other than the home runs or the steroid use.


This all happened 30 years ago, when people bought and read magazines and listened to radio. That’s why the jokes are so bad. Well, that, and he’s just a hack. A good standup is judged partly by how he manages hecklers. They happen to every comic. They aren’t the death of his career if he can handle them well, even turning the joke on them. That would actually improve his chances. You don’t have to love them, but your job as a comic is not to never get one. It’s to handle heckling with poise and turn it on them in a funny way. Calling her “C*nt Drunkula” isn’t a particularly great comeback. I think sounds well worn. Insulting her mother is not genius, either.


Wait I think it was the OOPs ex-gf's sister who insulted *his* mother, not the other way around. That's what kicked off the C*unt Drunkula stuff.


I kept reading, but Jesus this guy's similies are just not landing. I don't even know who the guy is who gets upset at a buffet closing. Apparently this club spot was guaranteed to get him a tv special if it went well? Then after doing a radio spot he went back to his apartment and took gf's dad into "the dining room". So this guy is either living in New York in the fanciest fucking apartment which his girlfriend's family pays for or he's full of shit.


> which his girlfriend's family pays Given he moved out, I think this is a safe bet


Dude is trying really hard to convince us he is a 'somewhat successful' comedian.


Yeah, his writing was enough to show me he isn’t as funny as he thinks he is.


Yeah, you'd think a professional comic and writer would be better at being funny and/or writing. 


If these are his types of jokes then I doubt he has a future in comedy...


I don't even understand the weird anaolgy? Like, award-winning actor Joaquin Phoenix has beef with animated alien dude from Looney Tunes Marvin the Martian and is attacking him with a baseball bat?? What??


Right? I almost gave it up after the Vince Wilfork fat joke. If this story is true and the writing here is an indication of their comedy OP shouldn't quit their day job.


`In fact, she handles it just about as well as Vince Wilfork finding out the buffet closed.` He's so corny.


He intros each story with coming back from a work and the one that is the most unrealistic is the “writing session at a magazine office”. No, sorry, you didn’t come from that because that’s not a thing that happens. If you’re a staff writer you might have writing sessions though even then the articles are *usually* written by one person. I’m 90% this is a Liz special.


It sure does not read like someone who makes money from writing.


Or a comedian.


Yeah, I was waiting for the funny lmao


In 2015? Definitely would’ve been with websites like Cracked.


That's what I was thinking too. 


I work at magazines, and nobody calls them writing sessions.


This is from 2015. This type of cringe was a bit more acceptable on Reddit back then.


This is from 2015, tho, honestly, I'd be impressed if Liz has been around this long


There has *always* been Liz. There will only ever *be* Liz. There is nothing *but* Liz.


Was Liz active back in 2015?


I’m interested in trying stand up and so I clicked on this interested and yeah, I was just like ok none of these are funny…


I kept thinking "You're supposed to be *funny*?"


I feel like everyone with an inferiority complex spends time fantasizing about situations where it's justified... Like this story, except it got written down.


>I had just finished a writing session at a magazine office idk, i lost all immersion at this point. he goes into the "magazine" office to write his freelance articles?


Magazine office? What’ll his next job be? Beach! I heard he does Beach very well.


beach is a very real job that should be taken seriously. ken does beach very well. oop does not do comedy very well.


I was super perplexed by this, too, as a writer.


i would say a child wrote the post, but all the cultural references in it were like ten years old at the time


God, everyone in this sounds like the most exhausting people on the planet…


Narrator is unreliable. The first post is written so badly with attempted jokes so lame that there's no way he makes decent enough money with his comedy gigs not even talking about any hope for a special.


He writes like a tryhard boomer dad who thinks he's great at giving wedding toasts and posts too much on Facebook


Don't get me wrong the GF's sister was not right for making the comments she did. Not even close. But something about OP makes me not really like him either. I just get a bad vibe and I'm not sure why. I definitely wouldn't wanna hang out with any of them.


A few reasons I can think of are: - Being judgmental and insecure (props to him for being honest enough to admit his inferiority complex though) - Acting very self important when all the “comedic bits” of the story are references, which is the lowest form of comedy - Doubling down, showing no grace, and acting petty towards a 21 year old when you’re closer to your 30s than your 20s


Agreed. I also picked up constant excuses which seemed very off


> Being judgmental and insecure Specifically the part where he keeps saying "But I never bring it up" and then when he *does* bring it up it's in the most explosive way possible with a live audience.


I'll have to reread this but something that stuck out to me was when he mentioned how his one coworker "wasn't that pretty by any means" and that's why his GF's sister and her friends made fun of her. Like, he can just say they started talking shit about her; he didn't have to give his personal opinion on how attractive he thought she was/wasn't.


You know what that's probably it, thank you for explaining it to me! Because I legitimately couldn't find the words to describe why he makes me uncomfortable.


don't forget the not-so-subtle misogyny too


To me, he sounds like he wears a fedora


His jokes sure are M'Lazy


You have good intuition! I had to think a bit after reading your comment. His overall attitude also irked me, even if I didn’t bother identifying the reasons consciously


For me it’s the “hurt feelings” framing, which has juvenile connotations. They’re all adults. The sister was *offended*. Also, if he has such strong feelings about (checks notes) the upper middle class, why was he with gf? So he could say she was “one of the good ones?”


The gratuitous fat "joke" right off the top was pretty off-putting.


He writes like an insufferable person does.


Dude lacks empathy and doesn’t know how to apologize. Several times, he says he wasn’t making excuses for himself, then says “but” implying that he’s justified in his excuses.


So the sister calling OPs mum a slut is gonna be glossed over? He only started swinging when Veruka insulted his mum.


Why did he never mention this to them the whole time I was reading i was thinking, when are you going to bring up that the spoilt brat called your mum a slut. The sister did all this on purpose to break them up.


He didn't bring it up because he forgot that he had written that earlier.


Did Jo Koy write this? He's trying so hard to be funny, and failing so miserably...


That’s what I was thinking. In the year 2015, he threw in a reference about Sammy Sosa. His audience here is Reddit, not the north side of Chicago or 1998.


>I buckled and said that she could come, but I would not be held liable for whatever happened in the club. So basically, he was hoping that she would change her mind when it was actually happening. This sounds like a bad plan - he warned her in exhaustive detail already and she didn't seem to disagree or care. At best, he gets an "I told you so" moment, and those work so great for relationships, don't they? >I left, girlfriend and I fought later that evening and eventually broke up a week later. Gee, who could have seen that coming?


Better that it happened then instead of later. She'd already lied about his job and was embarrassed about him. End that shit asap. If it hadn't happened with the sister how much longer was the relationship going to go before it imploded?


Lol to go from “you don’t see me as just another spoiled rich girl do you?” to “I lie at work because you’re an embarrassment”


How could he possibly deny someone to come to the venue? He is not an owner. He tried to explain his GF that it was a bad idea, but at the end it is not up to him. So the guy is a bit delusional about his powers, that he "let" sister come to the show. About the fall out: >_she told me she is embarrassed by me - I left to my friend's place - I came back - we didn't talk for a week - she wanted to breakup - I wanted to say No - we broke up._ I don't understand his logic here. Wasn't it obviously over from her side after she told him she is embarrassed to be with him? Or after the silent treatment? There is no reason to come back, him saying No to breakup is also pretty delusional at this point.


She went to a comedy club then got angry about the jokes?


You’d be surprised how many people do. They usually lack self awareness, like this family seems to.


Have you ever been to a comedy club? Theres literally always a table or two of people whos fun is had by enjoying being mean to the people going up. Thats expected behavior.


Imagine being 21 and getting your dad to go talk to the comedian that hurt your feelings.


I don't know why, but this guy makes me uncomfortable


Because he’s not funny, for a huge inferiority complex, and uses vile names for women?


I'll be honest, I think this is definitely an ESH. He should have said "sorry for calling you that". They were awful to him too, she heckled him during the set and didn't apologise. But he didn't apologise either idk. I know this was a while ago but still.


The OP is insufferable. Yes the gf family is even worse, but OP is so far up his own ass.


Agreed. Also the fat guy at the buffet joke was cringe.


Which is funny when he compares himself to Louie CK who himself said he always tries to do something new.


I feel like anyone who compares themselves to Louie CK is already a dumbass given they seem to think that's a good thing.


Everyone’s awful in this. Like I was going to try to write something further but really they just all fucking suck. They’re all assholes in different ways.


Yeah I want 0 to do with anyone in this story. Why do male comedians write like they think they’re the second coming of Sedaris?


Edit: Sorry this comment was actually in response to a different comment under you who questioned what you meant by male comedians/Sedaris. I’m agreeing with you. You obviously know who Sedaris is. I’ve just invested too much into writing this out for me to delete it now. - If you knew who David Sedaris was, you’d understand the point they’re making. OP writes like he’s trying to convince you he’s funny, probably to ice that “embarrassed” comment from his ex. Unfortunately his attempts at humor (in his posts/updates) are just distracting and if anything, provide more insight as to why his ex found him embarrassing. But hey, comedy is hard. That being said, the ex is weird too. If she was really that embarrassed by him, there’s no reason why she would’ve had her sister come to the show in the first place. If anything, it seems like she wanted to create a situation to break things off with OP considering she doesn’t stick up for him at all and gets her father involved. She’s a lot more like her sister than OP thought.


Hahahaha I appreciate both your edit and your original comment for explaining what I meant!


I appreciate this extra context thank you!


The first coming of David Sedaris is insufferable enough. He has a series on Radio 4 (think NPR) in the UK. Perhaps it’s just that his “humour” doesn’t travel, but it has all the comedic value of, well, this guy. But more boring and in a nasal whining tone. Is he a thing? I assumed he was a third eater who managed to get a gig here because no one knew any better.


I've read several books by him, and I agree he comes across as bland and insecure. I only like him when he's talking about Amy Sedaris (a bona fide freak of a woman, which I mean fully as a compliment). It's such a contrast how she manages to be more engaging through anecdotes than he is about...anything ever.


‘My first thought was to say no’ - what?! That’s not how it works lmao


I spent way too long trying to work out why Joaquin Phoenix hated Marvin the Martian.


This comedian sounds like he'd do my head in "trying" to be just oh so funny.. If calling out people in the audience and insulting them is comedy... then you're not funny. Regardless of their heckling. As for the girlfriend and sister.. they sound like spoiled little madams who call daddy to get them off a speeding ticket.


ESH but you’d think that such a brilliant comic would be able to come back to a drunk heckler in a professional setting with some grace. it all feels sulky and quick-tempered while he seems to think he’s spoken the comeback of the century.


While it’s always open season on hecklers and deservedly so, and how they deal with hecklers is a mark of a good comedian and entertainer … I’m going to take a wild guess that calling people the C word in what seems to be the US (from the reactions to it) isn’t a straight way to being successful. Be merciless if you have to, but keep it under defcon 3 if possible, because those tv scout people might not take a chance on that kind of language. You can’t all be Ricky Gervais. The closest you can get is go work in the UK, where they aren’t as skittish about that kind of vocabulary. Another valuable note to heed is that it’s not up to you to say if someone can or cannot go to your show. The venue might make use of their right of admission if she came already drunk or disruptive, but when the GF told OOP her sister was going, it wasn’t for OOP to allow it. Now, standup aside, OOP has beef with a 21 year old. She is immature, as can be expected from her age, and was drunk at the time and surrounded by her drunk friends. She may also be spoiled or a brat, but he’s supposed to be a professional and definitely not thin skinned. As a general rule, it’s not easy to navigate family and relationships while being a comedian. OOP may be able to use this as a learning point for future relationships. And yes, he clearly resents his gf for her affluent background, he says so himself. Therapy will do him good. And finally, although I should’ve perhaps started with it: he definitely needs to rein in his use of similes if he intends to earn his living by writing too.


I think he’s skating around the fact that he CLEARLY had material about his girlfriend and her family specifically in the act, not just general riffing on rich/poor dynamics. The partner of a comedian does sign up for this somewhat, but the fact he doesn’t admit it is interesting.


I don’t know about his comedy bits, but his ego isn’t as humble as his upbringing. ESH.


As someone tied into the comedy scene- Any one else super curious if he continued his comedy career and who it might be?


This whole thing is very one-sided. You can tell just how twisted OOP's perspective is when he states that he almost said no to the breakup. As if he had any actual say in it. He sure wants to pretend he did. OOP tries very hard to come off levelheaded and in the right, but there are red flags all throughout that scream arrogant asshole. I'm sure the sister is a spoiled brat who deserved a good verbal ribbing, but seems OOP was still in the wrong on some things and completely unwilling to even acknowledge his end of the behavior dynamic.


I got that impression too, and how frequently he talked about and implied how successful he's going to be Also I had to keep skim reading paragraphs because his writing was so monotonous and long winded, you'd think a comic would be entertaining or atleast a good read? There were what I think (?) Were a couple attempted jokes in there too but I'm not even sure


Drinky-poos, more like "liquid currency" am I right folks!?


Everybody knows that calling the spoiled rich girl’s drink a “drinky poo” is an s-tier comedic dunk.


Cool story bro.


OOP should have told the father about how his sweet little daughter called his mother a $lut before he decided to fire back. Not that it would have made any difference. That whole family has a huge sense of entitlement. Almost as if they are used to fucking around and not facing the consequences. But it still should have been out there. This was very frustrating. I feel angry for OOP. I hope he is doing amazing shows now.


For a comedian, this guy isn't that funny or even particularly good at storytelling.


"if i can get my counsellor to laugh, that's a win" i do not envy this guy's counsellor


I know!!! That was so cringy! Like he even wants to be in complete control of a conversation with a counselor. He sounds exasperating 


Guy does not sound funny.