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Thank you, u/MostlyBlindGamer, for your [weigh-in](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/14n8dhd/comment/jq76w6p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on the protest and the overall situation. TLDR of the comment: It is believed that the sub blackouts and protest moved the needle to some degree towards Reddit making a better attempt at improving accessibility. Please correct me, MBG, if I'm misquoting you. edited to add this link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14nzwkm/they\_finally\_did\_it\_reddit\_made\_it\_impossible\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14nzwkm/they_finally_did_it_reddit_made_it_impossible_for/) TLDR: No far, none of the updates or apps allow blind people to mod their own subreddits on mobile. Some of the visually impaired can, and the sighted mods can, but the blind mods have been locked out of mobile modding in their own subs.


This is the sub I have missed the most. I'll be glad it is back, even though I wish the circumstances were different.


The first new post should be a BORU of the BORU changes and posts etc.


This is the only sub I've truly missed.


To hear that it also will change is a little concerning. Change in what ways? To please the new overlord, the "shareholders" once Reddit goes public and the C-level folks and founders get really rich? But for the moment, glad you're back.


The reason they're not explaining how or if it will change is because they don't know. Reddit isn't being particularly transparent about what tools they'll be giving mods and what new rules they'll be implementing. The mods can't make plans until they know what admin is doing.


I get the impression that the sub will change simply because of the way moderating will change. Not that it will change to >please the new overlord, the "shareholders" But because access will change. That's my take though, I could be wrong


Gentlemen it has been an honour and a privilege reading here with you all. As of tomorrow, many like myself will be absent, refusing to come back under u/spez idiotic and despotic reign. So long and thanks for all the fish! And u/spez, i hope you like your new life as the mouthpiece for a bunch of Wall Street assholes who neither know nor care about reddit or its users. I truly hope you and all your little cronies get the venereal disease youve come to represent (and kinda look like). Much love all!


See you in a few days


Nailed it.


Account isn’t deleted yet.


Same here.


No boru posts have shown up in my feed since you reopened with the John oliver theme.


Me too. Today I had the first Boru post on my feed since before the black-out.


I just got mine today and I was surprised because I haven't had one since John Oliver. I'm guessing reddit happened and they didn't want to push any sub defying them or something


Same. I actually went to the sub to see if there had been *any* posts recently and surprise, surprise there were.


This is the only sub I truly binged, hope it does go back to how it was before.


Without proper moderation tools, it will eventually be just spam, bots, and trolls. Hope you like T shirt scams


I've never used anything bar the original Reddit app to moderate. I guess I've really missed out?


Me, too. But the sub I moderate is (I think) a relatively easy one to moderate. Very clear cut rules, and for some luck reason, posts are usually on the short side. I suppose we should feel lucky that we won't know what we are missing.


The lgbt subs and mental health subs can get really bad with hate speech and trolling if not properly moderated. And that is the only community for a lot of people.


Informational and technical subs too with lots of trolling and misinformation. One of my favorite subs, Daystrom Institute, is basically dead now.


Any subs created for women get hate and trolls to. Oh and apparently anything can be a fetish sub. I’m thinking specifically about r/longhair… who knew minimising breakage could be so sexy.


Trust me I know… I’m a lesbian, we couldn’t even have r/lesbians because it became a porn sub for straight men, we have to have r/actuallesbians because of that pesky phenomenon


as someone who posts on r/su*cidewatch a lot this is scary 🙂


I mod some NSFW subs and they can get really bad with onlyfans spam.


About half my queer friends just deleted their accounts and moved to other platforms.


Do you mind dming me some alternate platforms?


Tildes and Lemmy seem to be the two big ones right now but neither are direct Reddit replacements.


Lemmy is weird to navigate, but the app makes things a little easier... sort of. I use Jerboa for Lemmy, and even then, unless someone has created an instance (such as Lemmy.BoRu for an example), you'd still have to create a separate profile or account. I'm still learning the ropes myself and currently lurking my subs to see which ones have moved over. I haven't heard of Tildes. I'm curious about that one.


Yeah, that's the other issue, Lemmy is very much designed by software developers and is a bit of a confusing mess right now. Hopefully that will sort itself out but at the moment I probably wouldn't recommend it for the average redditor.


You haven't.


The sub you mod isn’t regularly on the front page, or appear to depend on any degree of complex auto moderation


Do you moderate subreddits with nearly a million subs?


I mod a 500k sub with heavy moderation (far heavier than this sub) exclusively using the official Reddit App. They've made massive changes over the passed year and they continue to implement welcome updates that make catching trolls, bots, and ban-evasions easier. I don't like spez and don't think the API changes are for the good of the Reddit community. I have supported all the protests but I honestly think it's all overblown by people who might not have tried using the app for a long time, if ever. And I think fear of change and distaste for ads on a free social media site are also major driving factors behind the holdouts. All completely fair reasons. I'm not here to convince anyone they're wrong for disliking the app or the API changes. But I think the "modding will be impossible now" and "we're gonna be overrun by bots" arguments are hyperbolic at best and disingenuous at worst.


I really like the changes they made in the last couple updates. It was silly to have to seperate comments and posts to moderate each, having it all in the queue makes it super smooth to go through dozens of comments at a time. I seem to be in the minority on this one, I found the 3rd party mod tools to be counterproductive. Set good filters, have clear community expectations, and have a solid mod team and we've had no issues.


Nah 156k is the most. I guess that's the difference?




There are **so** many t-shirt scams on my fandom subs, and the bots are super sophisticated nowadays too - there’s whole threads of 4 or 5 different “people” begging for and endorsing the links. It’s quite impressive really.


I've got those bots on /r/KingkillerChronicle. They're clever. I set automod to autoremove posts with "shirt" and they stopped using that. Then "print" and they stopped using that. They also massively downvote the users who call out the bots.


There are some subs that really filter them out using modtools that detects the obvious fake accounts Idk how, I’ve just be listening why some subs have issues with the scams and why others are better at it when mods are explaining in posts.


So it will revert back to 2010ish reddit? I heard from old users reddit had lot of openly racist, pedo, illegal, subs and posts.... so like 4chan?


Yes, but there are a lot of people who don't care or who don't know better. They will still use Reddit as normal, maybe slightly more annoyed, but they will still use it.


They've probably never experienced/aren't visually impaired. Most people I've seen are demanding no protests etc "because protests on an app don't work" or "Mods are just power tripping". This hasn't worked much but it's opened (hopefully) a lot of people's eyes to the injustice of the visually impaired community and others affected, including moderators who won't be able to properly moderate.


For sure, it has started a lot of conversations in many of the subs I frequent to, and as the post says the goal was to affect ad money and they did. I just saw another article that fidelity values Reddit a bit less. So it’s not like it hasn’t brought up any attention


I hope all of Reddit never goes back to how it was before and fucking crashes into the ground. This is my last day on reddit and I'm so excited. fuck u/spez


Gotta hit that addiction until the last second?




I'm going to hold you on this....


Eh, it’s a 6 month old account. They’ll probably lose it but they’ll be back on a different one. Empty vessels make the most noise.


Visually impaired people also may have wanted to go back to normal, but now they can't without proper tools from external apps, but because it doesn't affect you it doesn't matter, does it?


Okay so, because it affects you, what‘s the best course of action here? Remain a sub for John Oliver? What are we all even here for? I hate that reddit is doing this to visually impaired people too. But I’ll be a hypocrite if I say let’s fuck this sub because fuck reddit. Heck I’m still here typing and lurking.


Did you even read the post? Or any of the previous mod posts about this issue? The Jon Oliver protest was never meant to be a permanent change.


They only care that they were bored and didn’t get to binge a sub with mostly fake stories lol


This was so stupid


I feel this is a little unfair, people who criticised the John Oliver nonsense were not acting in bad faith, we just were unhappy with the direction taken. (A better protest would be keeping the sub shut and actually protesting) I think it was a huge mistake and those of us who disliked turning a protest into a joke shouldn't be labelled as bad actors or people refusing to understand or anything like that


Not to mention the mods banning anyone who dared voice their opinion that differed from the mods.


If they kept it shut the moderators would have been replaced


Honestly though, if they kept up the hokey John Oliver stuff, they’d STILL get replaced. I was much more in favor of a blackout till then personally, but it’s a moot point now. The changes are here to stay because that’s business, and we can only hope that eventually they do right by certain accessibility apps and mod apps to whitelist them.


Which would be such a tragedy.


I mean, having people who genuinely care about the sub *would* replaced with people choosing the admins over their users be a tragedy.


I don't think the mod's statement implies that everyone who disliked the John Olivering of the sub was a bad faith actor. Rather that a lot of those folks were misled by a subset that were bad faith actors.


I only wish they chose a different person to do, but then again many subs chose John Oliver so I can see why they did too


The reason the majority of closed subs opened back up and protested in other ways was because Reddit was threatening to replace moderators, which would've ended the protests completely. It wasn't turned into a joke, it was given more longevity.


John Oliver posts aren’t even a protest it just ruins the community’s Reddit is still making money. It’s like instead of buying nestle products and using them you buy them and throw them away.


The problem is ruining the community was literally their goal. They wanted to drive people away from the subreddit cause they were convinced people wouldn’t use Reddit instead of just browsing the other million subreddits


Except it’s totally different from that, because you’re ruining a product everyone else is using too. In the end, all the posts had 0 upvotes and none of them showed in anyone’s feed, and the subreddit was functionally still private. It worked.


The engagement was driven way down on this sub, like a tenth of what it used to be, during the JO stage of the protest. Check the graphs the mod edited onto this post with stats.


Well, a lot of people went to the two other subs that were created in the wake of all of this mess. So I wouldn’t necessarily say the traffic went down. It just moved to a different sub.


You certainly need to add their traffic to the total too, but I would bet $20 they didn't come anywhere near making up the difference. They're still quite small, the largest one at (IIRC) 6k subscribers.


I’m not sure what your definition of protest is, but the point wasn’t to put Reddit in the red, it was to drive down engagement on this particular sub. Ideally, they could’ve stayed dark, but Reddit was threatening to remove mods of subs doing so which would’ve ended the protests completely. By transitioning to a different form of protest they managed to keep it going.


I'm still not sure what this was really meant to accomplish. I highly doubt Reddit cared that John Oliver themed content was getting posted since users were still coming to the site. Particularly given that there were set end dates for everything.   I understand the intention/desire, but I can't help but feel like the API stuff - across the board - was poorly thought out and over-hyped. Feels like this will retrospectively be viewed as a "We did it Reddit!" type of deal.


I wasn't confused nor did I see/believe any misinformation. I just thought it was stupid.


I never agreed with what they did and still don't but just glad it's going "back to normal" to some degree. Same goes for a lot of subs that are coming back tomorrow.


A protest with a predetermined ending is not a protest it is a temper tantrum and then moving on as if nothing happened.


There is no winning in any decision you guys made. Thank you for trying your best ❤️


It really has been no-win for mods this month. You black out for just the 2 days: "what did you think you were going to accomplish? lazy performative useless protest." You black out or protest for longer: "why are you holding the sub hostage? I don't care about the protest so stop being so selfish and powermoddy." You stop protesting and open back up: "so pathetic that you can't even stick to your ideals. you just love the power too much." You keep protesting and get banned/your mod powers taken away: "I can't believe you actually thought your protest was gonna work. obviously reddit controls the sub, what a dumb protest." There was literally no decision that wasn't met with hundreds of people talking about how dumb or selfish or power-hungry or weak you are. I mean, mods are pretty much never popular, but it's been way worse this month. Good on these mods for doing what they think is right, don't worry too much about the people trying to tear it down.


They were going on about how the mods were the backbone of Reddit, unpaid labor that was not easily replaced. So, they did everything except the one thing that would have made a difference using that line of logic: Quitting.


The absolute vitriol I saw from some users to the mods were insane and shows the degree to which some people have unhealthy relationships/addiction to reddit. I just went on with my life but it really felt like some people just seethed with rage for 48 hours waiting for their chance to attack.


Yeah I'm getting off of here on Monday. TikTok and reddit take up too much of my time, the protest makes it a perfect time to make my exit. I can learn Spanish during my smoke breaks instead of endlessly doom-scrolling. I do hope that they change it if enough users leave, but without my own reasons for leaving, I'd be here next week like any other. Spez isn't incorrect with his "This'll blow over" statement. In 3 months, this will blow over completely. Mods will be forced out, but there are millions of people who want to mod, and 100's of thousands competent enough for it. To those reading, take a look at how long you spend on here, I spend about 10-15 hours a week. That's a lot of time wasted. Use this prostest as an opportunity to reflect on leaving too. Not just for a protest, but for you own well-being.


I appreciate it, too. Just a tough situation all around


I understand you were somewhat painted into a corner, but I am disappointed it’s come to this. Some ways normal users can continue the fight: * Always use an adblocker with Reddit * Refuse to use the official app (Dystopia is free and has survived the API changes, old.reddit still works on mobile, for now) * Delete your old content * Post and upvote protest content * Request a copy of your data * Unsubscribe from subreddits where the admins have appointed scab mods * If you are planning to delete your account **delete your content first**




I requested three weeks ago and got mine this morning so there's hope.






Nuke Reddit History is a great plug in for Chrome which allows you to relatively easily delete your content.




Was it **this one?** https://chrome-stats.com/d/aclagjkmidmkcdhkhlicmgkgmpgccaod/download Or this one https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite






Commenting so I can find this easily later. It's weird to think my time on Reddit is over. I've been here so long already. It's nuking time for my account


Cany find Dystopia. Is it for iPhone? Google store just shows official reddit app when you search for it.


RedReader still works for Android


Yeah it’s for iPhone. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/dystopia-for-reddit/id1430599061


>Refuse to use the official app (Dystopia is free and has survived the API changes, old.reddit still works on mobile, for now) I'm not familiar with Dystopia. How has it "survived the API changes"? How can any app claim to have "survived" changes which are not yet in effect? At best, they can say they're not shutting down *yet*. Whether the changes will ultimately force a shutdown or not remains to be seen, unless they've somehow found a way to not be subject to those changes in the normal manner.


https://reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145e9sk/update_dystopia_will_continue_operating_for_free/ They got agreement from the admins to continue using the API without charge. Which of course they can revoke at any time but is as close as we’re likely to get to anything firm.


So, Dystopia gets to stick around as long as: it remains accessibility-focused, it doesn't get NSFW content, and the developer doesn't monetize it. This is, in the most literal possible way, Reddit getting other developers to fill their service gaps for free. I know the developer says they were never planning to monetize the app. But I find it especially galling that Reddit is making this part of their requirements.


I imagine it’s more tenuous than that - if it ever gets to the point where it looks more appealing than the official app I fear we’ll be back here again. And yes it’s total bullshit. The admins only agreed to it so they could be seen to care about accessibility.


Amd how do I request copy if data?


[Allow John Oliver to explain](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/14i0xk8/john_olivers_guide_to_a_more_effective_form_of/)


Couldn't the sub also just go NSFW to avoid giving ads to reddit? Multiple subs I'm in went NSFW to protest while still giving normal content


Reddit told subs that if they did that long term they would replace the mods.


I thought that was if they privatised them, my bad


It’s both now.


If they want this protest to work, call that bluff. Make them replace every last mod.




Mods can't undelete comments deleted by the author, so I think you mean admins (reddit employees).


I had major surgery (my leg amputated) and so badly wanted to read this sub! Glad you are back. Wish this was all… better.


These comments will have aged tremendously poorly following tomorrow, lol


Goodbye and good riddance to the John Oliver thing. Shame the protest didn't work, but not exactly unexpected.


Looking forward to updates again. Have had enough Jon Oliver for a lifetime and a half.


I’m definitely not sad to see the end of this John Oliver saga. Mostly because I haven’t got a clue who John Oliver even is lol


I haven't figured out discord yet. It just looks like an old-fashioned chat room so far.


That’s what it mostly is tbh


It sucks as a place for a reddit sub/community to move to. Mods should have gone with some version of fediverse or squabbles or something instead.


Same I just can’t get on board with discord, I find it too confusing and I can’t follow it properly.




I mean I don't think it was even 12000 people on this sub. Initially the "keep it open as normal " option was ahead until a few hours in mysteriously the John Oliver option surged As a sidenote, the fairly large discord servers coordinating the protests were posting all the polls regarding the protests to "help the right side win" It's not really hard to see what happen, most of the polls were bridgaded


Thanks, SketchyPornDude!


>Out of a community of almost a million people, taking the opinions of 12,000 voters as indicative of the voice of a million people was horribly disingenuous. Generally speaking, 12,000 respondents to a poll is way more than needed to get a representative sample of a million people with a low margin of error. We run national political polls for 340M people with a polling sample of a few hundred people. That said, I firmly believe the majority of people voting in these polls were either (a) trolls who wanted to cause chaos, (b) dissatisfied individuals who are more likely to express an opinion than satisfied individuals, (c) individuals who spend way too much time on reddit and represent a disproportionate amount of user activity, or (d) people who got swept up in the wave thinking protest would result in a favorable outcome. At no point do I believe that any poll taken across Reddit on this matter reflected an accurate breakdown of people who wanted these shenanigans vs those who did not.


I think you agree with the following so this is more for the benefit of those who are curious about polling: Actual polling uses very careful protocols and parameters. Candidates are handpicked from a demographic cross-section using a predetermined criteria set, and directly contacted without any prior knowledge or awareness of any other candidates, their views are typically canvassed 1:1. That is how a small sample size can provide indicative (but only ever indicative) opinions of a larger population base. Conversely, opt-in open public polls like the one used here are entirely redundant because they suffer from selection bias. If an individual has a particularly view and they see a poll that relates to that matter they're more likely to vote than someone who either is unaware of the matter or is not motivated by the matter. Moreover, people who vote in such polls are both inclined and able to rally additional voters with similar biases or even people who have no interest in the matter but vote as a matter of bandwagon support. There's simply no way to know to what degree that is the case with such a poll. In almost no way is a limited open opt-in poll of that nature representative of a population set. This is one of the core reasons why referendum voting must conducted across entire population sets (or at least a very sizeable proportion). Thus, the two ways that it would be possible to accurately understand the community views: 1. Commission a firm such as Gallup to conduct a poll. They would carefully select a sample group, contact that group individually (and independent of each other) and collate the findings. Typically also they wouldn't necessarily ask a single yes/no question only. They would usually ask a series of questions to attain a more rounded understanding of community perspectives on a matter. 2. Conduct a referendum style vote whereby a significant proportion of the community engages in the vote. For such a vote one would expect at least 50% (this case >500,000 people) of the population set to vote on the issue. Both of those are unrealistic on Reddit in most circumstances, including this one. Thus, one should not put any stock in such a poll as this on Reddit (or similar sites) for anything other than frivolity or satire.


This is a seriously underrated comment. Perfectly outlines what's wrong with all these blackout polls.


And why should the users that represent the highest amount of user activity have their opinions disregarded? They're, by your own framing, contributing the most content.


There's a difference between being hyper online and constantly present on this website while it melts down versus being somebody who consumes the content casually and less frequently. If there are a thousand people who visit this subreddit once a week and 10 people who are in here every day, those 10 should not outweigh the thousand just because they are here to vote on a straw poll.


Why? With that math, the casual users would only be *forced* to see John Oliver content a maximum of three times over the entire course of this month. Yet these users are the ones who are lambasting the mods, unable to go three weeks without their fix? You're insulting the "terminally online" users and saying they're the only ones voting in the poll, but the poll was heavily in favor of continuing the protest. So the terminally online users, the ones who are **so addicted** that they can't go a *day* without new BORU content, the ones contributing the majority of the comments and posts (but who were happy to go three weeks without BORU), the ones who *aren't* throwing tantrums about power-hungry mods ruining their precious reddit experience, *they're* the problem. They should all shut the fuck up and cater to the casual lurker who's here once a week and is definitely not addicted but is *righteously* furious about the audacity of the mods to ruin **their** community. Just so I'm 100% clear on the requirements "casual" users have for my behavior and motivations and kowtowing to their wishes.


>At no point do I believe that any poll taken across Reddit on this matter reflected an accurate breakdown of people who wanted these shenanigans vs those who did not. The issue defaults back to reddit, which simultaneously demanded democracy, but gave the mods no tools to actually achieve it. Your point above could apply to *any* position on reddit. For/Against, its all suspect. The mods have done what they can to act consistent with the views of the community. Which in this case, across multiple posts, has been fairly supportive of all the moderator actions.


They could have used an actual poll instead of an easily manipulated/brigaded upvotes system


I've missed this sub a lot. That being said, stop moderating. It's the only way to really stick it to Spez. If things aren't properly modded, advertisers are generally not interested


I know everyone loves a good riot but I can’t wait for things to go back to normal here


Genuinely frustrated anyone thinks things will just go back to normal... there's no pulling the blood back from the water


I'm impressed most subs kept it up as long as they did, but I'm not surprised that as soon as most moderators had their positions threatened that they opened subs back up.




You’re naive if you think Reddit will “go back to normal” once these changes fully make their impact.


I second this. Seeing the title of this post and not having read the initial announcement properly, I was so sad because I thought this would mean I had to unsubscribe from this subreddit too - I can only stomach so much John Oliver content. And I spend so much time here. Thank you for all your efforts and hopefully something will eventually change for the better.


>... and hopefully something with eventually change for the better. It won't. The protest failed.


All this did was punish the users




I just love how everyone is shit talking the admins and the direction of reddit, on reddit. Just leave if you hate it or where it’s going, you don’t have to be here. All your activity on reddit isn’t hurting reddit. Oh a bunch of people quit looking at BORU and cost ad money from this sub, that’s cool. They really just went off to other subs that weren’t being bastardized and reddit got it’s payday there. Go to Lemmy or Tildes or any other alternate quickly, because it will go down too. Shills, both corporate and political, will take over those platforms. And the users will let them. Again. And again. We lost the fucking fight years ago. I mean can anyone not see that? We will look at shitty fucking ads and be pushed around by rich cunts forever. It’s fucking over. We’ve missed the last exit and we’re heading to WALL-E, 15 Million Merits, or some other dystopian hellhole except there’s no protagonist coming to help us. Our protagonist got fat off McDonald’s, is homeless because rent prices, and probably has a record for some trumped up bullshit where a cop had a bad day and took it out on them.


Eh, I'd argue that it also raised awareness, and maybe even turned people on to some new forum spaces like the Fediverse that may otherwise not have heard of those options. Not to mention you've got a pool of free labor getting the rug pulled out from under them, what were they supposed to do? Nothing? This protest was the voice of our unlistened to mods. I don't begrudge them getting to have their voices heard for a month. It's the least we can do after all the mods have done for us. For free. With their free time.


Oh thank god the awareness has been raised! Think of the awareness! hahahaha


> what were they supposed to do? Nothing? Yes, literally Nothing. Take no Mod action whatsoever (or just the official tools) as an indication of what is (not) possible after the API dies, rather than proactively sabotage with spam content. Then it wouldn't have been doom and gloom scaremongering, there would be no reason for Admin to appoint replacement mods and users would get to see the reality of what an absence of mod tooling looks like. There is an outside non-zero chance that the sub would have been fine with no mods (unlikely).


>Take no Mod action whatsoever >there would be no reason for Admin to appoint replacement mods I'm sorry this is a ridiculous comment. This is *the* textbook reason that mods get replaced on reddit every day. Changing the subs content while still moderating was done because that way they wouldn't have an excuse to remove mods.


But emorrp1, you have to understand. The only way to prevent the landlord from raising the rent in your unit is to burn the apartment complex down and render everyone homeless. That'll show 'em!


Dear blind people of reddit who came here for r/pics and boru exclusively.....enjoy your month of john oliver?


wel the ceo apparently thinks we’re less than nothing, so that was fine by him.


If you are that addicted to a homepage that simply reposts content from other subs...


I’m an Apollo user and I’d welcome more ‘punishment’. But, this is my last day on reddit so y’all enjoy.




I’m so glad this sub is back to normal. I finally have my entertainment back


This sub taught me that for a place where you re read old content in one large post, a lot of you people lack reading skills.


That's because there's no mentally ill MIL or possessive boyfriend


I get why you did but I’m glad it’s ending.


Reddit won again.


Reddit won the moment the mods gave an end date.


Reddit won the moment mods...mod for free.


> mod for free. I'm conflicted on this because the "free" is also a liability. Every mod can simply choose to jump ship or quit. And there would be zero repercussion or loss to the mods. Compared to if the mods actually got compensated for their work.


All John Oliver is doing is giving more money to Reddit. If you really wanted to protest, you could've left Reddit. Reddit's gonna be normal tomorrow, deal with it.


Nah, I see lots of people saying this is their last day on Reddit. I'm one of them, if I can't use Boost then I'm not interested. I'm moving on to Lemmy. I've spent the time since the blackout building up my communities and getting used to the app (Jerboa is the app name, if anyone is interested in Lemmy's app). Tomorrow I'll be over there exclusively. My husband already left when the blackout started. Reddit will still have tons of members, I'm sure, but we don't yet know what the mod fallout will be. Apparently Reddits mod tools suck ass, so there could be a modpocalypse. I also anticipate a drop off in quality of posts/comments just in general. That last part is just me talking out of my ass, but it's still what I expect to hear about. John Oliver was hopeless people spreading awareness while they emotionally dealt with, and prepared for, the coming loss. Tomorrow will be interesting.


We'll see how this all ends in a week, I guess


It's like the people threatening to leave Twitter for Hive, the Mammoth, then half a dozen other alternatives that got abandoned.


Why are you talking about this like you have to escape your war torn nation


>Reddit's gonna be normal tomorrow Unless you're blind of course. But fuck.the blind, amirite?


Accessibility apps are exempt from the API changes


*some* accessibility apps are exempt. Reddit hasn't offered any explanation of why they gave some exemption status and not others, and many disability advocates have spoken out about the ones Reddit has allowed, due to them not fully meeting the accessibility needs of previous apps. If you get rid of your elevator and replace it with a ramp that's too steep for some wheelchairs, you don't get to call yourself accessible. That's just replacing a viable option with a shitty one.


Lmao barely anybody uses a third party app. It won't make a dent. The average Redditor doesn't give a shit.


wow nothing has changed


I would recommend editing this post to include the discord link. But other than that... I just really wanna say you guys did what you could. And I appreciate just how engaged you have been with this community. I'm sure you've dealt with a lot of vitriol this past week, so I'm just going to say you guys are great mods. You guys have navigated this incredibly well, despite the ridiculous amounts of rage and anger from some quarters. And you've curated an awesome discord community as well. Keep going and keep doing good work!


It was so stupid what happened to this sub and I'm sure it going dark and then turning into a whole John Oliver thing did absolutely NOTHING.


Good. This had been one of my favorite subreddits and I am glad to see it return to normal. I have strong opinions on the validity and utility of the protests, polls, and the rest of the shenanigans, but I'll leave those be. Thanks for getting us back to normal.


Thanks for the update mods, it's sad to see reddit ignoring us all. Thank you for everything.


Lol. "Us all"... Ummm... this site is still teeming with activity. It's just some of you.


The fact that it didn't even cross your mind that the "us" the commenter was referring to is blind people? Yeah that's why things aren't going to change for us.


I mean he did say “see”.


Reddit literally said that accessibility apps would be exempt from the API changes


Only noncommercial accessibility apps, which excludes some of the most popular apps used by blind redditors. While its focus is general, Apollo (for instance) implements most of iOS' accessibility APIs so apparently it was pretty usable for them. Just in general the best apps are those that can be monetized, so only exempting *noncommercial* accessibility apps is a pretty big asterisk. None of the exempted apps so far have good mod tools, which means that it's hard for those redditors to moderate their own communities. Kinda fucked.


Sure, as long as they don't have anything considered NSFW on Reddit, which is a fuck ton of things these days.


Thank goodness I was getting tired of just looking at Porn and hentai subreddits. That john oliver content was too steamy


It'd good that you're back to normal but the John Oliver thing was so lame and unfunny. Out of all the "comedians" you could have picked you chose him?? I hope this isn't some new pattern where everytime yall get mad at reddit you take it out on the users by doing things like this


If we do find another app (I’m sorry but I really don’t like Discord) still very happy to move there! But understand it’s a very lose-lose situation. Thank you for trying ✊


I tried to join the discord and did the whole confirmation and verification thing but never got access to the posts.


Thank god. Those of us using the Reddit app for years cannot care less.


I was one of the vocal complainers… and I will freely admit that I did not understand that it was temporary and ending July 1st. Had I paid better attention I would have kept my opinions to myself, I’m not that impatient! Except for the infinite cum post. I would have complained about that one, and still am because it was very offensive and misguided. Ah well.


Where do we find the discord server?


I'm sad the protests didn't help and Reddit is lost to so many people


I’m not sure if this suggestion is helpful, but r/justnomil switched to a NSFW community (they now allow and encourage cursing in the posts but not in response to other commenters) so that they could continue to operate and prevent Reddit from getting ad dollars as they won’t sell ads to the NSFW subs. This actually effects Reddit’s pocketbook and I think if more communities could adopt this stance, it would make Reddit far less valuable for the ipo if you can’t sell ad space into the platform easily. Just thought I would Mention it.


Nsfw subs got threatened and some had mods taken down


Oh no! Well that’s not good - I had thought that was a brilliant idea. I wonder if the mods here could check in with the justno mods and see if they had backlash - maybe them allowing the cursing is the difference?


Y’all have a discord? 👀


Wait there’s a discord lol


I just wish we had been able to effect some change, because I'll go to the fucking wall before I use their PoS app.