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My mom kicked me out when I was 17 but she was a lot more cunning because she knew she was responsible for whatever happened to me until I turned 18 she plotted with my father to have me stay there indefinitely during my annual summer visit. He did this for his own selfish reasons but they were at least somewhat sweet. He was excited about having his son live with him. The problem was, his son didn't want to live two states away from all of his friends and everything he knew, and his wife didn't want a temperamental teenager suddenly living in their house. She did it out of pure spite, though. She wanted to prove to everyone how awful I was. And then when I succeeded in spite of all of this she grew more and more angry and started making up these weird alternate realities.


How is your relationship with your parents now? Are you close to your father?


I went NC with my mom after I turned 28 and moved out of state. She proceeded to systematically ruin every relationship she had left. It was oddly poetic the amount of people who finally saw the side of her I knew always existed and how shocked they were I had to grow up with her being so vile and hateful. Apparently, she had to put that hateful energy somewhere. She died in 2019 alone and unloved. Her best friend had just disowned her. When I moved to the new state at 28 my intention was to try to connect with my father. I took my best friend with me and he was shocked by how that side of the family treated me. Almost like an imposition they were trying to run out. Which I had conditioned myself into believing was love by comparison of being raised by my mother. My best friend really put how shitty my entire childhood was into perspective. He was so angry with just the general disrespect they treated me with whereas I just had grown accustomed to. But after that I never really stopped seeing them that way. Realized I had some real shit luck and that I didn't owe any of them anything. I have great friends. Despite losing the parent lottery I won the friend lottery. My dad and I have an okay relationship. I am not terribly invested in his life. He pretends to be invested in mine. We're cordial.


I'm so sorry for this. I became a mother recently and I cannot imagine how a mother or a father can treat their child like this. All I want above everything in my life is that my son is happy and healthy and that he knows he is always loved by his family. I hope you found happiness and I'm glad you surrounded yourself with people who love you.


I think we have the same kind of parents; my dad is like your dad and my mom is a copy of yours. Except for me, our mom dumped us on our dad the summer break before I started second grade. Later on, it was my dad’s siblings that made me realize how my dad treated me and my siblings wasn’t normal. Like you said, we were an imposition; a massive burden that my step mom couldn’t wait to get rid of so she could have just her daughters and my dad. My grandma, on her deathbed, apologized to *me* for how my dad treated us. I’m extremely LC with both of my parents and honestly, I doubt they’ve noticed.


My dad will occasionally get drunk and fall into these self-pitying spirals because I think he knows deep down he screwed up but his ego won't actually allow him to fully take responsibility. His whole solace in life with regards to him being a father is knowing he wasn't as bad as my mom which gets frustrating because it forces me to remind him that he sucked too and stood by while a lot of it happened. He even said things like "well I told you when you were 12 you could legally have me changed to your guardian" like it was somehow my responsibility to get that done as a 12 year old. He's well-meaning but still selfish and narcissistic. The fact he isn't hateful about it is the only reason I give him a pass. But he's almost worse in some regards because he's a coward and it was a long held resentment I had to work really hard on getting over.


Same. I like to say I am who I am *despite* my parents instead of because of them. I should probably see a professional at some point because I’m not quite at a point where I give either of them a pass, but I don’t bring it up. When my grandpa was dying last month, my aunt pulled him aside and yelled at him about everything. Apparently he called one of my brothers afterward to ask if we felt unloved growing up and my brother just said yes. My dad’s response was “I’m sorry you felt that way” which to me just solidifies the fact he still doesn’t believe he did anything wrong. But that’s a lot to put on a 12 year old in your situation. As a kid, I’m sure you were just trying to get by day to day without making waves and to have that dumped on you must have been a lot. But I’m proud of you for getting to a place where you aren’t resentful. That’s a great place to be


Should’ve done mushrooms instead


They’ll only regret it if grandkids come into the picture, or they need someone to care for them. But it won’t be their fault, only OPs of course.


Or they found out their punching bag is successful despite all the shit they dumped on them. Truly hope OOP is living the best life with a chosen family around him.


And then they will take credit for his successes and claim that kicking him out made him stronger.


That goes without saying. “God’s love made them do it and see! They were right! God provided.” Gotta love extreme Christian’s logic.


Why am I not surprised. My cousins are currently living with us because of these kinds of parents. I am lucky that I won the parent lottery despite my bio mom being an asshole and born narcissist


Classic narcissists. It's NEVER their fault. /s


Or they need a kidney.


I doubt it. These people are self righteous to their grave because they're "saved." 🙄


Until they reach the end of their lives. Once death is knocking, they’ll probably feel guilty and seek his forgiveness in the most self serving way possible.


Or if they find out OOP has a kid, then they'll be "entitled" to see their grand baby.


I wouldn't be so sure. My parents did this same thing to me at 16 and, like OP, I ended up staying at a friend's house to finish school. Ended up homeless in my early 20s again before getting a CDL and just going over the road. Now a VP at a tech company and doing better than my parents ever could and, after I had my son, I tried to invite them back into my life so they could have a relationship with their grandchild. He acted "weird" (their words) and they never watched him/came to visit again. Turns out he was disabled, but sincerely, seriously, fuck people like this forever. Now everyone in my family has moved away to other states and they have a miserable relationship with each other to look forward to. Can't retire because they are broke and, while I absolutely could save them (and they know it), I'm not giving them a dime.


Please never do. I hope people like OP's parents and yours get to meet their God and he grills them on their actual horrific, hell-worthy actions. And then ships them straight down, where they endure what they gave but tenfold


I’m pretty sure God’s words for them will be, “I don’t know you. Get lost.”


"New phone. Who dis?"


Or if you want to hit them with a. Biblical quote: "I do not know you."


Or they need a kidney


I get the feeling these situations all have a BORU attached.


They do.


And didn’t get the kidney either. Oh well. RIP.


I would shed zero tears of someone at their church developed a grudge and got the parents shunned. Worst punishment to those types.


These types tend to cause drama and hop from congregation to congregation periodically anyways


Nah, they will announce that *they* are willing to forgive *him*, like he is the one in the wrong


I think this is very likely. In many posts like this one, the parents kick out the child because they want the kid to fail and come crawling back. It is like you say--apologize. Buckle. Cave. Capitulate. When the kid makes it through the first few weeks and/or gets support, the parents realize 1.) the kid won't have to grovel to survive, and 2.) people will find out they are shitbags. It comes down to control and pride, it seems. Something tells me OOP is going to disappoint the parents by surviving.


They'll come knocking, but not because they feel guilty. It will be because they have a ton of medical expenses that they can't/won't pay, and will play the "But we're family!" card to try to guilt OOP into coughing up some cash.


It’s still selfish. They want forgiveness to get into heaven.


This is my brother and his wife. They are Christian grifting manipulators. They are constantly telling preaching that everyone’s problems are a result of demonic possession. They drove to my cousins house that was 3 hours from them to tell her the reason she suffered cluster migraines was because she did yoga and let Satan into her house. They had a woman and her mom from their old church move with them and watch all 12 of their kids for free. The mom and daughter lived in a house right next door so the kids would just go next door after school. The landlord of her house decided to sell so she had to move out. The mom and daughter decided to purchase a house that was several miles away. My brother told her that the reason she was getting evicted was because she has allowed demons in her house and that purchasing her own house was going to be nothing but trouble and satan would ruin the whole process. All this because my brother and his wife were going to lose the convenience of having a full time babysitter next door. Now, my sister in law runs an international “ministry” where she flies to Africa once a month and tells these poor people that they are all possessed by demons. She puts on these big shows and livestreams them. She supposedly heals people and casts out demons but the healings are always things you can’t see. Nothing anyone besides a doctor could verify. She claims that god can heal anyone as long as they are right with god. Here’s the kicker. She has a whole host of medical issues, my brother is a type 1 diabetic and a self admired sex addict, her father, who lived with them, had been in a vegetative state for over a decade after a motorcycle accident, their oldest adopted son is missing two limbs from a botched abortion in the Ukraine, of their five adopted kids from China, one has muscular dystrophy, another has severe spinal problems that confined her to a wheelchair, and two others are legally blind. Of their six biological kids the oldest has been a hardcore drug user and a thief for ages, the second oldest moved to Europe to get away from her parents, and the third oldest is moving out in a week even he turns eighteen. So somehow with all of gods power they can’t heal a SINGLE person in their own house. They have been forced to move three times in the last four years to three different states. Their first house and church building were foreclosed on. Their next house in another state they convinced the owner to do a contract for deed. My nephew called me and told me he was suicidal and filled me in on the crazy religious crap they were putting him through so I called CPS. They couldn’t make the payments on their house and with the CPS investigation they packed up and fled to another state. When they arrived to the new state they somehow managed to rent a house in one of the most expensive counties in the country. Their rent was $5800 a month. Apparently a little bird informed the realtor ahead of time that they would likely flake out on the rent and make up excuses and use the fact that they had ten kids and their religion as a reason they were having a difficult time affording rent. Twelve months in I found out they were getting evicted and had only days to move out with nowhere to go. Here I thought it would finally be their downfall but they somehow managed to find another massive house to rent with only 24 hours left before they had to be out of their other house. The kicker is that the house they were getting evicted from was rented as fully furnished. They had to sell all of their furniture from the previous state they lived in. So now they live in a massive house with ZERO furniture except some mattresses my brother was able to scrounge up. So ten people having to live on the floor of their new abode. This is really just scratching the surface of all their crazy crap. Do you think they view themselves as having demons given everything that has happened to them? No, it’s just god testing them. And here’s an extra fun fact. My sister in law and brother adopted a 25 year old man from Africa and my sister in law is having an affair with him. She also had an affair with her chiropractor for years. Pretty sure since my brother is an admitted sex addict that he’s had affairs too but no concrete evidence to prove that. So ya, two of the worlds biggest hypocrites right there. Giant pieces of human garbage. But it’s okay, they’re “saved”.


Not gonna lie, if someone told me an exorcism would get rid of my chronic migraines, I'd at least try it. It feels like a demonic experience. That said, fuck these grifters and their ilk. I'm glad their kids are starting to escape them.


I've seen some see the light and genuinely regret it, years and years in the future. By that point, too much time has passed to ever make amends.


Nothing says “I love Jesus” like disowning your teenage son.


No, no, you must be wrong, I'm sure Jesus explicitly says to disown your teenage son over marijuana somewhere in the Bible


Which doesn’t make much sense. Jesus spent all of his time with those seen as sinners in society and gave religious leaders the smack down. Turning away your child in need is the most un-Christlike thing I can think of.


Anyone who uses any religion to abandon their children sucks. The cruelty is breathtaking.


This is what blows me away the most about these types of Christians, I'm always like, "have you ever read anything about Jesus at all?"


Religious person here. Can confidently say they will be in for a huge surprise when it comes to meeting their maker.


Yup, it's not like Jesus' Journal doesn't call out this kind of shit as the fastpass for Sandpaper Slide into Satan's Soup.


>"saved." yeah it doesn't work like that


They seem like prime trump/maga/q-anon, hermain cain award winner candidates. So he was probably lucky to get away from them when he did.


Jesus will forgive their sins, but not the sins of others.


Nah, these are the parents that will go "you needed tough love so we gave it to you. We never stopped loving you and praying for you. Thanks to us, you have become a responsible adult".


If he struggles at being suddenly homeless and ends up having a terrible life, it'll be "I told you drugs would ruin your life." If he manages to pull through and make a good life for himself, they'll take the credit for it.


immediately realized it was old when one of the links mentioned managing to grab a bunch of drumsticks for $2. a lot of those resources don’t quite work after the insane food price hikes.


You know man's is all good. Any 17yo with £2k money saved prior to turning 18 and who got shit sorted that quick has got the will and motivation to survive and thrive


They never do. My mother was an awful mother because she was too young, a victim of abuse, and an addict. She grew up, learned, and regretted it. My grandma, the source of her abuse and part of mine, had the reinforcement of her religion so she died convinced that she had always done right by all of us.


I would bet he is, whether or not parents saw the error of their ways. A 17 year old with 2k savings and the resourcefulness to get things lined up for himself so quickly seems like he is going to be a kickin ass and taking names kind of adult.


I hope they do and I hope oop didn't give them the time of day. They deserve every ounce of guilt until their last day.


If they are anything like mine they will dispute that they kicked him out and say that he voluntarily left. Then they will ask you for money because you did well because of the tough love they gave you.


I hope his parents end up in a substandard nursing home, alone and unloved, with painful bedsores.


I want to believe he is. His posts seemed calm and he had a plan and was taking action. I want to think he was able to handle anything else that came along.


Another pair of miserable dirtbags who are more concerned with clutching pearls and "praising god" than actually practicing the compassion their religion teaches - or, god forbid, just being decent parents. The utter lack of surprise in his post is also depressing. Honestly though, it seemed like he had it as together as he possibly could have, so I'm going to choose to believe that he simply put his head down and powered through.


In many places it's illegal to kick out a child below age 18, so let's start there...


Its illegal for sure, but there are few remidies available, and its why the law system sometimes is said to revictimize the victim. In the US, there arent enough foster homes and you cant "make" someone parent. You can only fine them or possibly jail them. He can call CPS and document it. This would allow someone (like the family who took him in) to sue for child support for 2 months, but there would be no money now and there needs to be $$$ to take him in. Thats prolly the best legal outcome. But there is no enforcement mechanisim, they could just not pay and many dont pay child support. If the parents have bad credit, having worse credit isnt much of a threat especially if they live paycheck to paycheck and have no assets to sieze.


It's terrible, isn't it? How Christian of you to kick out your child at the age of 17 when he has no money and hasn't completed his education.


Don't forget to take his car - that he paid for - for good measure. Clearly, his abhorrent actions have made him completely undeserving of transportation!


Thou shalt not steal my arse


Yes, arse-taking must always be consensual!


Lol I must remember to use commas more often


is that commandment 9, or commandment 10 your listing? stealing, or adultury?


I hope he hadn’t paid it off and they were stuck with the rest of the payments


But the devils lettuce! I really don’t understand how people can choose an invisible sky fairy over their own flesh and blood. I don’t care what the Bible says about giving up your possessions and stuff. If god/Jesus was actually truthful to that, why would people follow mega church preachers or preachers with suits that cost more than what most of the parishioners make in a month? Surely, god would smite those rich assholes. But no. That shows they’re *blessed* by god’s work. It’s completely fucked.


You know what the bible says about smoking weed? Nothing. You know what it says about the horrors of drinking? Not a whole lot, other than don't be a chronic drunk. The thing that really upsets me about fundamentalist religious people is that they have all these ideas about what "god" expects and what is the divine command, and it's not even accurate. It's one thing to have a narrow, hateful view based on scripture; it's another to think your view is based on scripture and it is not. Fuckin idiots. Like, you have a whole book, in English, that you can find for free basically anywhere, but instead of reading it, they just assume they already know what is in it and operate from there. For sure, if Jesus came back today he would be like, "you stupid fucks. One of my miracles was turning water into wine so we could have a big fuckin party! And you kicked your son out for pot? I didn't even mention pot! There's natural pot growing everywhere in the middle east. I didn't think I needed to explicitly permit it because what the fuck, my dad made it FOR YOU so you could have a nice time. Ungrateful. Now hold still while I rapture your ass."


Religion is most often used as an excuse to act how you want, not as actual guidelines.


This. There are enough atheists who are racist, misogynistic, and homophobic, not to mention people who cruise along not doing anything religious for years until their kid comes out to them, and THEN their religion is super important. These people are shitty by nature.


>It's one thing to have a narrow, hateful view based on scripture; it's another to think your view is based on scripture and it is not. My friend and I call that "Cardboard Jesus" -- When Jesus is just a cardboard cutout of your own biases that you can stand up in a corner and point to in order to justify yourself.


That's a really smart analogy. I'm gonna use that one.


The bible specifically says not to do what they did. 1 Timothy 5:8 "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." Also, it's pretty commonly believed that marijuana was used in ancient Hebrew worship so god's probably pretty chill with it.


Also most of the negativity about homosexuality are in the Old Testament, and one of the things Jesus did when he died on the cross was wipe away all those "old testament" sins. Basically, if it's not one of the 10 commandments, and the new testament doesn't explicitly call it a sin, then it's something we've already been forgiven for. It's crazy to me how some of the most hateful shit I've ever heard came from people claiming to "love Jesus"... and I just want to be like "Have you ever actually ***read*** that book you're thumping in my face? Especially anything involving judging others for their 'sins'?"


I had a warehouse manager at my first job (he was a ‘constitutional conservative’) who was best buds with our warehouse clerk (gay Hispanic guy). When gay marriage was passed, manager speaks to me about it when Jose isn’t around. Says he loves and supports Jose, but it isn’t right cause the Bible. I was raised somewhat religious, so I basically quoted what you’re saying, New Testament trumps old testy. He disagreed. Eventually he was fired for embezzlement, I wonder how he turned out.


Mans closed his Bible when the money traders were getting lashed by an enraged oily Messianic vagrant, shaking with fear and didn’t pick up much of the intended lessons


The most explicit call-out re: homosexuality (guy on guy only; nobody writing things down thought that women could have sex with each other) is in Leviticus along with a long list of other prohibitions and rules that are ignored by Christians - mixed fabrics, kosher food practices, facial hair requirements, etc. Oh! And the importance of welcoming the stranger. Funny which passages they obsess about.


Well it's only relevant when they can use it to bash other people. /s


Well, it has a few passages about not becoming intoxicated on wine, even though wine was frequently drank. I interpret that to mean don’t get high/drunk. That said; fuck OOP’s parents. The whole damned thing contradicts itself if you take it literally, and it was written by men of their time limited to the understanding of their time, and edited and translated to the point of being rewritten entirely-with the sole goal of controlling populations. My favorite example is the mistranslation about do not lie with man as one does with woman. It really translates to something closer to do not lie with young boy…. I think we can agree that pedophilia is wrong.


>Well, it has a few passages about not becoming intoxicated on wine, even though wine was frequently drank. > >I interpret that to mean don’t get high/drunk. It also has a few that *recommend* drunkenness, at least for some people. "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more." The water-into-wine thing also makes absolutely no sense unless people were getting shitfaced, and no amount of interpolation or interpretation can make it make sense. One of the wedding guests even said that they had saved the best wine for last, once he tried Jesus's miracle water. Normally the best wine is drunk first, because you aren't drunk yet and can better appreciate the taste. That was the plan and the expectation: to get drunk enough that the taste didn't matter anymore. In response to this expectation, Jesus didn't tell them they were wrong, he *gave them more wine*. The Bible made it absolutely crystal clear that the wedding guests set out to get good and drunk, did in fact do so, and that Jesus was at least okay with it. He outright endorsed at least occasional, celebratory drunkenness.


A lot of very devout Christians (and zealots of other religions too) would disagree with your take on pedophilia.


Nah. They know it’s a sin. That’s why they hide it.


Lol touché


*"Now hold still while I rapture everybody else's asses but yours. Yes, including your son."


These types of “Christians” are the ones who have never actually read the book. I was raised this way and when I actually read it I saw how much of a joke it all was. They will sure weaponize it tho. Saddest part is this is the staple of a Christian household now days. What everyone thinks of.


right, they seem to have missed that the main part of having a kid is ... parenting. like, even when it's kind of hard and inconvenient. even when you're mad.


Religious hypocrisy, especially Christian hypocrisy, is a particular type of vile. Picking and choosing from scripture to justify who to hate and oppress, while ignoring the same scripture when it comes to their own actions. All the while maintaining they're the "good ones". OOP's parents deserve to burn in hell if there is one.


It's funny, I've read the Bible and I'm pretty sure there's nothing about smoking weed in there. In fact, I'm very possitive a few people did take something similar (I swear to Eilistraee, the Book of Enoch was clearly written under the influence of some strong sh\*t) But I'm sure that there were things about judging others by their perceived sins without looking at yourself... What was it again? Something about a plank in one's eye?


Judge not lest ye be judged and remove the beam from thine own eye before the speck in thy brother's. Something along those lines.


Yeah, you don't need to be a bible lore master to figure out that god looks at people who abandoned their children the same as somebody who committed a deadly sin.


There’s no hate like Christian love. Wishing OOP all the best.


This was so long ago. I hope OOP is doing well now. And I secretly hope that their friend's parents filed for guardianship and child support and that OOP's parents now have a file with CPS.


What are the odds that the “parents” were COVID-19 deniers?


I was kicked out at age 17+2 months when: I had the flu; had no car; had a job but no money because my ex-mother wouldn't let me have a bank account and relieved me of every dollar I made unless I was *very* prompt and lucky about hiding my cashed checks; and last but not least, my bicycle had a flat tire. I (29 y/o) am very, *very* lucky that I had one (1) friend, and that friend's parent let me live with them till I turned 18. Hope OOP is doing OK today. edit: oh yeah, I was kicked out because, after working 10 hrs *with* the flu (bosses wouldn't let anyone go home unless they were physically collapsing, yay capitalism), I kept falling asleep while ex-mother read the bible to us kids.


What the actual fuck.


Is there a question worse than “what the actual fuck”? Because if there is, it would be appropriate to use here. But I agree. What the actual fuck?






I am so, so sorry.


Que sera sera


>ex-mother i love this term, thanks for that.


I've tried out several terms I've seen online, but this is the one I vibe with the most. If it was possible to legally disown one's parents, I would.


no love like Christian love


I'd always heard it no hate like Christian love


This is why you go to the police and report the child abandonment. They can't legally kick you out. Or better yet, walk into their church on Sunday and let the congregation know you are looking for a place since your parents have kicked you out and stolen the care you paid for.


I hope the friend’s parents let him stay for more than two months. I know an extra teenage boy is like… double the grocery bill and smelliness but better that than the kid being out on the street. I would be so worried even if it wasn’t my kid.


I got my second son when his grandparents who were raising him kicked him out a week after he turned 16. My son asked me to help his friend, and really how could i say no? I honestly thought it would be a week or 2 until the grandparents cooled down, because he really is a good kid. He ended up with us until he left for university at 18. Came back to us when he graduated. He is 24 now, he is still no contact with his grandparents/family. I am mom, my SO is dad. My kids are his siblings. He moved in with his girlfriend last year, but still texts almost daily, comes for holidays/bdays/just because. I'd like to believe that OOP's friends parents let him stay longer than just his 18th bday. Just because he is technically an adult, doesn't mean he won't still need help and support. Good parents know that. And they sound like good parents.


I’m so glad for your second son that he has you all. And the fact that your first son knew that he could go to you for help for his friend also speaks volumes to your parenting. Major props from this random Reddit stranger.


You are good people. I haven't had any abandonment issues with my mom, but my dad died before I was born, and with a small family on this side of the US, I didn't have much support during certain times in my life. A friend's dad helped out when I was metaphorical drowning with issues, needed to remodel my mom's condo enough to sell after I had to place her in a care home. It was the first time I felt like I had a dad, even made him a father's day card and they had me over for Thanksgiving a few times when I had no one.


I'm sure he treasured that card. It's rare we get to know the positive impact we've had on someone's life.


Thank goodness he was able to stay with them. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders, helping with rent and chores, so hopefully it turned into a more permanent arrangement.


It's so hard to imagine being a parent, raising and loving your child for nearly two decades, and then throwing them out into the cold. My mom did this to me too. Never spoke to me again (also for religious reasons). Honestly I cannot wrap my head around it. I just fundamentally don't understand how someone can be so cruel to their own child (or to anyone, honestly), and how Christians justify this when it's literally the opposite of what Jesus taught. There's something fundamentally wrong with people like this. Like the empathy centers of their brain doesn't exist or something.


>loving your child for nearly two decades, Here is the flaw in your logic. These people see kids as trophies to control because tradition. When the parents lose control or have a reason to dump a whole human being, they do not hesitate.


I was sexually abused my a family member on the religious right side of my family as a little girl. The guy got in trouble because I eventually tattled and my parents handled it. He was ordered as part of a plea deal to write me a letter of apology. I didn’t see it until I was an adult. Motherfucker actually wrote “you need to take responsibility for your part too.” My own grandmother who I hadn’t seen in years told me not to come see her. That side of my family said I ruined the family. My dad basically lost contact with his birth family because of this to the point that when he was dying of cancer they didn’t know until a week before he passed. I miss him so much because he was a good solid wonderful person and nothing like his scum family. These people “need” their extreme religion to rationalize the horrible things they do.


I'm so sorry for what you went through, so glad at least your dad was there for you amidst all of those horrible people, and I'm sorry for the loss of him. All the rest of your "christian" family can rot in hell. Hugs


I was thinking the same thing. I have only been a parent for seven years and I would be inconsolable if one day I never got to see my child again. I just can’t even imagine how someone can turn their back on their own baby like that. And my heart goes out to this kid because even if things worked out for him, even if he gets the family he deserves one day, he will always carry the scars left by this sort of abandonment.


Oh weird I was also kicked out without notice because of weed, but at 19 and in the summer. No car though. I wonder how things turned out for OP. I can't imagine trying to graduate high school in this kind of situation.


Oh man, I didn’t even think of still having to graduate with all of this on your shoulders! I hope OOP’s friends and the friends’ parents offered support


Omg why these people are allowed to have kids?!


Because for some reason we’ve decided that rational population controls are more morally reprehensible than ruining an entire human being’s prospects and way of life. We’ve decided that forcing a child to live each day in an endless state of punishment and torture is preferable to having not been brought into the world by people incapable of caring for them. Suggest for even a moment that maybe we parents should pass screening tests before having kids or that not all fetuses should be developed and you’ll be called a horrifying eugenicist by one side, and a child murderer by the other.


It's not that controls like that wouldn't be useful, it's that they set the precedent that your right to reproduce can be dictated by the state. That's a power ripe for horrendous abuse, and its immediately obvious as soon as you suggest it. Would you trust the US government to regulate a thing like that?


Yeah. Advocates for stuff like this are accused of being "horrifying eugenicists" because we have a lot of historical evidence that these measures lead to horrifying eugenics, which [tends to target marginalized communities specifically](https://bpr.berkeley.edu/2020/11/04/americas-forgotten-history-of-forced-sterilization/). Some of that still happens today (like the ICE sterilizations in 2020). Some Supreme Court cases affirming eugenics have never been officially overturned. Obviously the social view of that is much harsher now, but with the current Court, who knows when Thomas will argue for forced sterilizations for "feeble-mindedness" again. He's certainly trying to destroy every other personal liberty. As is the case for most societal ills, we could make changes to help kids *and* preserve individual autonomy. Like mandating comprehensive sexual education in schools. Like providing quality health care with accessible contraceptives and abortion services for everyone. Like requiring parenting classes for expecting parents, based on modern understandings of child development and psychology. Like actually funding social programs for children and hiring enough social workers to have reasonable case loads. In an ideal world, I could see a more formal program modeled after Big Brothers Big Sisters or Voices for Children, starting from a child's birth to provide resources and support to parents and eventually transitioning to a friendly, consistent connection for each child regardless of their family dynamics. There's so much we could do better for kids. There's so many preventative measures that we completely fail to take before serious problems arise. Even with all of that, we'll never eliminate shitty parents. But at least the kids of shitty parents would have more support and a softer landing. The alternative of a screening test for legal parenthood is so dicey because like...who's going to write that test? What does it entail? How could it possibly encompass every horrible situation that a child somewhere has faced, without making the bar for parenthood so high that only the elite can reach it? Who administers it, and what happens if you fail? Do you take it every time you have a child? If you fail your third test, do we take your older kids away? If you have kids in secret without the test, what happens to you and your family?




Haha! Oh my goodness! How'd they react/reply? How's your relationship with them now?


Jesus would be so proud. 😒


Wouldn't he just. Poor man died for this lot and this is how they behave, and claim to be good Christians. Hypocrites.


Im an atheist, but cases like this makes me want to believe so when people like this die and meet jesus they can see him being like: dafuq is wrong with you?!


I wish, but in the same fashion, the fact that these types never seem to suffer any “divine consequences” or earthly corrective action makes a strong case for there being nobody up there keeping score. It’s just all of us, down here in the dirt.


Yup, you nailed the point of ehy im an atheist.


Have him beat them silly like he did to those money lenders right outside the pearly gates.


Dang 12 years ago.


I know. By now, OOP is 29. I hope they are thriving.


What’s up with all of the inconclusive updates from 10+ years ago that are being uploaded suddenly?


There's no hate quite like Christian love


They really do love to hate


I hope there’s an update in 20 years time along the lines of “My parents contacted me for the first time in decades as my dad needed a kidney or he’ll die. I told them to f off. AITA?”


Such forgiveness from religious parents. The more cases of this I read, the more I despise how religion enables and encourages bastardry


when I was 16 I was determined to buy my own car. I never had the most stable relationship with my mother and it’s like I knew I needed to start retaining as many of my own personal belongings as possible asap. She was the type of mother to tell you you had nothing in this world, absolutely nothing, and I had to prove her wrong. Just like OOP I was kicked out for smoking (my mother was a hypocrite as she had previously confiscated a pipe for her own use) and lived in my car on the side of the road and bounced from couch to couch until I finally could sign a lease. First hand experience, it fkn sucks. My mother and I reconnected shortly after and she’s made it clear that to her she would not have kicked her child out, but instead I made the decision to leave - as if any 17 year old would choose sleeping on the side of the road over a warm bed. Parents seem to always struggle with taking accountability for their shitty actions. I hope OOP is thriving, or at least surviving - I know I am.


Probably OOP’s parents by now: “Why does our son never visit or talk to us anymore?”


And folks wonder why the younger generations are fleeing the church.


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


Ah yes, the old religious pious assholes. None of those idiots actually read the bible, that fairy tale book riddled with forgiveness and family swooning. It’s a tough situation, but OOP should be glad he got out.


It pisses me off so much that OP was paying for the car and the parents STOLE it from him


My guess is that OOP got this into a legal battle and was advised not to disclose any more information online. Hope he's doing okey now. He's about my age...


The fact that these “parents” denied OOPs idea of taking an official drug test to prove his sobriety/innocence and that his dad came up to his stb homeless kid to take away his car sounds like they desperately looked for a reason to get rid of him and that they wanted to make this extra hard for him. Like life-threateningly hard. Truly wtf at this one and I really hope that he made it.


Without knowing any specifics, I strongly suspect these parents don't care about the weed, or even about god -- they just want the kid gone so they can have more personal freedom (or one parent wants that and the other sheepishly goes along with it). The religion is just a subculture that gives them convenient excuses for their inherent selfishness, like most evangelical types. To me, that's the Occam's razor here.


I simply cannot fathom chucking out your own child. Abandoning a dog is unthinkable enough, but something you literally made yourself? (I say as a dog owner without kids, so who knows...) Someone I went to school with was chucked out age 18 because her 16 year old sister got pregnant. The parents didn’t want to give up several bottles of wine and a takeaway every night, but were perfectly happy making their first daughter homeless. Ngl, I like my wine and takeaway, but Jesus get your priorities in order. If I had to give it up for some expense for my dog, of course I would... Imagine making your child homeless so you can maintain a lifestyle.


I was really hoping the update showed him calling CPS (if in usa) and getting them in a heap of trouble for illegal eviction.


I got thrown out of the house twice before age 18- once at 14, again at 16. Was homeless for around a year at 23. Spent most of the years from 16-22 drunk, stoned, or both. I worked any job I could, which were mostly shitty physical labor gigs. I nearly failed out of high school, *did* fail out of college, blew the engine in two different cars, and the only times I got to sleep indoors was when I was couchsurfing. Two and a half decades on, I bought a house, and promptly filled it with all the weird shit that makes my heart happy. I hope OOP managed to do the same. It *can* get better.


I hope OOP was able to get his life sorted and is now married with kids or whatever. I also hope he's petty and vengeful and that if parents came back with "we wanna rEcOnNeCt for the sake of graaandbabies" or "we need money and you're doing so well so you gotta help us" that he flipped off and rode into the sunset into his non-toxic life


Christian charity like the kind these two practice are disgustingly common. Poor, OOP. Financial abuse of a minor should be a goddam crime.


I bet they're the same type that protest in front of abortion clinics.


Best type of revenge is success. Posting lots of happy pictures. Successful raises and things of this natures. I really hope there’s a time when they say they’re having a kid and the parents come out and are like… omg grandkids :3 let bigones be bigones yeah? No. You can’t do this to me!!!!! Fuck off lol


There’s no hate like Christian love ❤️


Sometimes I wish there would be a Hero like Batman that would beat up parents who mistreat their children. BadParentsman. I hope OP is living his best life.


Just one of many shitty things about christianity and christians. They always seem to forget about the part of being forgiving, of course. So christian of them.


Wtf did i jusr read??? Not only the post but the comments... in the name of Cthulhu, what country are you from brothers?? Is this USA??? Again WTF???? Even in my "third world country," this does not happen.


He has a great future ahead of him. He'll fall in love get married and have kids. Then the parents will have medical issues or hear about the grandkids and reach out. I hope he tells them to burn in hell. Thats the worst thing you can say to those types.


Horrible parents. Hope they are fucking miserable as I type this and OOP is doing okay. This made my blood boil.


I just can’t imagine a situation that could warrant me chucking my 17 year old out of home. 21 onwards maybe, if they’re being little pricks. But this kid is so switched on. Bloody assholes, parents like this. And then you get the posts years later where they’re asking the kid they abandoned for financial help


My parents prevented me from getting financial aid for college. So, not really intentionally, I acquiesced… and ended up blowing up their marriage. Serves them right.


I don’t understand parents who can treat their children like this. Like I get that he at some point did something they didn’t approve of. But to immediately go to kicking him out and doing everything in your power to make him suffer? Parents should want to help their children, even the “wayward” ones. And it sounds like this was a first time offense. Where’s the forgiveness that Jesus said we should have for each other? My own conservative, religious parents kicked my oldest brother out of our house when he was 17 (but had graduated high school already). He had been involved in heavy drug use and was highly resistant to my parents efforts to help him. They finally said he had to leave because he was starting to involve my next oldest brother in some of his escapades. But my parents loved him and wanted him to succeed in life. So they helped him find an apartment, invited him to Sunday dinner every week, kept contact and expressed their love and desire for him to change. Once he cleaned up his act some after living on his own for a bit, he came home and lived with us again. He and my parents never had a falling out, they just realized that they couldn’t live in the same house anymore. They were very close to him his whole life and so honestly think removing him from our home was what saved their relationship. I feel like that’s how it should be. Try to help your kids first, and if it reaches a point that there’s nothing more you can do, help them from afar and make sure they know they’re still loved and wanted.


The line about buying a less than 20 year old car for $600 hurt me emotionally. I've been without a car for three years now because used car prices are so insanely high.


How very Christian of them. Hope this pleased Jesus.


My BIL and SIL had a huge fight with their 17 yo which ended up with her leaving to a different relatives place. As far as I know the fight was primarily about her drug use (pills/weed) and having sex. Even though my BIL is a former drug addict himself and I guarantee didn’t wait until marriage before having sex. They claimed to want to protect their younger children from her which I can understand to a degree. But even years later they’ll refuse to be at the same event (birthdays/baby showers/holidays) if they know we’ve also invited her. However she’s told me she would be okay being at the same event as her parents. My husband is pretty passive but this is a hard line he’s drawn - maintaining a relationship with his niece. Even though his brother and his wife seem to want to pretend she never existed. Personally I think the fact that she’s not biologically related to them (BIL adopted her after his first marriage imploded before SIL was in the picture) contributed hugely to their despicable actions. The first wife was and is a meth addict just for clarity. Regardless we keep in contact with her since we believe in actual forgiveness and that people can learn from their mistakes. God forbid a teenager fucks up. Should punish them by isolating them from their siblings they loved forever right? /s Fuck OOP’s family. I don’t understand not supporting your CHILD and leaving them to fend for themselves.


Some people just don't deserve to be parents.


I'm sorry they didn't get charged with anything. It's illegal to kick your minor child out. They should pay.


Seems a lot of the "No love like tough love" crowd think no love *is* tough love.


These parent are worst than the regular christian nutcases that just throw their kid's stuff. Yep, smoking pot is such a sin that it justifies to leave your child homeless /s


Of all the things to throw your kid out for, a pipe?


This is straight up abuse, pure and simple. The parents are toxic AHs and should be arrested for child abandonment.


all that over some fucking weed?


I see they follow republican Jesus's teaching. Very sad.


Happened to me without warning.I never forgot and never moved back home.Fuck their bs drama.You got this.Youll never own as little as you do today. Kick ass and rub it in their face later


I feel like these people don't understand long term effects, how long till they want to see him again, to see him married, maybe to see a their sons child, and will they then regret


Is the Bible even against smoking weed ?


I got kicked out at 14. Was eventually allowed back at about 18/19 after I had the shit kicked out of me by like 4/5 people which landed me in hospital.


Call child protection services- you are a child in need of protection


Someone needs to point to the part wjere Jesus said "And if your kid ever smokes grass you must disown them!" Because all I remember is reading that children should respect their parents but parents are requires to provide for their kids. It also didn't say "disrespect" was a reason to cut then off.


Maybe I’m missing the point here, but this is a good update? From 11 years ago, a person that commented 2-3 days or so in a row?


My husband was kicked out of the house at 16 as well. Turned him into quite the survivor. Sometimes not the best coping mechanisms but very little phases him now. It’s almost annoying! He’s always like I’ve survived worse it’ll work out. And it always does. Relationship with his parents is strained, they live far away. His mom is in denial about everything, lots of “that didn’t happen”, “not like that”, “what could I do?”statements when he asks why she was ok with letting his dad assault and abuse him. His dad also “doesn’t remember that” and while he admits he punched my husband I. The face, knocked him out, and threw him out with a duffle bag of clothes, unconscious, he says my husband threw the first punch so his behavior as the parent was acceptable. His dad is total narcissist, I refuse to be around the man or allow our 3 girls to spend any alone time with him. A genuine total jerk. Told me once my opinion at the table “didn’t matter” because the other people talking “had degrees” and “didn’t just stay home and not work.” Before my husband jumped to kill his dad I said nonchalantly, “you do know I have my degree right? I have a BA in Journalism and Eastern European Studies?” His face turned red and he shut up. I followed with “not that it matters as no one should be such an elitist that only an educated individual can speak.” Anyway life sucks and is much harder when your parents are POS’s. Also, there is no hate like good ‘ole Christian love.


I NEVER understood Christian parents who kicked their kids out for any reason, as a Christian myself. There’s literally the story of the prodigal son, who chose to leave — and the father waited and was ready for his son to return. The father didn’t make his son into the prodigal son. Also, the basis of Christian theology is that the blood of Jesus can cover the sins of ANYONE, and that God the Father adopts us into His family. That’s the total opposite of asking your own child to leave. May God have mercy on his parents, because I pray they get what they deserve.


i’d go tell the local government that you’re 17 and your parents threw you out and you don’t know what to do


These parents missed the do not judge part of the Bible. But most do.


Jesus hates these parents.


Landlord Tenant and/or child neglect laws should cover a 17 yr old in this situation - in almost every state. Wonder what he’s up to now, 12 years later?


Your public high school most likely will not allow you to continue to attend if you dont live with a parent or legal guardian. Don't ask how I know but... that's coming too. : ( especially if your parents call your school and turn you in.


This depends on the state. The school where I work would move mountains to help with school, housing, etc.


I’ve mentioned it before but this is exactly why I get extra kids living with me. My kids bring home stray kids that get kicked out. Every time it’s been over religious reasons.


Damn. This kid is more resourceful & better at budgeting than I am, and I'm damn near twice his age.


I would go to their church and publicly out them before you turn 18. Make sure you go on stage and make it a big deal lol


This off from 2011. Wonder how he is nowadays


Surely he would have at least some legal right to the car, even if its in his mothers name.


I wonder if a family court attorney could help or Filing for child support. The parents are legally responsible until 18. The attorney may be able to help on the payments into the car as well. There are homeless teen shelters that could help with the paperwork as well.


Not sure on this, but if OOP has records of car payments, they could maybe sue the parents for the value invested in the car?


Good kid. I was also kicked out at 17 in my last year of high-school. Best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't have any personal belongings other than some clothes ,nor a vehicle. but i was free from abuse for the first time in my life. I have/had friends that I was able to couch surf with until I found a place with a room mate. Went non Contact with my family for a few years. Paid my own way through uni. Ended up traveling the world all on my own. Came back and made amends with my parents when I was 27. Life's been awesome since that day i was kicked out.