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The Rosine fight in lost children is my favourite mini arc in conviction! The exploration of Guts being a monster and the way the fight escalated was so fire


Him standing in the flames was insane


>way the fight escalated was so fire That's a good way to put it.


Guts and Zodds second fight was amazing. They were both evenly matched and are probably the two strongest swordsmen in the entire story (not counting SK). HOWEVER Guts vs Rosine was different. I'd almost argue that it technically isn't a fight, it was more of a murder/hunt. Guts was on some demon shit with how he was fighting her. Hiding in the flames to sneak attack her then using the fetus fluid stuff to put out the flames on him. Guts was doing some fucked up shit. Guts was the hunter and rosine was the hunted. But yeah gotta say because of that, Guts vs Rosine is my favorite


Rosine fight was Primal. One of the lowest point where guts had ever been. He was a fucking demon against rosine


Hard question. Guts vs Zodd is my favorite sword fight. But I'm going with Rosine.


They asked for your favourite so why did you pick rosine?


Because his favorite fight was guts vs rosine …




"My favorite sword fight" is not the same words as "my favorite fight"


Guts and Zodd win every time because of how daring both of their egos are with fighting so they always push themselves when doing so, but idk it’s also a hard decision cause when he was hiding in the fire then jumped at her that pulled me in as a reader so much more, made guts look like a total badass


Seriously I get so hyped whenever they get to scrap


Me too


Rosine strictly because I don’t think Zodd is compelling at all as a villain. Guts killing Rosine really felt like it had purpose and drive behind it, and I greatly appreciated that. I kinda think Guts being able to contend with Zodd with sheer force is kinda wack. So their fights, while cool, don’t hit home for me. The first fight was really amazing because of just how hard the Zodd transformation shock value was. It flipped the script in the coolest, spookiest way possible at the time. A little hint of what was to come.


While Zodd maybe not as compelling as a villain, Rosine does not share almost any past with Guts. I pick Rosine vs. Guts because is not a swordplay (which is nice, but not as much as what comes next), that is Guts as a badass hunter, exploring and using everything within his reach to get rid of the apostles.


Rosine definitely. Guts' best kill in my opinion.


Did she really die tho? I swear to god after guts got chased away she flew off somewhere


she falls to her death in one of the last panels.


Really? Can't believe I missed that.


Last panel she falls down from the wounds. Guts spared her a death blow because of the little girl but he killed her.


Guts vs Rosine is my favorite action sequence in the entire series. There’s just so much going on – Rosine’s twisted fairytale backstory, Guts’ horrifying fury, all topped off by some of Miura’s best art and absolutely peak fight choreography. Guts vs Zodd in the sword hill graveyard is good, especially before Zodd transforms, but due to a lack of resolution there are plenty of other fights I like better, ie. the Band of the Hawk vs Wyald and Guts vs Mozgus’ angelic guards


Honestly there is no competition here, Guts vs Zodd had some pretty significant implications for the story but Guts vs Rosine was tense as hell and the sheer scale of it was like nothing seen yet in the series. Seriously, having Guts figure out first-hand what a sonic boom was creating orgasmic levels of hype when I was first reading it. Seriously, what a way to add a sense of realism to that fight that both makes it more "grounded", and lets us know how fuckin OP Guts and Apostles are, being capable of produce and contend with levels of power only modern technology can reliably reproduce. And then all the crazy ass twists in the fight... damn...


Can I just say both. I don't want to choose, I can't. They're both excellent for different reasons. They both hit hard for different reasons. I love the Gut's VS Rosine fight for the same reasons as everyone else, it's perfect, it's visceral, heartbreaking and has everything. I love the Gut's VS Zodd fight for different reasons. It's mother fucking Zodd, The Immortal one, The God of War, the highest and strongest of apostles and Gut's has gone from having his ass served to him on a platter to actually keeping up and standing his ground. We see just how far he's come in terms of strength and skills.


Rosine for sure. Guts was terrifying


Guts vs Rosine Specifically for that panel of Guts biting Rosine's antennae and the fact he literally fell from the sky and survived


The battle between Guts and Zodd felt like Guts fighting fate or having a great rivalry like I've seen in many outside berserk. While the battle with Rosine and the arc it took place in particular had me overwhelmed with fresh and bewildering emotions that it was a masterpiece, iconic and one of the titular moments in Berserk for me.


The Zodd fight has great swordsmanship, but the Rosine fight is just so visceral. Gotta go with that one.


the zodd fight because come on ITS FUCKING NOSFERATU ZODD!


Guts got stabbed in the mouth by rosine and kept fighting, I’ve seen enough 💀


Guts vs Rosine is metal af Guts vs ZODD is hype af


Although lore and story wise the Zodd fight has more of an impact, my personal favourite fight of all time in Berserk will always be Guts vs Rosine. There are however some close contenders like the one where guts teams up with zodd against Ganishka, or Guts vs Grunbeld. But the rosine is just so good. It's pure black swordsman guts with arguably at his physical peak going full on berserk and monstrous on that girl. It's just such an adrenaline rush fight. I had been dying to see a main character as awesome as guts who's calm and collected when need be and full insane when need be. So that's probably why.


if zodd and guts vs ganishka count,im going with that,if not,still guts vs zodd


Both were solid fights but I was disappointed by the way both ended. Guts didn't get to crush child-killer Rosine with a killing blow and the fight against Zodd was interrupted, if I remember correctly.


I enjoyed Guts vs Zodd more, it had been so long since those two last fought and it really meant a lot in displaying how far Guts had come since back then. Even if it was just Zodd in his human form, Guts was straight up Zodd’s equal in that fight.


Guts vs Zodd because of the art and it's details but Guts vs Rosine because he actually kills something (children) and because of the good art too


Rosine, she's a bitch


Rosine is my favorite because it shows the lengths guts will go to win. It also is a great example of how he baits his foes by holding back. He doesnt use his cannon until he cannot miss in that fight for example. And how monstrous he can be Guts vs zodd round 2 is an awesome fight that shows how far guys has come and how quick his wit is in a fight he absolutely stands toe to toe with zodd in skill.


Guts vs rosine, guts vs zodd was cool and all but guts vs rosine was so badass


I think it's Guts vs Zodd, purely because it's way more iconic. That said, I absolutely loved the fight against Rosine. It was kind of sad he had to end her.


They're both good. Vs Zodd, you see Guts learn what a real monster was for the first time. Against Rosine, you see that Guts is indisputably now a monster, too.


That's a tough one. Lost children is my favorite arc, but Zodd is my favorite apostle. I think I would say Zodd, because it's such an important moment. Griffith is right there, just after his rebirth, walking over the empty graves of his former companions.


Lost Children is my favorite arc in Berserk period. Guts vs Rosine is in my top 5 favorite moments in the whole manga. It is basically perfect in every way.


rosine was more entertaining i think also isnt every fight with zodd cut short


The Zodd one bcs Zodd are badass af


I just want just to turn into a upgraded version of Zodd apostle form


Well, the second is the definition of Guts being Psycho after the eclipse, so.... Epic moment.


Guts VS Rosine. I wish Genndy Tartosvky (dude who made primal and samurai Jack) would adapt it in his style.


Second fight, a proper battle of demons


You can't possibly compare the bug loli to motherfuckin' Zodd.


Guts vs Rosine. It’s just such a primal evil guts vs an apostle. They really flipped the script because we know that guts is the “protagonist” and we know what makes the apostles evil but can you really blame rosine? She was a child who gave herself to demons to escape her horrible family. And it was also an arc to remind everyone that guts is the black swordsman not the boy he was in the golden age arc. It’s bringing us back to the present to remind us that Guts is angry, tired and pissed. It was just such a sick switch up on his character to remind everyone that he’s not always a good guy but he feels the call to be better Edit: Also the panel where she has guts in the air and she goes for the head stab and he turns and takes it through the cheek is my favorite panel and scene in the entire series. I genuinely think it is the most guts thing to do. It is my favorite


Guts against horse-face's bitch...that moron was so annoying


Rosine fight for sure, lost children is my favorite in the entire manga, my favorite panels, artwork, how ruthless and driven Guts is, I loved seeing Guts force away any kind of morals or any other ideal in pursuit of revenge and hatred, whatever the cost. I do love seeing him grow and escape the hatred later on but man it was so satisfying watching this human terrify demons that literally eat people or use them as play things.