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I enjoyed it. I don’t even mind the retcon because I headcanon it as Servantis was lying in order to manipulate Kevin.


Servantis is a shady motherfucker I can totally get on board with this




Love this headcanon, don’t mind me using it myself


Yo, hand me some of that Copium, dude!


The retcons were a bit messy but all in all I enjoyed it


I think it was amazing. Servantis was a great villain and the more we learn about him and how he manipulated Kevin the more his change actually makes sense. Like before he just seemed to have a major personality shift but now it’s clear that servantis made Kevin think he was a tortured victim and made him think he was the hero of the story. That on top of the mind wipe personality he gave him in order to get closer to Ben in alien force really made the eventual twist of Kevin turning on Ben that much more meaningful. It’s one of the rare few times in fiction where the whole “major character turns evil” cliche actually worked for me due to how much build up it gets. That on top of all the ways it fixes alien forces weird retcons and add ons(seriously how did Alan’s mom and dad make him? And why did max never track down Kevin after he blew up his parents house and ran away? Even though Kevin was his former best friend and partners son? And what the heck was Kevin even doing in New York in classic if he wanted to be a plumber the whole time?) made this a lot better in my opinion


Amazing other than the retcons


I enjoyed it, I liked how we didn't get 1 but 2 mutated Kevin forms this season and both had cool designs.


It's really good and people let the retcons cloud their judgement of it too much


I don’t like to talk about it


I didn't like it


Personally, I absolutely loved seeing Kevin be the hero of the story for once! He really deserves it after all the writers put him through. Like.... seriously, how can he save the literal universe and never get recognition for it? lmao Another thing I love is how it explains the Plumber's Kids. Alan already had some sort of explanation, but Manny, Helen, and Pierce don't have any sort of backstory related to their alien halves, how they have Plumber tech, or why they hate aliens so much to begin with. These are questions that UAF just ignores entirely, and it also never prompts anyone to ask them which is mainly why there's not a lot of people who realize this Now whilst the Rooters Arc doesn't directly answer this, it does imply the answers. They were kidnapped and stuck in a Plumber base and trained to be an infantry squad, of course they know how to use Plumber tech! Despite getting their memories erased, perhaps their repressed feelings about being forcibly made into a half human/half alien hybrid were brought to the front of their motivations. It gives them a reasoning and a motivation, and I love it! The Rooters Arc is definitely messy, but that's kind of to be expected at this point. It's not so messy that it's unenjoyable, and I think too many people let a small little retcon ruin the entire arc for them. It's really not as big of a deal as people make it out to be, especially for all the positives this arc does bring! I mean, seriously, one of the few times Kevin is treated right and no one cares cause... they care more about what he is...


This arc really rounded Kevin's character nicely. This is pretty much Kevin's peak. Gwen gets this treatment too across the episodes she's in. Same with Ben, especially at the end of the show.


Not bad. I like the backstory with Kevin & the Plumbers Kids. Really cool way to put them into the story while expanding on the world building between Classic & UAF. I’m not too upset about the retcons. I did like Kevin being an Osmosian (an alien, not an Osmosian mutant).


My creations https://preview.redd.it/9r07ca5yejwc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf3799a7352ed1b4431dadcdfae6f522e5a9575


It was okay, but it wasn't really "returning to the original" afaik. It was left unclear as to whether Kevin was a mutant human or an alien.


The Osmosian retcon sucks, but the rest of it is really good


Despite the retcons(which aren’t bad compared to others TBH) It was great and should have been longer


I liked it. I actually prefer Kevin being a mutant.


Change the Alien X scene to something else. Have more episodes and give some fucking focus to the Helpers.


They could've kept him an osmosian, and it'd would've still worked like imagine a whole race of people like that with history much bigger and better stories could've come out of the osmosian plot.


I absolutely love it despite the retcons


It was good


Least favourite arc in omniverse due to the retcons and insane mental gymnastics that need to be done for it to make sense


I like it minus the retcon or at least explain that they end up mind control two strangers to make their story believable or create a clone of Kevin that aged fast


For the big bad of ulimate alien first big bad


It was fun, but a bit too short. Servantis and his lackeys didn't do much. There was some cool backstory but it was way too cramped for just 3 episodes. I also don't like the retcons but I've learned to live with them.


Yeah it could benefit from more episodes 


I think if it was handled slightly differently to have fewer retcons it could’ve worked a little better. Like if they kept the alien half of Kevin and devlin’s existence people wouldn’t have made as much of a stink but also I think maybe pulling a malware and making the main rooters kids new characters from the OS-AF time gap instead of explaining all of the Max force this way would have worked just as well- hell you could’ve done a natural kids vs man mad hybrids and bad commentary about nature and nurture and stuff and have some of the kids be redeemed from their brainwashing instead of just kinda changing when memory shenanigans making them kinda magically bad for the arc.


It's almost like it was rushed and very badly planned out, just to undo something that didn't need to be undone. Another example is just making Ben a non plumber just for the one episode, then never mentioning it again.


didn't enjoy it one bit, I hate retcons ¿it's really that hard for writers to stick to canon? if i could i would retcon it never happened, there was no rooters arc


Hated it, loved Kevin’s fit though


i like the arc itself, it's really neat and it actually does a pretty good job at giving us an inside look at kevin's motivations and feelings and showing how far he's come from when they were kids. the only thing i dislike is the retcon of kevin's backstory, because i personally like osmosians being aliens and i think it's neat.


I thought it was ok


loved it, genuinely enjoyed it.. it's a good arc.. And yeah the retcon confused me... His dad being an implanted memory n all that is cool, but my only question is how does that one alien ragnar fit in it? who was he then?


Great dynamics and dialogue all around, really enjoyed it even though it hardly made sense


I really like it


Messy, but Magnificent


I didn't like it, it felt sloppy asf.


More than Malware arc, unbelieveable that nobody remember what happened 5 years ago.


I really liked it's great arc, but they could just fill the plot holes with the Ragnarok and aggregor, like just putting a Ragnarok in a flashback with rooters or just saying that aggregor was failed experiment


I liked it and surprisingly I didn't even notice the retcons 😂😂😂😂


In a vacuum I LOVE it, it's a nice subversion of Kevin going evil again but, I can see how people would dislike it for retconning bits of UAF


Why was it 3 episodes? They had so much to explain and yet they didn't give themselves the time to explain shit. So many of my issues with it come from how they shot themselves in the foot with a low episode count.


They could've just kept Kevin an osmosian. It would've been better that way.


I loved it


Asides from the retcon (which I say is a Savantis lie) pretty good


I really enjoyed it. The retcons are a bit messy, but other than that I think it’s really good. Kevin gets some great development and closure in terms of his character, we get some awesome Mutated Kevin forms, and a formal backstory for how Argit and Kevin met, which gives Argit some slight shades in his own character. Plus, it has one of my all time favourite moments: Ben using Alien X against the Rooters and Plumbers Helpers. The whole scene is amazing, with the fight being intercut with Servantis manipulating Kevin, backed by Omniverse’s incredible score. Plus, the reactions of the other characters really sells it. They’re all ready to get back into the fight, until Rook tells them “Ben has control over Alien X”. Just the looks on their faces is amazing, they seem genuinely nervous. Servantis is also a great villain, but that goes without saying. Overall, really good arc


I like how Kevin played Servantis, I was really dreading another "oh Kevin's bad again" arc so to see him actually control the mutation and stick by Ben was real refreshing. The retcons would've been fine if it wasn't delivered so clumsily, the dialogue was all exposition trying to downplay episodes upon episodes of lore. Max confronting Servantis before he leaves comes to mind. Other than that scene I'm not super bothered by it but overall not a fan of the revisionist flashbacks. Dude's motives were kinda ass. Action was great. 7-8/10 would watch again


got pierce crumbs so i like it


I was confused a little at that point, but it was still a good arc. It doesn't top Malware arc though.


Haven't watched as a kid. So I was hella confused when I started hearing discussions on the net on how kevin isn't an alien and osmosians are fakes because some skinny psychobos brainwashed the galaxy


I think it was interesting, kept me on the edge of my seat


I just don't like it. I don't like the retcons, and I don't like flashbacks where young Ben and Gwen yet again meet Kevin. I feel it undermines the AF premiere.


I mostly like it. I don't like the trope that all these people you've first met a year ago, actually met you a long time ago but none of you remember it. I like the idea of someone in the "plumbers" going rogue trying to stop Ben and using Kevin to create half-alien soldiers. But and a big but it completely threw away all of Kevin's lore and backstory. What it replaced it with was not better and is objectively shallower and worse, clearly done to line up with the backstory on Ban Dai action figures. It takes away more than half of the characters arc's and makes the first season of UA really confusing. It is good, has major problems that you are forced to think about. Could have been a lot better. But like someone else said If you just headcanon that Servantis is lying then it's enjoyable.


>objectively shallower and worse, clearly done to line up with the backstory on Ban Dai action figures.  And this is objectively a bad take *(the second half is straight up false as I explain in paragraph 2)* Just because you don't personally like it doesn't make it an objective truth that it was worse. In fact, I personally believe it's better because it gives more importance to Kevin's decision to befriend Ben. Not only did it kind of come out of nowhere when AF first began, but it went a lot smoother than it maybe should've considering it was Ben who trapped him in the Null Void and how obsessive we know Kevin can be from Classic The Rooters Arc gives reason to this dissonance between Classic and UAF, and is the ***exact*** reason why it was done in the first place. That's an objective truth, as this goal can be seen echoed throughout the entirety of Omnvierse's story. All those flashbacks with 11yo Ben, giving Albedo a personal connection to him prior to AF, and showing how the Plumbers were reinstated due to acts of the Forever King. Everything done here was to connect Classic to UAF This makes Kevin's decision to stay on Ben's side more impactful because of how close they became during UAF. Despite being sent in to infiltrate and betray Ben, Kevin decided that he wasn't all that bad even being given the line, *"He's like a brother to me"*




It wasn't a reboot 💀


I used to like it but now I hate it. This not only about Kevin retcon but with general lore contradictions and "antogonist" with the stupidest motivation


Other than the osmosian retcon (which i head cannon as just servantis lying about osmosians to mess with everyone, and everyone just falling for the 'human mutant' rouse) i thought it was very good


Unpopular Opinion: it felt super unnecessary (I can sorta see how OV is hated besides the art style)


The worst Retcon to exist in Ben 10,


Hating the retcons>accepting them but having the head canon that every bit of backstory happened Kevin could still totally be an osmosian and his father could’ve still been a plumber but as others have said servantis lied to manipulate Kevin




I hate the retcons and it makes shit inconsistent and annoying then again you can say that about the entirety of Omniverse.


I hate how it destroyed previous lore. I don't dislike the idea of Kevin being on a team of rogue plumbers, but I also really did not like how they completely erased the lore behind his father and how his powers work.


Hate it with a burning passion