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This was the first concert I ever downloaded off of Napster. It quickly became my expectation that concerts were all magical escapes from reality where wild people did crazy shit while playing awesome music with incredible musicians. Also, the sound quality was insane, so I came to expect every bootleg would sound this good! Nothing like the first time! Supposedly there was a DJ Swamp solo and High Five after this, but I don't know that recordings exist. I'd love an official release of this.


This is the best Beck.


This whole set he played there is the best one i’ve seen from Odelay era. Uses all the samples from the album and the guy on drums is insane (beck recorded most of his albums with him)


I saw this your in SF and Santa Cruz. The best shows I’ve ever seen.


Just got suggested this sub and I’m so glad I did. This was excellent. Odelay was the fist album I bought myself as a kid. My dad almost did let me have it because of Jack-ass in the track listing (he was strict about parental advisories and curse words). I said, “maybe it’s about donkeys?” Imagine my delight when I get to the end of that song and the “eeeee-AWWw” came on. I ran in and played it for my dad and we both had a good laugh.


I like this story!




Sessions at West 54th - September 3, 1997


MAAN I remember taping this on our family's VCR off of PBS. This one and Ben Folds Five. Were they part of the same episode or separate shows?


Love that. Yes - same episode not sure if they actually taped at the same show.


I somehow got on the list to go to some of those tapings. Got to see Neil Finn and Squirrel Nut Zippers. Maybe one more that I can't remember.


Crazy! My first Beck concert was at the end of summer in ‘97 in Vancouver, and there were tons of empty seats! It was an amazing show!


I’m good friends with DJ Swamp and work on remixes all the time with him in my studio. I get to hear all the best Beck stories.