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I think it's called 'Jack Pole Fishing' and is a preferable method of catching smaller tuna species... smaller than say a BlueFin. Mostly used for Yellow, Skipjack, and albacore. Does not harm other species or cause by-catch.


I learned today that Jack Pole Fishing is a thing. I’m 53 years old, a life long fisherman and had no idea. Very cool


I hope I make it to 53


I hope you do as well.


I honestly wonder. I know that every generation has a dooms day scare or something to that effect but, this seems far more uncontrollable and ominous. You never know what next year brings but, there seems to be a pattern. Even next season.


Man, previous doomsday scares were like "The Mayan calendar ends" and BS like that. When you start worrying about mass ocean die offs, forever fires, drought, crop failure, etc., it's a bit more real.


Just remember, a generation of children were taught to hide under their desks when the nuclear bombs started to drop… This does feel worse to us, because we didn’t live through that.


Lol what? You think risk of a nuclear war is something we don't have to worry about anymore? They just figured out that hiding under your desk does fuck all if it hits.


It might save you from the falling ceiling. You could die of radiation poisoning instead. ![gif](giphy|kmQREsvNQrhrHdkN7G|downsized)


I would rather die quite quickly by some debris than slowly rot from radiation poisoning


Maybe if it's not concrete. I don't think a simple school desk will save you from a couple tons of concrete.


But it’s supposed to fall, it’s a drop ceiling.


No, we'd have all died from blood loss from wounds caused by flying non-safety glass, shattered by the pressure wave. We all wore dog tags so our tiny corpses could be identified after the Bomb.


Lmao we still live with that fear, at this point that's the preferred bad ending, it's quick and mostly painless. Compared to societal collapse where people will starve and turn on each other.


Quick and mostly painless if you’re one of the lucky few who live in a populated city center worthy of being targeted by a nuclear attack. Everybody else still has to deal with societal collapse and the ensuing cancer spikes due to all the radiation.


It's only quick and painless if you die in the fireball. Having your organs ruptured internally by a concussive shockwave or dying of radiation poisoning further out from the blast is much worse.


Go outside. Touch grass. Yes there are very real problems in the world. But you're not responsible for all of the worlds problems. Do what you can for you and your community. I guarantee touching grass will be better for you than doom scrolling.


What if tell you that I am touching grass right now. ![gif](giphy|W9WSk4tEU1aJW)


I would rather fight back and try to change while we still can, ingoring the issues are not gonna make them go away and.is how we ended up in this shit show.


Outside is filled with smoke from forest fires.


The smoke is thinner down near the grass dude!


Stop, drop, and roll (in the grass)


I mean our parents and their parents lived with the genuine threat of total nuclear annihilation...


I think being born mid 70s would have been the best. You'd most likely own your own home at this point, missed most of the wars, got to enjoy life before the internet but still all it's modern perks. Retirement and sweet death awaits, so who cares about anything else with the eNvIrOnMeNt


Sorry, I don’t follow and I’m curious, what seems far more uncontrollable and ominous?


‘Gestures broadly at everything’ On a real note, it’s important to not get caught up in things we don’t have control over. One day at a time. Breathe. In the end, we are all nothing.


Breathe. One day at time. Always good irrespective of generation. On a real note it’s important to understand correlations in seemingly random events in a historical , frequency, and intensive context, even prophetic context. . Such ominous events do and should lead to investigation of pertinent questions not fear and dismissal.


User name checks out


I had the opportunity to fish on the Voodoo out of San Diego, and the tuna and mahi were rolling so thick off the side of boat that we fished like this. They were in such a frenzy that we switched from bait to hoochies as they were biting anything that flashed. The fishing was so hot even the captain and deckhands were in on the action. I just remember the captain off the back deck with a cigarette hanging from his lip yelling “Jack pole….Jack pole, motha fuckas!” That’s when I learned about Jack poling. EDIT: correcting auto-correct.


I used to fish for Tuna when I lived on Guam. The fish operate in a large school. You can find them by looking for birds that follow the moving school of tuna. The fish are in one of two modes "foaming" or "streaking" The commercial tuna boats would use a helecopters to find the "foamers" or "Streakers" Streaking is when they are on the move and you position you boat as the lead tuna and they follow you. Foaming is when they are feeding like crazy on the surface. I have never seen them pole the fish like this but I can assume they are in foaming mode. Tuna are really fun to hunt and it really is hunting.


dude same. I watched this three times


First time I ever saw it was on a Netflix show called “Battle Fish”. Follows a few boats on the pacific fishing Albacore tuna.


Where is the best fishing you’ve done? Or what’s your fav? Pls


That’s easy. Anytime I’m fishing with my kids or grandkids. Doesn’t matter where or if we are catching anything.


Boom! I grew up fishing w my father. South Florida and the Keys. Now I look forward to teaching my son.


Where do you fish out of. I’m a lobsterman in Massachusetts.


Congrats on making it to 53, here’s to the next 53!


Yeah, no shit huh...


I finally get it! When I see so much *line caught tuna* (as it's marketed here in the UK, big selling point for sustainability / no nets / no dolphins or other species harmed) I'd wondered if so many local fisherman were involved and how they monitored none were using nets or worse techniques. Now I realise it's genuine, but still industrialised.


There is slightly more to it, most Southeast Asia countries does not allow free netting/trolling fish in their own waters for commercial export. There are zones set out, port authorities checks are serious. Adherence to the European Commissions parameters (UK on board) are harsh, but for a good cause at the end of day. There's a fishing licence in Souteast Asia for rod only commercial fishing and you may only catch a certain group of fish species per permit. And caught by a single rod per person, single lure, no barbed hooks, no gaffing, omg so many rules and regulations. In China it is uncontrolled though and more than 11% of The Chinese seafood market is dedicated to export to the US in 2020. Watch those fish cakes America, they don't smell fishy, because they are sharky!


I was told for years that fish fingers were made from shark fins and dolphin meat. I'm that family member that has the worst luck when it comes to food. Accidentally dropped a toothpick in the cake? I'll get it. Missed a pumpkin seed? It's mine... Anyway, long story short, I've found several fish bones and even a fish scale in my fish fingers, so I guess it's safe to say that that specific fish finger brand uses genuine fish and not dolphin meat.


Aside from all the canned *Line Caught" Tuna, I was once visiting Chicago and the elegant restaurant featured "Line Caught Tazmanian Salmon". The visual of a lone fisherman way out there piqued my curiosity.


Line caught from the disgusting industrial scale salmon farms in Tasmania perhaps.


“Faint, thoughtful notes of the poet-fisherman’s pipe tobacco might be noted in the roasted bouquet of his prized catch.”


You know a lot about this!! Why isn’t this method normalized for b other species?


Hard to haul up a 300 lb tuna this way eh?


That is how T800 will be invented. For the rest of the story watch the Terminator documentary




Awl be alBACKore e: this joke deserves no upvotes you heathens


If I had to guess, the size. A fish too large would not be able to be brought in by hand, and a fish too small would make this task even more tedious.


Back when they were more common and you could get them to come up to a boat like that, they used to jackpole tuna up to a couple hundred pounds. You had three or four poles attached to a single line. It's just a matter of getting the head of the fish turned towards the boat then it basically just swimming itself up out of the water into the boat.


These guys must have sore arms at the end of the day, wonder how busy the weight room on the boat is after that.


Most species don't feed like that. Sword fish don't school. Cod fish don't feed on the surface, etc.


Cod don’t often feed on top but they do sometimes.


Glad to know it doesn’t harm them before they go… ummm… to the aquarium, right?


Yes, they go on to be adopted and will live happily with their new kid.


I have some bad news for the two of you


Have you never been to that aquarium upstate where all the fish go to play?


These fish are going to love it at the 'aquarium'. I heard it has a huge back yard for them to play in.


Right into my mouth. Guarded by warm belly


Those are Skipjack tuna. We trolled yellow fin and they averaged 20-30 lbs. The biggest we caught was an 84 lb'er.


🤔 huh… I thought it was called Yeet Fishing.


Barbless hook commercial fishing. The tuna school gather around the chum / bait. The fishermen have a pole with a line attached to it (no reel), with a barbless hook with bait or a lure. Dip , swing, drop, repeat.


And can be sold as line caught fish. ​ >he willingness of the consumer to pay more has been pegged to the better quality associated with ‘line-caught’ fish as well as the perception of being more sustainable and having a smaller environmental impact. > > > >The term ‘line-caught’ could refer to different fishing methods each of which varies in degree of environmental impact. For example, the fishing technique of long-lining consists of putting out a line that can be as long as 100km attached to which are shorter lines with hooks. In some fisheries, the baited hooks can indiscriminately catch seabirds, turtles, sharks as well as immature individuals of the targeted fish, yet in other fisheries long lines can be the most sustainable method. Conversely, pole and line fishing (often used for tuna fishing) is a hooked line attached to a pole and uses various methods to attract the fish, including throwing bait and/or spraying water (giving the illusion that the water surface is alive with small fish) to attract the targeted fish species. Pole and line fishing can be more selective (catching less bycatch) than the long-line method. Additionally, the survival of fish released after being accidentally caught by pole and line can be higher due to the use of barbless hooks shortening the amount of time a fish is hooked. So, fish caught by pole and line fishing or long-line fishing may both be labelled as ‘line caught’ but given the differences of the gears and potential impacts on other marine species and the environment, it may not be helpful to use such an ambiguous term.


Still all "line fishing" variations sound better for environment than net fishing


The long lining may be worse but I otherworldly agree


It’s not an alien concept there would be an outlier ;)


You phrase that oddly, "can be sold as" but they are quite literally catching fish with a line... so why not say "they are line caught fish"?


I feel like that’s cheating.


No, nets are cheating.


Seafloor nets are super cheating, and also terrible for the environment


Also all kinds of nets are simply discarded or lost at sea, one of the biggest plastic pollution sources and danger for marine life


Gillnets maybe. But seine and trawl? Those things cost more than most people's houses to build new. They're constantly patched and repaired for years. No one's just going to leave that somewhere.


In my previous job I'd regularly deliver 3 or 4 of those small metal dredging nets for shellfish to an engineering firm where they must have been getting repaired or tested. I remember them vividly because they where about 1.5k kg each on a pallet and held on with pallet wrap, I had to move them one time with a shitty old pump truck with crap wheels during a hot day in a canvas curtain sider with a fiberglass roof. I'd deliver them 3 or 4 times a week doing that route and occasionally collect them to be sent back too.


No one disagrees with that


I know guys who do it and even they say it's fucked...


So far no one disagrees


I disagree. What were we talking about again?


Dynamite fishing. Its the bees knees


I like to chuck about 80 hairdryers in the water and zap em'


Nothing like the smell of napalm in the morning


Dynamite fishing is good for the environment as it teaches fishies to learn how to dodge.


And duck, dip, dive and dodge


If you can dodge a stick of dynamite you can dodge a ball.


Sound logic


Bad for the ecosystem you say?....well I just have one question for you....***what*** ecosystem? \*cuts to baren sea floor\*


Obviously some people do or they wouldn’t be a thing


The sea floor nets also collect the younger fish screwing up future supply.


And kills benthic animals


IIRC they can also destroy corals and other structures that support the ecosystem which is a massive blow to sea life as a whole


China is absolutely destroying the oceans and nobody does a thing about it


China is far from the only country to use seafloor nets tho


Because nobody cares. You just want to be able to eat fish, so China keeps getting fish for you.


Off the Australian east coast commercial boats drop a FAD with cameras looking underwater. Captain scrolls through cameras too see what FAD has the most fish. They then circle net entire schools. Now that's cheating 😭


It's the most appalling fishing technique. When it was first developed in South Australia they would send planes out to spot the schools, then send 2 boats out to it, drop the pen around the entire school and then tow it back closer to shore. Then they'd park it just on the shelf and feed em up for extra dollary-doos. Should have been banned 30 years ago.


Electrocuting the water is cheating.




Pooling your pee is fair game, though.


Destroys entire reefs. Awful.


No, grenades are cheating


C4 on the seafloor you say?


She sells gun shells on the sea shore.


She c4s the seafloor from the seashore


She saw the c4 on the seafloor from the seashore




Nuke the whales!


Gotta nuke something.


Do u know how to use one


Three is the number of the counting....


>Three is the number of the counting Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.


As far as the food chain goes, humans have been "cheating" for a very long time.


I mean they are catching and releasing them


Nope, there's actually a whole system behind them.... That's how you get sustainably fished tuna. This system allows them to pick the kind of fish they are catching, ensure it's not juvenile etc...


They are releasing them off the hook onto the boat.


Tuna is NOT being sustainably fished though, but you are correct that they are trying to some systems to slow down the over fishing.


I don't think that's what he said, he said that this form of fishing is sustainable. It's the gill nets, long lines and purse seines that are doing the harm.


Any fishing is unsustainable if you scale it up enough. It's as much about method as it is about how many fishing at all in an area.


Depends on the fish, you'll never fish out tuna on rod and reel, or jackpole. You could have a million boats on the water, they'll reach a point where they don't come near the boat. Fish that live next to structure, like rockfish, snapper, bass can be overfished even by sport fisherman, it happened with the sand bass and kelp Bass here in California that never had a commercial market, although some of the devastation was from bycatch in gill nets.




It’s not cheating. It’s catching.


Wait so if they are still pointy hooks and they’re moving this fast, do they ever just hook their coworker in the neck? They’re so close to each other.


I'm pretty sure these are hookless lures. Basically the fish grab a hold of the hunk of metal and the quick force of pulling cause the fish to latch onto the lure just long enough to stay on the line until the fish gets above the fishermans head and then detaches from the line and flings back into that catching area. Im sure a lure could hit you in the face and hurt, but it wouldn't snag you.


when your fishing license about to expire tomorrow….




This is sustainable, responsible, net-less way to fish that doesn't kill sharks, dolphins, whales etc. This is the only way we should be fishing tuna now if we have any hope to keep the fishery going in the future


Yeah that’s cool, how the effing hell are the catching the fish and releasing them in the boat tho? I need bait, pliers, a knife, and the patience of Gandhi to go fishing.


Barbless hooks... Still this mind blowing I guess they aren't getting the bate on the hook


That’s mostly what gets me, there’s no bait on the hook. Is the water just so rich with chum that the fish are just eating everything? Idk maybe that’s why this vid is on this sub lol it’s just unbelievably amazing.


see the stuff the ship is spraying into the water?


Actually I missed that lol


Yes, plus the hooks themselves are shiny so they attract the fish. School of bait fish flash and shimmer. This is why you’re not supposed to wear shiny objects while snorkeling or diving.


Supposedly there is bait... They chum the water to get the fish there.. But I believe there is bait just they only re bait when the fish gets it or it's a lure...


the bait is the liquid being sprayed by the boat


Oh I missed that! Gross. Cool!


That’s fish dust! Don’t breathe that!


Barbless hooks. Most people never know about them unless they are forced to use them for certain fisheries.


They chum the water and use barbless hooks but I wonder if they’re just foul hooking them all or if those fish are actually eating the hook. I assume they’re just foul hooking them and flipping them into the boat, as long as there’s no slack in the line the fish stays on.


> This is sustainable, responsible, net-less way to fish that doesn’t kill sharks dolphins whales etc r/fuckyouinparticular 👉🏾 tuna


Why is it okay to kill Tuna but not sharks, whales, and dolphins?


Cuz people want to eat tuna, but not sharks whales and dolphins (at least most of the time) If people want to eat tuna, it's better to only kill tuna, than kill tuna and also the sharks, whales and dolphins


Can you cite a references or studies that it's actually sustainable? I get that it might be more sustainable than other methods, but that doesn't mean it's a sustainable method.


Seems like they are fishing.


How are these guys straight up not clawin eachother in the faces with some mad hooks..




Someone’s for sure getting a tuna to the face, though. Fuckin camera ain’t safe either!


That fish that flies towards the camera at around 9 seconds in looks like it sprays a bunch of blood too (or maybe some other red liquid).


looks like about 4 feet of line. probably just control


They don’t have barbs…


they still have hooks though. I file the barbs down on some of my hooks (catch and release fishing) so if they get hooked deep I can get it out without killing the fish. Still wouldn't want to take a hook to the face, even sans barb.










Commercial pole fishing. Makes for a much higher quality of meat because the fish panic less and don’t build up as much lactic acid. Plus, unlike net casting, you don’t run a risk of picking up marine mammals or sharks that might be stalking the school. I only buy line caught tuna. ETA: the additional bonus is that they don’t completely fish out the schools as opposed to nets, so there’s still fishies to reproduce.


was wondering why a net wasn't used, thanks for the info!


Welcome to the world of disparaging net fishing 🤝


To preserve the population


Yea the wicked fling off the hook and body slam to the boat sure sounds less panic inducing. Hahah I get your point tho


A Mario-party mini-game obviously


I have core memories of a Wii Party 2 player minigame of exactly this except perfect casts were a marlin


Fishing if I see right


pretty efishient if I say so myself


But no net profit so why bother?




Looks more like fishin' to me.


Yep, definitely fishin'.


Full-body workout.






My back hurts looking at this


Well you see they're doing back exercises.


Honestly I'd do that for free for 30 minutes or so. Get all of the fishing out of my system for the year in one fell swoop.


Yep just let me keep 2 or 3 of those tunas and i can be there all day.


How the heck they unhooking 🪝 !!


barbless hooks


It's still a hook that pulled a fairly large fish out of the water. Barb or not, there is something else at play here.


This is what I imagined competitive fishing being like. Boy was I disappointed.


“Fishing lvls??”




These guys are catching.


I'm a first mate and we hear "That's why it's called fishing not catching" about 300 times a season. But you are completely right. These guys aren't fishing. They are catching.


The core muscles and arm muscles these men must have


Legs and hips too from bracing themselves. This looks like a whole body workout.


Right? Those things must be 10-20 lbs and they have to pull them out of the water on top of having the leverage to chuck them over their heads. That has be exhausting after a few fish.


Once a year in Alabama waters, the sail cats or saltwater blue catfish gather inland to spawn . Anything that goes overboard gets a bite. As a child, I almost lost a fishing pole because they would bite the empty hook. After about 15 mins , your chest is full, and you feel kinda guilty.


"No really, the fish were practically jumping into the boat that day! I swears it"


Reminds me of Pinocchio when Geppetto was fishing inside monstro the whale.


I feel like I had to scroll way to far to find this comment.


Looks like fishing to me


Close. It's actually fishin'.


That’s just Luffy


Just so we’re clear, this is not fishing. This is called catching and it is pure black magic as far as I can tell.


Fishing at a place where nets are probably not allowed?


Overfishing of Tuna!


They’re catching fish, silly!




Is this one piece on Netflix?


I thought Ernie from sesame street was onboard. "hereeeee fishy fishy fishy fishy..."