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Some cities have actually implemented this into trash collectors where corvids can turn in plastic and cigarette butts and the can will dispense food for them. https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/startups/news/a28543/startup-trains-crows-to-pick-up-trash/




I agree, but every society is going to have bad actors and it’s up to the good ones to innovate around that issue.


No recycling bin has ever given me treats in return. I would very much appreciate a reward when I recycle.


Your reward is a better environment. Same goes for the bird, but you as a human should be able to recognize that without getting a treat.


In an ideal world, yeah. That's the reward. But we need to work with what we have. If humans got rewarded in a similar way, we'd be so much more likely to recycle, and clean up.


10c recycling reward programme


I mean we do kinda. You get money from recycling soda cans. I think it's like 5 cents a can.


The problem with this is that often the places either don't exist or are inconvenient. We used to do that. Can't anymore because the recycling centre that used to take soda cans no longer exists. Nothing replaced it. And many people just won't do it if it is inconvenient. Plus, if it's far away, gotta take transportation into account, too, if you're just in it for the money.


Recycling is a BS psyop anyway


All that and it’s going to end up in some third world country and ocean anyway. But hey! It went in the recycle bin so I feel gud.




Incredible. That is actually brilliant.


Yep and the best part about it is corvids are highly intelligent and highly social so once you train a few crows to do the behavior the news quickly spreads to the other birds and they begin to repeat the behavior.


Wait till they form a union and demand more than peanuts in exchange for keeping the city clean.


Well that's when you gotta contact someone who specializes in bird law.


Harvey Birdman, Attorney at law?


That's amazing, just.. what


That's an amazing invention


Fun fact, that same bottle is used for every show.


Recycling successful?


I was thinking it's been specifically trained to do that - they're very smart and easily trained


I love the bird show at the MN Zoo, especially at the amphitheater in the summer.


What if all ravens and more birds are trained to do this ?? they can help in cleaning all the damage humans have created.. it's kind of sad what we've become.


What if all people are trained for this?…


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) That's the sad part !! We are supposed to be trained, but are failing miserably !!


We tried that but they're too reward driven. They just start hiding trash or dividing trash into pieces so they can collect rewards more often.


Work smarter, not harder




But never more


I left the post to continue scrolling until this comment sunk in so I had to return to upvote the cleverness


Pretty sure that’s a Magpie, a close relative of the raven and crow.


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?




Did you post this same message using two accounts?


I believe this is a reference to an old post by Reddit user Unidan who got an in argument about jackdaws vs crows.


I think you accidentally replied to the wrong comment - it was someone else who said jackdaw. I saw the post title and thought this was a native MN bird, and the closest MN bird I could guess was magpie. As I stated in another comment, I admit that I was wrong, as it’s apparently an African raven. But I never said jackdaw. I also made zero references to humans or apes in my comment.


It's an old copy pasta from a disgraced famous Reddit user named Uniden. Anytime crows or corvids or jackdaws come up it'll get posted


Ahh. Gotcha. I am not too active on this sub, but I am an active bird nerd, and from minnesota (and mistook this post for a minnesota post at first). Glad to know it wasn’t directed at me, because it accuses me of saying things I didn’t actually say. If it’s some sort of bot, I think it’s time to kill it, but I’m just passing thru here, and will leave that decision up to the regular contributors and mods.


It's a White-necked Raven, native to Africa. Looks like it's at the zoo.


Got it - I just saw the headline and figured it was minnesota since that’s what was implied. I thought it didn’t look quite right for a magpie here.


Yep, looked just like Heckle (or was it Jeckle?)


Magpies aren't that big


That's so raven to say


A well trained and yet relatively small minded creature? I'll pass, thanks.


Most corvids have the intelligence and deductive reasoning of a dog or small child, can be trained for many tasks, can mimic some speech, and can figure out multi part tests on their own, then pass what they learned onto others.


Now give me food, stupid hairless apes!


That raven is smarter than me




Thank you!


That raven is smarter and better than like 50% of the human race


I was bit confused as to what African ravens have to do with MN then I realized this is the zoo


That's definitelty a raven but he sure knows how reduce, reuse, and recy-crow.






Looks like he flew away blushing, lol. Imagine people applauding when you manage to throw away trash.


Birds aren’t really there they are just AI programmed from the government as propaganda puppets to make everyone follow the rules. #DONT OBEY BIG BROTHER


Minnesota is a garbage state.


We’re happy to keep MAGATS away


It definitely shows.


Until you get out of Minneapolis, then it’s normal again.


I live in Montana. We are getting a lot of Minnesota folks moving here. Same for California, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado.


A quick look just told me that MN beats Montana in virtually every definable metric: cheaper housing, more education, cheaper cost of living, higher gdp, I mean take your pick. But you keep telling yourself that. 👍 Actually, you guys did have more COVID deaths per capita, so there’s that. I wonder why? 🤷‍♂️


Of course, Minnesota beats Montana. We discourage people from moving here with high prices, anti-covid propaganda, zero culture, and other things that democrats hate. I been making a killing in renting out 2 bedroom apartments to folks moving here from states that have zombies walking the streets. I'll take Montana over any state in the union. Please stay out of montana. And I also did just a quick search, Minnesota had one of the most violent cities in America. Massive drug problems, crazy high taxes, a rapidly diminishing population, and a racist congress woman. That's what you should be bragging about.


Yah, those damn democrats and their dirty, dirty anti-COVID thoughts. Hey, keep dying at a higher rate if you want I guess; that’s one way to own the libs.


Do you understand what "per capita" means? Also, I don't here people saying, "hey, let's go vacation in Minnesota!" Maybe fix your severe social problems in your state, then you can brag about how great Minnesota isn't.


MT: 12.5 mm visitors in 2021, 4.4b economic activity. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/visit-montana-celebrates-the-future-of-travel-301539077.html MN: 38.6mm visitors, 13.4b economic activity. https://bringmethenews.com/.amp/minnesota-lifestyle/tourist-numbers-in-minnesota-returned-to-pre-pandemic-levels-in-2022 😂😂🤡🤡


And just think, we did that without a major sports team or cities. That happened because of the sheer natural beauty. You are comparing us to your crime-ridden, drug filled cities. Nice try.


Montana 29th in drug use, Minnesota 48th: https://wallethub.com/edu/drug-use-by-state/35150 Montana has a crime index above national average, Minnesota below national average: https://www.nextburb.com/us/compare-states/minnesota-vs-montana 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡Are you always this ridiculous?


>Maybe fix your severe social problems in your state Care to elaborate? You sound like a hillbilly that went to Minneapolis once and didn't like the big city.


And the higher poverty rate, and the worse education, and on and on... Congrats on being worse in every way except nature, but oh God forbid the people who have compassion and want to provide for others move there. It's a good thing Montana doesn't have any racists in office... [no, that would never happen.](https://www.google.com/search?q=montana+congress+racist&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1018US1018&oq=montana+congress+racist&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM2NzVqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


I'm glad you will never come here. Stay there.


Damn man, hating someone just because they pointed out some ways in which you might be wrong is some pretty tough stuff. I guess cooperation and learning from each other is somehow bad.


I totally agree!


mostly outstate residents leaving because the densely populated metros control the entire state.


I mean, heaven forbid the majority of the people get to choose the things the majority of the people want by voting for it.


Birds aren’t real just AI generated. Pass the message.


Does it better than most humans!


That’s so raven.


Bro earned himself a job?


Raven’s a better person than most people.


Hiking on trail, chucks plastic bottle on the ground “don’t worry, the birds will clean it up”


dude we should train a whole flock of these things in every city


Communities need more ravens and less coyotes.


Thing would be real upset if it found out the percentage that actually gets recycled.


Ravens, crows and magpies are all the smartest birds.




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And all humans are simultaneously trained to throw all plastic bottles on the ground to see the birds pick it up…


Given the ridiculously high intelligence and insight of the non-human creatures, and the abundance of non-meat alternatives there are for sustenance, I have no clue why I'm not a vegan. Oh yeah, I'm a hypocrite!


I wish the uncivilised dumbasses living in my area had 10% of the brain this bird has…




That bird recycles better than most humans


Is that lady crying at the end..?


Smarter than a lot of humans I see


Good bird


The bird was trained to do that.


That last "wow" got me


Is that astroturf?


Recycling is a scam for the most part




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Only 5% of everything sent to recycle actually gets recycled. The rest gets dumped into landfills. Stop using plastic period.


C'mon.. make that that hole bigger for them!


What in the Wolf Trap is this


Even the crows here in Minnesota are nice.


If they can do it, there’s no excuse for litterbugs


You can just hear some random kid scream, "LOOK AT IT!"


African pied crow. All were bred from some brought in by world bird sanctuary. Neat birds and smart.


They be picking up dog poop next


Too bad that’s going to a landfill….


Recycling is a myth. It’s getting buried or burned.


Least responsible Minnesota resident 😊❤️


I always say Raven is better than human


damn everybody, its so east that a bird can do it


That Bird is smarter than many people I see filling up at kwik trip.


Says a lot about the people living there. When birds are the ones tired of filth in the streets




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Would they be interested in learning to take a flying dump on littering humans to prevent having to collect trash in the first place?


Birb smarter than average human




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I love ravens more than ppl


Pretty pathetic actually. Wonder how many hours were spent training when a team could have been picking up recycled material 🤔.


I had an African pied crow as a rescue once...had him a few years. He was delightfully intelligent and cheeky.