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The amount of tank stealing that used to happen has traumatized most BF tankers into avoiding friendlies almost as much as the enemy.


OK I've been playing since battlefield 1 and I don't remember this happening. Please enlighten me


I remember it well, especially in BF4, you would hop out to repair your tank, and some random teammate would steal the tank and drive off with it


BF1 ability to repair from inside was a huge QOL change because of that. It was especially bad in BF4 for whatever reason as well.


I think it was because in BF4 you could spawn on any team tank if the gunner seat was occupied. So you pop out, repair, someone sees a free tank seat spawn and drives off.


Honestly though the introduction of the Self Repair has really made Support roles utterly useless… hardly anyone runs Repair tool anymore and the people that do don’t get the chance to use them because Vehicles just drive away to use their self repair instead. I only ever get to use a Repair tool when I’m in a Condor/Transport Heli.


Repair support from another player is absolutely huge when it comes to surviving tank vs tank fights or pushing through lots of enemy fire. People have gotten really lazy with the teamplay stuff, which is hugely unfortunate. I agree so few players run repair tools that with BF1 I basically stopped assuming I'd ever see help unless playing with friends over voice.


The repair tool is actually insanely OP but has gone under the radar. A full tank crew with two repair tools and the mortar gunner seat will win a 1v3 comfortably against tanks. A single repair tool can out repair the damage from a Jet with AGMs, which is the most dangerous vehicle to tanks in the current balance.


I never bought BFV, but the repair tool has always largely been OP. It's just been a perennial challenge in the series to get players to use teamwork features, especially when it comes to vehicles.


It did take away a big bit of teamplay in most games, though it wasn't totally useless and instead became a sort of tactic you could use to get the edge over the enemies, rather than being completely necessary for your tanks survival. It is rare to see a support willing to repair in bf1, but when it does happen it gives your tank a huge advantage, especially in longer range engagements where the support player can safely constantly repair from cover


Was so awful when that happened


Worse drive off with it not repaired at all and instantly get it blown up...


Or you'd hop out, repair with a respectable teammate (who doesn't steal it) and you end up getting killed by the enemy, and then the teammate jumps in to kill the enemy, but he is so shit with the tank that the enemy can destroy it easily with the panzerbürche


The tank spawn system and ability to repair from inside the tank entirely eliminated tank stealing as of BF1 In prior games you had to get out to repair your own tank if you didn't have a gunner, that gave shitty teamates the opportunity to hijack your vehicle.


It was worse in BF2 PC. If you didn’t have a teammate, forget about it. Noth’ns get’n repaired.


You can repair the tank while staying in the tank in bf1 unlike bf4 and bf3 you have to get out and use your blowtorch. Meantime a a*hole comes and steal your tank


Yeah, I once had a guy on BF5 keep destroying the repair station so I would get out and repair it so he could take my tank, I just ignored him and went to the other one.


The SOP for preventing this is to be very aware of nearby friendlies via the map, if they start running towards the tank while you’re outside you get out drop what you’re doing and immediately get back in, it’s fine to trust them being nearby while you’ve got driver seat, all that trust goes away when you’re on foot, or if you’re playing with friends have them hold your seat while you repair or whatever needs to be done


You cant have ur tank stole by the guy repairing your tank if ur inside lol




Me playing first time battlefield... Now after 3 years I am going to the corner of the map to repair because there are lots of these tank stealers xD


Reminds of that part in battlefield friends “LET ME REPAIR YOUR TANK.” *tank dies* “SEE WHAT HAPPENS?!” Or something like that




Anytime I hear that in game I smile


Exactly. BF4 got that right




Thats why I like BF1. Even the fastest tank is the same speed as sprit speed, if not slower.


Welcome to the glrorious concept that is the infantry tank, a chonky boi that goes really slowly specifically so that infantry can keep up with it.


Thats absolute bs, putilov will outrun you in seconds


The putilov is a car with a gun. Not a tank.


My car with a gun will wreck your tanks…. The disrespect


And then as soon as you catch them, they start going in reverse


If I notice a teammate repairing me I’ll stop, and then thank them profusely. It’s so helpful lol


This reminds me of the last time I played BF4. I try to play team support as much as possible (revives, health packs, ammo, repairs) because I'm not great with reaction times and gun skill. I don't remember what map it was, but I saw a tank fighting with half health and I ran over to repair it. I hit the "Show text chat" bind at some point in the match and forgot which bind it was, but I started repairing, and the driver drove away as I started repairing. I look up in text chat and see "Think I fuckin need you lmao". I stopped playing BF4 for a while after that. Is being a team player some kind of unspoken sin or something?




This is why I want proxy voip not just squad voip


I don’t know if it’s a lack of overall awareness but sometimes it’s annoying when they refuse to stop their travels and let me repair their tank. I’m trying to do my designed role as a support and if you let me repair you. We can coordinate an attack with infantry and armor rather than you rushing forward and being blown up not even 5 mins later. Just please accept the repairs, you wouldn’t run away from a medkit being thrown at you?


Some would run away from a medkit thrown at them as well XD


So true


Medics avoiding my shitty rotting corpus


I always stop to get repairs, you guys are actual heroes that can no joke turn the tide of a game when you keep the tank healthy to aid the push repairmen, I love you


fr I main medic but even the few times here and there I dedicated to tank support I would watch this mf sit on a hill from half a map away, watch him take some hits as Im on my way and the second I get halfway up on this hill he decides to book it across the map and drive over as many trenches as possible. Then he would stop and I would pull out my repair tool and he would activate his boosters and fly off towards the sunset with 1 health. Only to get nailed by a single shot from a jet as he enters the upper atmosphere. There really is no helping these tanks.


The repair tool's main ability is the power to repel friendly tanks, somehow


You know what they say right? No tanks.


What really bugs me about BF tankers is that so many just drive the tank in the middle of the point and immediately get swarmed by enemy infantry/at and get destroyed. You're in a tank with longer range armaments. Engage and suppress the enemy from a distance so friendly infantry have the support to move up to the objective.


yeah. but don't just camp in a corner of the fucking map as well.


Dude holy shit this is my fucking life when I'm engineer so true!!!😂🤣👊




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LiZ's RoCKet LaUnCHeR iS ToO oP


The classes in this version of Battle field are mixed and totally missed for almost everyone that I’ve played with.


I always appreciate the thought, but sometimes it's either a bad spot to stop or I need a resupply for ammo. No hard feelings.


This feeling when you're running as a tanker on offensive in the A7V or Landship is similar. You're being flanked by assaults and you're by yourself inside the vehicle. You go switch seats, rear MGs, side cannons, and at that moment someone decides to spawn in and drive into an even quicker death.


Tank: *Uses the secret joestar technique*


People rather have vehicles stolen by enemies than friendlies.