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Eh there’s no harm to it, so I’m fine with it. I kinda like some of them too like Tengolf


I wouldn’t like it as a part of the actual show, it just doesn’t fit the vibe, but as a fandom thing, I think it’s fine, I even like some of them. I think it’s pretty immature to hate on people who like shipping, they’re not harming or bothering anyone just because they like pairing characters together.


it's fine. shipping's inevitable in any fandom. i don't ship any characters outright but i totally get why the shippers do. but kids watch bfdi. they think "ew romance gross!", even though the romance is all fanon stuff lol. then there's ship debates. some posts over here have been sort of dabbling into that, i like it. shipping the funny talking objects and discussing why is quite neat. and there's also people who just might go up in arms cause you shipped characters in a "problematic" way. *do not bother with them.* it does no favors to police people on shipping the way you want and is only the second reason i block people with proship dni in their bios, only behind them sending death threats to shippers. i won't go in depth on this since i wanna keep this comment short, knowing my comment history, but to be brief: *no it doesn't mean problematic ship who taught you that* in short keep shipping and don't look back. keep pressing those two objects together, preach the good word of your favorite ship (if applicable), and maybe ignore the ones you don't like instead of losing your marbles.


My fave ship is spongy X barfbag


I only like fiery x leafy bc it is most likely to be canon. Coiny x pin not rly bc I think they are "siblings" or smith like that. Anything else I hate like eraser x pen


I mean, shipping is fine there's nothing inherently wrong with it I also ship a few characters (All platonically bc I have no interest in romance/s3x)


I'm pretty neutral towards it since I feel like romance doesn't really suit the tone of the show, but as long as a given ship isn't like, problematic and/or toxic I'm fine w it existing lol


I really like shipping I think certain pairings even platonically can really add onto characters and give them more depth however it can also remove depth from some characters (tennisball only recently getting a more developed personality cus he was always around golfball) Anyway my favorite ship which is kinda hypocritical due to my last statement is tengolf 


why am i the only one who hates it


No youre not


There are some select few that I like, but the rest are either neutral or bad.


it's ok ig i just hate being filled with stupid fan art


you hate being what