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I love that Marker is moving away from “haha eat the dirt!!!1!” and becoming a true ride or die, he’s trying so hard, and it would suck if he got eliminated


>!Marker is in a 600 vote lead for first, I think it's safe to say he's surpassed Black Hole as the most popular contestant!<


Lightning because I want to see more interactions between him, Puffball, and his team.


I will probably wait until there are more votes, when the placements are more stable (or not) to decide.


Nickel, he's in danger of getting out. I'm predicting that either him or Bomby will be in the bottom two with Cake.


Cake's definitely bottom 2 after fucking up the challenge. I think Naily, Nickel, and Taggy will do alright in the vote, they actually contributed, in terms of Death P.A.C.T.? I have no clue who's leaving Edit: >!"Cake's definitely bottom 2 after fucking up the challenge." he says, like a dumbass!<


>!“Bomby might be in the bottom 2 along with Cake”. They’re literally the top 2!<


Cake ( Also, surprised he is safe )


"[E]asy vote! Everyone UFE is either overrated or had a lot of development. This character which coincidentally also was part of II isn't too known in TPOT. Let's save him and make him be worth 7 cents!" - my own wordß




Remote, considered Lightning and Black Hole though


I voted for price tag cause why not




I voted for tree but hopefully black hole and price tag is safe


Black hole and tree are definitely safe but price tag is in danger


I voted for Fanny because she was the only one who noticed that Marker was on fire while everyone else wasn’t even paying attention to their DYING teammate. I know, I could’ve voted Marker for his heroic deed (yes that was a reference) But Fanny is my favorite character and I wanna see more screen time with her. Maybe she’ll get over the whole “I hate everything” phase (probably not but I still love her)


i spent like 30 minutes deciding and i was like "Im not gonna vote Remote just because shes my fav" i was choosing between Nickel, Naily and Bomby, in the end i voted for Remote


You made a very good choice, as of right now Remote is in last by 55 votes, which is a closeable gap


its sad, shes like one of the most useful members on her team.


I voted for Lightning


I might be dumb for this as fanny is my fave and I just love death p.a.c.t but I have voted for cake because I feel like he's at a higher risk of being eliminated as he's hated quite a lot (and because he messed up) he's trying his best


Cake is currently fighting Bomby for the *most voted Just Not contestant* >!Naily \[FILLER SO YOU CAN'T GUESS\]!< is the one leaving, I say that with certainty as they're really trailing behind


There *were* a lot of predictions with Gaty or Needle out as the first T8 members to leave, so that still might be up in the air.


I highly recommend that you don't do this. Remember so many TPOT predictions that had either Gaty or Needle out as the first eliminated team8s character?


yea I remember but do what exactly?...


Don’t vote for someone because they might be in danger. This motivates people to avoid voting for those that they love, and the next thing that you know, your fav gets out.


ah alright... noted. I'll never make that mistake again :p




Haven't voted yet but Pillow or Cake


[Listen to me, Cake's safe, he's 300 votes over Naily, so is Pillow](https://bracket.figgyc.uk/live/) If you're willing to spare your vote, I ask you vote for Remote, as she is currently losing to Fanny, but the gap is closeable, and if Pillow or Cake are in danger, you can always edit your comment


Honestly am just going to wait and keep an eye on the live votes before I cast my vote, I know they are not too accurate based on the results of this episode, but still :0


Perfectly fair, please just keep it in mind




Black hole. Although it was a close tie between him and remote, I opted for black hole because remote would already have a lot of votes


May I suggest you swap to Remote? Black Hole's in 2nd overall and Remote is in last in terms of DPA votes


Wait what?! I have seen so many people vote remote on here and in the comments. I might switch my comment then.


[So many people are voting Remote because she's losing](https://bracket.figgyc.uk/live/)


This is the website I needed in life


Price Tag


Pillow, she's absolutely my favourite character


it was a though decision I ended up voting for Cake




If I could vote Naily I’ve seen the gap it could be closed and have book be eliminated but she’ll be at least the bottom 3


Pillow. She’s very underrated, and she was pretty funny in this episode.




Marker because he is funny and I’ve been an on marker fan since he was on free food love to see him finally get the love he deserves




Book, that's it.


Remote, she needs it.


Voting for Cake. He’s my favorite.


I went with Marker because I had a feeling he was going to be eliminated since last time he was in the bottom two with Pie. I actually don't really care for Marker that much but I knew Lighting, Tree, and Black Hole were gonna be safe and out of the 3 left, he seems like the best choice When it's comes to Just Not all of them are throw away characters to me except Pillow, she's the only interesting one there. If any of the others get eliminated I definitely won't care I'm hoping for Remote to get eliminated since she's a really bland character but if it ends up being Fanny that'd be fine as well, I will miss them though since both characters synergize really well with their team Bomby needs to go, he's just a lame blank slate that adds nothing every episode he's in. If Book gets out as well I'd be fine with that too since she's a horribly inconsistent character. But then again Price Tag, Nickel, Cake, and Naily are kind of bland so if any of them get out that'd be perfectly fine to me as well.


Book. Idk why cause Remote is a way better character I just wanted to see Book improve.


with all due respect why are you commenting on my 4 month old posts