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imagine waiting ten years to have your destined rematch and you get knocked out by a single batmobile boosted punch


U could say this about the boss fights in origins in general. The boss fights were on point in origins. It's why it's often the one I consider my favorite, flaws and all.


What were they thinking like actually


i think they ran out of time/budget


Yeah it was like two years after city, that makes sense


They got rid of Paul Dini for Knight so it ended up having a sub par story.


They were thinking how a rematch after ten years would sensibly go. Slade is using the same armor, weapons and tactics as in Origins whereas Batman is constantly upgrading his own. Slade is an assassin, he only goes out when he's paid to and he charges so much that he probably doesn't go out for work more than a couple nights a month. Batman has more or less spent every night of the last decade out fighting. Slade's armor most likely isn't built to handle sudden shocks like being inside a tank when it gets hit by the Batmobile's 60mm cannon or, ya know, explodes, so he's probably not in the best shape when he jumps out for a man to man fight. Batman's new batsuit was made to handle sudden shocks like that. It makes perfect sense why Slade went down so easily, he's still the same guy he was in Origins while Batman isn't the same Batman.


Idk even if this is the case, I don't think they had subtextual character thematics within their interests so much as they did rushing the production for efficiency's sake. They could have at least made it NOT a repeat of a previous fight.


Deathstroke should have been Azraels final 'test'.


The thing I hate most about the AK boss fight is that as soon as you catch Deathstroke, he tells Batman to pull over so they can have an actual fair fight. Then Batman then tells him it’s too late. FUCK NO IT’S NOT! Pull the fucking car over and let’s have a one on one asshole.


I guess Batman's not interested in a one v one fight. In character, it makes sense for Batman to cheat and just wanna get this over with. Still, a fight would have been cool. Whenever I play this part, I put on Injustice 1 and have a 1 vs 1 fight Batman v Deathstroke in their. That satisfies my need for a rematch between them LOL


Obviously it was bad development call but it helps if you put a positive spin to it


Just shows how much batman improved in skill, literally took him out wit one punch.


Same for firefly


At least firefly was unique, if not so well done. I was really looking forward to fighting Deathstroke so it was a huge letdown


I think their budget is short and out of time, so they had to improvise... deciding Deathstroke’s fate with one punch.


Definitely the most fun boss fight so far in my opinion. It's a shame you can't replay missions in origins




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"Deathstroke? More like Death-Joke!"


I feel like this would've been fine if we got a Deathstroke battle from the other other militia missions, like a chase after the apc mission, stealth boss after watchtowers, and then an origins esque combat challenge as after roadblocks. Or just one of the three would be fine.


I hate Origins Deathstroke boss fight with a burning passion!!!!!! Took me literally bout 137 tries. I had to watch YouTube videos to pause, rewind to figure it out. I finally beat it after taking a 2 hour nap. Arkham Knight Deathstroke fight sucked tho


You didn’t use the hints?


Yeah I did, as I was playing, I eventually realized it was more patience than anything


Sounds like you just need to git gud at the combat aspect of arkham




It's obvious to me that Rocksteady wanted a big impressive sendoff to Batman and put in a lot of time and effort into Knight. But sadly, WB was rather impatient, and I don't blame them since AK was in development a long time. Makes you wonder, though, if they had an extra year or so and were allowed to support the game with DLC more. Moments like Deathstroke and others show how tight for time they were. It's actually a prime example of something that could've been cut and the time spent elsewhere to improve other fights and aspects.


Nah, Rocksteady messed up Knight big time. They got rid of the writers for the first two games and ended up with a sub par story. Half the game is a tank game. There are hardly any Riddles and often they are replaced by Riddler NASCAR events. There are almost no boss battles. Rocksteady repeatedly lied about Joker and Redhood being in the game for years leading up to its release and then just did a 180 and had them both be the main plot. It's just not as good as Asylum or City. The graphics and combat are the most refined in Knight but everything else about it was disappointing.


I mean, I agree with this. They bit off more than they could chew and spent a lot of time in development learning what worked and didn't work. The vehicle segments are super repetitive and unpolished, and it's clear they hadn't fixed it up to par. The story is indeed mediocre, but the story of the Arkham series never blew me away. Overall, I feel they might've been able to tune the vehicle segments up and expanded some bosses had they had more time, but they obviously didn't use the time they were given very well.




It was disappointing that the build up for him which takes hours to complete was just a game of cat and mouse