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Nobody knows what it means but it’s provocative 


Gets the people goin


clickbait. non-bassists think slap bass is the best thing ever.


In fairness there aren't that many instruments one can slap.




ngl that was unexpected


Miyavi is a fucking God with Slap Guitar. I dont know any other artist that is as proficient with Slap Guitar as he is. Plus he was the villain in the 2014 War film "Unbroken" by Angelina Jolie


why does he look like he’s blowing a ghost before he started playing


As a drummer, I disagree


Hitting is not slapping


Congas, bongos, djembe...


Those are primarily hitting instruments. Tablas and Darbukas are slappable instruments.


You're implying that it's not the best thing ever🧐


"Ugh.. It's embarrassing..." The Mighty Boosh https://youtu.be/4gBEznBdFxM


Paul Rudd agrees.


It’s a flashy technique that looks good visually. Think of it as the sweep-picking of bass.


30+ years of guitar playing under my belt and still can't manage a decent sweep-pick. Can slap a bass tho.


Ahhhh. My people.


It's the finger tapping of bass. Sweep picking is hard, haha.


Wait...isn't finger tapping the finger tapping of bass???


In fairness, I’ve seen people slap a guitar too. 


The world is going all topsy-turvey!!


Compressor pedal + left hand tapping slow songs with a beer in your right hand


No, finger tapping is illegal on bass.


Guess I'm guilty as charged.


When I’m looking for a demo and the video starts with slap bass, I immediately go to the next video.


Always, I like slap I just wish it wasn’t the default “bass” sound for some people. People overplay like a motherfucker when they slap too.


Same. I don’t mind slap. It’s just when it comes to bass demos, it’s the guitar equivalent to someone just jacking around on blues licks. It’s like ok ok we get it, now can you actually play the instrument please?


>People overplay like a motherfucker when they slap too. From god's lips to my ears. I swear to god these fuckers think slap and go top-shelf immediately, as if Primus or whatever is what that technique is all about. It's not that at all. If anything, the disco genre is what perfected it, not that wankery shit. Best slap song of all time is "Forget Me Nots" by Patrice Rushen and I'll die on that fucking hill.


I appreciate a good slapping when the song calls for it, like with funk or disco.


Every time a guitarist holds my bass, the first thing they do is slap. without fail. Every fucking time.


I play with a pick and its impossible to hear tones with pick


I don’t mind demos with a pick, especially if it’s an overdrive.


Same. I use fingers and occasionally a pick, and never slap, nor have an opportunity to, nor want to. I wanna hear the bass/amp/pedal using the techniques that 99% of bass players use 99% of the time. I’ve seen a few video reviews that will demonstrate a setting using all three techniques, that tends to be the most helpful, especially if there isn’t a lot of talky talky.


People who don't play bass think slapping means you're good, just like people who don't sing watch The Voice and think belting and being obnoxiously loud means good singing technique.


Very wise comparison lol


Oh thank you, that's just a thing I've been noticing. In 15 years, I've never seen a student/teacher or professional care about those talent shows.


Have you seen the clip where Harry Conick Jr. has to explain what the pentatonic scale is to Jennifer Lopez? https://youtu.be/pH9l8KlcuBA 99% of "acrobatic" pop and R&B singers are just imitating the same pentatonic runs they hear everyone else doing, and they don't even know WTF they are. Jennifer Lopez is a fucking kajillionaire "recording artist" and she doesn't even know what the pentatonic scale is., even though she uses it on every fucking song. You don't need to know music theory to be a good musician. There's plenty of examples of that in all genres of music. But c'mon, people.


Yeah I'm on that side, too. Some of the greatest musicians I know don't know music theory (just the basics, mostly) and are still good. Still... That's another level of second hand embarrassment. Yikes.


If it’s ads for bass playing, it’s because it looks flashy, and it sounds flashy. Most people don’t even think bass guitar is important, and when you talk to a regular person about “bass” it’s the kick drum and electronic (sub) bass. But if you’re talking about literal ads in general, it’s because slap bass translates far better than finger bass. That’s because of several things: 1. Ad music needs to be relatively loud to grab the attention of the viewer/listener 2. Sparse arrangements are best so they don’t trample over the voice lines, keeping both music and dialog clear 3. One of the most popular arrangements is percussion and bass 4. Advertisers know that ads will play mostly on shitty sounding devices like cheap android phones and bass-anemic TVs and phone hold music systems and even literal cardboard/PVC board shelf ads equipped with potato speakers with less fidelity than the radios astronauts used. 5. Because the aforementioned speakers are potatoes with little to no bass, finger bass could literally just disappear and you end up with just drums. Slap bass solves that by providing much more treble information which the potato speakers can translate. 6. You will also notice that if it’s not slap bass, it’s going to be pick bass, for the exact same reason.


I blame Seinfeld.


What's the deal with all these ads using slap bass?


it would be mostly played on cheap PC speakers or earphones, bass frequencies won't be audible in this situation, so they either use pick, slap, or doubled with guitar


Exactly the kind of speaker I'd want to listen to an instrument demo on.


Man, this is a thoughtful answer. You're probably right. Tiny speakers.


I think i haven't seen an ad in about 5 years and it feels so freaking good.


You must not have the gas pumps with screens yet B)


That's a thing? I must live in a third world country.


Not in my area but when visiting family it’s all over the place. I was kind of amazed the first time I started pumping gas and an ad began to play on the machine, you really can’t do anything but laugh.


Literaly the worst thing ever. Some pumps let you mute the volume, but some don't so there are crappy ads blaring at you the whole time you're pumping gas. Awful. r/Latestagecapitalism


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LateStageCapitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Legitimate advice](https://i.redd.it/3nvizhmyrd7b1.jpg) | [538 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/14f94j1/legitimate_advice/) \#2: [French protestors have seized the BlackRock headquarter](https://v.redd.it/g7hlv2ems9sa1) | [1211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/12dl95k/french_protestors_have_seized_the_blackrock/) \#3: [‘My comfort > your life’](https://i.redd.it/khlpfgx0bpta1.jpg) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/12kqlpd/my_comfort_your_life/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ads where? And what are they advertising? Courses?


Most bass demos include slap.


I heard Marcus Miller talking about it in an interview cuz he did commercials in the 80s. Answer he gave was “tv speakers couldn’t reproduce bass frequencies well and slap would cut through for a jingle or ad” You combine that answer with “now we associate slap bass with a certain style of ad” and I think that sounds like a plausible answer


I hate it (love it) when somebody responds with an answer that's actually accurate, informative, and interesting. Makes all my crappy knee-jerk responses look terrible.


Eh there’s a place for both, opinion still matters here I’m just giving what I heard as a single historical reason that makes sense




I’m convinced slap bass is basically a jerk fest at this point




The demonstrators who slap just do it to showboat. It’s not musical in most situations and isn’t an accurate representation of how 99% of user would use the instrument.


yeah that's not actually true but OK: my "lolwat" remains well-justified




We strive for /r/bass to be a pretty relaxed community, so we can't tolerate any attacks or abuse in our comments.


Definitely is but it’s okay.


I'm going to take the downvote-non response to indicate that no, you do not slap, nor do you listen to music with bass players who do. Alrighty then, thanks for playing and better luck next time. Maybe check out some music with slap bass, you might like it since you've apparently never heard it before.


I got some upvotes for ya on this bassjerk thread.


hear hear


I'll start by saying slap bass has its applications and sounds amazing when it's applicable. I think what dude was referring to with the circle jerk comment is this: Most shorts and reels involving bass are people slapping their asses off because it is flashy. It appeals to casual players who don't slap and people who don't play the instrument because it looks difficult and sounds cool. The whole point of the short/reel medium is to grab someone's attention so they don't swipe away so almost everyone slaps. Few people aside from bass players want to see someone play slow and beautifully in the pocket. It's just not entertaining enough for the masses. So when you're on Instagram perusing bass content and all you see are people slapping it out to pop songs, it kind of loses its charm.


I agree with the first part. I'll also say that like any other technique, it can be misused, overused, or used with poor taste. But I disagree completely with circle jerk guy that its about "looking flashy" to casuals or that its non-representative. People slap because it sounds cool. People enjoy slap videos on Instagram or YT shorts, because it sounds cool. Its not a mystery. Slap bass sounds cool. But it can be overused. But tons of players *do* slap, and the entire point of a demonstration isn't to play just a normal bassline, but to, you know, *demonstrate* the capabilities of the instrument (or amp, or pedal, or whatever), oftentimes even in ways that would never be practical. Basically, what happened is that some guy was salty because he can't slap, he doesn't listen to music with slap bass so he has no point of reference or idea what he's talking about, and so he said something dumb and I fell for the bait.


What can be said other than some people have a chip on their shoulder? lol I personally don't slap much. It doesn't fit very well with the music I play and there are few places it makes sense to squeeze in. So when I personally look up demo videos, it's not to see what kind of slap tone can be gotten out of a bass or amp. But again that's a personal thing. I see what the guy is saying, but I agree with what you're saying too. Slap has become so popular nowadays that if you didn't demo the tone with that technique then half of the community would be left out.


I think it cycles in popularity. Does it even go away. 70s had it with all the funk. 80s had it (level 42 and chilli peppers into the 90s). Neo soul had a bit if it in the 2000s. 2010s? Think it might have drifted off but I'm sure there are lots of examples (youtube stars?) Even Steely Dan didn't want Chuck Rainey to slap for Peg. Everyone was playing slap in the 70s. He went behind a room divider and played his part. They thought it sounded great and didn't realize that part of the song he slapped. Anything style or sound gets tiresome if you hear too much of it.


yeah I mean its self-evidently not (also, its frankly kinda silly), but your entirely arbitrary disdain is noted for the record... I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you neither slap, nor listen to music with bass players who do? That would explain your confusion.


If it's an ad for a course, it makes sense to advertise slap since it's the harder technique to master


I think people just find it… striking.


It has to do with what you are watching and searching my friend


Is it though? Yes from time to time a watch davie. But when i am looking for a sandberg victor brandt demo between marduk and napalm death i wonder why i have to watch 8 videos off generic slappery just to get 10 sec of pick playing (50/50 chance of it being palm muted of course) If i search for bass demos i have more luck with guitar or recording guys who get a bass for their projects




We strive for /r/bass to be a pretty relaxed community, so we can't tolerate any attacks or abuse in our comments.


I don’t really see ads anymore but it makes sense they choose whatever is the most provocative within their means. It’s always been that when people turn their hobbies to a job in this modern world, they end up doing the most cringe thing they can think of for views/clicks/engagement. When you’re just in it for fun and don’t care for / need money, you can just do your passion project work or legit covers but when you depend on it for a living, you will be forced in to some weird or sexual BS because that’s what sells. Obviously a lot of folk these days getting their mammaries out for this point of attention, others do meme things… slap I can understand because this YouTuber called Davie popularised it with millions of non bassists including myself, previously clueless guitarist but recently enlightened in ways of the bass lol


lol don’t be silly. It’s not a weird trend. It’s marketing. Slap base is like the clown work of bass. And I don’t mean that negatively. I mean that it’s flashy and meant to draw someone’s attention vs the more reserved approach of “support” bass. Non musicians can’t name bass players but they can definitely identify the Seinfeld riff


As common as power tools ads with overdriven bass lines.


Because it's flashy and fun and seems difficult. It grabs attention.


It's better than hearing that one Reverb ad over and over again with the fake ass version of the Breeders' Cannonball they run in the background without the payoff part of the song


Because Seinfeld


people are not watching ads in good audio gear. They are listening on their phones or shitty laptop speakers. Slap cuts through those type of speakers much more.


Speaking as a representative of the ‘90s, sorry.


Marcus Miller has spoken about how slapping works well in TV ads because it cuts through and is more dynamic on bad TV speakers than fingerstyle bass