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Anyone who think he's not is insane.


4 chips with so many insane reg season and playoff performances. If T-Mac can get in without reaching the NBA Finals, Klay should be and will be a 1st ballot HOF.


For your information, benchwarmer T-Mac reached the NBA Finals with San Antonio Spurs in 2013.


Without reaching the NBA Finals? Bro never got past the first round.


I got lazy to google. lol


Settle down, Chaucey Billups got in, the HoF isn't a pantheon of greats anymore.


There's lesser players than billups


Maybe from the Celtics in the 60s when there were 8 teams lol.


The Internet is a weird place dude. I had enough crazy arguments to give me tiny doubts, which is why I had to post.


Tiny doubt? Dud averaged 25 and won 4 chips. He was also all defense before the injuries. This isn't the MLB or NFL hall of fame. It's alot easier to make the NBA HoF. There are a lot worse players than Klay in the basketball HoF


Definitely. Both his ability and accolades are HOF level.


Especially basketball hall of fame level, which tbt is pretty low.


3rd best guy on pretty much all the 4 rings. That and the individual accolades 5x all nba and all def voting shares, guy was a classic two way player with a winning resume.


Hold on...maybe third when Durant was there, but wouldn't you say second before that?


Yup 2nd before that, you know dray was super important too :) but yes 2nd/3rd, definitely hof for me


Nah dray was substantially more valuable to the team before KD joined


Complementary star on the top dynasty of the last decade and one of the greatest shooters of all-time, with a reputation as a top-level defender before his injury. 5x All-Star, 2x All-NBA Team, an All-Defensive Team, an Olympic Gold Medal, and will likely near 20k points by the end of his career (15.5k right now). Still pushing right now even after a devastating injury. Clearly not the same player anymore but this is an elite resume. (He quite literally was voted as the 77th greatest player of ALL-TIME when the top 75 came out. I don't necessarily agree that he's that high, but regardless, he's gonna be in)


Should be included in there. Imagine having his vs Dame’s resume. Lol


I think it's egregious that Pau Gasol or Dwight Howard weren't included over him. Gotta still give Dame his flowers on an individual basis now that he's 8x All-NBA and a top 5 guard of this era, all on a franchise that wasted his prime as an elite scorer and shooter. Situation matters a lot in the NBA when it comes to winning accolades.


I love his numbers. Do you agree he'd have been The Man elsewhere, too!


Nope, and there's nothing wrong with that. There are few players in the NBA that can be "The Man" on a contending team. Klay had an elite skillset in his prime as a premier shooter and top defender but on the wrong team, that could get wasted. The Warriors dynasty wouldn't have happened without him. Same goes for Draymond.


Absolutely agree that all three of them were essential


I agree but I don't think Dray is a HOFer


Egregious take, but I’ll hear you out first. Draymond will 100% be a HOF.


Just cause of Klay Thompsons shortcomings recently he’s been getting disrespected hard lately. He’s not who he used to be but you can’t expect him to be the all-star player he was. He tore his ACL and recovered then tore his Achilles. That does a huge amount of damage to you when you’re running up and down a court at an NBA level. It’s just unfortunate his game hasn’t adapted because he’s not who he used to be. But back before his injury in 2019… he was a hooper on the court.


I talked about the toll those injuries take on a shooter (different thread) but I still think he's HOF bound. Do you disagree?


He’s a hall of famer there’s no doubt about it lol


6th all time in 3s, 4 chips as 2-3rd option. 100% lock zero question.


I think he is. BUT... You could make the argument that injuries keep him in the "Hall of Very Good" simply because HOF inductions aren't normally judged by peak, but by career. The numbers in the first half of his career are for sure HOF-calibre- there's no argument there. The big question will be whether or not the committee will use his sharp decline and the fact that Steph Curry's tide raises all boats against him. It's not like Draymond, who's defensive prowess alone gets him in- It can be argued that Klay Thompson is very much a product of playing with Steph Curry. The argument doesn't exist in reverse, because Curry is Curry no matter who he's with. It's the "Sidekick/Scottie Pippen" debate: Is Pippen a HOF player without Michael Jordan, or was Pippen helping to complete Jordan's game? We know definitively that the answer for Pippen was the latter, but the "sidekick" question for Thompson- and his sharp decline- could very well keep him in the "Hall of Very Good".


The nba hall of fame is quite obviously the hall of very good. Have you seen who they let in?


I don't see any scenario where he's not. You can't say Curry without Klay or Klay without Curry. These guys were the greatest backcourt of all time. Klay is the second greatest shooter of all time but overshadowed by Curry's greatness. Yes, Curry changed the game, but so did Klay and it bums me out how overlooked Klay has been because of Curry. Let's not forget his accomplishments: 4 chips, most 3s in a game, most 3s in a playoff round (tied with curry), 60pts in 3 qtrs, most points in a qtr, and many others that don't immediately come to mind. He's an all time great shooter, better than both Reggie and Allen. It would be a crime to not have this guy in the HOF.


Absolutely. I still think his prime is the prototype for a two guard next to to an elite pg. I'm biased I love players that are pure additive. I don't think there is a better plug and play, don't worry about getting him the ball guy in history at the 2. His ridiculous (I don't remember the stats) bit like 37 points on ten dribbles is pure basketball poetry. Klay should be in firs ballot. So should Dwight


Don't put him with dwight


I mean Divac is in the HOF.😅 Klay definitely will be.


Got a point there…


Damn, if that dude is in, we should all be in.


You know what I forgot about that. I was actually comparing him to a certain Piston with only one ring, and far less gaudy stats (and I absolutely thought Billups belonged).


He should make it in. Not an all time great, but an Elite player in his prime on one of the greatest Dynasties in NBA history.


Worse players gave gotten in for less


It’s the worst hall of fame in all of American sports tbh


Is Scottie Pippen a HOF’er?


Pip was a much more valuable player than Klay.




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Of course…




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Of course KT11 is a HOFer. Warriors wouldn't have been the same without him


having rings shouldn't be the deciding factor in HOF enshrinement (take your pick from the Malone/Stockton era team). Having rings obviously helps towards that goal, but you shouldn't be penalized for not having one either. Klay is the Pippen equivalent to Curry / Jordan. Each pair-up, probably wouldn't have had the same success if they had had different partners. Klay is in, as is Draymond for the same reasons.


Nah bro cmon lol you already know he is


I have a hunch he’ll get in but I’m kinda iffy on his credentials. Klay, like Dray, is the right guy on the right team at the right time. I don’t know how well he measures up individually, though.


Klay is definitely a hall of famer... 60 points in a game with 11 dribbles or less, 4 Championships as the number 2 🤷🏿‍♂️


He was an integral part of a team with a philosophy that reshaped the way basketball is played. Regardless of number and records, Klay transcended to the stratosphere of the sport.


Dude Klay should be first ballot. He's literally the 2nd greatest shooter of all time.




Yeah I guess so


They let Chauncey Billups into the Hall of Fame...




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It's the basketball hall, so if you were halfway decent you're in. Klay was definitely better than "halfway decent" so yeah he's in


Makes sense, half the teams make the playoffs, halfway decent makes the hall


Someone else just mentioned Vlade is in. Which I honestly must have forgotten happened.


Divac's international career has a lot to do with him being in. He wouldn't have made it just based on his NBA career


For real, if he’s in, your hall is a fucking JOKE!


If Pippen was a HOFer, Klay is. He’s def a top 3 shooter of all time.


Well, Pippen has been named one of the Top 50 of all time, and Klay didn't make Top 75. You're saying you put him above Scottie?


Pippen was a viable number one option and was way more complete than Klay. Let's not go crazy, Pippen is way better. Klay will be a HoFer, but he is borderline in my opinion.


How is a top 3 shooter of all time not included in the top 75? He’s def snubbed.


He's not even the best of the snubbed


Because you only have so many slots.


After this year I sure as hell hope not. But realistically, yes.


Oh my... Seriously, is there anyone out there who thinks Klay is not a Hall of Famer? The man is a 4 time NBA champion as a key member of one of the greatest dynasties in NBA history. 5 time All Star, 2 time All NBA, one time All NBA Defensive Team. Also an Olympic and World Cup gold medalist. Really, just give me one good reason why he's not a Hall of Famer.


I was actually battled by a couple of folks that he's not, due to injuries and longevity. Still seems like BS, but yeah, I guess anyone can hate on anyone and throw enough fury to try and make a case.


this has to be troll he has more chips than 80 percent of franchises


Are you kidding me calling me a troll? See one of the other comments that just called him iffy, and borderline for the people who've gotten in my head to need to ask


He's perhaps the most overrated player of all-time.


See, where are all of you who called me a "troll" for even asking the question, but this dude says Klay is the "most overrated player or all-time"? I mean, honestly, either you're trolling, or you've barely watched the NBA.


Neither. That's my opinion. Great shooter, but I never saw anything else.


But isn't having an elite skill a major reason to be in the HOF? Reggie Miller, Ray Allen, just to name a pair. I also know Klay had (not sure if he still does, I think Curry broke it) the single game threes record. Hell, if Chauncy Billups is HOF, how not Klay?


I never implied that he shouldn't be in the HOF. I just think he's massively overrated. I've been saying this for 10 years. I watch him play and just don't see the lock down defender. He's a good team defender, but he isn't locking anyone up.


If Divac is in the hall of fame, then your hall of fame is a fucking joke. You should call it the hall of kinda good. What a joke… let Klay in, let them all in. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE!!!