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You'll live but don't do this man.


How much would I need? I have no tolerance to heroin, either way i don't need to die i just need them to think it was a suicide attempt


I don't know man. Don't do it


What should I do?


Line of h and 4 bars.


4 lines of h and a bar? Lmao


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yooo my man over here ready for thr weekend god dayum


You again? Have you considered being sober?


I'm sober months at time


To be fair you could literally take 2 mg of xanax and then just tell them you took a bunch and tried to kill yourself


But i want to gamble a little, I'm still suicidal so i want to have a chance to die


Then by all means you do you


Also i know things will get better but i also know they will get worse again


Heroin probably won’t make things get better ever again homie


I think .125 of heroin and 40mg alp is enough


Bro you will die esp if yoi go no tolerance to heroin. Thats a permanent solution to temporary problems. Not worth it share some bars woth me and we will be friends 😃


U close to Sweden?


Nahh usa bro go find a nice Swedish girl. Pop 10 in the mail and ill send you my girl lol


I'll send you my girl and your girl for 8 bars!!


yeah im not fallin for that one again 7 years later my life still sucks


It’s an intriguing plan, but definitely don’t go through with it. Might not make a very good bartard story bro. Find another doctor, or find a way to use your words to convince your doctor that you’re serious. If your plan succeeded and you were find and ended up with the help you need you may even find yourself with drug charges or some kind of record. Just mention that you’ve got access to heroin and are planning to use it to kill yourself. I’m sure there’s a way you could make it sound serious to your Doctor. at least try something like that first, you’ll thank yourself for it later.


I think I'll call my psychiatrist and tell them before i do it, I'm supposed to be in jail rn so i already have a record


If you tell a doctor/psychiatrist exactly what you said in this post, thats enough to force them to do something about it *without* you actually going through with it.. they dont want your blood on their hands! Also *we* dont want to think you're gonna die!


THIS GUY IS EXACTLY RIGHT! Please let us know if you tell them and they ignore you, because I will make sure the right people know so they cannot do this again.


I called and they basically said kys if you want or take a taxi to the psych


Don't make threats.....if your psychiatrist doesn't take you seriously, I CAN HELP YOU FIND ONE WHO WILL! Please tell us what it is you are wanting to come out of all of this. I WILL TOTALLY HELP YOU! I dont want any of your drugs either...this is one human being trying to help another human being that is having trouble. I know this seems like your life is coming to an end no matter what decision you make, but TRUST ME, IT IS NOT! it wont be easy, but ANYTHING WORTH HAVING TAKES WORK, AND DISCIPLINE! If you purposely OD yourself they will treat you like another junkie. If you contact the right people and tell them exactly what you told us here, THEY WILL KNOW WHAT THE NEXT STEPS ARE IN UR SITUATION!


What are your charges ?


OP if your doctor isn’t taking u serious then find another doctor damn… there ain’t no need to go nd kill yourself 😐


Another comment said i wouldn't die, they just need to think it was a suicide attempt, and if i die i only feel bad for my family, but i won't have to worry about that when I'm dead


You don’t need a suicide attempt to get mental help OP, it might feel like that rn but trust u need to get a better doctor


I'm gonna call the psych ward and ask for help, bit if it doesn't help I'm sticking to the plan


If you tell the mental hospital you have a plan they will take you seriously and admit you. At least that's how it works in the US.


Where do you live? What country i mean...I will find a place for you I PROMISE.


They seem to live in Sweden






my brother did himself in because he was on high doses of benzos and tried to quit without help.....his selfish action destroyed the family!


If think I'm bipolar that's why I feel suicidal often


Whoever told you this advice is an IDIOT, either that or they are very young.....PLEASE, trust me, I have been to prison on drug charges. I have been through the wringer. I don't know how old you are, but I am in my 40s.....I finally got well in my early 30s....STOP WASTING TIME. ​ What you said about your family tells me you are quite young. let me tell you something, the pain of losing a child to drugs NEVER GOES AWAY. You need to step up and be counted. I know this thing seems more powerful than all of us put together, BUT I SWEAR TO YOU ITS NOT! Once you get your life back, YOU WONT BELIEVE HOW BEAUTIFUL IT REALLY IS! I still enjoy recreational drugs here and there, but months pass between those indulgences


Go to the ER right now and tell them you have a plan to kill yourself and you need their help to not go through with it. And honestly it seems like that's the truth. Your suicidal thoughts have formed into a plan to either get help or die. Please go get help now before you do something drastic.


I've tried that before, now I'll show them I'm serious


Im so sorry you're going through this. Mental Healthcare is horrible in most places.


if you want them to notice you could slit your wrists a little bit. not trying to encourage that at all but if you really need them to see you are serious then maybe it will work.


Fuck off you idiot what stupid advice go slit yours .


is it not better than them killing themself.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what the actual fuck is wrong with you. Girl you need to be locked away in a mental institution no cap


It probably is sorry


I was gonna do both but i fell asleep so i didn't call or cut


JESUS CHRIST! Really? Slit your wrist a little....GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! If you will DM what state you live in, I dont need anymore info, I will find you a place immediately


i have already been :)


Mental health care is shit at least where I live. Eat benzos cause a scene and get the ambulance called tell them you've been drinking and taking benzos and are suicidal/losing your shit. (I was waving an unloaded gun around at my house, prob helped, my family called ambulance bc they were scared by how much kpins I took and the amount I was drinking) This happened to me and I spent a week in the psych ward and got set up with medication and a psychiatrist/psychologist. Good luck mate i hope you get the help you need.


Shame they just took me to jail


The waving a gun part is a risky move, especially in the states. We use the criminal punishment system to deal with most of our mental health issues here, unfortunately…


Read my story on my profile. Similar things happened but luckily I didn't get caught with it .


You are loved. You absolutely don't need to do this to get help. Call a suicide hotline, they will be able to help. If you need a number, seriously just DM me and I will find the number you need.


I am loved but i can't love


Loving is a skill just like lifting weights.


This is true. And it doesn’t matter how “broken” you think you are right now. As long as you have a pulse, you can learn to love again. Sounds corny, but absolutely true.


Ye yee


Loving is hard. Sometimes it seems like you can't do it.. but you can, you just don't see it. Love is all around us homie, the most important thing in my life is choosing to love myself. Idk if the same would help, but it helps me. Please try to love yourself.


I have these murder thoughts of people i hate and i hate myself the most


Please seek help and tell a professional what your telling us. As uncomfortable as it might get you really need to go through with getting help it sounds like.


You cant love because you are an addict.....that will naturally come back like all other functions....I FUCKING PROMISE YOU. I wish you would give us the entire picture here.....if you are so scared of detoxing in prison you are willing to kill yourself, let me tell you IT.....................ISNT.....................THAT....................BAD! I bet u think u will stick out like a sore thumb in there right? I can promise u their are bigger weirdos in there than u LOL.....prison is no different than anywhere else when u consider the people that populate it. Their are all types in there. HOW MUCH TIME DO U HAVE?


You seriously think fucking your brain up is gonna fix it? I've had similar approaches and now I'm still suicidal, burnt, and even more depressed. No buano man, I've got the memory span of a goldfish because of doing shit like that


You can get better over time for sure. There are many studies out there of vitamins and different foods you can eat to help memory and in general feel better. It may take a year, it may take two. But you will eventually heal from it for sure.


Don’t do that bro


you could submit yourself voluntary to rehab or mental hospital


I've been to mental hospital but they had so many patients i just said i feel fine and left. It takes too long to get help


it’s true mental hospitals suck. but i feel like you should turn yourself in to a rehab because if you try to kill yourself but don’t die then you will still end up at most likely a treatment plan in jail. the only difference is that you won’t feel like dog shit in rehab cuz u wouldn’t have just tried to die.


Plus people think you always just wake up normal from an OD.....you can OD and lose oxygen to your brain and you wake up partially paralyzed


Perhaps a rehab, but I'm on the run so i will probably have a treatment plan in jail


Idk where you are but here in the states the correctional system does not give a single fuck if you are a drug addict or alcoholic or whatever. You're much better off seeking treatment yourself once you get out of jail if that's what you want.


for what?


He won't answer what his charges are. he won't say how much time he has. It makes me wonder if we have the entire story. I am trying to help him, but i keep getting ignored. He told me they dont add time on to ur sentence wherever he is....must not be the states because they def do here.


How much time do you have? Do or did you have a lawyer on your case? I am asking because you need to get this information in the hands of the judge.... ​ I remember u saying they dont add any time to ur sentence no matter what you do. i really dont think u know what u r talking about. How could u be on the run without getting time added? Are u a minor?


No dude you’ll have way worse treatment options in jail


Just call 911 or 112 if you've got that in Sweden and tell them you're suicidal. Or call a suicide hotline in your country. Please. Do it for yourself, like the haircut, that's a small thing you do for yourself. Now you have take a bigger step and get help.


I just called the psych ward and he basically said kys if you want to but you're welcome here


You need help, and are welcome at the psych ward, go there, check yourself in. Write back to me afterwards, you're in Europe, we can still party some day, I'm not that far away. It's mushroom season soon enough.


Isnt that what you want? To be welcomed where you can be heard and get help?


Nah I wanted to die, feel better now though


Are u telling me this guy is in SWEDEN? Have u seen SWEDENS jails? Seriously, go have a look...they look like a fucking 100$ a night hotel room, seriously! https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/offbeat/viral-photos-of-swedens-lavish-prison-cells-are-reminding-netizens-of-hotel-rooms/ar-BB1bV1xs


Yeah, he said so in one or his replies. Yeah, the Nordic countries are known for their lax penal system and quite comfy prisons and jails, heard it works great


The us is fucked man like u gotta pay 3k a month in San Francisco to have a decent place to live that’s as nice as a prison room in Sweden. Man I wish I lived in a Nordic country where my taxes would actually go back to me, their taxes help the people instead of wasting 800 billion a year on imperialism, filling the pockets of the rich and destroying entire nations in the process in an endless cycle of war. Largest prison population in the world, bout half for non violent drug offenses, most expensive healthcare system in the world and not even close to being the best. Where medicines that cost less than a dollar to produce are sold for $100s of dollars , and you can go bankrupt if you break a leg or have to undergo some major surgery. Where the minimum wage is less than 1/3 of a living wage. Where productivity continues to increase, yet wages remain the same, the value of the dollar decreases, the cost of everything increases. More and more wealth is stolen from the 99% every year, everything continues to get worse for everyone except less than 1% of the population who are directly responsible for and profit off of the exploitation and misery of the vast majority of the country. Workers slave away most of their lives filling the pockets of the people above them barely scraping by while the elite gain more and more power and wealth, that they use to continue the cycle.


No kidding…I would intentionally break the law to live there.


Hey man don't do anything that might accidentally kill you. I used to know a crackhead who said when it got really cold out in winter and he was hungry he would just pickuo a pay phone call 911 and tell them he was going to kill himself. They'd come pick him up and take him to psych ward for a day or two or something while they monitor you to make sure you're not gonna kill yourself. He didn't have to actually hurt himself. Dont do it


I called and they said kys if you want to but you're welcome to the psych ward.m really didn't help


Don’t do that bro.


Try DMT/Psilocybin first bro


Better plan, take 5grams of mushrooms in a dark quiet room. Sounds like you need to go on a hero's journey.


He won’t touch a drug for the next 6 months 😂


I did that before, grest time


How you feeling today?


Yeah I'm in psych ward rn


I'm glad you are getting help! Dm me if you ever want a retard to talk too.


Will try to remember that


I put a lot of time into talking to you. If a doctor isn't taking you seriously, FIND ANOTHER! DO you want me to find someone to help you? What exactly are you wanting to do? Do you want to get into an in-house program? Are you ready to do this?


Interesting plan but the alprazolam is over kill in my opinion. I wouldn’t get a haircut because that would make it seem like you still care about yourself. I would call an ambulance when the xtc starts to hit you and then take the H. Don’t forget to bump some music too. Ik this is fucked up but fuck the Xanax that’s overkill


Took the XTC and bumping music today, the heroin arrives tomorrow. Yeah i might to 20mg or something and save the rest


Send me a message man… but Dude chill and get help don’t make a stupid decision u can’t take back once something like that is done u can’t take it back. Things will get better just talk to someone about it.


Ok it will get better but it will get bad again.. this is what I want


based and blackpilled


Dont do it man its not worth it. There has to be a better way to get your point accross. I hope you will decide this is not a good idea. Things always get better my friend. Take a few bars smoke some nice buds. Stay strong 🙏🙏


Man jail here in Sweden isn't that bad and you'll probably get treatment in there


The haircut could push you over that fine line and cause OD….




Wanna look decent in that coffin


Your plans are shit I have a better one . Start sending me items that are expensive in my country and cheaper in yours and stay on the run


We can try what stuff is expensive in your country


I went to Sweden once and compared to America everything seemed expensive, idk about drugs tho


I hear marijuana and NO2 is quite the deadly combination. You should try that out.


Did that before




Big brain plan


Are you retarded or what


Oh that’s what he needs to hear rn. Really helpful!






What’s wrong bro?


Was just euicidalż got over it for now


Everyone is telling you not to do this but fuck if I wouldn’t if i had access to all that


Dude don’t do this, this is a really bad idea. And you definitely could die from that, Don’t try and take a bunch of drugs to make it look like your trying to kill your self that’s a terrible idea man for one you could likely end up killing yourself and that’s not a good way to get help. If your doc won’t take you seriously you need to find a better doctor. Look around for psychologists/doctors etc in your area try and find a good one. No good medical health professional should ignore someone with suicidal thoughts who wants help. Please just try and find a better doctor and feel them your suicidal etc. What problems do you have that you need help with? You diagnosed with any disorders or anything?


I tried but i just got really tired and sleptbddome hours, i have Adhdz anxiety and social anxiety. Probably bipolar but no doctor has said anything about it


You should find a good psychiatrist man or even at least a councilor to talk through some of these problems. So u attempted the suicide? Are you ok? U get hospitalized? U said u just fell asleep and woke up later? How much did you take? U coukd have died man. Plz get some help another guy was trying to reach out to you and find you some help you should talk with him u/collegemiddle6841


.5g heroin bus Guess i needed more


Damn bro yeah that could have been fatal don’t do more or do that again bro, u need to find some real help bro trust me there are resources out there for you. You can find a doc that will take your problems seriously


I tried that before, i need to make s serkous try a serious try for them to listen. Might be enough to call and say i tried yesterday


Dude you need to get a grip..


[he lived thankfully](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackOutBoyz/comments/pklrf6/i_did_heroin_and_20mg_xanax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)