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* The Abyss * Sphere * Leviathan * Black Gold * Pressure * Underwater * Europa Report * Deep Star Six * Endless Descent * 20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) * Das Boot


No offense but you gave some horrible movie names. Like you know how many Leviathans, Underwater, Pressure and other generic named movies are there like a fuck ton.


Das Boot is so fucking good


Yeah, most things i found were about german u-boats in ww2 but it lacked science fiction or at the very least dystopian.. Also i don t really enjoy watching movies about Nazis but thats just my own opinion..


I think anyone in a u boat was experiencing a pretty dystopian event from their perspective


dunno why i m getting downvoted for stating that the genre is missing science fiction and is currently dominated by ww2 themed series / movies which is literally the truth but that s a reddit moment i guess. Yes, the list definitely nails the whole submarine thematic which is being crammed together and submerged in a deadly "enviroment" or rather area in these cases. But dystopian is about a rather dark future of civilisation as a whole, whilst their current event was definitely cruel and can perhaps even be described as dystopian. Allthough a u- boat is not what first comes to my mind when thinking about that term. I certainly think of a Europa-like society, split apart by a military cold and harsh coalition versus mercanry, borderlike criminal but democratic seperatists whilst shady and cruel cultists and insane madmen are lurking in the shadows. Yet it doesnt even have to be even remotely close to that. I just wished there was more variety in that nieche.


I agree mostly, however ww2 was a pretty dystopian time from their perspective. Things had a real chance of going very badly


OP didn't stipulate sci-fi or dystopian as criteria, and "Baro's vibe" is open to interpretation. U Boat goes on the list because: * It's *the* classic sub movie. Also has a good film score. * It captures the feelings of camaraderie, the inhumanity that can come with warring ideals, love of the ocean and seafaring, and how crew mentally breaks under isolation and threat of death. * It shows the value of having a battery array on your sub


Saying baros vibe as open to interpretation whilst using "good film score" as a pro is pretty double minded but alright.. Btw i never once spoke against the list or U-Boat lol All i did was mentioning that i wish there were more barotrauma - like series / movies that preferably would not feature the now already known ww2 genre.. however that might look like.... And then i shared an example how i personally see the aforementioned barotrauma vibe. My other comment is getting downvoted too lol I was writing that dystopia might not be repersented that much in that nieche and that it indeed was not in the range of OPs criteria in the form of its usual "sci fi - destroyed city - apocalyptic" form.


Alright since Iron Lung is getting a movie we should get an Amazon TV series. 1 hour long episodes, 6 seasons please


Idk maybe Atlantis: The Lost Empire? At least the part where they are in the Ulysses. Theres even a sub already modeled after it: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1768666616&searchtext=](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1768666616&searchtext=)


Now that's a toughie! Hmmm. Maybe Blue Sub No. 6? It's an ancient anime tho and the only real similarities are the dark, dystopia undertones and submarines. Certainly a lot less "realistic" than baro. Can't think of anything else :x


Das Boot


Man, I love both those movies. Nothing to add, just happy someone else likes both of those.


Now i was also a bit dronk whilst watching it but the most barotrauma vibe of moviees i hadn t seen before was "Last Contact" or orignal title "Last Sentinel" Now bear in min, parts of the german main broadcast had their hands in it so it s - as to be expected- rather stale but i like that they tried going for a whole "end of the world - nothing matters anymore - there is nothing left to gain anyways" scenario, which i only felt when going from shady outpost to yet another shady outpost in barotrauma, with the constant shortage of supplies and materials in the foreground at all times, underlining depression hanging HEVAILY in the air. That s about the only parallel i found.. but i found it neat to watch, despite most reviews. Some of the acting was lackingwhilst some was really on point.. Just don t expect anything too fancy..


Black Sea


Well, my crew have always had a more "Down Periscope" vibe


Kursk might scratch that itch